6,496 research outputs found

    Proučavanje sekundarne rekristalizacije u čeliku s orijentiranim zrnima pri dinamičkim uvjetima toplinske obradbe

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    The present study was made to investigate secondary recrystallization in grain-oriented steels annealed at short time temperature exposures with application of dynamical heating. The investigated GO steels for experiments were taken from one industrial line after final cold rolling reduction and subsequent box annealing. It was shown that application of short time heat treatment conditions could lead to complete abnormal grain growth in the investigated GO steel. The texture and microstructure obtained in the laboratory treated material is similar to that observed in the same GO steel taken after industrial final box-annealing. However, some “parasitic” grains were observed in the secondary recrystallized matrix of the laboratory treated GO steel. These “parasitic” grains possess the unwanted from magnetic properties point of view {111} orientation components.Ova studija istraĆŸuje sekundarnu rekristalizaciju u čelicima s orijentiranim zrnima odĆŸarenim kratkotrajno, a pod utjecajem dinamičkog zagrijavanja. IstraĆŸivanja ZO čelika za eksperimente uzeti su iz jedne industrijske linije nakon konačnog hladnog redukcijskog valjanja i naknadnog ĆŸarenja u komori. Pokazano je, primjena uvjeta kratkotrajne toplinske obradbe mogu dovesti do potpuno nenormalnog rasta zrna u istraĆŸivanom ZO čeliku. Tekstura i dobivena mikrostruktura u laboratorijski obrađivanim materijalima, slični su onim primjećenih kod nekih ZO čelika uzetih nakon konačnog industrijskog ĆŸarenja u komori. Međutim, neka „parazitna“ zrna primjećena su tijekom sekundarne rekristalizacije laboratorijski tretiranih ZO čelika. Ova „parazitna“ zrna posjeduju nepoĆŸeljne (111) orijentirane komponente s točke glediĆĄta magnetnih svojstava

    Structured testing during seizures: A practical guide for assessing and interpreting ictal and postictal signs during video EEG long term monitoring

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    Background: Ictal and postictal testing carried out in long-term epilepsy monitoring units is often sub-optimal. Recently, a European consensus protocol for testing patients during and after seizures was developed by a joint taskforce of the International League Against Epilepsy – Commission on European Affairs and the European Epilepsy Monitoring Unit Association. / Aim: Using this recently developed standardised assessment battery as a framework, the goal of this narrative review is to outline the proposed testing procedure in detail and explain the rationale for each individual component, focusing on the underlying neurobiology. This is intended to serve as an educational resource for staff working in epilepsy monitoring units. / Methods: A literature review of PubMed was performed; using the search terms “seizure”, “ictal”, “postictal”, “testing”, “examination”, and “interview”. Relevant literature was reviewed and relevant references were chosen. The work is presented as a narrative review. / Results: The proposed standardised assessment battery provides a comprehensive and user-friendly format for ictal-postictal testing, and examines consciousness, language, motor, sensory, and visual function. Conclusion The standardised approach proposed has the potential to make full use of data recorded during video EEG increasing the diagnostic yield with regards to lateralisation and localisation, aiding both presurgical and diagnostic studies

    Parameter Estimation from Improved Measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background from QUaD

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    We evaluate the contribution of cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization spectra to cosmological parameter constraints. We produce cosmological parameters using high-quality CMB polarization data from the ground-based QUaD experiment and demonstrate for the majority of parameters that there is significant improvement on the constraints obtained from satellite CMB polarization data. We split a multi-experiment CMB data set into temperature and polarization subsets and show that the best-fit confidence regions for the ΛCDM six-parameter cosmological model are consistent with each other, and that polarization data reduces the confidence regions on all parameters. We provide the best limits on parameters from QUaD EE/BB polarization data and we find best-fit parameters from the multi-experiment CMB data set using the optimal pivot scale of k_p = 0.013 Mpc^(–1) to be {h^2Ω_c, h^2Ω_b, H_0, A_s, n_s, τ} = {0.113, 0.0224, 70.6, 2.29 × 10^(–9), 0.960, 0.086}

    Neck atonia with a focal stimulation-induced seizure arising from the SMA: pathophysiological considerations.

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    A 28-year-old patient with pharmacoresistant non-lesional right frontal epilepsy underwent extra-operative intracranial EEG recordings and electrical cortical stimulation (ECS) to map eloquent cortex. Right supplementary motor area (SMA) ECS induced a brief seizure with habitual symptoms involving neck tingling followed by asymmetric tonic posturing. An additional feature was neck atonia. During atonia and sensory aura, discharges were seen in the mesial frontal electrodes and precentral gyrus. Besides motor signs, atonia, although rare and not described in the neck muscles, and sensations have been reported with SMA stimulation. The mechanisms underlying neck atonia in seizures arising from the SMA can be explained by supplementary negative motor area (SNMA) - though this was not mapped in electrodes overlying the ictal onset zone in our patient - or primary sensorimotor cortex activation through rapid propagation. Given the broad spectrum of signs elicited by SMA stimulation and rapid spread of seizures arising from the SMA, caution should be taken to not diagnose these as non-epileptic, as had previously occurred in this patient

    Invasive epilepsy surgery evaluation

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    Intracranial EEG (iEEG) recordings are widely used for the work up of pharmacoresistant epilepsy. Different iEEG recording techniques namely subdural grids, strips, depth electrodes and stereoencephalography (SEEG) are available with distinct limitations and advantages. Epilepsy centres mastering multiple techniques apply them in an individualised patient approach. These tools are used to map the seizure onset zone which is pivotal in approximating the epileptogenic zone, i.e. the zone which is indispensable for the generation of seizures and when resected will render the patient seizure free. Besides, the implanted electrodes can be used to define eloquent cortex through direct cortical stimulation. Different clinical scenarios exist which favour one iEEG recording technique over the other. Proximity of the presumed epileptogenic zone to eloquent cortex, for example, is a clinical scenario which may favour grid electrodes over SEEG. We here review the indication for iEEG for the work-up of patients suffering from pharmacoresistant epilepsy. In addition, we provide a description of the recording techniques focussing on the main techniques used: grid electrodes, depth electrodes and stereoencephalography. We then outline different clinical scenarios and the preferred technical approach for intracranial recordings in these scenarios. Finally, we highlight which advances have been made in the field of iEEG and which advances are in the pipeline waiting to be established for clinical use. This review provides the clinician with an update on the diagnostic use of intracranial EEG for epilepsy surgery and thus aids in understanding patient selection for this technique which may ultimately improve referral patterns

    A high payload aerial platform for infrastructure repair and manufacturing

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    The use of aerial robots in construction is an area of general interest in the robotics community. Autonomous aerial systems have the potential to improve safety, efficiency and sustainability of industrial construction and repair processes. Several solutions have been deployed in this domain focusing on problems in aerial manipulation and control using existing aerial platforms which are not specialised for the specific challenges in operating on a construction site. This paper presents a new compact, high thrust aerial platform that can act as a modular, application agnostic base for demonstrating a wide variety of capabilities. The platform has been built and tested flying both with manual controls and autonomously in a motion tracking arena while carrying a payload of up to 7.3 kg with a maximum flight time between 10–34 mins (payload dependent). In the future, this platform will be combined with vision based tracking sensors, manipulators and other hardware to operate in and interact with an outdoor environment. Future applications may include manipulation of heavy objects, deposition of material and navigating confined spaces

    A massive, distant proto-cluster at z=2.47 caught in a phase of rapid formation?

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    Numerical simulations of cosmological structure formation show that the Universe's most massive clusters, and the galaxies living in those clusters, assemble rapidly at early times (2.5 < z < 4). While more than twenty proto-clusters have been observed at z > 2 based on associations of 5-40 galaxies around rare sources, the observational evidence for rapid cluster formation is weak. Here we report observations of an asymmetric, filamentary structure at z = 2.47 containing seven starbursting, submillimeter-luminous galaxies and five additional AGN within a comoving volume of 15000 Mpc3^{3}. As the expected lifetime of both the luminous AGN and starburst phase of a galaxy is ~100 Myr, we conclude that these sources were likely triggered in rapid succession by environmental factors, or, alternatively, the duration of these cosmologically rare phenomena is much longer than prior direct measurements suggest. The stellar mass already built up in the structure is ∌1012M⊙\sim10^{12}M_{\odot} and we estimate that the cluster mass will exceed that of the Coma supercluster at z∌0z \sim 0. The filamentary structure is in line with hierarchical growth simulations which predict that the peak of cluster activity occurs rapidly at z > 2.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, accepted in ApJL (small revisions from previous version

    Contribution of a time-dependent metric on the dynamics of an interface between two immiscible electro-magnetically controllable Fluids

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    We consider the case of a deformable material interface between two immiscible moving media, both of them being magnetiable. The time dependence of the metric at the interface introduces a non linear term, proportional to the mean curvature, in the surface dynamical equations of mass momentum and angular momentum. We take into account the effects of that term also in the singular magnetic and electric fields inside the interface which lead to the existence of currents and charges densities through the interface, from the derivation of the Maxwell equations inside both bulks and the interface. Also, we give the expression for the entropy production and of the different thermo-dynamical fluxes. Our results enlarge previous results from other theories where the specific role of the time dependent surface metric was insufficiently stressed.Comment: 25 page

    An aerial parallel manipulator with shared compliance

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    Accessing and interacting with difficult to reach surfaces at various orientations is of interest within a variety of industrial contexts. Thus far, the predominant robotic solution to such a problem has been to leverage the maneuverability of a fully actuated, omnidirectional aerial manipulator. Such an approach, however, requires a specialised system with a high relative degree of complexity, thus reducing platform endurance and real-world applicability. The work here presents a new aerial system composed of a parallel manipulator and conventional, underactuated multirotor flying base to demonstrate interaction with vertical and non-vertical surfaces. Our solution enables compliance to external disturbance on both subsystems, the manipulator and flying base, independently with a goal of improved overall system performance when interacting with surfaces. To achieve this behaviour, an admittance control strategy is implemented on various layers of the flying base's dynamics together with torque limits imposed on the manipulator actuators. Experimental evaluations show that the proposed system is compliant to external perturbations while allowing for differing interaction behaviours as compliance parameters of each subsystem are altered. Such capabilities enable an adjustable form of dexterity in completing sensor installation, inspection and aerial physical interaction tasks. A video of our system interacting with various surfaces can be found here: https://youtu.be/38neGb8-lXg
