354 research outputs found

    Fractal dimension of transport coefficients in a deterministic dynamical system

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    In many low-dimensional dynamical systems transport coefficients are very irregular, perhaps even fractal functions of control parameters. To analyse this phenomenon we study a dynamical system defined by a piece-wise linear map and investigate the dependence of transport coefficients on the slope of the map. We present analytical arguments, supported by numerical calculations, showing that both the Minkowski-Bouligand and Hausdorff fractal dimension of the graphs of these functions is 1 with a logarithmic correction, and find that the exponent γ\gamma controlling this correction is bounded from above by 1 or 2, depending on some detailed properties of the system. Using numerical techniques we show local self-similarity of the graphs. The local self-similarity scaling transformations turn out to depend (irregularly) on the values of the system control parameters.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures; ver.2: 18 pages, 7 figures (added section 5.2, corrected typos, etc.

    Asymptotic expansion for reversible A + B <-> C reaction-diffusion process

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    We study long-time properties of reversible reaction-diffusion systems of type A + B C by means of perturbation expansion in powers of 1/t (inverse of time). For the case of equal diffusion coefficients we present exact formulas for the asymptotic forms of reactant concentrations and a complete, recursive expression for an arbitrary term of the expansions. Taking an appropriate limit we show that by studying reversible reactions one can obtain "singular" solutions typical of irreversible reactions.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, to appear in PR

    Asymptotics of Reaction-Diffusion Fronts with One Static and One Diffusing Reactant

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    The long-time behavior of a reaction-diffusion front between one static (e.g. porous solid) reactant A and one initially separated diffusing reactant B is analyzed for the mean-field reaction-rate density R(\rho_A,\rho_B) = k\rho_A^m\rho_B^n. A uniformly valid asymptotic approximation is constructed from matched self-similar solutions in a reaction front (of width w \sim t^\alpha where R \sim t^\beta enters the dominant balance) and a diffusion layer (of width W \sim t^{1/2} where R is negligible). The limiting solution exists if and only if m, n \geq 1, in which case the scaling exponents are uniquely given by \alpha = (m-1)/2(m+1) and \beta = m/(m+1). In the diffusion layer, the common ad hoc approximation of neglecting reactions is given mathematical justification, and the exact transient decay of the reaction rate is derived. The physical effects of higher-order kinetics (m, n > 1), such as the broadening of the reaction front and the slowing of transients, are also discussed.Comment: final version, new title & combustion reference

    Diffusion-controlled annihilation A+B0A + B \to 0 with initially separated reactants: The death of an AA particle island in the BB particle sea

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    We consider the diffusion-controlled annihilation dynamics A+B0A+B\to 0 with equal species diffusivities in the system where an island of particles AA is surrounded by the uniform sea of particles BB. We show that once the initial number of particles in the island is large enough, then at any system's dimensionality dd the death of the majority of particles occurs in the {\it universal scaling regime} within which 4/5\approx 4/5 of the particles die at the island expansion stage and the remaining 1/5\approx 1/5 at the stage of its subsequent contraction. In the quasistatic approximation the scaling of the reaction zone has been obtained for the cases of mean-field (ddcd \geq d_{c}) and fluctuation (d<dcd < d_{c}) dynamics of the front.Comment: 4 RevTex pages, 1 PNG figure and 1 EPS figur

    Reaction Front in an A+B -> C Reaction-Subdiffusion Process

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    We study the reaction front for the process A+B -> C in which the reagents move subdiffusively. Our theoretical description is based on a fractional reaction-subdiffusion equation in which both the motion and the reaction terms are affected by the subdiffusive character of the process. We design numerical simulations to check our theoretical results, describing the simulations in some detail because the rules necessarily differ in important respects from those used in diffusive processes. Comparisons between theory and simulations are on the whole favorable, with the most difficult quantities to capture being those that involve very small numbers of particles. In particular, we analyze the total number of product particles, the width of the depletion zone, the production profile of product and its width, as well as the reactant concentrations at the center of the reaction zone, all as a function of time. We also analyze the shape of the product profile as a function of time, in particular its unusual behavior at the center of the reaction zone

    Localization-delocalization transition of a reaction-diffusion front near a semipermeable wall

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    The A+B --> C reaction-diffusion process is studied in a system where the reagents are separated by a semipermeable wall. We use reaction-diffusion equations to describe the process and to derive a scaling description for the long-time behavior of the reaction front. Furthermore, we show that a critical localization-delocalization transition takes place as a control parameter which depends on the initial densities and on the diffusion constants is varied. The transition is between a reaction front of finite width that is localized at the wall and a front which is detached and moves away from the wall. At the critical point, the reaction front remains at the wall but its width diverges with time [as t^(1/6) in mean-field approximation].Comment: 7 pages, PS fil

    Formation of Liesegang patterns: A spinodal decomposition scenario

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    Spinodal decomposition in the presence of a moving particle source is proposed as a mechanism for the formation of Liesegang bands. This mechanism yields a sequence of band positions x_n that obeys the spacing law x_n~Q(1+p)^n. The dependence of the parameters p and Q on the initial concentration of the reagents is determined and we find that the functional form of p is in agreement with the experimentally observed Matalon-Packter law.Comment: RevTex, 4 pages, 4 eps figure

    Hopping motion of lattice gases through nonsymmetric potentials under strong bias conditions

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    The hopping motion of lattice gases through potentials without mirror-reflection symmetry is investigated under various bias conditions. The model of 2 particles on a ring with 4 sites is solved explicitly; the resulting current in a sawtooth potential is discussed. The current of lattice gases in extended systems consisting of periodic repetitions of segments with sawtooth potentials is studied for different concentrations and values of the bias. Rectification effects are observed, similar to the single-particle case. A mean-field approximation for the current in the case of strong bias acting against the highest barriers in the system is made and compared with numerical simulations. The particle-vacancy symmetry of the model is discussed.Comment: 8 pages (incl. 6 eps figures); RevTeX 3.

    Band Formation during Gaseous Diffusion in Aerogels

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    We study experimentally how gaseous HCl and NH_3 diffuse from opposite sides of and react in silica aerogel rods with porosity of 92 % and average pore size of about 50 nm. The reaction leads to solid NH_4Cl, which is deposited in thin sheet-like structures. We present a numerical study of the phenomenon. Due to the difference in boundary conditions between this system and those usually studied, we find the sheet-like structures in the aerogel to differ significantly from older studies. The influence of random nucleation centers and inhomogeneities in the aerogel is studied numerically.Comment: 7 pages RevTex and 8 figures. Figs. 4-8 in Postscript, Figs. 1-3 on request from author

    Granular Matter: a wonderful world of clusters in far-from-equilibrium systems

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    In this paper, we recall various features of non equilibrium granular systems. Clusters with specific properties are found depending on the packing density, going from loose (a granular gas) to sintered (though brittle) polycrystalline materials. The phase space available can be quite different. Unexpected features, with respect to standard or expected ones in classical fluids or solids, are observed, - like slow relaxation processes or anomalous electrical and thermoelectrical transport property dependences. The cases of various pile structures and the interplay between classical phase transitions and self-organized criticality for avalanches are also outlined.Comment: 7 figures, 37 refs., to be published in Physica