6,652 research outputs found

    Effects of Orthogonal Rotating Electric Fields on Electrospinning Process

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    Electrospinning is a nanotechnology process whereby an external electric field is used to accelerate and stretch a charged polymer jet, so as to produce fibers with nanoscale diameters. In quest of a further reduction in the cross section of electrified jets hence of a better control on the morphology of the resulting electrospun fibers, we explore the effects of an external rotating electric field orthogonal to the jet direction. Through extensive particle simulations, it is shown that by a proper tuning of the electric field amplitude and frequency, a reduction of up to a 30%30 \% in the aforementioned radius can be obtained, thereby opening new perspectives in the design of future ultra-thin electrospun fibres. Applications can be envisaged in the fields of nanophotonic components as well as for designing new and improved filtration materials.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figure

    Dean flow-coupled inertial focusing in curved channels

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    Passive particle focusing based on inertial microfluidics was recently introduced as a high-throughput alternative to active focusing methods that require an external force field to manipulate particles. In inertial microfluidics, dominant inertial forces cause particles to move across streamlines and occupy equilibrium positions along the faces of walls in flows through straight micro channels. In this study, we systematically analyzed the addition of secondary Dean forces by introducing curvature and show how randomly distributed particles entering a simple u-shaped curved channel are focused to a fixed lateral position exiting the curvature. We found the lateral particle focusing position to be fixed and largely independent of radius of curvature and whether particles entering the curvature are pre-focused (at equilibrium) or randomly distributed. Unlike focusing in straight channels, where focusing typically is limited to channel cross-sections in the range of particle size to create single focusing point, we report here particle focusing in a large cross-section area (channel aspect ratio 1: 10). Furthermore, we describe a simple u-shaped curved channel, with single inlet and four outlets, for filtration applications. We demonstrate continuous focusing and filtration of 10 mu m particles (with > 90% filtration efficiency) from a suspension mixture at throughputs several orders of magnitude higher than flow through straight channels (volume flow rate of 4.25ml/min). Finally, as an example of high throughput cell processing application, white blood cells were continuously processed with a filtration efficiency of 78% with maintained high viability. We expect the study will aid in the fundamental understanding of flow through curved channels and open the door for the development of a whole set of bio-analytical applications

    Averages of b-hadron Properties at the End of 2005

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    This article reports world averages for measurements on b-hadron properties obtained by the Heavy Flavor Averaging Group (HFAG) using the available results as of at the end of 2005. In the averaging, the input parameters used in the various analyses are adjusted (rescaled) to common values, and all known correlations are taken into account. The averages include lifetimes, neutral meson mixing parameters, parameters of semileptonic decays, branching fractions of B meson decays to final states with open charm, charmonium and no charm, and measurements related to CP asymmetries

    A World Full of Privacy and Security (Mis)conceptions? Findings of a Representative Survey in 12 Countries

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    Misconceptions about digital security and privacy topics in the general public frequently lead to insecure behavior. However, little is known about the prevalence and extent of such misconceptions in a global context. In this work, we present the results of the first large-scale survey of a global population on misconceptions: We conducted an online survey with n = 12, 351 participants in 12 countries on four continents. By investigating influencing factors of misconceptions around eight common security and privacy topics (including E2EE, Wi-Fi, VPN, and malware), we find the country of residence to be the strongest estimate for holding misconceptions. We also identify differences between non-Western and Western countries, demonstrating the need for region-specific research on user security knowledge, perceptions, and behavior. While we did not observe many outright misconceptions, we did identify a lack of understanding and uncertainty about several fundamental privacy and security topics

    Research on mechanical and electrical properties of enamel winding wires connections made with the use of SHARK-Al® technology

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    The results of the research that have been presented in this article include the analysis of basic exploitational properties of connections made with the use of new family of Shark-Al connectors, which are the first in the industry strictly dedicated for connecting the enamelled aluminium wires. In particular, the test results include the analysis of the contact resistance and tensile strength of connections prepared with the various types of connectors and various configurations of used enamelled wires. Results of this work enabled to verify the correctness of performed connecting process and also allowed to verify the connectors design

    Investigation of slowing down and charge-exchange of nickel and uranium ions in gases and solids in the energy range (60 - 200) MeV/u

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    In this thesis new slowing down and charge-state measurements will be presented in the energy range of (60 - 200) MeV/u. These measurements were done using the Fragment Separator (FRS) facility at GSI in Darmstadt. The presented data were taken during two experimental runs. The experiments were divided into two parts. In the first part a 200 MeV/u Ni27+ beam was used. The evolution of charge states as a function of the target thickness was investigated covering both the non-equilibrium and equilibrium region. This was done with various mono-atomic materials (Z2 = 6, 7, 10, 13, 18, 22) and compound materials (ethylene, polyethylene and polypropylene). From the measured charge-state distributions the one-electron ionization and capture cross sections have been extracted. A 40 % gas-solid difference is observed in the ionization cross sections for the mono-atomic materials. In the compound materials a 30 % difference is observed between ethylene and the polymers. The experimental cross sections for the mono-atomic materials have been compared with theoretical calculations [1, 2]. The theoretical ionization cross sections agree quite well with the corresponding experimental ionization cross sections. In the gaseous targets the agreement between experiment and theory is better than 3 %. For the capture cross sections the agreement between experiment and theory is also very good for the lighter target materials (Z2 <= 7). For the heavier targets large deviations up to one order of magnitude are observed. These deviations are due to the increasing importance of the non-radiative capture channel in heavier target materials which is quite difficult to calculate accurately. The results motivate for further refinement of the theory in this energy region. In the second part 3 different uranium beams were used with initial energies of 61 MeV/u (U86+ incident), 85 MeV/u (U73+ incoming) and 200 MeV/u (U81+ incident) to measure the evolution of the charge states again and the energy loss as a function of the target thickness in the same materials as used in the first part plus some additional mono-atomic materials Z2 = 29, 36, 47, 54. From the measured charge-state distributions and energy losses the mean charges and stopping forces have been extracted. At 61 MeV/u we observe a gas-solid difference in the mean charge of up to 4 charge states for the mono-atomic materials. The corresponding stopping powers (forces) at the same specific energy only show a gas-solid difference for light materials (Z2 <= 7). The stopping forces are compared with calculations done with the PASS code [3, 4], ATIMA code [5] and the Hubert et al. tables [6]. The agreement is quite good between experiment and theory. The PASS code predicts by using the experimental mean charges a gas-solid difference in the stopping force for the heavier target materials. In the data at 200 MeV/u there is a gas-solid difference in the ionization rate for U81+ ions similar to the Ni27+ results.In dieser Dissertation werden neue Ladungsverteilungen und Energieverlustmessungen präsentiert. Diese Messungen wurden am Fragment Separator (FRS) bei der GSI in Darmstadt durchgeführt. Die Daten, die hier vorgestellt werden, wurden in zwei Experimenten aufgenommen. Die Experimente bestanden aus zwei Teilen. Im ersten Teil wurde mit einem 200 MeV/u Ni27+ Strahl gemessen. Ziel dieser Messung war die Entwicklung der Ladungsverteilung als Funktion der Targetdicke vom Nichtgleichgewicht bis Gleichgewicht zu untersuchen. Dies wurde mit verschiedenen Targets gemacht (Z2 = 6, 7, 10, 13, 18, 22, Äthylen, Polyäthylen und Polypropylen). Von den gemessenen Ladungsverteilung konnten die Umladungsquerrschnitte für Elektroneneinfang und -verlust extrahiert werden. Ein Gas-Festkörper Effekt von 40 % wurde im Ionizationsquerrschnitt für die monoatomaren (reinen Elemente) Targets gemessen. Im Äthylen und den Polymeren (Polyäthylen und Polypropylen) war ein Effekt von 30 % zu sehen. Die experimentellen Umladungsquerrschnitte für die monoatomaren Targets wurden mit theoretischen Rechnungen von A. Surzhykov und S. Fritzsche [1] und V. P. Shevelko [2] verglichen. In der Ionization stimmen die theoretischen Rechnungen mit den experimentellen Werten gut überein. In den Gastargets ist die Übereinstimmung besser als 3 %. Im Elektroneneinfang gibt es gute Übereinstimmung zwischen Experiment und Theorie bei den leichten Targets (Z2 <= 7), bei den schweren Targets gibt es grosse Abweichungen bis zu einer Grössenordnung. Diese Abweichung kommt zustande, weil der nicht-radiative Querrschnitt einen grösseren Anteil hat bei den schweren Targets und dieser Teil sehr schwer theoretisch zu rechnen ist. Die Ergebnisse sind eine Motivation für Verbesserungen in der Theorie im diesen Energiebereich. Im zweiten Teil wurde ein Uranstrahl bei drei verschiedenen Energien benutzt, diese waren 61 MeV/u mit 86+ als Eingangsladungszustand, 85 MeV/u mit 73+ als Eingangsladungszustand und 200 MeV/u mit 81+ als Eingangsladungszustand. Ziel dieser Messung war es wiederum, die Entwicklung der Ladungsverteilung zu untersuchen und auch Energieverluste zu messen. Dieselben Targets wurden benutzt und zusätzlich wurden folgende Targets vermessen Z2 = 29, 36, 47, 54. Von den gemessenen Ladungsverteilungen und Energieverlusten wurde die mittlere Ladung und das Bremsvermögen bestimmt. Bei 61 MeV/u ist ein Gas-Festkörper Effekt in der mittleren Ladung bei den monoatomaren Targets zu sehen. Der Effekt hat eine Grösse von fast 4 Ladungen. Das dazu gehörige Bremsvermögen zeigt nur einen Gas-Festkörper Effekt bei den leichteren Targets (Z2 <= 7). Die experimentellen Werte wurden mit dem PASS Programm [3, 4], dem ATIMA Programm [5] und den Hubert et al. Tabellen [6] verglichen. Die theoretischen Rechnungen von den Programmen stimmen mit den experimentellen Werten gut überein. PASS sagt einen Gas-Festkörper Effekt bei den schwereren Targets voraus, weil experimentelle Ladungen als Eingangsparameter benutzt wurden. Bei der 200 MeV/u Messung wurde ein Gas-Festkörper Unterschied in der Ionizationsrate in der Entwicklung des U81+ Ladungszustand beobachtet, ähnlich wie in der Ni27+ Messung

    Reexamining the Effects of Ratio Simplicity and Familiarity on Abstract Pattern Learning in Dyad Sequences

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    In this study, we conceptually replicated two experiments by Crespo-Bojorque and Toro (2016; Experiments 4a & 5a) in an attempt to corroborate their finding of improved performance in abstract pattern learning within sequences of conventionally consonant versus dissonant dyads. In addition, to determine whether the processing advantages for consonance that they reported were due to the ratio simplicity or the familiarity of the stimuli, we added a condition in which participants were either presented with unconventionally tuned small versus large integer-ratio dyads. Results failed to replicate Crespo-Bojorque and Toro’s (2016) original findings: Neither conventionally consonant nor unconventionally tuned small integer-ratio dyads conferred any advantage in pattern learning or generalization. However, in a post hoc analysis using a subsample of participants with no music training, there was evidence that initial pattern learning was more efficient when the patterns were embedded within familiar as opposed to unconventionally tuned dyads. This is consistent with Crespo-Bojorque and Toro’s (2016) proposition that interval familiarity may bolster abstract pattern detection. Discussion centers on the need for additional research on the impact of consonance on pattern learning, highlighting the importance of adjudicating between the effects of ratio simplicity and enculturation

    Associations between IQ and alcohol consumption in a population of young males: a large database analysis

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    Purpose: This study aimed at exploring the relationship between intelligence quotient (IQ) and alcohol consumption in a large sample of young males. This study explored whether IQ influences alcohol drinking and which pathways might be involved. We further hypothesized that IQ differences between lifetime abstainers and former drinkers exist, and that they primarily result from different group characteristics. Method: Within a psychiatric-epidemiological survey using a cross-sectional design IQ-tests were administered to approximately 50,000 Swiss conscripts at age of about 20years. The sample was divided into four alcohol consumption categories (rare, occasional, moderate and daily drinking) and two non-drinker categories (former drinking and lifetime abstinence). Probabilities for different levels of consumption or former drinking against lifetime abstention in relation to IQ were estimated using multinomial logistic regression. Models were adjusted for education, disability pension, tobacco/cannabis use, migration, parental alcohol disorders, and mental health. Results: After adjusting for confounders full-scale IQ displayed positive associations with being a rare (OR 1.13; CI 95% 1.07-1.19), occasional (OR 1.41; CI 95% 1.33-1.48), and moderate drinker (OR 1.53; CI 95% 1.45-1.62), and negative associations with being a former drinker (OR 0.85; CI 95% 0.79-0.93). Daily drinking was positively associated only with the performance subscale IQ (OR 1.12; CI 95% 1.02-1.22). Confounders contributed significantly to the IQ-alcohol association and, therefore, highlight the distinction of non-drinkers into lifetime abstainers and former drinkers. Conclusions: Our data confirmed the positive link between IQ and moderate drinking. Lower IQ in non-drinkers, however, seems to be related to earlier consumption and the presence of other risk factor