47 research outputs found

    Superspreading on hydrophobic substrates:effect of glycerol additive

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    The spreading of solutions of three trisiloxane surfactants on two hydrophobic substrates, polyethylene and polyvinylidenefluoride, was studied with the addition of 0–40 mass % of glycerol. It was found that all the surfactant solutions spread faster than silicone oil of the same viscosity, confirming the existence of a mechanism which accelerates the spreading of the surfactant solutions. For the non-superspreading surfactant, BT-233, addition of glycerol improved the spreading performance on polyvinylidenefluoride and resulted in a transition from partial to complete wetting on polyethylene. The fastest spreading was observed for BT-233 at a concentration of 2.5 g/L, independent of glycerol content. For the superspreading surfactants, BT-240 and BT-278, the concentration at which the fastest spreading occurs systematically increased with concentration of glycerol on both substrates from 1.25 g/L for solutions in water to 10 g/L for solutions in 40% glycerol/water mixture. Thus, the surfactant equilibration rate (and therefore formation of surface tension gradients) and Marangoni flow are important components of a superspreading mechanism. De-wetting of the solutions containing glycerol, once spread on the substrates, resulted in the formation of circular drop patterns. This is in contrast to the solely aqueous solutions where the spread film shrank due to evaporation, without any visible traces being left behind

    Spreading of aqueous surfactant solutions on oil substrates: Superspreaders vs non-superspreaders

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    HypothesisThe question of why aqueous solutions of some surfactants demonstrate a rapid spreading (superspreading) over hydrophobic solid substrates, while solutions of other similar surfactants do not, has no definitive explanation despite numerous previous studies. The suggested hypothesis for this study assumes that once the spreading coefficient of surfactant is positive, there is a concentration range for solutions of any surfactant which demonstrates rapid spreading. As it is impossible to calculate spreading coefficients for solid substrates, we compare the spreading performance of known superspreaders and non-superspreaders on liquid (oil) substrate.ExperimentsThe kinetics of spreading of aqueous solutions of a series of branched ionic surfactants and non-ionic trisiloxane surfactants on two liquid substrates was studied and compared with the spreading of a surfactant-free liquid, silicone oil. Both dynamic and equilibrium spreading coefficients were calculated using measured surface and interfacial tensions.FindingsThere is no difference in spreading rate on liquid substrate between solutions of surfactants proven as superspreaders (while spreading on solid substrate) or non-superspreaders. A rapid spreading (superspreading) with the characteristic rate of spreading O(102–103) mm2/s occurs if the dynamic spreading coefficients exceeds the positive threshold value. If the dynamic spreading coefficient is negative or slightly positive, complete wetting still occurs, but the spreading is slow with the spreading rate is O(1) mm2/s. Spreading exponents for surfactant solutions in the rapid spreading regime are considerably larger than for the surfactant-free liquid. A number of spreading and dewetting patterns were observed depending on the surfactant type, its concentration and substrate

    Kinetics of liquid bridges and formation of satellite droplets: Difference between micellar and bi-layer forming solutions

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    AbstractThe process of drop detachment from a capillary tip and formation of satellite droplets is studied for solutions of trisiloxane surfactants above the critical aggregation concentration. Two of the studied surfactants self-assemble in bilayer based phases, whereas the third forms micelles. The difference in the aggregates formed results in an essential difference in the rate of equilibration between the surface and the bulk solution and in a different behaviour near the pinch-off point. The difference in behaviour becomes pronounced when the viscosity of solutions increases 2–6 times (and therefore diffusion coefficients decrease correspondingly). In particular, when surfactant solutions are prepared in a water/glycerol mixture with a viscosity six times larger than water, the size of satellite droplets formed by the micellar solutions increases more than twice, whereas the size of droplets formed by the bilayer-forming solutions remains almost constant over a range of concentration covering two orders of magnitude. The bilayers forming solutions demonstrate a decrease in the effective surface tension near to pinch-off which can be related to the Marangoni stresses generated by surface flow during the thinning of the capillary bridge connecting the main drop with the liquid in the capillary