90 research outputs found

    The importance of viral marketing in managing communication in sport

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    Communication management in sports organizations requires not only the use of formal tools, such as an official website, fan page or official TV channel. Effective communication should also be based on informal methods, in which the main role is played by interactions between the sports organization and its stakeholders. One such form is viral marketing, which involves sharing files with humorous, social or image content on social networks, messengers, blogs and e-mail. In the case of such forms, due to the wide range and speed of spreading opinions, especially negative ones, about the company, its services or products, it becomes necessary to control the emerging opinions. Management of information with a viral potential allows you to reach stakeholders in an informal way, influencing the building of a positive image, response in crisis situations or creating communities. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the degree of viral marketing use in sports clubs. The research was conducted in October 2021 on different social media. However, due to the extensive scope of the research, this paper focuses on the social network Facebook. The research is concerned with determining the use of viral marketing potential in information management and identifying the characteristics of this form of influencing stakeholders. Due to the limited volume of the article, the main subject of the study is the Polish clubs of the highest level of competition against the background of examples from abroad. The main hypothesis of this article assumes that Polish clubs do not fully use the viral potential and communication activities are based on official messages. Communication management is based on peer benchmarking and replication of what others are doing. It is also assumed that departments responsible for communication in sports clubs do not fully use foreign models.&nbsp

    Fretting Wear in Selected Elements of Rail Vehicles

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    The wear of vehicle elements during operation is a natural phenomenon. A dangerous situation occurs when elements more crucial than others wear unexpectedly. Such an element in rail vehicles is, for example, a wheel set. Its main task is to run the vehicle in the track, which directly influences the safety of the journey. Any premature or unexpected damage will lead to train derailing. Then hundreds of lives may be lost. The load on the wheel set from the vehicle weight and the oscillatory micro displacement of the wheel in relation to its axle during travel will be conducive to premature wear. Those conditions will cause the development of fretting wear, whose implication may be fatigue wear or the loosening of the wheel/axle joint. In this article, the results of fretting wear tests conducted in a shaft/sleeve forced-in joint are presented. The results of those tests, given that the relevant probability conditions are met, can be successfully compared to the real wheel/axle joint. The wheel set operation conditions, which will be conducive to the initiation of the development of fretting wear, have been discussed. Test results are presented in the photographs showing the axle seat with an area affected by wear. Both those places, and the place of contact between the connected surfaces, were subjected to micrographic examinations with a view to identifying damage comprised by fretting. Macrographic observations demonstrated fretting on either side of the shaft axle seat, which phenomenon comprises, for example, abrasive wear and adhesion. Visible are micro cracks and material build-ups, which became plastically deformed and oxidised

    Elementy marketingu partnerskiego w nowoczesnym zarządzaniu firmą turystyczną

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    Artykuł prezentuje modelowe ujęcie marketingu partnerskiego w usługach turystycznych. W pierwszej jego części przedstawiono teoretyczne podstawy wiedzy o marketingu partnerskim, w tym jego elementy i rezultaty. Prócz tego zaprezentowano teorię z zakresu zasobów strategicznych tej formy marketingu oraz istotę programów lojalnościowych. Druga część poświęcona została w całości usługom turystycznym i ich specyfice. Część trzecia to model stosowania marketingu partnerskiego w firmach turystycznych opierający się na interakcjach między firmą turystyczną a otoczeniem bliższym i dalszym. Głównymi elementami systemu interakcji w ramach marketingu partnerskiego są zintegrowane elementy marketingu, które z wykorzystaniem mediów są komunikowane odbiorcom. W marketingu partnerskim w odróżnieniu od marketingu klasycznego, bez oparcia na partnerstwie wykorzystuje się bazy danych stanowiące podstawę do budowy programów lojalnościowych. Artykuł kończą wnioski dla firm turystycznych w zakresie wykorzystania instrumentów marketingu we wprowadzaniu marketingu partnerskiego w turystycznej firmie usługowej

    The professionalization of marketing management in sports club in the local market

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    The main problem of sports clubs is the insufficient knowledge in the use of existing resources. Local sport clubs operate in a continuous shortage of financial, human and material. Issues related to the acquisition of sponsors, training management teams, sports facilities managers require their professional approach.While in higher grades professional leagues is dictated by the rules of licensing, in the lower leagues or sports less popular, lack of professionalism causes the collapse of the club or its stagnation.This article aims to give examples and model the use of knowledge in the management of sports clubs, local scope. The subject in this article is the football club RKS Rakow Częstochowa SA, which implements specific marketing programs for managing. The scope of the observational studies include image management, stakeholder relations, professional approach to raising sponsorship, promotion and organization of sporting events.In addition, the article provides information management and promotion outside the club in terms of financial shortcomings of using modern communications solutions.The article should be helpful in solving the problems of decision-making clubs at the lower classes leagues and clubs marketing management disciplines niche for local coverage

    The marketing in crisis situations on the example of the volleyball club AZS Częstochowa SSA

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    The basic objective of the article is to define the main directions of development of sports marketing in crisis situations. The article is also aimed at showing marketing activities and using the method of influencing current and potential fans. The basic research subject is the volleyball men's club AZS Częstochowa SSA. The article analyzes the effects of marketing activities after the fall from PlusLiga and their analysis in terms of effectiveness based on data from the surveyed Club. The basic results contained in the article are specific corrective actions and their model presentation. In practice, that analyze can be used to build a new identity and marketing policy in crisis situations, such as a degradation to a lower class or a lower level of sport. The presented information and their analysis are an original attempt of a model approach to sports club management and its values in difficult situations from a marketing point of view

    The communication effects of sponsorship in local sports markets

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                    Local sports market depends on the groups of stakeholders. One of them are the sponsors grouped around a particular club or sport.                The problem that meet the organizers of sporting events or recreational activities is the inability to convince sponsors to the effectiveness of promotional activities based on the sport. Inability is due primarily to the fact that companies sponsoring do not use all aspects of the sponsorship and sometimes the club cannot indicate how it should be used. Meanwhile, the lasting effects of sponsorship can bring benefits not only its image but also financial, informational, promotional.                The primary purpose of the article is to study the effect of the use of the communication by the sponsors local sports clubs. This study will be done by evaluating how the sponsors of these clubs to communicate the fact to support the outside. Space research will be websites of sports clubs from Częstochowa region and information from websites of their sponsors.Article will consist of theoretical and practical parts. In the theoretical part will be presented briefly the most important and latest information on modern forms of communication with the use in companies. The practical part of the study will fill your own.                During the study it will be verified thesis that sponsors local sports clubs faint attach importance to communicate that fact to potential customers. In this way also it verifies opinion on the effectiveness of sponsorship and lack of ability to use image-supporting local sports clubs.The article is part of a multi-lane testing on the functioning of local sports clubs