147 research outputs found

    Forensic engineering of advanced polymeric materials

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    Open AccessPolymers are everywhere, also inside of the human body. Why polymers are so important? The most general answer is: because they are solid. With the term “polymer” we describe long chains consisted with repetitive structure, and longer chains tend to be solid. Classical forensic polymer engineering concerns a study of failure in solid polymer products. This area of science comprises fracture of plastic products, or any other reason why such a product fails in service, or fails to meet its specification. Environmental stress cracking (ESC) is one of the most common causes of unexpected brittle failure of thermoplastic (especially amorphous) polymers. The rate of ESC is dependent on many factors, including, for example, the polymer’s chemical composition, bonding, crystallinity, surface roughness, molar mass and residual stress. It also depends on the chemical nature of liquid media and the temperature of the system

    New vistas in mass spectrometry for sequence analysis of natural and synthetic biodegradable macromolecules

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    Biodegradable polymers have become materials of hope for the future and knowledge on the relationships between their structure, properties and function is essential for prospective safe applications of such materials in the areas of human health and the environment. Examples are given of the uses of mass spectrometry (MS) for structural studies of biodegradable (co)polymers along with the use of multi-stage electrospray mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn). Specifically they concern applications of MS forthe characterization of natural biodegradable polymers and their derivatives, ESI-MSn in the synthesis of biodegradable copolyesters, MS for forensic engineering of advanced biodegradable polymeric materials as well as ESI-MSn for identification of selected biodegradable polymers on the way of molecular labelling.National Science Centre (NCN) Poland, University of Wolverhampto

    Mass Spectrometry for the Elucidation of the Subtle Molecular Structure of Biodegradable Polymers and their Degradation Products

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    Contemporary reports by Polish authors on the application of mass spectrometric methods for the elucidation of the subtle molecular structure of biodegradable polymers and their degradation products will be presented. Special emphasis will be given to natural aliphatic (co)polyesters (PHA) and their synthetic analogues, formed through anionic ring-opening polymerization (ROP) of b-substituted b-lactones. Moreover, the application of MS techniques for the evaluation of the structure of biodegradable polymers obtained in ionic and coordination polymerization of cyclic ethers and esters as well as products of step-growth polymerization, in which bifunctional or multifunctional monomers react to form oligomers and eventually long chain polymers, will be discussed. Furthermore, the application of modern MS techniques for the assessment of polymer degradation products, frequently bearing characteristic end groups that can be revealed and differentiated by MS, will be discussed within the context of specific degradation pathways. Finally, recent Polish accomplishments in the area of mass spectrometry will be outlined.Project ID 2013/11/B/ST5/02222, 2012/07/B/ST5/00627, 3CE368P1 Project Funder National Science Centre (NCN) Poland, Central Europe Programme, University of Wolverhampto

    Honor and Shame in the “Songs of Ascents” (Ps 120-134)

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    The purpose of this article is to examine the way in which the content of honor occurs in the “songs of ascents” (Ps 120-134). Each unit contains – more or less evidently – a reference to this value. Honor is a reality which the Psalm-ist desires, but often lacks. The dynamic of the collection presents relaying on God’s grace as the right way to seek honor. He responds to this human expectation through His creative intervention, by which the order of the world is restored.ks. MAREK KOWALCZUK – kapłan Archidiecezji Białostockiej, doktor teologii w specjalności teologia biblijna. Jest wykładowcą w Archidiecezjalnym Wyższym Seminarium Duchownym i asystentem w Katedrze Teologii Katolickiej Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku. Zajmuje się przede wszystkim analizą psalmów i innych utworów poetyckich Starego Testamentu.Uniwersytet w BiałymstokuAssis E., Family and Community as Substitutes for the Temple after Its Destruction, ETL 85/1 (2009), s. 55-62.Ballhorn E., Zum Telos des Psalters (BBB 138), Berlin – Wien 2004.Beyerlin W., Wider die Hybris des Geistes: Studien zum 131. Psalm, (SBS 108), Stuttgart 1982.Booij Th., Psalms 120-134: Songs for a Great Festival, Bib 91 (2010), s. 241-255.Botha P.J., Social Values and Interpretation of Psalm 123, OTE 14/2 (2001), s. 189-198.Botha P.J., To honour Yahweh in the face of adversity: A socio-cultural analysis of Psalm 131, Verbum et Ecclesia 19/3 (1998), s. 525-533.Crow L.D., The Songs of Ascents (Psalms 120-134), Their Place in Israelite History and Religion, SBL.DS 148, Atlanta 1996.Gerstenberger E.S., Psalms, Part I, with an Introduction to Cultic Poetry, (FOTL XIV), Grand Rapids 1988.Grossberg D., Centripetal and Centrifugal Structures in Biblical Poetry, (SBL.MS 39), Atlanta 1989.Gunkel H., An Introduction to the Psalms, Macon 1998.Gunkel H., Die Psalmen, Göttingen 1986.Hossfeld F.L., Zenger E., Psalms 3, (Hermeneia), Minneapolis 2011.Janzen W., ʾašrê in the Old Testament, HTR 58 (1965), s. 215-226.Kręcidło J., Honor i wstyd w interpretacji Ewangelii. Szkice z egzegezy antropologiczno--kulturowej, (Lingua Sacra. Monografie 1), Warszawa 2013.Malina B.J., Grace/Favor, [w:] Handbook of Biblical social values, (red.) J.J. Pilch, B.J. Malina, Peabody 2009, s. 89-92.Maré L., Images of the Enemies in the maʿalôt-psalms, Ekklesiastikos Pharos 89 (2007), s. 164-178Prinsloo G.T.M., Role of space in the שירי המעלות (Psalms 120-134), Bib 86 (2005), s. 458-477.Rubinkiewicz R. (tł. i oprac.), Interpretacja Biblii w Kościele. Dokument Papieskiej Komisji Biblijnej z komentarzem biblistów polskich, RSB 4, Warszawa 1999.Santos N.F., Family, Patronage and Social Contests. Narrative Reversals in the Gospel of Mark, Scripture and Interpretation 2/3 (2008), s. 200-224.Satterthwaite P.E., Zion in the Songs of Ascent, [w:] Zion, City of Our God, (red.) R.S. Hess, G.J. Wenham, Grand Rapids 1999, s. 105-128.Seybold K., Die Wallfahrtspsalmen. Studien zur Entstehungsgeschichte von Psalm 120-134, BThSt 3, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1978.Viviers H., Coherence of the maʿălôt-Psalms (Pss 120-134), ZAW 106 (1994), s. 275-289.Viviers H., Whywas the maʿălôt collection (Ps 120-134) written?, HTS 50 (1994), s. 798-811.Waschke E.J., Der Gesalbte: Studien zur alttestamentlichen Theologie, (BZAW 306), Berlin-New York 2001.Willi T., Das שיר המעלות: Zion und der Sitz im Leben der „Aufstiegslieder” Psalm 120-134, [w:] Prophetie und Psalmen (AOAT 280), (red.) Huwyler, H.P. Mathys, B. Weber, Münster 2001, s. 153-162.Zenger E., Ich will die Morgenröte wecken, Freiburg – Basel – Wien 2005.8324

    Polymers tailored for controlled (bio)degradation through end-group and in-chain functionalization

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    Currently, polymers can be created with specific properties that are tailored to a wide range of applications from medical to everyday products as packaging. There are different techniques to prepare novel polymer materials with various architectures and specific groups via a variety of reaction mechanisms of different complexity. End-group modification of polymers is a powerful tool for tailoring polymer properties. The end-group and in-chain functionalization strategy must be carefully selected based on catalyst, polymerization conditions, and other limitations such as solute solvent interactions or aggregation. The review provides a brief description of the functional moieties and an outline of synthetic strategies used for tailoring the (bio)degradable polymer properties by end-group and in-chain functionalization.Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials, Polish Academy of Sciences, University of Wolverhampto

    How to Gain Wisdom of Heart: The Meaning of the Rhetorical Structure of Psalm 90

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    The request for wisdom of heart that can be found in Psalm 90:12 conveys in a certain sense the essence of the spiritual search on which that the authors of the Old Testament Wisdom Books embarked. In the end, they arrived at the conclusion that true knowledge can be attained only as a gift from the Creator. The question that remains, however, is: how man can receive this knowledge? The analysis of Psalm 90 presented below is an attempt to respond to this question. This analysis focuses particularly on the literary structure of Psalm 90 because, by coming to a better understanding of the way in which the sections and respective elements of the poem relate to each other, one arrives at the psalm’s deeper meaning. In this regard, the psychologist Hubert Hermans’ valuation theory is particularly helpful.University of BiałystokAuffret, P. “Essai sur la structure littéraire du Psaume 90.” Bib 61(1980): 262-276.Briks, P. Radość Boga w Starym Testamencie. Warszawa 2000.Crenshaw, J. L. “The expression mî yôdēaʿ in the Hebrew Bible.” VT 36/3(1986), 274-288.Gerlemann, G. “klh to be at an end.” TLOT, 616-618.Gerstenberger, E. “kûn (Ni.) to stand firm.” TLOT, 779-783.Hermans, H. J. E., Hermans-Jansen, E. Autonarracje: tworzenie znaczeń w psychoterapii. Warszawa 2000.Kartje, J. Wisdom Epistemology in the Psalter: A Study of Psalms 1, 73, 90, and 107. Berlin-Boston 2014.Levenson, J. D. “Technical Meaning for nʿm in the Hebrew Bible.” VT 35/1(1985): 61-67.Lugt, P. van der. Cantos and Strophes in Biblical Hebrew Poetry III. Psalms 90-150 and Psalm 1, Leiden-Boston 2014.Meynet, R. Rhetorical Analysis. An Introduction to Biblical Rhetoric. Sheffield 1998.Müller, H. P. “Der 90. Psalm: Ein Paradigma exegetischen Aufgaben“ ZThK 81(1984): 265-285.Schreiner, S. “Erwägungen zur Struktur des 90. Psalms.” Bib 59(1978): 80-90.Stähli, H.P. jrʾ to fear. TLOT, 746-749.Strawn, B. A. “What It Is Like to Be a Psalmist? Unintentional Sin and Moral Agency in the Psalter,” JSOT 40/1(2015): 59-66.Tate, M. E. Psalms 51-100. Nashville 1990.Terrien, S. The Psalms: Strophic Structure and Theological Commentary. Volume 2. Grand Rapids 2003.Tułodziecki, T. ‘“Dzisiaj kwiatem, jutro słomą’ – tajemnica ludzkiego przemijania w Ps 90.” Verbum Vitae 24(2014): 73-94.Weber, B. Werkbuch Psalmen II. Die Psalmen 73 bis 150. Stuttgart 2003.Westermann, C. ʾādām person, TLOT, 93-94.Wolff, H. W. L’antropologia dell’Antico Testamento. Brescia 1993.Zenger, E. “Psalm 90.” In: Psalms 2. Edited by F. L. Hossfeld, E. Zenger. Minneapolis 2005, 416-425.1914515

    DLBCL pelvic lymphoma - non-Hodgkin\u27s lymphoma. Application of the US / MR imaging method in diagnosis and treatment monitoring

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    Lymphomas account for about 2% of all malignant neoplasms. They are neoplastic diseases characterized by massive growth of cells in the lymphatic system. Diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL) are the most common subtype. DLBCL is derived from mature, peripheral B lymphocytes of germination. Lymph nodes are the most common localization, but lymphoma is also primarily located in extra-nodal structures: stomach, tonsils, spleen, thymus, skin, thyroid gland, bones and brain

    Technologie bioresorbowalnych wyrobów medycznych – opracowane w wyniku realizacji projektu kluczowego „Biodegradowalne wyroby włókniste”

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    Pod koniec 2008 r. rozpoczęto realizację projektu kluczowego pt. „Biodegradowalne wyroby włókniste”, POIG 01.03.01–00– 007/08 o akronimie BIOGRATEX. Projekt jest współfinansowany z funduszy strukturalnych w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Innowacyjna Gospodarka. Celem głównym projektu jest opracowanie innowacyjnych rozwiązań technologicznych, niezbędnych dla poszerzenia oferty wyrobów włóknistych produkowanych z użyciem polimerów biodegradowalnych, w większości pozyskiwanych z surowców odnawialnych, kierowanych nie tylko do sektora włókienniczego, ale również dla rolnictwa i medycyny. Celem niniejszej publikacji jest przedstawienie opisu trzech technologii odnoszących się do wyrobów przeznaczonych do zastosowań w medycynie regeneracyjnej. Opisano technologię formowania włókien z roztworu polimeru będącego kopolimerem L-laktydu i glikolidu (PGLA), którego syntezę opracowano w ramach projektu. Kolejna technologia dotyczy materiałów nanowłóknistych wytwarzanych metodą elektroprzędzenia z roztworu polimeru PGLA oraz z roztworu mieszaniny polimerów PGLA i hydroksymaślanu (PHB). Oba roztwory polimeru w DMSO przędziono z dodatkiem hydroksyapatytu (HAp). Wytworzony materiał włóknisty zaprojektowano do stosowania przy regeneracji tkanki kostnej, jako materiał osteokonduktywny, osteoinduktywny i bioresorbowalny. Trzecia opisana technologia odnosi się do wytwarzania prototypów bioresorbowalnych protez naczyń krwionośnych z PGLA o średnicach poniżej 6 mm. Przedstawiono możliwość zastosowania techniki elektroprzędzenia ze stopu polimeru wraz z wprowadzeniem dodatkowego procesu stabilizacji termicznej do wytwarzania struktur 3D o małych średnicach