15 research outputs found

    Bereitschaft zur Zusammenarbeit unter Landwirten. Ergebnisse einer Feldstudie aus der ländlichen Umgebung Zagrebs

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    Development of business cooperation is one of the basic preconditions for a successful transition of Croatian agriculture and for increasing its competitiveness on the national and international markets. This research conducted in the Zagreb rural area was an attempt at answering what the farmer\u27s general attitude was towards business cooperation in agriculture as well as the influence of socio-demographic and psychological characteristics on their willingness to cooperate. With regard to the declaratively expressed readiness for business cooperation, the farmers were divided into four groups "very willing", "willing", "less willing" and "unwilling". Statistically significant differences have been found between these groups with regard to: past experience and current inclusion in some form of business cooperation; level of education and psychological characteristics: innovativeness and entrepreneurship. The research shows a group of "more experienced" and more educated farmers showing more entrepreneurship and innovativeness which should be the basis of the process of development and more effective involvement of farmers into business cooperation systems in agriculture.Razvitak poslovnoga povezivanja među seljacima (zajedničkog rada, kooperacije i sl.) jedna je od temeljnih pretpostavaka uspješ noga preustroja hrvatske poljoprivrede, odnosno povećanja njezine konkurentnosti, na domaćem i na svjetskom tržištu. Istraživanjem koje je provedeno na ruralnom području Grada Zagreba pokušalo se odgovoriti na pitanje kakav je općenito odnos seljaka prema poslovnom povezivanju u poljoprivredi te u kojoj mjeri sociodemografska i psihološka obilježja ispitanika utječu na njihovu "voljnost" za poslovno povezivanje. Na osnovi deklarativno izražene voljnosti seljaka za poslovno povezivanje dobivene su četiri skupine "jako voljni", "voljni", "manje voljni" i "nevoljni". Statistički značajne razlike među tim skupinama seljaka utvrđene su s obzirom na dosadašnje iskustvo i aktivno sudjelovanje u nekom od oblika poslovnoga povezivanja, s obzirom na stupanj naobrazbe te s obzirom na psihološke osobine: inovativnost i poduzetnost. Istraživanje pokazuje da među seljacima postoji skupina "iskusnijih", izobraženijih i poduzetnijih koji trebaju biti oslonac u procesu razvitka i učinkovitijeg uključivanja seljaka u sustave poslovnoga povezivanja u poljoprivredi.Die Entwicklung geschäftlicher Verbindungen unter Landwirten (gemeinschaftliche Arbeiten, Kooperationen u.Ä.) ist eine der Grundvoraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche Umstrukturierung der kroatischen Landwirtschaft bzw. für eine Steigerung ihrer Konkurrenzfähigkeit im In- und Ausland. Eine Untersuchung, die in den ländlichen Gebieten um die kroatische Hauptstadt Zagreb durchgeführt wurde, sollte zeigen, welche Einstellung die Landwirte zur Herstellung geschäftlicher Kontakte haben. Dabei wollte man sehen, inwiefern diese Einstellung von den soziodemographischen und psychologischen Merkmalen der Untersuchungsteilnehmer beeinflusst wird. Aufgrund der deklarativ geäußerten Bereitschaft zur geschäftlichen Kooperation konnten vier Gruppen von Landwirten unterschieden werden: Die verschiedenen Gruppen äußerten sich jeweils "sehr [zur Zusammenarbeit] bereit", "bereit", "wenig bereit" und "nicht bereit". Es ergaben sich statistisch relevante Unterschiede zwischen diesen Gruppen hinsichtlich der bisherigen Erfahrung sowie bezüglich der aktiven Teilnahme an irgendeiner Form geschäftlicher Zusammenarbeit; Unterschiede ergaben sich außerdem in Bezug auf den Bildungsstand und die psychischen Eigenschaften von Innovativität und Unternehmergeist. Die Untersuchung zeigte, dass es unter den kroatischen Landwirten "erfahrenere", unternehmungslustigere und solche mit höherem Bildungsstand gibt, auf die sich die Förderung der Landwirtschaft und die Beteiligung von Landwirten an Systemen geschäftlicher Kooperation innerhalb der Landwirtschaft stützen muss

    Utjecaj biostimulatora na prinos, hranjivu i senzornu kvalitetu plodova jagoda

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    The study was conducted as open field trial, with irrigation, with the Clery strawberry variety. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of foliar application on berry and seaweed extract on the yield and quality of strawberry fruit (sugar, acid and anthocyanin content). The experiment was set up by random block system in 4 repetitions. The following treatments were applied to the strawberry crop: 1. control, 2. conventional NPK fertilization (10-52-10), 3. 30% reduced conventional NPK fertilization, 4. 30% reduced conventional fertilization + biostimulants. Due to arid growing conditions, NPK fertilizer was applied foliarly. Statistical analysis of the data showed significant differences between treatments in strawberry yield, and anthocyanins content. Compared to the control, the biostimulator had an effect on strawberry yield and total anthocyanin content, but not on the total soluble sugar and acid content of strawberry fruit.Istraživanje je provedeno u poljskim uvjetima, uz navodnjavanje, sa sortom jagode Clery. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj folijarne primjene biostimulatora na bazi ekstrakta bobica i morskih algi na prinos i kvalitetu ploda jagode (sadržaj šećera, kiselina i antocijana). Pokus je postavljen po slučajnom blok sustavu u 4 ponavljanja. Na usjevu jagoda primijenjeni su tretmani: 1. kontrola, 2. konvencionalna gnojidba NPK (10-52-10), 3. 30% reducirana konvencionalna gnojidba NPK, 4. 30% reducirana konvencionalna gnojidba + biostimulator. Zbog sušnih uvjeta uzgoja NPK gnojivo primijenjeno je folijarno. Statističkom analizom podataka dobivene su značajne razlike između tretmana u prinosu ploda jagode i sadržaju ukupnih antocijanina. U usporedbi s kontrolom biostimulator imao je utjecaj na prinos jagode i sadržaj ukupnih antocijanina, ali ne na sadržaj šećera i kiselina u plodu jagode

    Die Wahrnehmung der Lebensqualität und Pläne zur Abwanderungaus ländlichen Gegenden

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    U radu se iznose rezultati anketnog istraživanja, koje je provedeno u prosincu 2006. i siječnju 2007. godine na uzorku od 941 stanovnika sela u dobi od 25 do 45 godina. U središtu analize jesu njihove percepcije kvalitete životnih uvjeta u naseljima gdje žive i namjere glede ostanka ili napuštanja sela. Cilj je istraživanja bio ustanoviti koji su glavni razlozi napuštanja ruralnih područja i koje su osnovne demografske odrednice možebitnih iseljenika. Istraživanje je pokazalo da svaki peti ispitanik kani u doglednoj budućnosti napustiti svoje selo. Najčešći razlog za migriranje jest nezaposlenost kao glavni potisni čimbenik i želja za poboljšanjem životne egzistencije obitelji, ostvarenje koje se vidi u gradu. Napuštanju ruralnih zajednica sklonije su mlađe, obrazovanije i nezaposlene osobe te osobe koje nisu zasnovale obitelji i koje nemaju vlastiti stambeni prostor. Ustanovljena je statistički značajna povezanost između namjera o ostanku/napuštanju sela i ocjena kvalitete institucionalne i infrastrukture opremljenosti naselja, uvjeta za zapošljavanje u lokalnom okružju i međususjedskih odnosa. Ove uvjete znatno lošije ocjenjuju stanovnici sela koji razmišljaju o preseljenju.This study reports the results of the survey conducted in December 2006 and January 2007, on a sample of 941 rural inhabitants, aged from 25 to 45. The focus of attention was the perception of the quality of living standard in their communities and intentions of staying or leaving the rural area. The goal of the research was to determine the main reasons for leaving rural areas and basic demographic characteristics of potential migrants. Results show that 20% of respondents intend to leave the rural area in the near future. The most common reason for migration and the main push factor is unemployment as well as the desire to improve living conditions for the family and the solution to these problems is often perceived as something that can be attained in the cities. Younger respondents with higher level of education and respondents with no family and no suitable living space are more likely to leave rural areas. There is a statistically significant correlation between intention to stay or leave the rural area and the ratings of the quality of institutional and infrastructural conditions in the communities, conditions for employment and interpersonal relations in the area. All these conditions receive significantly lower ratings by rural inhabitants who consider migrating.Die vorliegende Arbeit präsentiert die Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung, die im Dezember 2006 und Januar 2007 unter 941 Bewohnern verschiedener kroatischer Dörfer im Alter von 25 bis 45 Jahren durchgeführt wurde. Im Mittelpunkt der Analyse stehen die Wahrnehmung der Lebensqualität im eigenen Wohnort und die eventuelle Absicht, aus der ländlichen Heimat abzuwandern. Die Verfasser wollten ermitteln, welche Hauptgründe die Menschen dazu bewegen, ihre ländlichen Heimatorte zu verlassen, und welche grundlegenden demografischen Merkmale die potenziellen Abwanderer aufweisen. Laut Ergebnissen hegt jeder fünfte Untersuchungsteilnehmer die Absicht, in absehbarer Zeit seinen ländlichen Heimatort zu verlassen. Als häufigster Abwanderungsgrund wird Arbeitslosigkeit angegeben sowie der Wunsch, sich und der Familie eine bessere Existenzgrundlage in der Stadt zu verschaffen. Jüngere Menschen mit einer besseren Ausbildung, Arbeitslose sowie unverheiratete Personen ohne eine eigene Immobilie neigen eher dazu, ihr Dorf zu verlassen. Ermittelt wurde ein statistisch relevanter Bezug zwischen Abwanderungsabsichten und der institutionellen und technischen Infrastruktur des Heimatortes, den Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten im unmittelbaren Umfeld sowie den zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen. Die genannten Faktoren werden von abwanderungswilligen Menschen deutlich schlechter bewertet als von Menschen, die ihren Heimatort nicht verlassen wollen


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    Vodena leća je sitna slobodno plivajuća vodena biljka koja nastanjuje mirne ribnjake bogate nutrijentima. Nagli reproduktivni kapacitet vodene leće može potpuno prekriti ribnjak u samo nekoliko tjedana a ta pojava ne predstavlja samo estetski problem već ljeti može izazvati i pomor riba u ribnjaku pa je stoga nužno redovito je uklanjati. U ovom radu cilj je bio utvrditi potencijal vodene leće za proizvodnju bioplina u usporedbi s kukuruznom silažom čija je uporaba u te svrhe vrlo često osporavana budući da kukuruz predstavlja jednu od glavnih žitarica u ljudskoj i prehrani životinja. Vodena leća se svrstava u drugu generaciju biogoriva te se stoga može smatrati vrlo poželjnom sirovinom za proizvodnju bioplina. Prinos bioplina kukuruzne silaže iznosi 180 m3/t dok su prinosi vodene leće neznatno manji, 176 m3/t. Sukladno prinosu bioplina vodene leće napravljeni su proračuni o isplativosti njezina uzgoja na ribnjacima u HR, troškovima izgradnje i proizvodnji energije u tri bioplinska postrojenja snage 1 MW pri čemu su uzeti u obzir troškovi prikupljanja, transporta i manipulacije tom sirovinom.Duckweed is a tiny free-floating aquatic plant which is typically found in quiet, nutrient rich ponds. The plants explosive reproductive capacity can make a pond completely covered in just a few weeks and this not only causes aesthetic problems, but summer fish kills are common too, so it is necessary to regularly remove it. The aim of this study was to determine the duckweed potential for biogas production compared to corn silage whose use for this purposes is often disputed because corn is one of the major cereals in human and animal nutrition. Duckweed is classified as a second generation of biofuels so it could be considered highly desirable feedstock for biogas production. The biogas yield of corn silage amounts to 180 m3/t while the yield of duckweed is slightly smaller, 176 m3/t. According to biogas yield of duckweed calculations of profitability of its cultivation on the fishponds in Croatia, construction costs and energy production in three biogas plants of 1 MW power were performed, also considering costs for collecting, transportation and manipulation of this feedstock


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    Vodena leća je sitna slobodno plivajuća vodena biljka koja nastanjuje mirne ribnjake bogate nutrijentima. Nagli reproduktivni kapacitet vodene leće može potpuno prekriti ribnjak u samo nekoliko tjedana a ta pojava ne predstavlja samo estetski problem već ljeti može izazvati i pomor riba u ribnjaku pa je stoga nužno redovito je uklanjati. U ovom radu cilj je bio utvrditi potencijal vodene leće za proizvodnju bioplina u usporedbi s kukuruznom silažom čija je uporaba u te svrhe vrlo često osporavana budući da kukuruz predstavlja jednu od glavnih žitarica u ljudskoj i prehrani životinja. Vodena leća se svrstava u drugu generaciju biogoriva te se stoga može smatrati vrlo poželjnom sirovinom za proizvodnju bioplina. Prinos bioplina kukuruzne silaže iznosi 180 m3/t dok su prinosi vodene leće neznatno manji, 176 m3/t. Sukladno prinosu bioplina vodene leće napravljeni su proračuni o isplativosti njezina uzgoja na ribnjacima u HR, troškovima izgradnje i proizvodnji energije u tri bioplinska postrojenja snage 1 MW pri čemu su uzeti u obzir troškovi prikupljanja, transporta i manipulacije tom sirovinom.Duckweed is a tiny free-floating aquatic plant which is typically found in quiet, nutrient rich ponds. The plants explosive reproductive capacity can make a pond completely covered in just a few weeks and this not only causes aesthetic problems, but summer fish kills are common too, so it is necessary to regularly remove it. The aim of this study was to determine the duckweed potential for biogas production compared to corn silage whose use for this purposes is often disputed because corn is one of the major cereals in human and animal nutrition. Duckweed is classified as a second generation of biofuels so it could be considered highly desirable feedstock for biogas production. The biogas yield of corn silage amounts to 180 m3/t while the yield of duckweed is slightly smaller, 176 m3/t. According to biogas yield of duckweed calculations of profitability of its cultivation on the fishponds in Croatia, construction costs and energy production in three biogas plants of 1 MW power were performed, also considering costs for collecting, transportation and manipulation of this feedstock

    Agronomska performanca i iskoristivost Cameline sative u svrhu proizvodnje biopl

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    This research was set up in 2013 in agroecological conditions of continental Croatia (3 different locations). The extperiment was set as a split-plot design in four replicates, with three levels of the main treatments of soil tillage (CT - plowing; MD - reduced multiple disk harrowing; SD - reduced single disk harrowing) and levels of subtreatment fertilization (F0 - control; F1 - standard KAN fertilization; F2 - fertilization with 5% urea solution; F3 - Profert Mara; F4 - Profert NGT; F5 - Thiofer; F6 - EM Aktiv). The highest camelina grain and biomass yield was achieved in the subtreatment F6 when using microbiological fertilizer EM Aktiv, regardless of the applied agrotechnics. After the harvest experiment, anaerobic batch co-digestion of camelina and cow manure was conducted under thermophilic conditions to determine camelina\u27s potential for biogas production. The biogas potential of camelina was expressed as biogas and methane yields which ranged from 382.00 and 246.04 cm3 g-1 VS, respectively. If compared to maize which is often used as a standard for comparison of methane yields, maize methane yields are higher by 21 to 40%.Istraživanje je postavljeno 2013. godine u agroekološkim uvjetima kontinentalne Hrvatske (3 različite lokacije). Pokus je postavljen po split-plot shemi u četiri ponavljanja, s tri razine glavnih tretmana obrade tla (CT - oranje; MD - reducirano višestruko tanjuranje; SD - reducirano drljanje jednom tanjuračom) i razinama gnojidbe podtretmana (F0 - kontrola; F1 - standardna gnojidba KAN-om; F2 - gnojidba 5% otopinom uree; F3 - Profert Mara; F4 - Profert NGT; F5 - Thiofer; F6 - EM Aktiv). Najveći prinos zrna i biomase kameline ostvaren je u podtretmanu F6 uz korištenje mikrobiološkog gnojiva EM Aktiv, neovisno o primijenjenoj agrotehnici. Nakon eksperimenta žetve, provedena je anaerobna šaržna kodigestija kameline i kravlje gnojovke u termofilnim uvjetima s ciljem određivanja potencijala kameline za proizvodnju bioplina. Bioplinski potencijal kameline izražen je preko prinosa bioplina i metana koji su se kretali od 382.00 odnosno 246.04 cm3 g-1 OT. U usporedbi s kukuruzom koji se često koristi kao standard za usporedbu prinosa metana, prinosi metana proizvedenog iz zrna kukuruza veći su za 21 do 40 %

    The influence of climate changes on the production of domestic ham

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    Klima je sustav koji se konstantno mijenja djelovanjem sunčeve i vulkanske aktivnosti te astronomskih parametara, a kroz zadnje stoljeće i povećanjem ljudskih aktivnosti. Upravo ljudska aktivnost je povećala atmosferske koncentracije stakleničkih plinova i uzrokovala porast temperature. Mjerenja pokazuju da je zatopljenje izraženije nad kopnom nego nad morem, odnosno da je jače nad Europom, Sjevernom Amerikom i Azijom, nego nad Australijom, Afrikom i južnom Amerikom. U Republici Hrvatskoj porast temperatura izraženiji je na obali nego u kontinentalnim dijelovima zemlje, ali je taj porast na priobalju izraženiji u toplom dijelu godine, dok je u kopnenim područjima taj porast izraženiji tijekom zimskog perioda. Upravo to povećanje temperatura u zimskom dijelu godine pogađa proizvođače domaće šunke i ostalih suhomesnatih proizvoda u kontinentalnom dijelu zemlje. U tradicionalnoj proizvodnji šunki proizvođači su šunke stavljali na zrenje najčešće u tavanske prostore kuća, gdje je bio zadovoljavajući protok zraka, oslanjajući se na utjecaj prirode tj. klimu toga dijela godine. Promjenom klime, došlo je do već spomenutih povišenih temperatura, koje u fazi zrenja šunki negativno utječu na kvalitetu samog proizvoda te je cilj ovoga rada ukazati kako te promjene utječu na dugogodišnju tradicijsku proizvodnju šunki i kako je za budućnost nužno uvođenje promjena u tu proizvodnju.The climate is a system that is constantly changing due to solar and volcanic activities, astronomical parameters, and also due to the increase of human activities throughout the last century. Human activity increased the atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases and caused a temperature rise. Measurements show that the warming is more pronounced over the land than over the sea, i.e. it is stronger over Europe, North America, and Asia; than over Australia, Africa, and South America. In the Republic of Croatia, the increase in temperatures is more pronounced on the coast than in the continental parts of the country, but this increase on the coast is manifested in the warm part of the year, while in the inland areas, the increase is manifested during the winter period. This increase in temperatures in the winter part of the year affects the producers of domestic ham and other dried meat products in the continental part of the country. In traditional ham production, the producers usually placed ham for ripening in the attic spaces of houses, where there was a satisfactory air flow, relying on the influence of nature, i.e., the climate of that part of the year. In traditional ham production, the producers usually placed ham for ripening in the attic spaces of houses, where there was a satisfactory air flow, relying on the influence of nature, i.e. the climate of that part of the year. Given that climate change is already present and that it directly affects the agricultural sector, this paper aimed to show how these changes affect the long-standing traditional production of ham and how it is necessary to introduce production changes in the future

    Influence of different genetic and paragenetic factors in pig breeding on the hams and prosciutto quality

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    Republika Hrvatska zbog svojih klimatskih, zemljopisnih i tradicijskih osobitosti ima bogatu tradiciju proizvodnje i pripreme različitih suhomesnatih proizvoda koji se odlikuju posebnom kvalitetom i tradicionalnim načinom proizvodnje. Šunka i pršut su tako među najpoznatijim suhomesnatim proizvodima kod nas, a kategoriziramo ih kao trajne suhomesnate proizvode od svinjskog mesa. Razlika između šunki i pršuta je u obradi butova i tehnologiji proizvodnje. Najpoznatija hrvatska šunka je slavonska šunka koja se proizvodi od obrađenog svinjskog buta iz kojega se vadi križna kost (os sacrum) i zdjelične kosti (bočna sjedna i preponska) te se donji rub buta polukružno zaobli, kako bi bio oko 6 cm od glave bedrene kosti. Nakon toga u but se utrljava sol (suho soljenje/salamurenje) ili se but potapa u salamuru (vlažno solenje/salamurenje) kroz 30 dana, poslije čega slijedi dimljenje (sušenje) na dimu drveta ili strugotine jasena, bukve, graba ili hrasta. Po završetku dimljenja pristupa se završnoj fazi tzv. zrenju šunki, u posebnim prostorijama s optimalnom mikroklimom, kroz 7-8 mjeseci, ovisno o masi buta. Najpoznatiji hrvatski pršuti su: Dalmatinski pršut, Istarski pršut, Drniški pršut i Krčki pršut. Ovi pršuti razlikuju se po tehnologiji proizvodnje, a prema Pravilniku o mesnim proizvodima koji je na snazi u Republici Hrvatskoj, svi ti pršuti su proizvodi od svinjskog buta sa kostima, sa ili bez kože i potkožnog masnog tkiva, sa ili bez nogice, i zdjeličnih kostiju, bez repa, sa ili bez dodataka začina, koji se konzerviraju postupkom suhog soljenja ili salamurenja, sa ili bez dimljenja te podvrgnutim procesima sušenja i zrenja kroz najmanje 9 mjeseci. Da bi se proizvela kvalitetna šunka ili pršut, neophodno je osigurati kvalitetnu osnovnu sirovinu (meso buta). Na kvalitetu svinjskih polovica utječe uz genetske (genotip svinja) i niz paragenetskih čimbenika: hranidba, sustav držanja, dob svinja, spol, kastracija, završna tjelesna masa svinja, postupak sa svinjama prije klanja, tehnologija proizvodnje šunki i pršuta (primarna obrada butova, soljenje, dimljenje, zrenje). Cilj ovoga rada je prikazati kako povezano djelovanje ovih čimbenika utječe na kvalitetu šunki i pršuta.Due to its climatic, geographical and traditional aspects, the Republic of Croatia has a rich tradition of production and preparation of various cured meat products that are characterized by a special quality and traditional method of production. Ham and prosciutto are thus among the most famous cured meat products in Croatia, and are categorized as permanent cured meat pork products. The difference between ham and prosciutto is in the processing of the legs and the production technology. The most famous is Slavonian ham, which is made from processed pork leg with removed sacrum and pelvic bones, whereas the thigh lower edge is semi circularly rounded to about 6 cm from the femoral head. Afterwards, salt (wet salting/brine) is rubbed into the leg or the leg is immersed in brine (dry salting/brine), for 30 days followed by smoking by wood smoke or by ash, beech, hornbeam or oak sawdust smoke. After smoking follows the final stage of hams maturing which takes place in special rooms with a optimal microclimate for 7-8 months, depending on the hem weight. The most famous Croatian prosciuttos are: Dalmatian prosciutto, Istrian prosciutto, Drniš prosciutto and Krk prosciutto. These hams differ in production technology, and according to the Ordinance on meat products which is in force in the Republic of Croatia, all these hams are pork leg products with bones, with or without skin and subcutaneous fat, with or without legs, and pelvic bones, without tail, with or without the addition of spices, preserved by dry salting or brining, with or without smoking and subjected to drying and maturing processes for at least 9 months. In order to produce quality ham or prosciutto, it is necessary to provide a quality basic raw material (ham meat). The quality of pig carcasses is affected by genetic (pig’s genotype) and a number of paragenetic factors: nutrition, housing system, age of pigs, sex, castration, final body weight of pigs, procedure with pigs before slaughter, ham and prosciutto production technology (primary processing of hams, salting, smoking, ripening). The aim of this paper is to show how the combined action of these factors affects the quality of hams and prosciutto

    Proizvodnja i percepcija govora

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    Zbornik radova okupio je 57 domaćih i inozemnih autora/ica, koji/e kroz 33 rada, iz različitih istraživačkih kutova, obrađuju recentne teme o proizvodnji i percepciji govora, te o njihovoj međuovisnosti u govornom procesu. Knjiga je posvećena profesoru Damiru Horgi povodom njegova sedamdesetog rođendana. Uz svaki rad naveden je sažetak na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku. Zbornik je objavljen u suizdavaštvu Odsjeka za fonetiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Odjela za fonetiku Hrvatskoga filološkog društva i FF-pressa.Zbornik radova okupio je 57 domaćih i inozemnih autora/ica, koji/e kroz 33 rada, iz različitih istraživačkih kutova, obrađuju recentne teme o proizvodnji i percepciji govora, te o njihovoj međuovisnosti u govornom procesu. Knjiga je posvećena profesoru Damiru Horgi povodom njegova sedamdesetog rođendana. Uz svaki rad naveden je sažetak na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku. Zbornik je objavljen u suizdavaštvu Odsjeka za fonetiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Odjela za fonetiku Hrvatskoga filološkog društva i FF-pressa