6 research outputs found

    Concept of Global Peace: Military, Terrorist and Informational Threats

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    The article deals with the analysis of transformation processes of doctrinal and praxeological interpretation of the concept of world peace in the context of overcoming modern military, terrorist, and information threats. The tasks solved in the article are to reveal the essence of understanding the modern concept of global peace; to analyze the effectiveness of the mechanism of international institutions in providing counteraction to the military threat; to study terrorism as an opposition to peace and stability; to reveal the nature of challenges to the information and educational environment as a significant factor in ensuring global peace. The humanistic approach is characterized by a special axiological value for research, with a methodological triad of methods used: philosophical, general scientific and special scientific methods. The method of empirical individual observation is applied in the context of demonstrating the opposition to the concept of world peace in the example of the war in Ukraine; the method of the author's questionnaire is used to determine the informational and educational factors in the concept of ensuring world peace. In the conclusions the thesis is presented that the modern interpretation of the concept of global peace should be extended to its perception as a comprehensive ideology, which includes not only legal regulators of countering military conflicts but also a wide range of social security institutions for peaceful coexistence of people in the political and legal reality. The elements of the concept of the global world order are the functioning of international and national subjects to ensure peace and development of civil society, including the education of the global world order, tolerance, democratic values of constitutionalism and the rule of law, and other primary legal axiological values. The originality of the research lies in the comprehensive analysis of globalization threats to the concept of peace and security of the international society in the military, anti-terrorist, and information spheres with the demonstration of empirical material from the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2022

    Щодо стану протидії кіберзлочинності в Україні: проблеми формування офіційної статистики

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    The article analyzes the types, forms, and content of statistical reporting reflecting the state and structure of cybercrime in Ukraine. It is noted that there is currently no clear definition of the concept of cybercrime in domestic legislation. Among scientists and practitioners, there is also no single approach to delineating the grounds for classifying illegal acts as such crimes. At the same time, such uncertainty has a negative impact on the effectiveness of countering cybercrime in Ukraine. The purpose of the article is a systematic analysis of available state statistical data related to cybercrime, persons who have committed cybercrime, and other data reflected in various sources; an assessment of the structure and content of such data and the possibilities of their use for the prevention and counteraction of cybercrime; coverage of problematic issues related to the formation of official statistical reporting on recorded cybercrimes. On the basis of official state statistical reporting prepared by the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine and the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine, it is possible to analyze a small group of criminal offenses, namely, those provided for by the articles of Chapter XVI of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Some of the «traditional crimes» that fall under the concept of cybercrime are reflected in the departmental statistical reporting of the National Police of Ukraine, but it does not cover all cybercrimes and, of course, takes into account only those that are under the jurisdiction of the National Police of Ukraine. It was concluded that there is no official state statistical reporting on cybercrime in Ukraine. Considering the high latency of this type of criminal offense, it can be stated that it is impossible to conduct an analysis that would fully and reliably reflect the state of cybercrime in UkraineУ статті проаналізовано види, форми та зміст статистичної звітності, що відображає стан і структуру кіберзлочинності в Україні. Зазначається, що у вітчизняному законодавстві на сьогодні не існує чіткого визначення поняття кіберзлочин. Серед науковців та практиків також немає єдиного підходу до окреслення підстав віднесення протиправних діянь до таких злочинів. Разом з тим, така невизначеність негативно відображається на ефективності протидії кіберзлочинності в Украйні. Метою статті є системний аналіз наявних державних статистичних даних, що стосуються кіберзлочинності, осіб, які вчинили кіберзлочини та інших даних, що відображені у різних джерелах; оцінка структури і змісту таких даних та можливостей їх використання для запобігання і та протидії кіберзлочинності; висвітлення проблемних питань стосовно формування офіційної статистичної звітності щодо облікованих кіберзлочинів. На основі офіційної державної статистичної звітності, що готується Офісом Генерального прокурора України та Державною судовою адміністрацією України, можна проаналізувати незначну групу кримінальних правопорушень, а саме, передбачених статтями Розділу XVI КК України. Частина «традиційних злочинів», які підпадають під поняття кіберзлочини, відображені у відомчій статистичній звітності Національної поліції України, але вона охоплює не всі кіберзлочини і, звичайно ж, враховує лише віднесені до підслідності Національної поліції України. Зроблено висновок про те, що в Україні, відсутня офіційна державна статистична звітність щодо кіберзлочинності. Враховуючи високу латентність цього виду кримінальних правопорушень, можна констатувати, що на сьогодні провести аналіз, який повно і достовірно відобразив б стан кіберзлочинності в Україні неможлив

    Concepto de paz mundial: amenazas militares, terroristas e informativas

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    The article deals with the analysis of transformational processes of the doctrinal and praxeological interpretation of the concept of global peace in the context of overcoming modern military, terrorist and informational threats. The tasks solved in the article are: the essence of understanding of the modern concept of global peace is revealed; the effectiveness of the mechanism of international institutions in providing counteraction to the military threat is analyzed; terrorism as an opposition to peace and stability is studied; the nature of the challenges to the information and educational environment as a significant factor in ensuring global peace is revealed. The humanistic approach is distinguished as one that has a special axiological value for research, with a methodological triad of methods used being philosophical, general scientific, and special scientific methods. The elements of the concept of the global world order are the functioning of international and national subjects to ensure peace and development of civil society, including the education of the global world order, tolerance, democratic values of constitutionalism and the rule of law, and other primary legal axiological values. The originality of the research lies in the comprehensive analysis of globalization threats to the concept of peace and security of the international society in the military, anti-terrorist and information spheres with the demonstration of empirical material from the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2022.El artículo aborda el análisis de los procesos de transformación de la interpretación doctrinal y praxeológica del concepto de paz global en el contexto de la superación de las modernas amenazas militares, terroristas e informativas. Las tareas resueltas en el artículo son las siguientes: se revela la esencia de la comprensión del concepto moderno de paz global; se analiza la eficacia del mecanismo de las instituciones internacionales para contrarrestar la amenaza militar; se estudia el terrorismo como oposición a la paz y la estabilidad; se revela la naturaleza de los desafíos al entorno informativo y educativo como factor significativo para garantizar la paz global. El enfoque humanístico se distingue por tener un valor axiológico especial para la investigación, con una tríada metodológica de métodos utilizados que son filosóficos, científicos generales y científicos especiales. Los elementos del concepto de orden mundial global son el funcionamiento de los sujetos internacionales y nacionales para garantizar la paz y el desarrollo de la sociedad civil, incluida la educación del orden mundial global, la tolerancia, los valores democráticos del constitucionalismo y el Estado de derecho, y otros valores axiológicos jurídicos primarios. La originalidad de la investigación radica en el análisis exhaustivo de las amenazas de la globalización al concepto de paz y seguridad de la sociedad internacional en los ámbitos militar, antiterrorista y de la información con la demostración de material empírico de la guerra ruso-ucraniana de 2022


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    The article is devoted to the coverage of general theoretical and practical aspects of the protection of the right of a person to health care in the European Court of Human Rights. The substantive and essential correlation of the main elements of protection of the individual\u27s right to health care in the European Court of Human Rights is analysed. Based on the analysis of the norms of international law, the main elements of protection of a person\u27s right to health care have been identified in the European Court of Human Rights. In this study used the formal-logical method, method of analysis, methods of synthesis, generalization, induction, deduction. Analysed the mechanism of the right to health in the European system of human rights. The practical significance of the study of the case law of the ECtHR is that the question of its application is a certain legal guideline for all law enforcement agencies - judges, lawyers, prosecutors, law enforcement officers and other participants


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    The authors have conducted the political and legal analysis of such phenomena in modern civilization as constitutionalism and populism, their value and institutional foundations, and the negative impact of populist parties on the constitution transformations under democratic transition. The article proves that populists treat any legal procedures and institutions negatively, particularly those that cannot sat-isfy their goals. A means of political struggle populist parties resort to is the diminution of judiciary independence and the role of constitutional jurisdiction bodies. The experience of Central and Eastern European countries shows that it is almost impossible to combine populist legislation with the inde-pendence of constitutional jurisdiction bodies. The article emphasizes that populist parties, which enjoy a high credit of public trust, are trying to expand their powers by adopting populist constitutions

    Nintedanib and a bi-specific anti-VEGF/Ang2 nanobody selectively prevent brain metastases of lung adenocarcinoma cells

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    Brain metastases (BM) are an ever-increasing challenge in oncology, threatening quality of life and survival of many cancer patients. The majority of BM originate from lung adenocarcinoma, and stage III patients have a risk of 40-50% to develop BM in the first years of disease onset. As therapeutic options are limited, prevention of their occurrence is an attractive concept. Here we investigated whether Nintedanib (BIBF 1120), a tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) targeting the VEGF pathway approved for lung adenocarcinoma, and the dual anti-VEGF-A/Ang2 nanobody BI836880 have the potential to prevent BM formation. A mouse model of brain metastasis from lung adenocarcinoma was used in which tumor cells were injected intracardially. Metastases formation occurred inside and outside of the brain and was followed by MRI, IVIS, and immunohistochemistry. BM were reduced in volume and number by both Nintedanib and the dual anti-VEGF-A/Ang2 nanobody, which translated into improved survival. Both compounds were able to normalize cerebral blood vessels at the site of brain metastatic lesions. Extracranial metastases, however, were not reduced, and meningeal metastases only partially. Interestingly, unspecific control IgG also lead to brain vessel normalization and reduction of brain and meningeal metastases. This data indicates a brain-specific group effect of antiangiogenic compounds with respect to metastasis prevention, most likely by preventing an early angiogenic switch. Thus, Nintedanib and BI836880 are promising candidates for future BM preventive study concepts in lung adenocarcinoma patients