96 research outputs found

    SUSY-QCD corrections to stop annihilation into electroweak final states including Coulomb enhancement effects

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    We present the full O(αs)\mathcal{O}(\alpha_s) supersymmetric QCD corrections for stop-anti-stop annihilation into electroweak final states within the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). We also incorporate Coulomb corrections due to gluon exchange between the incoming stops. Numerical results for the annihilation cross sections and the predicted neutralino relic density are presented. We show that the impact of the radiative corrections on the cosmologically preferred region of the parameter space can become larger than the current experimental uncertainty, shifting the relic bands within the considered regions of the parameter space by up to a few tens of GeV.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, updated to version published in Phys. Rev.

    Strange Quark PDFs and Implications for Drell-Yan Boson Production at the LHC

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    Global analyses of Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs) have provided incisive constraints on the up and down quark components of the proton, but constraining the other flavor degrees of freedom is more challenging. Higher-order theory predictions and new data sets have contributed to recent improvements. Despite these efforts, the strange quark PDF has a sizable uncertainty, particularly in the small x region. We examine the constraints from experiment and theory, and investigate the impact of this uncertainty on LHC observables. In particular, we study W/Z production to see how the s-quark uncertainty propagates to these observables, and examine the extent to which precise measurements at the LHC can provide additional information on the proton flavor structure.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, added reference

    Full O(alpha) corrections to e+e- -> sf_i sf_j

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    We present a complete precision analysis of the sfermion pair production process e+e- -> sf_i sf_j (f = t, b, tau, nu_tau) in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. Our results extend the previously calculated weak corrections by including all one-loop corrections together with higher order QED corrections. We present the details of the analytical calculation and discuss the renormalization scheme. The numerical analysis shows the results for total cross-sections, forward-backward and left-right asymmetries. It is based on the SPS1a' point from the SPA project. The complete corrections are about 10% and have to be taken into account in a high precision analysis.Comment: 32 pages, 24 figures, RevTeX

    Revision of the \u3cem\u3eMesobuthus caucasicus\u3c/em\u3e complex from Central Asia, with descriptions of six new species (Scorpiones: Buthidae)

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    A widespread Mesobuthus caucasicus complex, which includes some of the most common scorpions found from the Caucasus to China, is revised for the first time based on new extensive collections from Central Asia, using both morphological and DNA marker data. Mesobuthus caucasicus (Nordmann, 1840), s.str. is restricted to the Caucasus Mts. Four taxa are elevated to species rank: M. fuscus (Birula, 1897) (Tajikistan), M. intermedius (Birula, 1897) (Tajikistan), M. kaznakovi (Birula, 1904) (Tajikistan, Uzbekistan), and M. parthorum (Pocock, 1889) (Afghanistan, Iran, Turkmenistan). Six new species are described: M. brutus sp. n. (Iran), M. elenae sp. n. (Tajikistan, Uzbekistan), M. gorelovi sp. n. (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan), M. kreuzbergi sp. n. (Tajikistan, Uzbekistan), M. mischi sp. n. (Afghanistan), and M. nenilini sp. n. (Uzbekistan). The most common species in Central Asia is a psammophilic Mesobuthus gorelovi sp. n., widespread through lowland sand deserts across Turkmenistan (Karakum), Uzbekistan (Kizylkum), and Kazakhstan (north to Baigakum and Moyinkum). A key to all studied species is provided. A DNA phylogeny based on COI and 16S rRNA markers is presented including nine Central Asian species (M. elenae sp. n., M. fuscus, M. gorelovi sp. n., M. intermedius, M. kaznakovi, M. kreuzbergi sp. n., M. mischi sp. n., M. nenilini sp. n., and M. parthorum) and M. caucasicus from Turkey. A deep phylogenetic diversity across Central Asia is revealed. Historical biogeographic scenarios for this scorpion group are discussed, including fragmentation in mountain valleys and expansion across sand deserts in Central Asia. The monotypic scorpion genus Afghanobuthus Lourenço, 2005 and its single species A. naumanni Lourenço, 2005, from Afghanistan, are demonstrated to be junior synonyms, respectively, of Mesobuthus Vachon, 1950, and M. parthorum (Pocock, 1889) from the same area

    Impact of heavy quark and quarkonium data on nuclear gluon PDFs

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    A clear understanding of nuclear parton distribution functions (nPDFs) plays a crucial role in the interpretation of collider data taken at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and in the near future at the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). Even with the recent inclusions of vector boson and light meson production data, the uncertainty of the gluon PDF remains substantial and limits the interpretation of heavy ion collision data. To obtain new constraints on the nuclear gluon PDF, we extend our recent nCTEQ15WZ+SIH analysis to inclusive quarkonium and open heavy-flavor meson production data from the LHC. This vast new data set covers a wide kinematic range and puts strong constraints on the nuclear gluon PDF down to x105x\lesssim 10^{-5}. The theoretical predictions for these data sets are obtained from a data-driven approach, where proton-proton data are used to determine effective scattering matrix elements. This approach is validated with detailed comparisons to existing next-to-leading order (NLO) calculations in non-relativistic QCD (NRQCD) for quarkonia and in the general-mass variable-flavor-number scheme (GMVFNS) for the open heavy-flavored mesons. In addition, the uncertainties from the data-driven approach are determined using the Hessian method and accounted for in the PDF fits. This extension of our previous analyses represents an important step toward the next generation of PDFs not only by including new data sets, but also by exploring new methods for future analyses

    Impact of LHC vector boson production in heavy ion collisions on strange PDFs

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    The extraction of the strange quark parton distribution function (PDF) poses a long-standing puzzle. Measurements from neutrino-nucleus deep inelastic scattering (DIS) experiments suggest the strange quark is suppressed compared to the light sea quarks, while recent studies of W^\pm /Z boson production at the LHC imply a larger strange component at small x values. As the parton flavor determination in the proton depends on nuclear corrections, e.g. from heavy-target DIS, LHC heavy ion measurements can provide a distinct perspective to help clarify this situation. In this investigation we extend the nCTEQ15_{15} nPDFs to study the impact of the LHC proton-lead W^\pm /Z production data on both the flavor differentiation and nuclear corrections. This complementary data set provides new insights on both the LHC W^\pm /Z proton analyses and the neutrino-nucleus DIS data. We identify these new nPDFs as nCTEQ15_{15}WZ. Our calculations are performed using a new implementation of the nCTEQ code (nCTEQ++) based on C++ which enables us to easily interface to external programs such as HOPPET, APPLgrid and MCFM. Our results indicate that, as suggested by the proton data, the small x nuclear strange sea appears larger than previously expected, even when the normalization of the W^{\pm }/Z data is accommodated in the fit. Extending the nCTEQ15_{15} analysis to include LHC W^\pm /Z data represents an important step as we advance toward the next generation of nPDFs

    Impact of LHC vector boson production in heavy ion collisions on strange PDFs

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    The extraction of the strange quark parton distribution function (PDF) poses a long-standing puzzle. Measurements from neutrino-nucleus deep inelastic scattering (DIS) experiments suggest the strange quark is suppressed compared to the light sea quarks, while recent studies of W^\pm /Z boson production at the LHC imply a larger strange component at small x values. As the parton flavor determination in the proton depends on nuclear corrections, e.g. from heavy-target DIS, LHC heavy ion measurements can provide a distinct perspective to help clarify this situation. In this investigation we extend the nCTEQ15_{15} nPDFs to study the impact of the LHC proton-lead W^\pm /Z production data on both the flavor differentiation and nuclear corrections. This complementary data set provides new insights on both the LHC W^\pm /Z proton analyses and the neutrino-nucleus DIS data. We identify these new nPDFs as nCTEQ15_{15}WZ. Our calculations are performed using a new implementation of the nCTEQ code (nCTEQ++) based on C++ which enables us to easily interface to external programs such as HOPPET, APPLgrid and MCFM. Our results indicate that, as suggested by the proton data, the small x nuclear strange sea appears larger than previously expected, even when the normalization of the W^{\pm }/Z data is accommodated in the fit. Extending the nCTEQ15_{15} analysis to include LHC W^\pm /Z data represents an important step as we advance toward the next generation of nPDFs