132 research outputs found

    Identification and characterization of rat β-DRE binding factors involved in erythroid-specific induction of transcription

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    Identifikovali smo i okarakterisali DNK vezujuće proteine koji specifično prepoznaju transkripcioni regulatorni element βDRE iz βbminy-globinskog promotora pacova. βDRE je evolutivno konzervisan u adultnim β-globinskim promotorima sisara. Potvrdili smo da bDRE regulatorni element doprinosi transkripcionoj inducibilnosti βbminy-globinskog gena pacova u pacovskim eritroleukemičnim ćelijama. Korišćenjem "gel mobility shift" i South-Western metoda i kompeticionih eseja, pokazali smo da se za βDRE pacovskog βbminy-globinskog promotora specifično vezuju eritroidno-specifični transkripcioni faktor od 60 kD i dva opšta transkripciona faktora od 35 i 20 kD poreklom iz pacovskih eritroleukemičnih ćelija. Takođe, eritroidna diferencijacija REL ćelija je praćena značajnim povećanjem količine transkripcionog faktora od 60 kD.We have identified and characterized a DNA-binding activity with specificity for the β-globin direct repeat element (βDRE) from rat βbminy-globin promoter, an evolutionarily conserved transcriptional regulatory element in mammalian adult β-globin promoters. We have also confirmed that the βDRE contributed to the transcriptional inducibility of rat βbminy-globin gene in rat erythroleukemia (REL) cells. By using gel mobility shift and South-Western blot competition studies we have shown that 60 kD erythroid-specific transcription factor and 35 kD and 20 kD ubiquitous factors from rat erythroleukemia cells specifically bind to the βDRE from the rat βbminy-globin promoter. Additionally, a significant increase in the quantity of 60 kD transcription factor was observed upon erythroid differentiation of REL cells

    Doprinos tradicijskih igara kvaliteti međuljudskih odnosa i učestalosti druženja učenika u primarnom obrazovanju

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    The goal of this research was to examine the contribution of traditional games to the quality of relations and to the frequency of students\u27 socialization in primary education. A modified version of the School Violence Questionnaire was implemented on a sample of 232 students in the second, third and fourth grades in four primary schools in Karlovac. The first testing determined the quality of students\u27 relations and the frequency of their socialization. After applying the traditional games, in June 2010, a final test was implemented. Two hypotheses assumed the existence of a statistically significant difference in the quality of relations and the frequency of students\u27 socializations before and after the implementation of traditional games. The research results have shown an improvement of human relations between students in class, and an increase of students\u27 socialization outside classes, after implementing traditional games in school.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati doprinos tradicijskih igara kvaliteti međuljudskih odnosa i učestalosti druženja učenika primarnog obrazovanja. Modificirana verzija Upitnika o školskom nasilju (Buljan Flander, Karlović, Štimac, 2003) primijenjena je na uzorku od 232 učenika drugih, trećih i četvrtih razreda u četiri karlovačke osnovne škole. Prvim je ispitivanjem utvrđena kvaliteta međuljudskih odnosa i učestalost druženja učenika, a nakon primjene deset tradicijskih igara, u lipnju 2010. godine, provedeno je finalno ispitivanje. Dvjema hipotezama pretpostavljeno je postojanje statistički značajne razlike u kvaliteti međuljudskih odnosa i učestalosti druženja učenika prije i nakon provođenja tradicijskih igara. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su poboljšanje međuljudskih odnosa među učenicima u razredu te porast druženja učenika izvan nastave nakon provođenja tradicijskih igara u školi

    Antimikrobna aktivnost sastojaka biljaka

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    For a long period of time, plants have been a good source of natural products and chemicals for maintaining human health and for treatment of some illness. It is known and proved by in vitro experiments that numerous chemicals isolated from plants possess antimicrobial activity. Those substances belong to the different chemical classes: terpenoids and essential oils, triterpenoids and triterpenoidal saponins, steroidal saponins, sesquiterpenes, diterpenes, alkaloids, flavonoids, quinones, polyols, tannins, simple phenols, phenocarboxylic acids, coumarines, lignans, lectines, proteins, fatty acids, sugars etc. The potential for developing those substances to the antibiotic remedies is not so big and powerful. But chemical compounds isolated from natural sources could be inspiration for new drugs. Besides, natural products (substance) with weak antibacterial activity could be combined; the effect of those mixtures is better than after application of each product (substance) alone. Many compounds of plant origin have been identified that inhibit different stage in the replication cycle of human immunodeficiency virus. The main information are given in this text. There is no lot of herbal remedies, at the market, labeled as herbal antibiotics. Herbs and herbal drugs containing substances with antimicrobial activity are mainly declared as antiseptics and can be used for treatment of oral and different condition of upper respiratory tract, urinary tract, skin etc

    Hormonima slični sastojci biljaka

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    The plants are not capable to synthesise substances with the same chemical structure like hormones from humans or animals. But it is quite clear that substances which can influence the homeostasis of hormones in other living organisms can be found in plants. Some constituents of the plants are chemically very similar to hormones and they can demonstrate some activities of hormones. Besides, they can influence the concentration of hormones in the humans, mainly trough the changes in the metabolic pathways or they can change the effects of hormones without influence in concentration or natural activity of endocrine glands; gossypol prevents spermatogenesis without altering the other endocrine function of the testicles. Plants can be used as a row material for the extraction of substances which can be transformed to the hormones or their derivatives. This transformation can be obtained only in laboratory conditions and can not be performed in the human body. From this approach plant's steroids are the most important. Diosgenin from the tuber of Dioscorea species is the main and the most important molecule for the semi-synthesis of sex hormones as well as cortisone. The substances known as phytoestrogens have a great importance for the every day use as OTC or dietary supplements for the prevention and/or therapy of mild symptoms of menopause. Some plants are capable to accumulate substances with estrogen like activities known as phytoestrogens. Those substances do not have steroid structure. Mainly, they belong to polyphenols (coumestanes, isoflavones, flavonoids, stilbenes, lignans). Because of specific chemical characteristics, these compounds have affinity for binding to α and/or β oestrogen receptors. Up to day, the best knowledge we have for isoflavones and their application in the treatment of mild symptoms of menopause. The results of clinical studies of isoflavons have shown only the positive effect on the ratio between lipid fractions in serum and influence to the reduction of cardiovascular diseases. The isoflavones (genistein and daidzein) are the most used as soybean (Glycine max) and red clover (Trifolium pratense) preparations. Daily dose with confirmed therapeutic efficacy corresponds to 40-160 mg of isoflavones.Biljke nisu sposobne da sintetišu supstance koje su hemijski identične humanim i animalnim hormonima. Ipak, sasvim je sigurno da biljke sadrže supstance koje mogu da utiču na hormonsku homeostazu u živim organizmima. Neki sastojci biljaka su hemijski veoma slični hormonima pa se smatralo da, do određene granice, mogu ispoljiti i hormonsku aktivnost; ovakve tvrdnje treba i dokazati. Zatim, pojedini sastojci biljaka mogu uticati na koncentraciju hormona, najčešće, preko uticaja na metaboličke puteve i enzime koji ih usmeravaju. Dalje, sastojci biljaka mogu uticati na hormonsku aktivnost, a da ne utiču na aktivnost žlezda sa unutrašnjim lučenjem i/ili da ne dovode do promene koncentracije hormona u krvi; npr. gosipol sprečava spermatogenezu, a da pri tom ne utiče na ostale endokrine funkcije testisa. Ipak, najvažnija je činjenica da biljke predstavljaju sirovinu za ekstrakciju supstanci koje će biti prevedene u hormone ili derivate hormona. Transformacija jedinjenja dobijenih iz biljaka može biti izvedena samo u laboratorijskim (industrijskim) uslovima i ne može se obaviti u ljudskom organizmu. Sa ovog stanovišta, najvažnija su prirodna steroidna jedinjenja. Diosgenin iz krtole Dioscorea vrsta je najvažnije prirodno jedinjenje za polusintezu steroidnih seksualnih hormona i kortizona. Treba spomenuti fitohormone; nemaju hemijsku strukturu sličnu hormonima, ali mogu ispoljavati neke hormonske efekte. U okviru ovakve grupe, najpoznatiji su fitoestrogeni (koumestana, izoflavona, flavonoida, stilbena i lignana). Svakodnevno se koriste u obliku lekova za samolečenje i dijetetskih suplemenatar za prevenciju nastanka i terapiju blažih oblika simptoma menopauze. Fitoestrogeni se mogu specifično vezati za α i/ili β estrogene receptore. Najbolje proučeni izoflavoni i njihova terapijska primena; potvrđen je pozitivan efekat na odnos u okviru frakcija lipida u serumu, što se može povezati sa manjom incidencom kardiovaskularnih problema. Najčešće se koriste genistein i daidzein iz soje (Glycine max) i crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense). Dnevna doza ovih izoflavona, za koju je potvrđena klinička efikasnost, iznosi 40-160 mg

    Mogućnost primene biljnih droga i sastojaka biljaka za regulaciju povećane telesne mase

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    In the treatment of obesity the main goal is reduction of nutritive intake obtained by diet. To reach that, different approaches can be made: reduction or suppression of appetite, using smaller portions of food or food with lower nutritive (energetic) value. Besides, absorption of nutriment from intestine, after digestion, can be reduced. Food with more dietary fibers (vegetable, fruits), or products based on derivatives of cellulose, pectin, herbal mucilage or gum (bulk-forming agents) can influence the quantity of food which is taken during a meal. That happens because of their capability to swell up in the stomach and in the intestine and to give feelings of fullness. On the other side, great parts of those products are composed of indigestible carbohydrates; they influence the stool weight and shorten the transit time of the feces. Bulk materials have a little effect on the transport in the small intestine, but they affect colonic transit. Besides, herbal polysaccharides can be partly dissolved in water and give a viscous solution, which can cover the intestine mucosa and reduce the absorption of nutritive constituents from food. Further, for regulation of body weight, stimulant laxatives can be used (anthranoid-containing drugs). They can be used alone or in combination with drugs for better digestion, as well as with diuretics. A lot of herbal teas with this combination of constituents can be found on the market. Use of these teas in combination with low-calories diet, without the professional control, can be danger. Some natural substances and preparations can be used to improve metabolic processes, especially metabolism of lipids (increasing thermogenesis). Recently, products based on caffeine, ephedrine, bromelain, lecithin or carnitine, are very popular as an addition to the body weight regulation treatment. New research reveiled that some natural substances (cis isomer of guggulsterone) may exert antiobesity effects by inhibiting differentiation of preadipocytes, and by inducing apoptosis, as well promoting lipolysis of mature adipocytes. Some herbal products are able to reduce appetite (tannin drugs, large quantity of bitters…) by the affect on gastric mucosa. But more discussed are natural substances with possibility to suppress appetite and influence the feeling of satiety and hunger. Some of those substances can be found in some flowers and fruits (hydroxycitric acid; p-synephrine) or in some fatty oils (pinolenic acid C18:3-5,9,12 from the seeds of Pinus koraiensis) and can be use safely in defined doses. Some others are very powerful appetite suppressant by affection on hypothalamus (Hoodia's steroidal glycosides) without enough proof for safety application in the self design body weight lost treatment.U tretmanu gojaznosti, najvažniji cilj je smanjiti unos hranljivih materija i/ili povećati potrošnju energije. Postoje različiti načini kako se to može postići: smanjenje apetita, uzimanje manje količine hrane ili hrane sa manjom nutritivnom (energetskom) vrednošću. Takođe, moguće je i smanjiti apsorpciju hranljivih sastojaka iz digestivnog trakta. Hrana sa više dijetnih vlakana (povrće, voće), ili proizvodi sa derivatima celuloze, pektinom, biljnim sluzima ili gumama (agensi koji povećavaju zapreminu) mogu da utiču na zapreminu hrane koja se uzima tokom obroka. To se događa zbog osobine ovih sastojaka da bubre u želucu i crevima i daju osećaj sitosti. S druge strane, veći deo ovih materija se sastoji iz nesvarljivih ugljenih hidrata, što utiče na volumen i skraćuje vreme zadržavanja sadržaja u crevima. Sredstva za povećanje zapremine imaju mali efekat na transport u tankom crevu, ali utiču na transport u kolonu. Pored toga, polisaharidi iz biljaka se mogu delimično rastvoriti u vodi i formirati viskozan rastvor, koji će obložiti intestinalnu sluznicu i smanjiti resorpciju hranljivih sastojaka iz hrane. Dalje, za regulaciju telesne mase, mogu biti korišćeni stimulativni laksansi (biljne droge sa antranoidima). Koriste se same ili sa drugim biljnim drogama koje poboljšavaju varenje, ali i sa diureticima. Veliki broj biljnih čajeva, instant čajeva ili kapsula sa ovakvom kombinacijom sastojaka može se naći na tržištu. Upotreba ovakvih proizvoda, u kombinaciji sa niskokaloričnom ishranom, može biti efikasna, ali nekontrolisana i duga primena donosi određene opasnosti (npr. disbalans elektrolita). Neki prirodni proizvodi i preparati se mogu koristiti za ubrzavanje metaboličkih procesa, naročito metabolizma lipida (povećavaju termogenezu). U poslednje vreme, proizvodi sa kofeinom, efedrinom, bromelainom, lecitinom ili karnitinom, veoma su popularni kao dodatak tretmanu za regulaciju telesne mase. Nova istraživanja pokazuju da neka prirodna jedinjenja (cis izomer gugulsterona) mogu ispoljiti efekat na mršavljenje inhibicijom diferencijacije preadipocita, indukujući apoptozu, kao i ubrzavajući lipolizu razvijenih adipocita. Određeni biljni proizvodi umanjuju apetit (droge sa taninima, velike količine gorkih materija...) tako što deluju na sluznicu želuca. U poslednje vreme, međutim, mnogo više se govori o supstancama prirodnog porekla koje mogu da smanje apetit centralnim delovanjem i utiču na osećaj sitosti i gladi. Neke od tih supstanci se mogu naći u nekim cvetovima i plodovima (hidroksilimunska kiselina, p-sinefrin) ili u nekim masnim uljima (pinolenska kiselina iz semena Pinus koraiensis) i mogu se bezbedno koristiti u tačno određenim dozama. Neka druga jedinjenja su veoma moćna sredstva za supresiju apetita tako što deluju na hipotalamus (steroidni glukozidi iz Hoodia sp.) sa nedovoljnom potvrdom o bezbednosti primene u tretmanima za gubitak mase koje planira sam korisnik

    Biljni proizvodi u prevenciji i terapiji blažih oblika simptoma menopauze

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    In the more then 70 % women, the menopause symptoms are not so strong and hormone replacement therapy is not necessary, but that period of their life can be quite unpleasant. In that case, herbal remedies could be taken to improve the quality of life. After the talk with patient and evaluation of symptoms, the duty of pharmacist is to make a choose suitable preparation and recommend it. One group of preparations is based on phytoestrogens (coumestanes, isoflavones, flavonoids, stilbenes, lignans). Because of specific chemical characteristics, these compounds have affinity for binding to α and/or β oestrogen receptors. Up to day, the results of clinical studied have shown only the positive effect on the ratio between lipid fractions in serum and influence the reduction of cardiovascular diseases. The isoflavones (genistein and daidzein) are the most used as soybean (Glycine max) and red clover (Trifolium pratense) preparations. Daily dose corresponds to 40-160 mg of isoflavones. Cimicifuga racemosa roots contain the mixture of triterpene glycosides (27- deoxyactein), traces of isoflavones (formononetin) and flavonols (kaempherol). Its use has positive effect on reduction of hot flushes, outbreaks of sweat and depressive moods. Many studies did not reveal the mechanism of action and explain the results of clinical research. The most abandon opinion is that the triterpenes of black cohosh exhibits dopaminergic effect, while flavonoids (or some other compounds from extract) possess oestrogen-like activity. The standardized extracts of roots are used for formulation of preparations. Daily dose is 2 mg of total triterpenes or 8 mg of extract (2x4mg), and 40 mg of roots (2x20 mg). Duration of use is six weeks to six months. The preparations of St. John's Worth (Hypericum perforation) made from standardized herb extract LI 160 (0,3 % of hypericine and not less then 3 % hyperforine), could be used for depression and emotional disturbances, characteristic for menopause. Daily dose corresponds to 1-3 mg of hypericine, or 900 mg of extracts (3x300 mg); the effects are noticeable after six weeks.Kod najvećeg broja žena sindrom menopauze nije izražen u meri koja zahteva medikamentozni tretman. Ipak, često se javljaju određeni simptomi koji svakodnevni život žene čine manje prijatnim. U tom slučaju, pravima primena odgovarajućih biljnih preparata može značajno uticati na kvalitet života žene. Odluka lekara ili farmaceuta o preparatu koji će preporučiti, zavisi od razgovora sa pacijentkinjom i od procene stanja simptoma. Jedna grupa biljnih preparata, bazirana je na fitoestrogenima (kumestani, izofiavoni, flavonoidi, stilbeni, lignani). Zbog određenih hemijskih karakteristika, ova jedinjenja pokazuju afinitet vezivanja za alfa i/ili beta estrogene receptore. Do danas, klinička ispitivanja potvrđuju samo uticaj na odnose između lipidnih frakcija u serumu i na smanjenu učestalost kardiovaskularnih problema. Najčešće se koriste izoflavoni (genistein i daidzein) u obliku preparata na bazi soje (Glycine max) i crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense). Dnevna doza odgovara 40-160 mg izoflavona. Koren Cimicifuga racemosa sadrži smešu triterpena (27-deoksiaktein), tragove izoflavona (formononetin) i flavonola (kemferol). Primena umanjuje valunge, preznojavanje i poboljšava raspoloženje. Brojne studije nisu razjasnile mehanizme delovanja i objasnile rezultate kliničkih ispitivanja. Preovlađuje mišljenje da triterpeni cimicifuge deluju centralno, dopaminergičnim efektom, a flavonoidi (ili neka druga jedinjenja iz ekstrakta) ispoljavaju "estrogenima sličan efekat". Koriste se standardizovani ekstrakti korena. Dnevna doza je 2 mg ukupnih triterpena, odnosno 8 mg ekstrakta (2x4mg) ili 40 mg korena (2x20 mg). Primena 6 nedelja do 6 meseci. Kod depresije i naglih promena raspoloženja, karakterističnih za menopauzu, mogu se koristiti preparati izrađeni od standardizovanog ekstrakta herbe kantariona LI 160 (0,3% hipericina i najmanje 3% hiperforina). Dnevna doza odgovara 1-3 mg hipericina, odnosno iznosi 900 mg ekstrakta (3x300 mg); efekti primene vidljivi posle šest nedelja

    Polyacetylenes of natural origin

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    Mortality rate of lip, oral cavity and pharynx malignant tumors in Serbia within a period 1991-2009

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    Background/Aim. Lip, oral cavity and pharynx malignant tumors account for 3.7% of all cancer deaths worldwide, with significant geographic variations in frequency and distribution. The aim of this descriptive epidemiologic study was to analyze the mortality rate of lip, oral cavity and pharynx malignant tumors in Serbia proper within a period 1991-2009. Methods. Mortality rates standardized directly using the world population as the standard were used in data analysis. Linear trend and regression analyses were used to analyze rate trends in mortality. Results. The Serbian population demonstrated an increase in the mortality of lip, oral cavity and pharynx malignant tumors (y = 3.32 + 0.03×; p = 0.002; average annual percent change = + 0.8). The male population showed a significant increase in mortality trend (y = 5.90 + 0.03×; p = 0.020; % change = + 0.9), while the female population did not show a significant increase in mortality. The male/female cancer mortality ratio was 5.5:1. Mortality rates for lip, oral cavity and pharynx cancer increased with age in both genders, with rates being the highest in the population aged 85 and older. Increasing trends of lip, oral cavity and pharynx cancer mortality were observed in males aged 50-54; the average annual percent change was + 7.4 % (95% CI, 6.2-9.0). The population of both genders aged 55-59 demonstrated an increase in lip, oral cavity and pharynx cancer mortality, the increase being + 1.8% (95% CI, 1.4-2.2) in men and + 34.3% (95% CI, 28.4-40.2) in women. Conclusion. The increasing trend in lip, oral cavity and pharynx cancer mortality points to the necessity to investigate etiology and improve primary and secondary prevention measures

    Stavovi studenata prve godine u odnosu na šestu godinu medicine u Srbiji prema studiju i poslijediplomskoj karijeri

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    Self-perceived stress during undergraduate medical training could influence forthcoming career choices. The aim of this study was to explore the attitudes and potential differences between 1st and 6th year students regarding aspects of medical training and career plans. As many as 570 students in 1st and 400 in 6th year of studies at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, were recruited on December 2-9, 2013. Data were acquired through a self-administered questionnaire. Students in both years rated “Helping other people” as the most important reason to study medicine. Freshmen rated statistically significantly higher ‘good incomes’ and ‘social status’ as reasons to study medicine (p=0.003 and p=0.037, respectively). The most desirable fields of specialization were surgery and internal medicine (36.4% and 18.7% for 1st year, and 26.3% and 36.6% for 6th year, respectively). Significantly more freshmen would prefer working abroad (χ2=3.891, p=0.029). In terms of careers abroad, students in both years expressed the highest interest in working in western and northern Europe. Desires for specialty training among medical students follow the pattern of the most frequent disciplines in the Serbian physician population, with gender differences comparable to other populations. A certain percentage of students would likely emigrate.Stres tijekom studija medicine mogao bi utjecati na predstojeće izbore u karijeri. Svrha ovog rada bila je istražiti stavove i potencijalne razlike između studenata prve i šeste godine medicine u vezi studija i daljnjih planova u karijeri. Ukupno 570 studenata prve i 400 studenata šeste godine studija na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Beogradu bili su regrutirani za studiju u razdoblju od 2. do 9. prosinca 2013. godine. Podaci su dobiveni putem anonimnog upitnika. Studenti u obje godine ocijenili su “Pomaganje drugim ljudima” kao najvažniji razlog za studij medicine. Brucoši su statistički značajno više ocijenili razloge “dobri prihodi” i “ socijalni status” za studij medicine (p=0,003 odnosno p=0,037). Najpoželjnije specijalizacije bile su kirurgija i interna medicina (36,4% odnosno 18,7% za prvu godinu i 26,3% odnosno 36,6% za šestu godinu). Statistički značajno više brucoša radije bi radili u inozemstvu (χ2=3,891, p=0,029). Studenti koji bi radili u inozemstvu izrazili su najveći interes za rad u zapadnoj i sjevernoj Europi. Želje za specijalizacijom među studentima medicine slijede obrazac najčešćih disciplina među srpskim liječnicima, s rodnim razlikama kakve su prisutne i u drugim populacijama. Određeni postotak studenata vjerojatno će emigrirati