15 research outputs found


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    Hazard analysis, the first principle within the HACCP system has been identified as one of the most demanding tasks for a HACCP team. The second principle of HACCP is determination of Critical Control Points, at which control can be applied and is essential to prevent or eliminate a food safety hazard or to reduce it to an acceptable level. In this study hazard analysis and CCP determination for the smoked chicken leg production was made. Using UGent method 5 production processes/steps were determined as CCPs


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    Hranidba životinja predstavlja osnovicu stočarske proizvodnje. Poznato je da u suvremenoj stočarskoj proizvodnji postoje određeni sustavi hranidbe pojedinih životinja te da se u tom smislu sastav stočne hrane prilagođje potrebama dotičnog uzgoja (za meso, mlijeko, jaja i dr.). Takva intenzivna proizvodnja uključuje primjenu različitih dodataka u smislu poboljÅ”anja prinosa, boljeg nutricionističkog sastava namirnica animalnog podrijetla te utjecaja na probavljivost kao i dijetetske vrijednosti gotovog proizvoda. Ipak, treba naglasiti da takva proizvodnja nosi u sebi značajne rizike. Uporaba kemijskih sredstava u zaÅ”titi bilja te uporaba veterinarskih lijekova u hrani za životinje najznačajniji su načini kemijskog onečiŔćenja animalnih namirnica i time ugroze zdravlja ljudi. Posebno treba naglasiti opasnosti onečiŔćenja od industrijskih zagađivala poput PCB i kovina koji putem stočne hrane i namirnica animalnog podrijetla dospijevaju u organizam čovjeka. Osim navedenih tvari značajan problem u veterinarskom javnom zdravstvu predstavljaju mikotoksini koji na jednak način, od onečiŔćenih krmiva preko životinja, ugrožavaju zdravlje ljudi. Spomenuta se onečiŔćenja zajedno s enteropatogenim i drugim bakterijama (Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp., Listeria spp. i dr.) probijaju u prehrambenom lancu. Provođenjem sustavne kontrole ā€žod polja do stolaā€œ te dobre proizvođačke i veterinarske prakse mogu se smanjiti rizici od stataka navedenih tvari u namirnicama životinjskog podrijetla, Å”to je prema legislativi EU i obveza u pogledu zaÅ”tite zdravlja ljudi. Kriteriji zdravstvene ispravnosti hrane za životinje sve su bliži kriterijima zdravstvene ispravnosti namirnica, Å”to ukazuje na značenje utjecaja hranidbe životinja na sigurnost namirnica životinjskog podrijetla. Propis koji regulira ocjenu zdravstvene ispravnosti hrane i hrane za životinje od 2003. godine jest Zakon o hrani. Njime se u R. Hrvatskoj uređuju opća načela i zahtjevi koji se odnose na higijenu i zdravstvenu ispravnost hrane i hrane za životinje te obveze subjekata u poslovanju s hranom i poslovanju s hranom za životinje.Feeding animals presents the basics in animal production. It is well known that in modern animal production there exist certain systems in feeding specific animals and that in that respect composition of feed is adjusted to the needs of specific breeding (for meat, milk, eggs etc). Such intensive production includes application of different additives in order to improve yield, to achieve better nutritional value of feed of animal origin and to affect digestion as well as dietetic value of the finished product. However, it must be noted that such production brings certain risks as well. Use of chemical agents in order to protect plants and use of veterinary drugs in feed are the most important ways of chemical contamination of food of animal origin presenting possible hazards to human health. It is also necessary to mention the contamination caused by industrial contaminants such as PCB and metals that through feed and food of animal origin come to human organism. Besides the aforementioned chemical stuffs, significant problem in veterinary public health are the mycotoxins, which in the same way, from contaminated feed through animals, are the risk for the human health. All the mentioned contamination, together with entheropathogenic and other bacteria (Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp., Listeria spp etc.) are present in the food chain. Regular control ā€žfrom field to tableā€œ together with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and Good Veterinary Practice (GVP) can lead to reduction of residual contamination in foodstuff of animal origin, that is, according to the EU laws, necessary in the protection of human health. Criteria for hygienic quality of feed are getting closer to the proposed criteria for animal food, indicating the importance of the effect of feeding animals food safety. In the Republic of Croatia the Food Law (NN (NN 117/03) is the basic regulation considering the hygienic quality and safety of food and animal feed

    Los aspectos higiĆ©nicos y tecnolĆ³gicos de la producciĆ³n de las salchichas tradicionales fermentadas en el municipio de Istria, Croacia

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    U seoskim domaćinstvima na području Istre proizvode se različite vrste tradicionalnih mesnih proizvoda među koje se ubrajaju i kobasice. Istarske kobasice su osobite kakvoće i vrijednosti te sastavni dio kulturne baÅ”tine Istre. U ovome radu opisan je proces proizvodnje istarskih kobasica u tradicionalnim i kontroliranim uvjetima te njihove senzorne i fizikalno-kemijske karakteristike.The rural households of the Istrian peninsula produce a variety of traditional meat products, among which belong sausages. Istrian sausages are of exquisite quality and properties, being themselves an essential part of Istrian cultural heritage. This paper describes the process of the production of Istrian sausages under traditional and controlled conditions, along with their sensory and physicochemical properties.In landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben in Istrien werden unterschiedliche Sorten traditioneller Fleischprodukte hergestellt, zu welchen auch Wurste zahlen. Die istrischen Wurste zeichnen sich durch eine vorzugliche Qualitat und Beschaffenheit aus und sind Bestandteil des kulturellen Erbguts von Istrien. In diesem Beitrag wurden das Herstellungsverfahren der istrischen Wurste unter traditionellen und kontrollierten Bedingungen sowie ihre sensorischen und physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften beschrieben.Nelle aziende agricole a conduzione familiare dellā€™Istria si producono vari tipi di alimenti tradizionali a base di carne, tra i quali sā€™annoverano anche le salsicce. Le salsicce istriane, di qualitĆ  eccelsa, sono parte integrante del patrimonio culturale dellā€™Istria. In questo lavoro sono descritti il processo di produzione delle salsicce istriane in condizioni tradizionali e controllate e le loro caratteristiche sensoriali e fisico-chimiche.En las granjas familiares en Istria se producen diferentes tipos de productos cĆ”rnicos, entre los cuales estĆ”n las salchichas. Las salchichas de Istria son de una calidad y valor especial y forman una parte parte integral del patrimonio cultural de Istia. En este trabajo fue descrito el proceso de la producciĆ³n de las salchichas de Istria en las condiciones tradicionales y controladas y sus caracterĆ­sticas sensoriales y fĆ­sico quĆ­micas

    Fruit and vegetables as vehiculi of salmonelosis

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    U ovom radu izneseni su podaci o rezultatima viÅ”egodiÅ”njeg praćenja salmoneloza kojima su vektori bili kontaminirano povrće, sjemenke, klice i voće. Najpoznatije epidemije u SAD-u i Zapadnim zemljama javile su se kao posljedica kontaminacije klica alfalfa (lucerna ā€“ djetelina sedmača), rajčica, salate, kikirikija, lubenica, dinja, riže i sl. Uobičajeno miÅ”ljenje kako salmonele kontaminiraju povrće i voće samo povrÅ”inski, napuÅ”teno je u svjetlu otkrića da ovi mikroorganizmi, kao i drugi patogeni mogu penetrirati u stabljiku, liŔće i plodove kroz neoÅ”tećeni korjenski sustav ali i zbog oÅ”tećenja ovih struktura. Istraživanja su pokazala da je na molekularnoj razini potreban sustav TTSS efektorskih proteinskih molekula pomoću kojega različiti patogeni prodiru kroz neoÅ”tećeni korjenski sustav u biljku. U fazi klijanja sjemena, zbog otpuÅ”tanja hranjivih spojeva, bakterijski biofilm na sjemenju i klicama može postići invazivne koncentracije od 106ā€“107 CFU/g biljne mase. Temeljni je izvor patogena u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji kontaminirana voda, pa se preporučuju postupci njenog kondicioniranja prije navodnjavanja poljoprivrednih kultura, ali i postupci dezinfekcije voća i povrća koje se konzumira bez termičke obrade i to uranjanjem u otopine Na hipoklorita, H2O2 i sl.The results of a long term study of salmonelosis caused by contaminated vegetables, seeds, sprouts and fruit have been reported in the paper. The most famous outbreaks in the USA and the Western countries resulted from the contaminated alfalfa sprouts, tomatoes, cantaloupe, lettuce, peanuts, etc., were described. Common opinion that Salmonella can be found only on the surfaces of fruit and vegetables has recently been abandoned due to the discovery of the fact that Salmonella as well as the other pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate stem, leaves and fruites of the plant through both damaged and undamaged roots. Molecular researches have proved that type III protein secretion system (TTSS) is necessary to the pathogenic microorganisms while penetrating the undamaged roots of the plant. During the phase of seed germination, nutrients are released enabling the bacterial biofilm on seeds and sprouts to reach the invasive concentrations of 106ā€“107 CFU/g of sprouts biomass. The main source of pathogenic microorganisms in agriculture is, obviously, contaminated water so the procedure of its conditioning prior to the irrigation together with the desinfection of fruit and vegetables using Na hypochlorite or H2O2 has been strongly suggested

    Qualitative properties of traditionally produced dry fermented sausages from meat of the autochthonous Mangalitsa pig breed

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    The interest in autochthonous meat products from local pig breeds managed in comprehensive, sustainable breeding programs is expanding in Europe. Dry fermented sausages in Serbia and other southern European countries are highly appreciated food specialties. It is, therefore, desirable that study attempts to improve the quality of food and the security of traditional, dry sausages will result in products that are of higher added value and have quality standards that best meet the needs of contemporary customers. Meat and meat products from traditional pig breeds usually have an excellent public and media reputation, and are often regarded as better than the meat and meat products of conventionally raised pigs and crossbreed pigs. Traditional, dry fermented sausages, with their characteristic chemical contents and sensory properties, can be produced with suitable proportions of meat and backfat from the indigenous Mangalitsa pig breed. These outcomes should hopefully encourage the sustainable breeding of endangered Mangalitsa pigs, as there are market opportunities for kulen and sremska sausages

    Fruit and vegetables as vehiculi of salmonelosis

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    U ovom radu izneseni su podaci o rezultatima viÅ”egodiÅ”njeg praćenja salmoneloza kojima su vektori bili kontaminirano povrće, sjemenke, klice i voće. Najpoznatije epidemije u SAD-u i Zapadnim zemljama javile su se kao posljedica kontaminacije klica alfalfa (lucerna ā€“ djetelina sedmača), rajčica, salate, kikirikija, lubenica, dinja, riže i sl. Uobičajeno miÅ”ljenje kako salmonele kontaminiraju povrće i voće samo povrÅ”inski, napuÅ”teno je u svjetlu otkrića da ovi mikroorganizmi, kao i drugi patogeni mogu penetrirati u stabljiku, liŔće i plodove kroz neoÅ”tećeni korjenski sustav ali i zbog oÅ”tećenja ovih struktura. Istraživanja su pokazala da je na molekularnoj razini potreban sustav TTSS efektorskih proteinskih molekula pomoću kojega različiti patogeni prodiru kroz neoÅ”tećeni korjenski sustav u biljku. U fazi klijanja sjemena, zbog otpuÅ”tanja hranjivih spojeva, bakterijski biofilm na sjemenju i klicama može postići invazivne koncentracije od 106ā€“107 CFU/g biljne mase. Temeljni je izvor patogena u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji kontaminirana voda, pa se preporučuju postupci njenog kondicioniranja prije navodnjavanja poljoprivrednih kultura, ali i postupci dezinfekcije voća i povrća koje se konzumira bez termičke obrade i to uranjanjem u otopine Na hipoklorita, H2O2 i sl.The results of a long term study of salmonelosis caused by contaminated vegetables, seeds, sprouts and fruit have been reported in the paper. The most famous outbreaks in the USA and the Western countries resulted from the contaminated alfalfa sprouts, tomatoes, cantaloupe, lettuce, peanuts, etc., were described. Common opinion that Salmonella can be found only on the surfaces of fruit and vegetables has recently been abandoned due to the discovery of the fact that Salmonella as well as the other pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate stem, leaves and fruites of the plant through both damaged and undamaged roots. Molecular researches have proved that type III protein secretion system (TTSS) is necessary to the pathogenic microorganisms while penetrating the undamaged roots of the plant. During the phase of seed germination, nutrients are released enabling the bacterial biofilm on seeds and sprouts to reach the invasive concentrations of 106ā€“107 CFU/g of sprouts biomass. The main source of pathogenic microorganisms in agriculture is, obviously, contaminated water so the procedure of its conditioning prior to the irrigation together with the desinfection of fruit and vegetables using Na hypochlorite or H2O2 has been strongly suggested