8 research outputs found

    Research of surface activating influence on formation of adhesion between gas-thermal coating and steel substrate

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    Estimation of influence of physical and thermal activating on adhesion between steel substrates and thermal coatings has been performed. The substrates with surfaces obtained by and ultrasonic surface plastic deformation were used. To evaluate physical activating, preheating of the substrates to 600Β°Π‘ was performed. To evaluate the effect of thermal activating, the substrate surfaces after interfacial detachment were examined. Bonded areas on the substrate surfaces were measured by means of optical profilometry. The experiments have shown that surface physical activating is the main factor in formation of the adhesive bond between the coating and the substrate processed with the proposed methods

    Research of Adhesion Bonds Between Gas-Thermal Coating and Pre-Modified Base

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    Nature of adhesive bonds between gas-thermal nickel alloy coating and carbon steel base was examined using laser profilometry, optical metallography, transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The steel surface was plastically pre-deformed by an ultrasonic tool. Proved that ultrasound pre-treatment modifies the steel surface. Increase of dislocation density and formation of sub micro-structure are base elements of surface modification. While using high-speed gas-flame, plasma and detonation modes of coatings, surface activation occurs and durable adhesion is formed. Ultrasonic pre-treatment of base material is effective when sprayed particles and base material interact through physical-chemical bond formation. Before applying high-speed gas flame and plasma sprayed coatings, authors recommend ultrasonic pretreatment, which creates periodic wavy topography with a stroke of 250 microns on the steel surface. Before applying detonation sprayed coatings, authors recommend ultrasound pretreatment that create modified surface with a uniform micro-topography

    The character of fracture of iron based thermal coating during fretting

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    The character of destruction of thermal coatings during fretting has been investigated. An iron based plasma coating has been tested with oscillation amplitude from 30 to 200 microns. The tests were conducted in air. It has been determined that the main factor influencing the rate of the wear of the coating during fretting corrosion is the size of the coating area involved into the wear process. The coating exhibits high wear resistance when the amplitude of the oscillation is commensurate with the size of the sprayed particles. During destruction of the coating the leading role belongs to fatigue-oxidation processes. The wear of the coating acquires a catastrophic character when coating macro defects - pores and interlayer boundaries - are involved into the wear process

    Investigation of high-energy external influences on structural heredity of the Ti-Nb alloy

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    The effects of high-energy external influences on structural heredity of Ti-Nb alloy is investigated in this paper. By the methods of XRD, SEM, EDX and optical microscopy it was founded that thermal treatment and severe plastic deformation lead to the phase transformations in the alloy, the dendritic segregation occurs and retains in the alloy under external influences

    Phase Composition and Microstructure of Ti-Nb Alloy Produced by Selective Laser Melting

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    The phase composition and microstructure of Ti-Nb alloy produced from composite titanium and niobium powder by selective laser melting (SLM) was studied. Produced monolayered Ti-Nb alloy enhanced the formation of fine-grained and medium-grained zones with homogeneous element composition of 36-38% Nb mass interval. Alloy phase composition responded to [beta]-alloy substrate phase (grain size was 5-7 pm) and non-equilibrium martensite [alpha]"- phase (grain size was 0.1-0.7 [mu]m). [alpha]"-phase grains were found along [beta]-phase grain boundaries and inside grains, including decreased niobium content. Alloy microhardness varied within 4200-5500 MPa

    The investigation of the influence of formation conditions on the structure of Ti-40Nb alloy

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    It was determined that there is components segregation in Ti-Nb alloy under electro arc melting and selective laser melting. It leads to two phase formation. The [beta]-phase forms in the areas enriched in Nb. [alpha]”-phase forms in the Nb-depleted areas. It is recommended to increase the Nb concentration in the alloy up to 45 wt. % to eliminate heterogeneity of phase and elemental composition