37 research outputs found

    Doprinos tradicijskih igara kvaliteti međuljudskih odnosa i učestalosti druženja učenika u primarnom obrazovanju

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    The goal of this research was to examine the contribution of traditional games to the quality of relations and to the frequency of students\u27 socialization in primary education. A modified version of the School Violence Questionnaire was implemented on a sample of 232 students in the second, third and fourth grades in four primary schools in Karlovac. The first testing determined the quality of students\u27 relations and the frequency of their socialization. After applying the traditional games, in June 2010, a final test was implemented. Two hypotheses assumed the existence of a statistically significant difference in the quality of relations and the frequency of students\u27 socializations before and after the implementation of traditional games. The research results have shown an improvement of human relations between students in class, and an increase of students\u27 socialization outside classes, after implementing traditional games in school.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati doprinos tradicijskih igara kvaliteti međuljudskih odnosa i učestalosti druženja učenika primarnog obrazovanja. Modificirana verzija Upitnika o Å”kolskom nasilju (Buljan Flander, Karlović, Å timac, 2003) primijenjena je na uzorku od 232 učenika drugih, trećih i četvrtih razreda u četiri karlovačke osnovne Å”kole. Prvim je ispitivanjem utvrđena kvaliteta međuljudskih odnosa i učestalost druženja učenika, a nakon primjene deset tradicijskih igara, u lipnju 2010. godine, provedeno je finalno ispitivanje. Dvjema hipotezama pretpostavljeno je postojanje statistički značajne razlike u kvaliteti međuljudskih odnosa i učestalosti druženja učenika prije i nakon provođenja tradicijskih igara. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su poboljÅ”anje međuljudskih odnosa među učenicima u razredu te porast druženja učenika izvan nastave nakon provođenja tradicijskih igara u Å”koli

    Uticaj tonzilektomije na kvalitet glasa

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    Introduction/Objective Tonsillitis is a very common condition found in the pediatric population but also in adult patients. One of the consequences of such conditions is poor voice quality. Hoarseness, poor voice impostation, interruption, and hypernazalization are just some of the differences in patient voice quality. The objective of this paper was to examine the effects of tonsillectomy on the voice quality. Methods the sample included 37 patients, 17 female and 20 male, ranging in age 3-39 years. The method involved recording patients one month before and one month after tonsillectomy with a digital sound recorder, with recordings analyzed in the Praat program. The variables monitored in the basic voice were as follows: voice pitch, standard deviation of voice, degree of voice interruption, jitter, shimmer, and signal-to-noise ratio. In the statistical analysis, in addition to standard descriptive analyzes, t-test and ACNOVA were also used. Results the results showed that there are effects of tonsillectomy on standard deviation of baseline voice (p = 0.002), shimmer (p = 0.002), baseline voice interruption rate (p = 0.023), signal to noise ratio (p = 0.003). There were no differences in the effects of tonsillectomy with respect to the sex of the subjects. Conclusion Based on the conducted research, there were some methodological conclusions that could be considered as a recommendation for future research: increase the number of persons in the sample, introduce a variable of chronological age, type of surgical intervention, and gradation of size of the tonsil and adenoid tissue.Uvod/Cilj Oboljenja tonzila su veoma česta stanja koja se sreću u pedijatrijskoj populaciji ali i kod odraslih bolesnika. Jedna od posledica ovakvih stanja je loÅ” kvalitet glasa. Promuklost, loÅ”a impostacija glasa, prekidnost i hipernazalizacija samo su neka odstupanja od normalnog kvaliteta glasa bolesnika. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispitaju efekti tonzilektomije na kvalitet glasa. Metode U uzorku je bilo 37 bolesnika, i to 17 ženskog i 20 muÅ”kog pola, starosti 3-39 godina. Metod je podrazumevao snimanje bolesnika pre i mesec dana posle tonzilektomije digitalnim snimačem zvuka; snimak je analiziran u programu Praat. Varijable koje su praćene u osnovnom glasu su visina glasa, standardna devijacija glasa, stepen prekidnosti glasa, jitter, shimmer i odnos signal-Å”um. U statističkoj analizi pored standardnih deskriptivnih analiza koriŔćeni su t-test i ACNOVA. Rezultati Rezultati pokazuju da postoje efekti tonzilektomije na standardnu devijaciju glasa (p = 0,002), stepen prekidnosti glasa (p = 0,002), shimmer (p = 0,023) i odnos signal-Å”um (p = 0,003). Nema razlika u efektima tonzilektomije u odnosu na pol ispitanika. Zaključak Na osnovu sprovedenog istraživanja doÅ”lo se i do nekih metodoloÅ”kih zaključaka koji bi se mogli posmatrati kao preporuka za buduća istraživanja: povećati broj osoba u uzorku, uvesti varijablu hronoloÅ”kog uzrasta, vrstu hirurÅ”ke intervencije i gradaciju veličine tonzila i adenoidnog tkiva


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    Odnosi s javnoŔću disciplina je druÅ”tvenih znanosti koja se danas brzo razvija. No, ona je imala svoj evolutivni razvoj. Američki znanstvenici James Gruing i Tod Hunt (1984.) istražili su modele razvoja odnosa s javnoŔću i utvrdili četiri modela primjene. Prvi model jest model tiskovne agenture koji nastoji osigurati publicitet za klijenta pri čemu istina nije uvjet za dobru priču. Drugi je model javnoga informiranja. Njegova je bit angažiranje tvorničkih novinara koji informiraju javnost. Treći je dvosmjerni asimetrični model koji uključuje i povratnu informaciju ili dvosmjernu komunikaciju. Asimetričan je zbog toga Å”to je neuravnotežen jer se cilja na promjenu stavova ili ponaÅ”anje publike, a ne na promjenu organizacije. Četvrti je model dvosmjerno simetrični i on se ponekad opisuje idealnim modelom ili čistim modelom odnosa s javnoŔću. U komunikaciji sudjeluju subjekti s jedne i druge strane i oni međusobno razmjenjuju komunikaciju poÅ”tujući obostrane interese. Uz navedena četiri Gruing-Huntova modela razmatraju se i model izvrsnosti kao i otvoreni i zatvoreni model odnosa s javnoŔću.Public relations are a discipline of social sciences which develops very fast today. But it had its evolutional development. American scientists James Gruing and Tod Hunt (1984) explored the models of public relations and determined four models of usage. The first model is the model of press brokerage which endeavors to ensure publicity for a client by which truth is not a condition for a good story. The second model is the model of public informing. Its essence is engagement of factory journalists who inform the public. The third is a two-way asymmetric model which includes both feedback and two-way communication. It is asymmetric because of the fact that it is unbalanced. It aims at the change of attitudes or behavior of public and not at the change of organization. The fourth model is the twoway symmetrical model and it is sometimes described as an ideal model or the pure model of public relations. Subjects from both sides participate in the communication and mutually exchange communication respecting common interests. The excellence model, open and closed model are also considered

    DNA polymorphism of wild sunflower accessions highly susceptible or highly tolerant to white rot on stalk

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    DNA polymorphism in accessions of Helianthus mollis, Helianthus rigidus and Helianthus tuberosus differing in level of resistance to stem white rot caused by Sclerotinia was evaluated in reactions with two RAPD primers, C04 and C15, selected for their potential linkage with resistance to Sclerotinia. In total, 36 fragments using both primers were generated. All fragments generated by C04 were polymorphic, while 5 fragments out of 11 generated by C15 were monomorphic. Two major clusters were identified on the phenogram generated by UPGMA analysis, one comprising plants of H. mollis 1298, and the other where all other accessions were grouped. In order to check and statistically confirm any significant association of specific fragments either with resistance or susceptibility, contingency coefficient test was done. Out of 36 fragments generated, 26 were significantly associated with resistance/susceptibility. Fragment C04-950 bp was found to be significantly associated to susceptibility, as it was generated only in susceptible accessions, while fragment C04- 1200 bp was found to be associated with the resistance, as it only occurred in H. mollis accessions. The selected markers should be checked and results verified in further studies including higher number of wild sunflower accessions differing in their reaction to stem white rot caused by Sclerotinia

    Brzi test za ispitivanje otpornosti suncokreta na tribenuron metil

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    A rapid laboratory test for detection of tribenuron-methyl resistant sunflower genotypes was developed. Four homozygous and four heterozygous tribenuron-methyl resistant hybrids, as well as a susceptible one were grown on MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of herbicide (2.0 ĀµM, 2.5 ĀµM, 3.0 ĀµM, 3.5 ĀµM and 4.0 ĀµM) and with pH either 7 or 8. The effect of medium pH and herbicide concentration on above-ground part and root mass of sunflower seedlings was observed. The test enabled visual discrimination between resistant and susceptible genotypes in 5 days, and discrimination between homozygous and heterozygous resistant genotypes in 12 days. All tested herbicide concentrations and morphological parameters were found to be suitable for discrimination of tribenuron-methyl susceptible genotypes. The best pH and herbicide concentration combination and morphological parameter for discrimination between homozygous and heterozygous resistant sunflower genotypes were 3.0 ĀµM at pH 7 and root mass, respectively.Razvijen je brzi laboratorijski test za detekciju genotipova suncokreta otpornih na tribenuron metil. Po četiri hibrida suncokreta homozigotno i heterozigotno otporna na tribenuron metil, kao i jedan neotporan hibrid su gajeni na MS podlozi sa pH vrednoŔću ili 7 ili 8 i sa različitim koncentracijama herbicida Express 50X, čija je aktivna materija tribenuron-metil (2.0 ĀµM, 2.5 ĀµM, 3.0 ĀµM, 3.5 ĀµM i 4.0 ĀµM). Ispitivan je uticaj pH i koncentracije herbicida u podlozi na masu nadzemnog dela i korena klijanaca testiranih hibrida. Vizuelne razlike između otpornih i neotpornog hibrida su uočene nakon 5 dana kulture, dok su se razlike između homozigotnih i heterozigotnih otpornih hibrida pojavile nakon 12 dana kulture. Sve testirane koncentracije herbicida i testirani morfoloÅ”ki parametri su se pokazali kao dobri za identifikaciju neotpornih genotipova. Najbolja kombinacija pH i koncentracije herbicida za razlikovanje homozigotnih od heterozigotnih otpornih genotipova je bila 3.0 ĀµM na pH 7, a morfoloÅ”ki parametar masa korena

    Pseudoopstrukcija debelog crijeva i teŔka hipokalemija u anurične dijabetične bolesnice liječene hemodijalizom: Prikaz bolesnice i literature

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    Hypokalemia is a rare condition in the end-stage renal disease patients on hemodialysis, and especially in those with no residual diuresis. If hypokalemia occurs, it is usually transient and mostly associated with gastrointestinal loss of potassium (massive diarrheal stools), or appears immediately after hemodialysis with the use of dialysis solutions with potassium concentrations lower than 2 mmol/L. The aim of this report is to present a case of a female diabetic patient on hemodialysis with permanent severe hypokalemia associated with chronic colonic pseudo-obstruction and secretory diarrhea, and to point to the possible rare causes of permanent hypokalemia in anuric patients with end-stage renal disease as well as to the causal relations of persistent hypokalemia with changes in different organ systems.Hipokalemija je vrlo rijetka u bolesnika s kroničnim bubrežnim zatajenjem koji se liječe hemodijalizom, a pogotovo u onih koji nemaju ostatnu diurezu. Ako se hipokalemija pojavi, obično je prolazna i najčeŔće povezana s gubitkom kalija putem probavnog sustava (obilne proljevaste stolice) ili se javlja neposredno nakon hemodijalize uz primjenu otopine za dijalizu u kojoj je koncentracija kalija manja od 2 mmol/L. Cilj ovoga rada je prikazati slučaj dijabetične bolesnice liječene hemodijalizom s trajno prisutnom teÅ”kom hipokalemijom praćenom pseudoopstrukĀ¬cijom debelog crijeva i sekretornom dijarejom, te ukazati na moguće rijetke uzroke trajne hipokalemije u anuričnih bolesnika s kroničnim bubrežnim zatajenjem i na uzročno-posljedične veze dugotrajne hipokalemije s promjenama na različitim organskim sustavima

    Dijabetesna nefropatija u tipu 2 dijabetesa: učestalost i faktori rizika

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    Uvod. Ciljevi rada su bili da se utvrdi učestalost i faktori rizika za dijabetesnunefropatiju (DN) kod bolesnika sa tipom 2 dijabetesa i faktori povezanisa pogorÅ”anjem funkcije bubrega tokom trogodiÅ”njeg perioda.Metode. Studija je obuhvatila 81 bolesnika sa tipom 2 dijabetesa kojisu na početku studije svrstani u dvije grupe: prva, 41 bolesnik sa DN (27muÅ”karaca, 62,03 Ā± 7,73 godina) i druga, 40 bolesnika bez DN (17 muÅ”kogpola, 61,73 Ā± 11,55 godina). Svim bolesnicima je uzeta anamneza, urađenobjektivni pregled i laboratorijska ispitivanja. Na osnovu rezultata ispitivanja,poslije tri godine bolesnici obje grupe su podijeljeni u podgrupe sanepromjenjenom funkcijom bubrega i podgrupe sa pogorÅ”anjem funkcijedefinisanim kao povećanje proteinurija i/ili smanjenje jačine glomerulskefiltracije (JGF) za viÅ”e od 25%.Rezultati. Na početku ispitivanja zabilježena je visoka učestalost poznatihfaktora rizika za dijabetes i DN kod obje grupe. Multivarijantna logističkaanaliza izdvojila je ženski pol i trajanje dijabetesa kao značajne prediktoreDN. Nakon tri godine funkcija bubrega se pogorÅ”ala kod oko 50% bolesnikasa i bez DN, a u podgrupama sa pogorÅ”anjem funkcije bubrega glikemijanaÅ”te i HbA1c su bili statistički značajno veći nego u podgrupama sastabilnom funkcijom bubrega. Linearna regresiona analiza je pokazala daje promjena JGF u trogodiÅ”njem periodu značajno povezana sa staroŔćubolesnika, trajanjem dijabetesa, sistolnim krvnim pritiskom, razlikom u dijastolnomkrvnom pritisku i proteinuriji. Promjena u proteinuriji značajnoje povezana sa sistolnim krvnim pritiskom, razlikom u dijastolnom krvnompritisku, kao i HbA1c i JGF na kraju studije.Zaključak. Kod bolesnika sa tipom 2 dijabetesa ženski pol i duže trajanjedijabetesa izdvojeni su kao značajni faktori rizika za DN, a starost bolesnika,trajanje dijabetesa, poviÅ”en krvni pritisak, loÅ”a glikoregulacija kao faktoririzika za pogorÅ”anje funkcije bubrega

    Evaluation of rapd markers as a marker-assisted selection tool for variety type and erucic acid content in rapeseed

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    Random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was performed on twelve rapeseed genotypes from Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia, genepool in order to identify markers that could be used in marker assisted selection (MAS) for different growing type and selection of the varieties with low or zero level of erucic acid. Out of fifteen RAPD markers, three were monomorphic, whereas twelve had polymorphic profiles. Three primers amplified specific fragments in spring varieties. UBC 25 and UBC 191 amplified the fragments of 450 and 750 bp, respectively, in all tested spring varieties, except in JR-NS-36. Primer UBC 72 generated a fragment of 700 bp that was present in all spring varieties. These fragments were not present in any of winter varieties. None of the tested RAPD primers amplified fragment(s) uniquely present either in varieties with or without (0%) erucic acid or with different erucic acid content. Cluster analysis showed a concordance between the position of varieties in the cluster and their pedigree information, but also enabled separation of spring and winter varieties. Contingency analysis confirmed that fragment UBC 72_700 is specific for spring varieties, while for erucic acid content, only moderate association was found with UBC 137_750

    The effect of sowing date and density on callus induction and shoot regeneration from sunflower anthers

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    The success of anther culture depends on numerous factors such as genotype, donor plant growing conditions, anther pre-treatment and development stage, as well as incubation conditions. We have investigated the effect of sowing date and sowing density of donor plants on callus induction and shoot regeneration from cultivated sunflower anthers. Anthers were collected from of three commercial sunflower hybrids that were sown in four different sowing dates, and at three different sowing densities. Anthers were surface sterilized and placed on MS-medium based solid regeneration media. The appearance of organogenesis or somatic embryogenesis was observed and obtained data statistically analysed. The experiment was set as completely randomised, with two factors. Callus, somatic embryo, shoot and root regeneration on the anthers of the tested genotypes was observed. Data were analysed by ANOVA. Statistical analysis enabled us to determine effect of sowing date and density on anther culture and shoot regeneration induction. Sowing date had a significant effect on all observed parameters, with earlier sowing dates having significant positive effect on shoot regeneration. Sowing density had no effect on either of observed parameters in all tested genotypes. The obtained results will contribute to the better understanding of the conditions needed for haploid production in sunflower and its introduction in sunflower breeding programs