32 research outputs found

    Experimental identification and optimization of the concrete block vibropressing process

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    Material testing machine Instron 8802 was used for experiments with raw concrete vibropressing. The experiments were conducted according to the Mean Square Error Latin hypercube design. Influence of pressing force, force amplitude and frequency on the pressing process was investigated. The registered displacement and force curves were smoothed and approximated with 1- 3 parameter functions. The dependence of these parameters on the pressing force constant component, force oscillation amplitude and frequency was determined by means of nonparametric kriging approximations. The approximations were validated with additional physical experiments. The estimated relative prediction error was 15%. Developed approximated models were applied for multiobjective optimization of the vibropressing process. Optimization criteria were: compacting rate, consumed energy, pressing cycle length. Pareto frontier surfaces were constructed and analyze


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    Міграційне право України: підручник / [ Гусаров С. М., Безпалова О. І., Грохольський В. Л. та інш.], за заг. ред. В.В. Ковальської; МОН України, Міжнар. ун-т бізнесу і права. – Херсон: ФОП Грінь, 2016 – 476 с. – ISBN 978-966-930-098-0.У підручнику викладені основні принципи міграційного права України як самостійної галузі права. У ньому розкрито понятійний апарат міграційного права, проблеми управління міграційними процесами, статус суб'єктів міграційного права, сутність міграційного режиму, принципи відповідальності за міграційні правопорушення. Для студентів, курсантів, аспірантів, ад'юнктів, докторантів, викладачів юридичних спеціальностей вищих навчальних закладів та працівників правоохоронних органів України.The textbook sets out the basic principles of migration law in Ukraine as an independent branch of law. It discloses the conceptual apparatus of migration law, the problems of managing migration processes, the status of subjects of migration law, the essence of the migration regime, principles of responsibility for migration offenses. For students, cadets, graduate students, adjuncts, doctoral students, teachers of legal specialties of higher educational institutions and law enforcement officers of Ukraine.В учебнике изложены основные принципы миграционного права Украины как самостоятельной отрасли права. В нем раскрыты понятийный аппарат миграционного права, проблемы управления миграционными процессами, статус субъектов миграционного права, сущность миграционного режима, принципы ответственности за миграционные правонарушения. Для студентов, курсантов, аспирантов, адъюнктов, докторантов, преподавателей юридических специальностей высших учебных заведений и работников правоохранительных органов Украины

    Detection of visual field progression in glaucoma

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to compare an event analysis and a trend analysis for the detection of progression in glaucomatous visual field loss. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Excluding initial fields (Octopus, Haag-Streit AG, Köniz, Switzerland), baseline was defined as the average result of the second and third examinations. Eyes with at least 6 additional fields entered the study. The event analysis used the method of the Collaborative Normal Tension Glaucoma Study, and the trend analysis was based on a point-wise linear regression analysis. RESULTS: Of 251 glaucoma patients, 235 left eyes and 225 right eyes qualified for the study. Using the event analysis, 44 series suggested a progressive damage, while the point-wise regression approach disclosed only 14 progressing series. In 9 eyes, the two approaches were concordant. Among the latter, 1 - 5 additional fields were necessary in 7 series to disclose progression using the trend analysis. In one series, the event analysis showed progression 7 examinations later. CONCLUSIONS: The point-wise linear regression analysis classified fewer cases as progressing than the event analysis and determined progression later

    Explorations of the application of cyanine dyes for quantitative alpha-synuclein detection

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    We examined the practical aspects of using fluorescent mono (T-284) and trimethinecyanine (SH-516) dyes for detecting and quantifying fibrillar alpha-synuclein (ASN). We studied the interaction of cyanine dyes with fibrillar proteins using fluorescence spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. The commercially available classic amyloid stain thioflavin T (Thio T) was used as the reference dye. T-284 and SH-516 dyes can be used for fluorometric quantification of fibrillar wild-type ASN at concentrations of approximately 1.5-20 microg/ml. Both dyes appeared suitable for step-wise monitoring of ASN variants (wild-type and mutants A30P and A53T) aggregation into fibrils in vitro, demonstrating good reproducibility, exceeding that for the commonly used Thio T. Our assay may be used for screening in vitro of agents capable of affecting the aggregation of ASN. In addition, T-284 and SH-516 cyanine dyes were shown to recognize amyloid proteins of various amino acid compositions selectively. T-284 demonstrated particular sensitivity to wild-type and A53T ASN, while for SH 516, the fluorescence response to fibrillar proteins was nearly the same except for lysozymes. T-284 and SH-516 cyanine dyes are sensitive and specific fluorescent probes for monitoring ASN fibril formation process in vitro, quantification of fibrillar ASN in solution, and fluorescent detection of various fibrillar protein species