18 research outputs found

    Первое указание рода Nippoptilia Matsumura (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae) из России

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    A plume moth Nippoptilia regula (Meyrick, 1906) is found in the southern part of Primorsky krai. The specimens examined are characterized by typical for this species wing pattern, male and female genitalia. The genus Nippoptilia Matsumura 1931 is recorded from Russia for the first time

    Materials on the Lepidoptera fauna of "Ecoportal de Piedra" National Park (Jujuy province, North-Western Argentina). Part I. Pterophoridae (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae)

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    Basing on the materials from Russian entomological expedition to Jujuy Province, North-Western Argentina, the participants of which were working in Ecoportal de Piedra National Park, 22 Pterophoridae species have been revealed, two of which, Emmelina doroshkini Ustjuzhanin & Kovtunovich sp. n. and E. reshetnikovi Ustjuzhanin & Kovtunovich sp. n., turned to be new to Science. Six more species, Bipunctiphorus nigroapicalis (Landry & Gielis, 1992), Stenoptilodes brevipennis (Zeller, 1874), S. taprobanes (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875), Lioptilodes cuzcoicus Gielis, 1996, Adaina zephyria Barnes & Lindsey, 1921, and Hellinsia mauleicus (Gielis, 1991) have been indicated for Argentina for the first time, and eleven more species, Postplatyptilia flinti Gielis, 1991, Stenoptilodes sematodactyla (Berg, 1885), Lioptilodes aguilaicus Gielis, 1991, Oidaematophorus pseudotrachyphloeus Gielis, 2011, Singularia carabayus (Arenberger, 1990), Hellinsia angulofuscus (Gielis, 1991), H. chalupi Gielis, 2013, H.grandaevus (Meyrick, 1931), and H. tacanasensis Gielis, 2013 have been indicated for Jujuy Province for the first time. One species of the genus Singularia has not been identified on a unique female

    Список пальцекрылок (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae) фауны Пакистана

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    An annotated list of 19 species of Pterophoridae recorded from Pakistan is given. Five species are new to this country, namely Platyptilia avicennai Ustjuzhanin et Kovtunovich, 2016, Cnaemidophorus rhododactylus (Denis et Schiffermüller, 1775), Stenoptilia stigmatodactyla (Zeller, 1852), Hellinsia pectodactyla (Staudinger, 1859), and Amblyptilia sp. A new synonymy is established: Exelastis ebalensis (Rebel, 1907) = Karachia xylochromella Amsel, 1968, syn. n

    Новый вид и новое указание пальцекрылок (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae) с острова Борнео

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    New species of plume moths, Ochyrotica omelkoi Ustjuzhanin et Kovtuno­vich, sp. n., is described from Borneo Island. Cosmoclostis auxileuca (Meyrick, 1908) is recorded from Malaysia for the first time

    Pterotopteryx lida Ustjuzhanin et Kovtunovich, sp. n.

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    <i>Pterotopteryx lida</i> Ustjuzhanin et Kovtunovich, sp. n. <p>Figs 1, 2</p> <p> MATERIAL EXAMINED. Holotype – female, <b>Russia</b>: Novosibirsk Region, Karasuk District, 5 km East of vil. Troitskoe, Biological Station, 53°43' N, 77°52' E, 10.VII.2011, leg. P.Ya. Ustjuzhanin and L.P. Ustjuzhanina (slide 201610, ISEA). Paratype: 1 ♀, same data as holotype (slide 201611, CUK).</p> <p>DESCRIPTION. Female (Fig. 1). Head covered by grey appressed scales. Thorax and tegulae brown grey. Labial palpi dark grey, directed forward, three times longer than longitudinal eye diameter. Third segment short, tapered to apex. Antennae thin, brown-grey. Wingspan 14 mm. Wings brown-grey with admixture of pale yellow scales. First lobe of fore wing with six dark brown rectangular spots of scales. Basal part of both wings darkened with dark grey scales. Medial part of wings with expressed, wide, arched, dark brown band. Similar band but narrow and less expressed is in distal part of wings. Apices of all lobes terminated with small but well expressed dark brown spots of scales. Fringe on wings alternate with portions of brown, grey and yellow hairs. Hind legs grey from outside, pale yellow from inside.</p> <p>Female genitalia (Fig. 2). Papillae anales narrow, elongated. Posterior and anterior apophyses thin, straight, equal in length. Antrum twice wider than ductus base, rather short, tubulate. Lamina postvaginalis wide, elongated, heavily sclerotized, three times wider than antrum. Ductus short, wide, more expanded near base of bursa. Ductus seminalis very long, twice longer than bursa copulatrix, loop-twisted at its confluence. Bursa copulatrix ellipsoidal, without signa.</p> <p>Male unknown.</p> <p>(Photo by S. Mishenin).</p> <p> COMPARISION. In the wings color, <i>Pterotopteryx lida</i> is similar to <i>P. dodecadactyla</i>, but is distinctive in the narrower and arched distal band, whereas in <i>P. dodecadactyla</i> the band is wider and relatively straight. In addition, the new species has a darker color of the wings. In the female genitalia, the new species is similar to <i>P. dodecadactyla</i> in the shape and length of the posterior and anterior apophyses and in the short ductus, but is distinctive in the shorter antrum, the ellipsoidal bursa copulatrix, the absence of the signa and also in the wide sclerotized lamina postvaginalis.</p> <p>ETYMOLOGY. The new species is named after Lidia (diminutively – Lida) Ustjuzhanina, daughter of the first author, who actively participated in expeditions and collection of materials.</p>Published as part of <i>Ustjuzhanin, P. Ya. & Kovtunovich, V. N., 2016, A New Species Of Many- Plumed Moths (Lepidoptera, Alucitidae) From The South Of The West Siberian Plain, pp. 17-20 in Far Eastern Entomologist 322</i> on pages 17-19, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10084280">10.5281/zenodo.10084280</a&gt


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    Fig. 2. Male genitalia of Ochyrotica omelkoi sp. n. (ZIN; gen. pr. No 1921).Published as part of Ustjuzhanin, P. Ya., Kovtunovich, V. N. & Streltzov, A. N., 2020, A NEW SPECIES AND A NEW RECORD OF PLUME MOTHS (LEPIDOPTERA: PTEROPHORIDAE) FROM BORNEO ISLAND, pp. 21-24 in Far Eastern Entomologist 408 on page 23, DOI: 10.25221/fee.408.3, http://zenodo.org/record/716554