71 research outputs found

    Functional Insights into Genic Neighbourhood Organization of Helitron Transposons in Bos taurus Genomes

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    Transposable elements (TEs) represent well-known factors of genomic variability and evolution. TEs are important providers of regulatory elements that are able to significantly influence the architecture and expression of the host genome. Currently, of a special interest are the DNA transposons helitrons. They are supposed to be involved in horizontal transfer of genetic material between distant taxa and to dramatically impact the host genomes via phenomena of exon-shuffling and gene capture. Thereby, and due to their high level of polymorphism and relatively high frequency in the eukaryotic genomes, helitrons can be used as “anchors” for genome scanning of different breeds of farm animals aimed at revealing their “gene pool standards”. Currently, there are no comprehensive studies dedicated to helitrons and their interaction and impact on host genomic landscape in cattle (Bos taurus). Earlier we showed the possibility of using the 3’-end consensus sequence of Heligloria helitrons for estimation of consolidation of different cattle breeds via multilocus genotyping. In the present study, in order to investigate the context features of the DNA regions flanked by the inverted repeats of Heligloria helitrons fragments in Bos taurus genomes, we pyrosequenced such fragments (of about 550 bp in length) from three cattle breeds and analyzed the functional implications of the identified genes. Thus, here we provide an insight into the functional organization of the genic neighbourhood of helitron transposons in the genomes of different Bos taurus breeds and an attempt to understand possible consequences of such distribution of helitrons on these genome

    The Flow Cytometry Study of Cellular Immunity in Rhesus Monkeys after Experimental Infection with SARS CoV 2 Virus

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    Cellular immunity plays an important role in the pathogenesis and formation of protective immune defense against the SARS‑CoV‑2 virus.The aim of the work was to study the cellular immunity of rhesus monkeys applying flow cytometry after experimental infection with the SARS‑CoV‑2 virus.Materials and methods. Male rhesus monkeys were intranasally inoculated with the SARS‑CoV‑2 virus, Isolate B strain and hCoV-19/Russia/SP48-1226/2020 strain (abbreviated name U-2), at a dose of 5.0 lg PFU. Using flow cytometry, the levels of 21 populations/subpopulations of mononuclear cells in the peripheral blood of animals were determined before experimental infection with the pathogen and on day 14 after infection. SARS‑CoV‑2 coronavirus RNA was assessed using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Determination of the titer of virus-neutralizing antibodies to the SARS‑CoV‑2 virus in the blood sera of animals was conducted through neutralization test evaluating the ability to suppress negative colonies.Results and discussion. Infection with Isolate B strain culture has led to an increase in the relative content of total T-lymphocytes (p˂0.2), cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (p˂0.1), as well as monocytes expressing the early activation marker CD25 (p˂0.2). The decrease in levels has been observed for total B-lymphocytes (p˂0.2) and T-helper cells (p˂0.1). Infection with the U-2 strain culture revealed an increase in the relative content of monocytes expressing the early activation marker CD25 (p˂0.2). Thus, for the first time in the Russian Federation, flow cytometry was used to study the cellular immunity of rhesus monkeys before and after experimental infection with the SARS‑CoV‑2 virus. The obtained information can be used for studying the pathogenesis of SARS‑CoV‑2 infection, course, and outcome of the disease, and developing strategies for vaccination and treatment

    Функциональное исследование организации генного окружения транспозонов хелитронов в геномах Bos taurus

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    Transposable elements (TEs) represent well-known factors of genomic variability and evolution. TEs are important providers of regulatory elements that are able to significantly influence the architecture and expression of the host genome. Currently, of a special interest are the DNA transposons helitrons. They are supposed to be involved in horizontal transfer of genetic material between distant taxa and to dramatically impact the host genomes via phenomena of exon-shuffling and gene capture. Thereby, and due to their high level of polymorphism and relatively high frequency in the eukaryotic genomes, helitrons can be used as “anchors” for genome scanning of different breeds of farm animals aimed at revealing their “gene pool standards”. Currently, there are no comprehensive studies dedicated to helitrons and their interaction and impact on host genomic landscape in cattle (Bos taurus). Earlier we showed the possibility of using the 3’-end consensus sequence of Heligloria helitrons for estimation of consolidation of different cattle breeds via multilocus genotyping. In the present study, in order to investigate the context features of the DNA regions flanked by the inverted repeats of Heligloria helitrons fragments in Bos taurus genomes, we pyrosequenced such fragments (of about 550 bp in length) from three cattle breeds and analyzed the functional implications of the identified genes. Thus, here we provide an insight into the functional organization of the genic neighbourhood of helitron transposons in the genomes of different Bos taurus breeds and an attempt to understand possible consequences of such distribution of helitrons on these genomesМобильные элементы (МЭ) являются хорошо известными факторами геномной изменчивости и эволюции. Будучи важными источниками регуляторных элементов, МЭ способны оказывать существенное влияние на архитектуру и экспрессию генома хозяина. В настоящее время особый интерес вызывает исследование ДНК транспозонов хелитронов. Предполагается, что хелитроны вовлечены в горизонтальный перенос генетического материала между удаленными таксонами и способны значительно повлиять на геном хозяина за счет механизмов перетасовки экзонов (exon-shuffling) и «захвата» генов (gene capture). Благодаря этому и в связи с высоким уровнем полиморфизма и относительно высокой плотностью в геномах эукариот, хелитроны могут быть использованы в качестве «якорей» для геномного сканирования различных пород сельскохозяйственных животных с целью выявления их генофондного стандарта. В настоящее время не существует комплексных исследований, посвященных хелитронам и их взаимодействию и влиянию на геномный ландшафт крупного рогатого скота (Bos taurus). Ранее нами была показана возможность использования консенсусной последовательности 3'-конца хелитронов семейства Heligloria для полилокусного генотипирования (геномного сканирования) с целью оценки консолидированности разных пород крупного рогатого скота. В настоящем исследовании для изучения контекстных особенностей участков ДНК, фланкированных инвертированными повторами фрагментов хелитронов Heligloria, были секвенированы подобные геномные участки (около 550 п.н.), принадлежащие трем породам крупного рогатого скота, и проанализированы функциональные особенности выявленных генов. Таким образом, в данной работе представлена функциональная организация генного окружения транспозонов хелитронов в геномах разных пород Bos taurus и обсуждается возможное влияние подобного распределения хелитронов на геномы исследованных групп животны

    Infection Rate of Fish of the <i>Cypriniidae</i> Family by Helminth Larvae of the <i>Opisthorchiidae</i> Family in the Seym and Psel rivers Basins in Kursk Region

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    The purpose of the research is to study of the infection rate of freshwater mollusks and carp fish by trematodes transmitted by fish in the Psel and Seym basins in the Kursk region.Materials and methods. Helminthological material was collected from caught mollusks and fish. Mollusks were explored by the methods of life-time diagnostics and compression, and the fish by the method of compressing the spinal muscles and microscopic examination according to the method commonly used in helminthology. It was examined 200 specimens of mollusks and 1030 specimens of 6 fish species from the Cyprinidae family, from underyearling to two years of age. The species composition of trematodes was determined by identification guide.Results and discussion. Totally 4 species of helminths belonging to the Opisthorchidae: Opisthorchis felineus, Pseudamphistomum truncatum, Metorchis bilis and M. xanthosomus were identified. The extensiveness of infection by the larvae of O. felineus varied from 6.0 to 14.3 % in bleak, and 9.1% in red-eye. P. truncatum cysts were found only in bleak (8.0–11.1 %). The larvae M. bilis were found in 4 species of fish with extensiveness of infection from 5.6 to 50.0 %. 5 species of fish were infected by metacercaria M. xanthosomus (11.8–64.7 %). Epidemiological significance for humans have the first three species of the identified trematodes. The rate of fish infection indicates that the main source of opisthorchid eggs entering the examined river basins are wild and domestic birds, as well as semiaquatic mammals

    Електропровідність композитів алкаонату кадмію з CdS наночастинками

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    Electrical properties of mesogenic cadmium octanoate composites containing CdS nanoparticles (NPs) have been studied for the first time. Semiconductor CdS spherical NPs (sizes of 2.5 nm) were chemically synthesized in the thermotropic ionic liquid crystalline phase (smectic A) of cadmium octanoate that was used as nanoreactor. We compared the electrical properties of both clean matrix and nanocomposite to clarify the role of semiconductor CdS NPs with different concentrations. We have investigated electrical characteristics at different temperatures, which correspond to the different phases of the composites. The conductivity of nanocomposites has an activation nature both in anisotropic glassy and smectic A phase. The conductivity of the nanocomposite along the cation-anion layers is by two orders of magnitude higher than that across the cation-anion layers, which confirms anisotropy of the nanocomposite regardless of the phase of material. In the glassy phase, the electronic type conductivity is observed. Increasing the nanoparticles concentration brings additional free charge carriers or increases their mobility. For the smectic A phase, increasing the CdS NPs concentration brings additional traps for the carriers that travel in plane of the cation-anion layers. On the other hand, the nanoparticles deform the cation-anion layers and increase the mobility of carriers across the layers