89 research outputs found

    Methodical approach to evaluating the effectiveness of social responsibility of the company Методический подход к проведению оценки эффективности социально ответственной деятельности предприятия

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    In this article is determinate the main vector in the development of its own methodological approach to the evaluation of the effectiveness of socially responsible activities of the company. This vector is based on the fact that each enterprise, primarily, should to choose objective goal of the evaluation of corporate social responsibility.<br>В статье определён основной вектор в разработке собственного методического подхода к проведению оценки эффективности социально ответственной деятельности, который основан на том, что каждое предприятие, прежде всего, должно выбрать цель оценки корпоративной социальной ответственности

    Nonel approaches in the field of gastric cancer surgical treatment

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    The aim of the study: to estimate the impact of different cellular phenotype of gastric tumors on the survival of patients treated according to standard protocols. Object and methods of research.The work presents the results of a study conducted on the basis of two medical institutions - the National Cancer Institute and the abdominal oncology and surgery department of the Odessa Regional Oncology Center. 221 patients underwent surgery for gastric cancer (GC) in the period 2007-2013. The average age of patients was 60.88 ± 10.5 years, men - 180, women - 41. Of the total number of operated, 143 patients underwent surgery in the amount of gastrectomy, 78 - subtotal distal resection. Results. All patients included in the study underwent radical surgery. Tumors removed during surgery were examined using histological, cytological, immunohistochemical methods and genetic tests. The obtained results are monitored for the presence/absence of clinical parallels and mathematical correlations. It was concluded that some combinations of immunohistochemical (IHC) markers were effective in separating groups of patients with different biology of gastric cancer. Conclusions. Performing more advanced operations (including the use of D2 lymph dissections) is the most effective option for surgical treatment of microsatellite-unstable and Epstein-Barr virus-associated gastric cancer

    Atherosclerosis: new achievements and failures

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    The article presents current information on the leading causes of atherosclerosis and its underlying mechanisms of pathogenesis, examined predictors of early stages of atherosclerosis (ІL-1β, ІL-6, FNP-α, NO, MCP-1, Fres, endothelin-1, CRP, which can join and heparin). The prospects of a new enzyme inhibition and RSSK9, 33a mRNA in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. Analyzed the contradictions of using inhibitors cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP), new European and American recommendations in the management of patients with dyslipidemia.В статье представлены современные сведения о ведущих причинах атеросклероза и основных механизмах его патогенеза, рассмотрены предикторы ранних стадий развития атеросклероза (ІЛ-1β, ІЛ-6, ФНП-α, NO, MCP-1, ФРЕС, эндотелин-1, СРБ, к которым может присоединиться и гепарин). Показана перспектива нового ферменте РСSK9 и ингибирование mРНК 33а в лечение сердечнососудистой патологии. Проанализированы противоречиях использования ингибиторов белка переносчика эфиров холестерина (СЕТР), новые Европейские и Американские рекомендации при ведении больных с дислипидемиями


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    Aim. The research was designed for clinical and laboratory characteristics and treatment of respiratory mycoplasma pneumonia in adult patients hospitalized to the infectious diseases hospital of the city of Krasnodar.Materials and methods. The frequency of occurrence and the nature of the clinical symptoms confirmed by ELISA analysis of mycoplasma pneumonia in 35 patients, who were treated in the State Budgetary Establishment of Public Health Services “Specialized Clinical Infectious Hospital” of Krasnodar, were retrospectively analyzed.Results.Mycoplasma pneumonia in hospitalized patients of Krasnodar is more common in young men during the cold season and occurs in moderate form. When ranking the clinical symptoms, it has been established that the priority signs of the disease are acute onset, febrile temperature, symptoms of lesions of the upper respiratory tract, increased CRP, dry coughing and relative monocytosis in the general blood test that can be considered the suggestive symptoms of the disease. Antimicrobial drugs from the macrolide, fluorinated quinolone and tetracycline groups, either as a monotherapy or in the combination, were prescribed for the patients with mycoplasma pneumonia.Conclusion. The frequency of occurrence and the absence of pathognomonic symptoms of mycoplasma pneumonia make it advisable to include an enzyme immunoassay for antibodies to “atypical” pathogens in the examination algorithm of patients with any pneumonia, which will provide more accurate diagnosis and correction of etiotropic therapy

    Peculiarities of electronic heat capacity of thulium cuprates in pseudogap state

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    Precise calorimetric measurements have been carried out in the 7 - 300 K temperature range on two ceramic samples of thulium 123 cuprates TmBa2Cu3O6.92 and TmBa2Cu3O6.70. The temperature dependence of the heat capacity was analyzed in the region where the pseudogap state (PGS) takes place. The lattice contribution was subtracted from the experimental data. The PGS component has been obtained by comparing electronic heat capacities of two investigated samples because the PGS contribution for the 6.92 sample is negligible. The anomalous behavior of the electronic heat capacity near the temperature boundary of PGS was found. It is supposed that this anomaly is due to peculiarities in N(E) function where N is the density of electronic states and E is the energy of carriers of charge.Comment: 12 pages, 3 Postscript figure

    Вегетативна реакція на водне навантаження у пацієнтів з хол та супутніми захворюваннями шлунково-кишкового тракту

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    Мета роботи - оцінка вегетативних реакцій на водне навантаження з використанням гідрокарбонатної натрієвої мінеральної води «Поляна Квасова» у пацієнтів з ХОЗЛ, обтяженим хронічною гастроентерологічною патологією. Матеріал та методи - обстежено 92 пацієнта, що страждали на з ХОЗЛ ІІ - ІІІ ступеня тяжкості, які перебували на стаціонарному лікуванні у відділенні пульмонології з приводу загострення захворювання. Всі пацієнти були чоловічої статі, віком старше 50 років (в середньому 55,2±0,6 років), зі стажем куріння в середньому більше 30 пачко-років. З загальної вибірки були виключені пацієнти з вираженою органною недостатністю, злоякісними новоутвореннями, ХОЗЛ ІV ступеня важкості та при відмові хворого від участі у дослідженні. У якості контролю були обстежені 20 практично здорових чоловіків того ж віку (57,6±0,4 років). Поряд зі стандартним комплексом клініко-лабораторних та інструментальних тестів при ХОЗЛ клінічне обстеження включало езофагофіброгастродуоденоскопію (ЕФГДС), а також кардіоінтервалографію

    Особенности пульмо-ренального синдрома у больных с негоспитальной пневмонией нетяжелого течения

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    У статті наведені сучасні погляди на пульмо-ренальний синдром, та його крайній прояв — гостре пошкодження нирок у хворих на пневмонію нетяжкого перебігу. Показано, що пульмо-ренальний синдром без ГПН носить зворотній, транзиторний характер, та зникає у хворих на пневмонію по закінченню курсу антибіотикотерапії і в переважній більшості не потребує корекції, виняток становить ГПН в старшій віковій групі з коморбідною патологією, де для покращення функції нирок необхідно використовувати додаткові медичні засоби.The article presents modern views on pulmo-renal syndrome, and its extreme manifestation is acute kidney injury (AKI) in a patient with mild pneumonia. It was shown that pulmo-renal syndrome without AKI is reversible, transient in nature, disappears in patients with pneumonia after completing a course of antibiotic therapy and overwhelmingly does not need to be corrected. The exception is AKI in the older age group with the presence of comorbidal pathology, where additional drugs must be used to improve kidney function.В статье приведены современные взгляды на пульмо-ренальный синдром, и его крайнее проявление — острое повреждение почек (ОПП) у больного пневмонией нетяжелого течения. Показано, что пульмо-ренальный синдром без ОПП носит обратимый, преходящий характер, исчезает у больных пневмонией по окончании курса антибиотикотерапии и в подавляющем большинстве не нуждается в коррекции, исключение составляет ОПП в старшей возрастной группе с наличием коморбидной патологии, где для улучшения функции почек, необходимо использовать дополнительные лекарственные средства

    Objective: to specify the frequency and pattern of mental disorders in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and their association with a number of demographic parameters, stressors, inflammatory activity, duration of RA and its therapy, pain, and concomitant cardiovascular diseases (CVD).Subject and methods. One hundred and sixteen patients with verified RA were examined; 86% were women with a median age of 50 years (range, 41 to 55 years) and a median RA duration of 94.5 months (range, 45 to 228 months). Disease activity was assessed using the DAS 28 scoring system; the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) was used for pain assessment. CVD was diagnosed by a cardiologist applying echocardiography, Doppler ultrasound, and 24-hour and blood pressure monitoring. Mental disorders were identified by a psychiatrist in accordance with ICD-10, by employing a number of psychiatric and psychological scales.Results. Mental disorders were found in 86% of the patients. There was a preponderance (85%) of anxiety-depressive spectrum disorders (ADSD): depressive episode (37%), including that within recurrent depressive disorder (19%); dysthymia (23%); adjustment disorders (16%); and generalized anxiety disorder (9%). Moderate cognitive impairment was revealed in 52% of the patients with ADSD. Schizophrenia was detected in 1%; 76 % of the RA patients had sleep disorders; 63 and 52% reported a stressful event at the onset of RA or before its exacerbation, respectively. The patients with ADSD did not differ from those without ADSD in age, gender, disease duration and activity, but they had more frequently aseptic bone necroses (ABN), X-ray stage IV, Class III functional insufficiency (FI), higher severity index and HAQ index. The patients with ADSD experienced stronger pain (p &lt; 0.05). They took glucocorticoids for a shorter time (p &lt; 0.05). Basic anti-inflammatory drugs were taken by the patients with and without ADSD at a similar frequency, but the patients with ADSD received methotrexate less often. ADSD was more common in patients with RA and CVD (angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, acute cerebrovascular insufficiency). Conclusion. Mental disorders with a predominance of ADSD are typical of the majority of patients with RA. Stressful events often precede the onset of RA and its exacerbation. The incidence of ADSD does not depend on age, gender, and disease duration and activity, but correlates with joint destructive changes (ABN and X-ray stage IV), pain intensity, FI, severity index and HAQ, less aggressive therapy for RA, and CVD.

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    Comparative analysis of anxiety-depressive spectrum disorders in patients with rheumatic diseases

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    Research objective - comparative analysis of incidence and structure of anxiety-depressive spectrum disorders (ADD) in patients with various rheumatic diseases (RD). Materials and methods. 613 patients with RD were enrolled in the study: 180 with a reliable diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 128 with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 110 with systemic sclerosis (SSc), 115 with Behcet's disease (BD), 80 with primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS). Female prevailed in all groups (95% of patients with pSS, 88,2% - SSc, 87,2% - RA, 85,5% of SLE) except BD patients (70% male). The mean age was 42.3±1.54 years and was lower in patients with BD (33.3±0.98 years) and SLE (34.6±0.93 years) compared to patients with SSc (49.9±2.47 years), RA (47.4±0.99 years) and pSS (46.2±2.3 years). The mean RD duration was 130,0±8,65 months and was more at BD - 148,5±10,4 months, pSS - 141,6±8,92 months, RA - 138,4±10,1months, and less at SLE - 134,9±8,8 months and SSc - 87,0±5,04 months. The mean SLE activity index SLEDAI was 9,13±0,63 points (high), RA (DAS28) - 5,26±0,17 points (high), BD (BDCAF) - 3,79±0,2 points (moderate) and SSc by G. Valentini - 1,1±0,20 points (moderate). Glucocorticoids took 100% of patients with pSS, 91,1% - SLE, 90% - SSc, 87% - BD and 67,2% - RA patients; conventional disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (cDMARDs) took 90% of patients with SSc, 84% - BD, 79,6% - RA, 68% - pSS, 40,6% - SLE. Biologic DMARDs took 32% of patients with RA, 17,4% - BD, 7,3% - SSc and 7,2% - SLE. Mental disorders were diagnosed by psychiatrist as a result of screening by the hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS) and in semi-structured interview in accordance with the ICD-10/ DSM-IV. The severity of depression was evaluated by Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) and anxiety - by Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A). Projective psychological methods were used for cognitive impairment detection. Results. Screening of depressive disorders (HADS-D≥8) was positive in 180 (29,4%) patients with RD, including 74 (41%) patients with SLE, 38 (35%) - SSc, 29 (23%) - RA, 23 (20%) - BD and 16 (20%) - pSS; anxiety disorders (HADS-A≥8) - in 272 (44,4%) patients, including 66 (52%) patients with RA, 40 (50%) - pSS, 77 (43%) - SLE, 45 (41%) - SSc and 44 (38%) - BD. In accordance with the ICD-10/ DSM-IV depressive disorders have been identified in 389 (63%) patients, including 94 (73%) patients with RA, 71 (64,5%) - SSc, 69 (60%) - BD, 90 (50%) - SLE and 39 (49%) - pSS; anxiety disorders - in 377 (61,5%) patients, including 20 (25%) patients with pSS, 44 (24,5%) - SLE, 29 (23%) - RA, 20 (17%) - BD and 7 (6,4%) - SSc. Conclusion. Anxiety-depressive spectrum disorders are typical for most patients with RA, SLE, SSc, pSS and BD. ADDs diagnosis in RD patients with the use of the HADS did not reveal a significant proportion. To obtain objective data on the frequency and structure of ADDs, psychopathological and clinical psychological diagnosis is necessary