303 research outputs found

    U spomen: Akademik Nikola Kallay

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    Changes of the content of biogenic amines during winemaking of Sauvignon wines

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    The aim of the present work was to study the changes of the content of biogenic amines during winemaking and maturation processes of wines made from Vitis vinifera cv Sauvignon grapes from Slavonia region (vintage 2008). Biogenic amines were quantified using a reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection after pre-column derivatization with o-phthalaldehyde (OPA). Samples used in this study were obtained during production of Sauvignon wines in three different ways in order to produce quality wine (QW), quality press wine (QPW) and macerated wines (MW). The QPW corresponds to the first fraction obtained by direct pressing pomace, while the QW is the free run wine. The MW was obtained by grape mash cryomaceration. Putrescine and tryptamine were the most prevalent amines, followed by histamine, cadaverine and tyramine. The macerated wine posses higher content of biogenic amines than press and free run wines. In all analysed wines the content of biogenic amines tends to increase during winemaking and maturation and the main increase was detected during the malolactic fermentation. The detected content of histamine and tyramine were below the content considered to have an adverse effect on human health

    Doxycycline Influence on Bone Remodelling after Therapy of Periapical Lesions

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    Svrha je istraživanja bila ocijeniti preoblikovanje kosti nakon endodontske terapije periapeksnih lezija kombinirane s uporabom doksiciklina, mjerenjem površine osteoida, debljine osteoida, osteoklastnog indeksa i broja upalnih stanica u usporedbi s preoblikovanjem kosti nakon endodontske terapije bez uporabe antibiotika na psećemu modelu. Pokus je izveden na šest pasa mješanaca. Endodontska je terapija učinjena 35 dana nakon namjernoga trepaniranja pulpne komore. Mehanička obrada ProFile® Ni-Ti rotirajućim instrumentima, crown-down tehnikom, izvedena je na 39 korijenskih kanala koji su zatim punjeni Thermafill® obturatorima i Top Seal® cementom, na radiološki potvrđenoj duljini do apeksne delte. Kaviteti su zatim ispunjeni amalgamom. Životinje su podijeljene u skupinu 1 (antibiotska; tri životinje; 21 korijen) i u skupinu 2 (neantibiotska; tri životinje; 17 korijena). Neposredno nakon endodontske terapije životinje iz skupine 1 primale su doksiciklin (10 mg/kg, Hiramicin®, Pliva d.d., Zagreb, Hrvatska) tijekom 12 dana. Sve životinje su žrtvovane 35. dana nakon endodontske terapije, te su čeljusti uklopljene u metil-metakrilat. Nedemineralizirani rezovi debeli 5 µm obojeni su Toluidinskim modrilom. Histomorfometrijski indeksi (površina osteoida, debljina osteoida, osteoklastni indeks i broj upalnih stanica) mjereni su svjetlosnim mikroskopom služeći se računalnim programom (ISSA, Vams, Zagreb, Hrvatska). Vrijednosti debljine osteoida (skupina 1: 15,33 µm ± 33,49; skupina 2: 15,62 µm ± 7,41; p > 0,05) i broja upalnih stanica ( group 1: 117,16 ± 38,66 ; group 2: 111,39 ± 75,81; p>0,05) nisu pokazale statistički znatne razlike između skupina. Razlika između skupina statistički je bila znatna između mjerenih vrijednosti površine osteoida i osteoklastnog indeksa. Površina osteoida veća je u skupini 1 (skupina 1: 30,56% ± 15,51; skupina 2: 10,34% ± 11,60; p < 0,0001). Osteoklastni je indeks niži u skupini 1 (skupina 1: 43,13 mm - 2 ± 41,25; skupina 2: 111,34 mm - 2 ± 115,46; p<0,001). Za statističke raščlambe uporabljen je Mann-Whitney U test. Ne postoji razlika u debljini osteoida i broju upalnih stanica među skupinama. Površina osteoida je veća, a osteoklastni indeks je manji u skupini 1 (antibiotska skupina), što upozorava na veći potencijal koštanoga cijeljenja.The aim of the study was to evaluate bone remodelling after endodontic therapy of periapical lesions combined with doxycycline administration by measuring osteoid surface, osteoid thickness, osteoclast index and inflammatory cell count in comparison with bone remodelling after endodontic therapy whithout antibiotic administration in dogs. The experiment was conducted on six mongrel dogs. Endodontic therapy was performed 35 days after artificial dental pulp exposure. A total of 30 roots were cleaned and shaped by Crown-down technique with Profile® rotary instruments and filled with Thermafill® at the lenght to the apical delta confirmed radiographically. Cavities were sealed with amalgam. Animals were then divided into group 1 (antibiotic, three animals with 21 roots) and group 2 (non-antibiotic, three animals with 17 roots). Immediately after endodontic therapy, animals in group 1 were treated by administration of doxycycline (10 mg/kg, Hiramicin, Pliva d.d., Zagreb, Croatia) for a period od 12 days. All animals were sacrified 35 days after endodontic therapy and mandibles embedded in methylmetacrylate. Undemineralized sections 5 µm thick were stained with toluidine blue. The histomorphometric indices (osteoid surface, osteoid thickness, osteoclast index and inflammatory cell count) were measured by light microscopy using computer program (ISSA, Vams, Zagreb, Croatia). Osteoid thickness (group 1: 15.33 µm ± 33.49; group 2: 15.62 µm ± 7.41 ; p > 0.05) and inflammatory cell count (group 1: 117.16 ± 38.66; group 2: 111.39 ± 75.81; p > 0.05) did not show statistically significant difference. The difference between groups was statistically significant in measured indices of osteoid surface and osteoclast index. Osteoid surface was greater in group 1 (group 1: 30.56 ± 15.51; group 2: 10.34% ± 11.60; p < 0.0001). Osteoclast index was lower in group 1 (group 1: 43.13 mm - 2 ± 41.25; group 2: 111.34 mm - 2 ± 115.46 ; p < 0.0001). Statistical analysis was performed using Mann-Whitney U test. There was no difference in osteoid thickness and inflammatory cell count between the two groups. Osteoid surface was higher and osteoclast index lower in group 1 (antibiotic treated group) which indicates greater bone tissue healing potential

    Evaluation of Bone Remodelling After Endodontic Therapy of the Periapecal Lesion

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    Svrha je istraživanja ocijentit preoblikovanje kosti mjereći površinu osteoida, debljinu osteoida, osteoklasni indeks i broj upalnih stanica nakon dviju različitih endodontskih terapija periapeksnih lezija na psećim zubima. Na 23 donja premolara (37 korijenskih kanala) 6 pasa mješanaca inducirane su periapeksne lezije. U skupini 1, 17 korijenskih kanala instrumentirano je do apeksne delte crown-down tehnikom služeći se ProFile® Ni-Ti rotirajućim instrumentima napunjeno do iste dužine tehnikom Thermafill® i Top Seal® cementom. Ostalih 20 korijenskih kanala (skupina 2) instrumentirani su tehnikom kontrolirane preinstrumentacije do točke određene elektroodontometrijski (električni apeks lokator EED-11, Struja, Zagreb, Hrvatska). Kanali su napunjeni tehnikomThermafill® na dužini 2 mm kraćoj od radne dužine. U objema skupinama dužina punjenja provjerena je radiološki, a pristupni kaviteti ispunjeni amalgamom. Životinje su žrtvovane 35 dana nakon endodontske terapije. Nedemineralizirani rezovi debeli 5-7 mm obojeni su Toluidinskim modrilom. Histomorfometrijski indeksi (površina osteoida, debljina osteoida, osteoklasni indeks i broj upalnih stanica) mjereni su svjetlosnim mikroskopom koristeći se računalnim programom (ISSA, Vams, Zagreb, Hrvatska). Razlike između skupina statistički su znatne za sve mjerene indekse. U skupini 1 površina osteoida je manja (10,34 % ± 11,60), a tako i debljina osteoida (15,62 µm ± 7,41) i broj upalnih stanica (111,39 ± 75,81), dok je osteoklastni indeks viši (111,34 mm - 2 ± 115,46). U skupini 2 površina osteoida je veća (33,21 % ± 21,43), kao i debljina osteoida (16,26 µm ± 6,46) i broj upalnih stanica (137,62 ± 46,34) a osteoklastni je indeks niži (27,00 mm - 2 ± 39,03). Za statističke raščlambe upotrijebljen je Mann-Whitney U test. Rezultati dobiveni mjerenjem morfometrijskih indeksa pokazuju održavanje aktivnosti resorpcije kosti u skupini 1 i brže stvaranje kosti u skupini 2. Veći broj upalnih stanca u skupini 2 vjerojatno je uzrokovan dodatnom traumom periapeksnoga tkiva prigodom preinstrumentacije. Ova trauma ne utječe na remodelaciju kosti.The aim of the study was to evaluate bone remodelling by measuring osteoid surface, osteoid thickness, osteoclast index and inflammatory cell count after two differnet approaches in endodontic therapy of periapecal lesion on dogs’ teeth. After inducing periapecal lesion in 23 mandibular premolars (37 root canals) from six mongrel dogs, 17 root canals were instrumented to the apical delta with crowndown techniwue using ProFile® Ni-Ti rotary instruments and filled to the same length with Thermafill® obturation technique and Top Seal® cement (group 1). The other 20 root canals (group 2) were instrumented using controlled overinstrumentation technique to the point determined ellectronically (electronic apex locator EED-11, Struja, Zagreb, Croatia). Teeth were obturated with Thermafill® at the length 2mm shorter than the working length. Length of obturation was confirmed radiographically and access cavities sealed with amalgam in both groups. The animals were sacrified 35 days after the end of endodontic treatment. Undemineralizad sections 5-7 mm thick were stained with toluidine blue. The histomorphometric indices (oseoid surface, osteoid thickness, osteoclast index and inflammatory cell count) were measured by light microscopy using computer program (ISSA, Vams, Zagreb, Croatia). The difference between grops was statistically significant in all measured indices. In group 1 the osteoid surface was lower (10.34 % ± 11.60) as well as osteiod thickness (15.62 µm ± 7.41) and inflammatory cell count (111.39 ± 75.81) while osteoclast index was higher (111.34 mm - 2 ± 115.46). In group 2 osteoid surface was higher (33.21 % ± 21.43) as well as osteoid thickness (16.26 µm ± 6.46) and inflammatory cell count (137.62 ± 46.34), while osteoclast index was lower (27.00 mm - 2 ± 39.03). Stastistical analysis was performed using Menn-Whitney U Test. Results obtained by measuring histomorphometric indices indicate sustained bone resorption activity in group 1 anf faster bone formation in group 2. The greater number of inflammatory cells in group 2 was probaly caused by additional trauma of periapical tissues during overinstrumentation. This trauma does not interfere with bone remodelling

    Regulation of the SOX3 Gene Expression by Retinoid Receptors

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    Sox3/SOX3 gene is considered to be one of the earliest neural markers in vertebrates. Despite the mounting evidence that Sox3/SOX3 is one of the key players in the development of the nervous system, limited data are available regarding the transcriptional regulation of its expression. This review is focused on the retinoic acid induced regulation of SOX3 gene expression, with particular emphasis on the involvement of retinoid receptors. Experiments with human embryonal carcinoma cells identified two response elements involved in retinoic acid/retinoid X receptor-dependent activation of the SOX3 gene expression: distal atypical retinoic acid-response element, consisting of two unique G-rich boxes separated by 49 bp, and proximal element comprising DR-3-like motif, composed of two imperfect hexameric half-sites. Importantly, the retinoic acid-induced SOX3 gene expression could be significantly down-regulated by a synthetic antagonist of retinoid receptors. This cell model provides a solid base for further studies on mechanism(s) underlying regulation of expression of SOX3 gene, which could improve the understanding of molecular signals that induce neurogenesis in the stem/progenitor cells both during development and in adulthood

    Development of artistic expression in deaf and hard-of-hearing preschool children

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    This paper discusses the development and specifics of artistic expression in deaf and hard-of-hearing preschool children. We analyzed the significance of the stages of artistic development and the therapeutic effect of artistic expression. A drawing made by a deaf or hard-of-hearing child provides the opportunity to assess their cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development, the development of perception, a sense of beauty, and creativity. Through expressive and aesthetic development, children expand their knowledge and skills in nonverbal, visual, auditory, sensory, and verbal experiences. The artistic expression of deaf and hard-of-hearing children does not lag behind that of a hearing child. Visual representations of children with hearing impairment are much more realistic than those of hearing children. Visual perception of deaf and hard-of-hearing children contains many details related to physiognomy, movement, facial expression, body posture, and color. Children use art to communicate with themselves and the environment. In deaf and hard-of-hearing preschool children, it is necessary to develop all functions of nonverbal and verbal communication through artistic expression