234 research outputs found

    Physical Interaction as a Game: A Review

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    Recent work on classical-quantum games is reviewed. We present in game-theory terms the physics associated to the interaction between matter and a single-mode of an electromagnetic field within a cavity, introducing a game admitting of both classical and quantal players. Strategies are determined by the initial conditions of the associated dynamical system, whose time evolution is characterized by the existence of attractors that set the possible results of the game. Two types of quantum states are considered; perfectly distinguishable or partially overlapping ones.Instituto de Física La PlataComisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la provincia de Buenos Aire

    Relative Entropies and Jensen Divergences in the Classical Limit

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    Metrics and distances in probability spaces have shown to be useful tools for physical purposes. Here we use this idea, with emphasis on Jensen Divergences and relative entropies, to investigate features of the road towards the classical limit. A well-known semiclassical model is used and recourse is made to numerical techniques, via the well-known Bandt and Pompe methodology, to extract probability distributions from the pertinent time-series associated with dynamical data.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Relative Entropies and Jensen Divergences in the Classical Limit

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    Metrics and distances in probability spaces have shown to be useful tools for physical purposes. Here we use this idea, with emphasis on Jensen Divergences and relative entropies, to investigate features of the road towards the classical limit. A well-known semiclassical model is used and recourse is made to numerical techniques, via the well-known Bandt and Pompe methodology, to extract probability distributions from the pertinent time-series associated with dynamical data.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Nonlinear dynamics of a semiquantum Hamiltonian in the vicinity of quantum unstable regimes

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    We examine the emergence of chaos in a non-linear model derived from a semiquantum Hamiltonian describing the coupling between a classical field and a quantum system. The latter corresponds to a bosonic version of a BCS-like Hamiltonian, and possesses stable and unstable regimes. The dynamics of the whole system is shown to be strongly influenced by the quantum subsystem. In particular, chaos is seen to arise in the vicinity of a quantum critical case, which separates the stable and unstable regimes of the bosonic system.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasInstituto de Física La Plata (IFLP

    Nonlinear dynamics of a semiquantum Hamiltonian in the vicinity of quantum unstable regimes

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    We examine the emergence of chaos in a non-linear model derived from a semiquantum Hamiltonian describing the coupling between a classical field and a quantum system. The latter corresponds to a bosonic version of a BCS-like Hamiltonian, and possesses stable and unstable regimes. The dynamics of the whole system is shown to be strongly influenced by the quantum subsystem. In particular, chaos is seen to arise in the vicinity of a quantum critical case, which separates the stable and unstable regimes of the bosonic system.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasInstituto de Física La Plata (IFLP

    Relative Entropies and Jensen Divergences in the Classical Limit

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    Metrics and distances in probability spaces have shown to be useful tools for physical purposes. Here we use this idea, with emphasis on Jensen Divergences and relative entropies, to investigate features of the road towards the classical limit. A well-known semiclassical model is used and recourse is made to numerical techniques, via the well-known Bandt and Pompe methodology, to extract probability distributions from the pertinent time-series associated with dynamical data

    Complex modes in unstable quadratic bosonic forms

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    We discuss the necessity of using nonstandard boson operators for diagonalizing quadratic bosonic forms which are not positive definite and its convenience for describing the temporal evolution of the system. Such operators correspond to non-Hermitian coordinates and momenta and are associated with complex frequencies. As application, we examine a bosonic version of a BCS-like pairing Hamiltonian, which, in contrast with the fermionic case, is stable just for limited values of the gap parameter and requires the use of the present extended treatment for a general diagonal representation. The dynamical stability of such forms and the occurrence of nondiagonalizable cases are also discussed.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Stability, complex modes, and nonseparability in rotating quadratic potentials

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    We examine the dynamics of a particle in a general rotating quadratic potential, not necessarily stable or isotropic, using a general complex mode formalism. The problem is equivalent to that of a charged particle in a quadratic potential in the presence of a uniform magnetic field. It is shown that the unstable system exhibits a rich structure, with complex normal modes as well as nonstandard modes of evolution characterized by equations of motion which cannot be decoupled (nonseparable cases). It is also shown that in some unstable cases the dynamics can be stabilized by increasing the magnetic field or tuning the rotational frequency, giving rise to dynamical stability or instability windows. The evolution in general nondiagonalizable cases is as well discussed.Instituto de Física La Plat

    Generalized complexity and classical-quantum transition

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    We investigate the classical limit of the dynamics of a semiclassical system that represents the interaction between matter and a given field. On using as a quantifier the q-Complexity, we find that it describes appropriately the quantum-classical transition, detecting the most salient details of the changeover. Additionally the q-Complexity results a better quantifier of the problem than the q-entropy, in the sense that the q-range is enlarged, describing the q-Complexity, the most important characteristics of the transition for all q-value.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Generalized complexity and classical-quantum transition

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    We investigate the classical limit of the dynamics of a semiclassical system that represents the interaction between matter and a given field. On using as a quantifier the q-Complexity, we find that it describes appropriately the quantum-classical transition, detecting the most salient details of the changeover. Additionally the q-Complexity results a better quantifier of the problem than the q-entropy, in the sense that the q-range is enlarged, describing the q-Complexity, the most important characteristics of the transition for all q-value.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta