177 research outputs found

    Integrating biodiversity in modern agricultural practice

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    Cultural landscapes-areas that have been modified to varying degrees by human activity, now dominate most of the earth's land surface, and surprisingly high levels of biodiversity are often found in areas devoted to crop production and livestock raising, particularly in "traditional" farming areas. Some of that biodiversity is directly useful to improving agricultural productivity, such as traditional varieties of crops with disease resistance genes and wild or weedy populations of crops that are tapped by breeders for other useful traits. In order to improve agricultural productivity and raise rural incomes, biodiversity must therefore be better managed in transformed habitats. This paper not only outlines measures that can be adopted to reduce off-site impacts of agriculture on biodiversity but also pinpoints policy options to help conserve and better utilize agro-biodiversity-plant and animals, including beneficial insects and other organisms, that are essential for agriculture. In this study will be highlight how best practices are being applied in many different situations and how such practices can alter the agrobiodiversity picture at farm and landscape level

    Special finite elements: Theoretical background and application

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    Specijalni konačni elementi (KE) koriste se za modeliranje posebnih fenomena u ponašanju konstrukcija. Izraz "specijalni" označava KE sa specifičnim svojstvima (parametri krutosti, ponašanje pod opterećenjem, itd.) i posebnom ulogom u modeliranju, po čemu se i bitno razlikuju od "standardnih" KE. Postoji više tipova specijalnih KE, ali se najčešće koriste: "nelinearna opruga" KE, "zazor" KE i "veza" KE. Na različitim će primjerima biti pokazane prednosti primjene specijalnih KE, posebno u modeliranju konturnih i prijelaznih uvjeta. Teorijska podloga data je samo u neophodnom obimu, zbog dobrog razumijevanja numeričkih aspekata primjene specijalnih KE.Special finite elements (FEs) are used for modeling of certain phenomena in structural behavior. The term "special" denotes FEs with specific characteristics (stiffness parameters, behavior under load, etc.) and a specific role in modeling, which is their main difference from "common" FEs. There are many types of special FEs, but the following are often used: so-called "nonlinear spring" FE, "gap" FE and "link" FE. Various examples will show many advances in the application of these FEs, especially in modeling of boundary and interface conditions. Theoretical background is given only in the amount necessary for proper understanding of numerical aspects of the application of special FEs

    The effect of plant arrangement pattern on biomass productivity of maize and soyabean intercropping system

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    In this paper the influence of plant design in intercropping system of soyabean and maize was examined. The two spatial plant designs were applied in the strips and alternate rows. Intercropping was done according to the method of "replacement series" and the main goal of this approach is to change the particular number of plants of one species with another. This examination included four experimental hybrids of maize from various FAO groups of ripening (400,500,600 and 700) and the type of soyabean from O group of ripening (ZPS- 015). The crops were raised in the frame of four field crop rotation (maize– wheat–spring barley+red clover–red clover). The meteorological conditions had big influence on biomass productivity in the period of experiment performance. The plant design in strips was more advantageous in rainless years as it was year of 2003

    Influence of electromagnetic pollution of the electron beam generator and high-energy radioactive source on the memory components

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    The study con sid ers the im pact of the en vi ron men tal con tam i na tion by the elec tro mag netic ra di a tion of elec tron beam gen er a tor and high-en ergy ra dio ac tive source on the mem ory com - po nents. Electron beam gen er a tor can be used for in jecting parti cle en ergy into the plasma of the fusion sys tem based on a Marx gener a tor, while ra dio ac tive source as a sim u la tor of high-en ergy ion iz ing ra di a tion that can be caused by the neu tron-in duced ac ti va tion of plasma sur round ing struc tures or re leased from deu te rium-tri tium fu sion re ac tion. The ef - fects of gamma ra di a tion of high-en ergy radio ac tive source and elec tric field of the electron beam gen er a tor on EPROM and EEPROM semi con ductor com puter mem ory, were in ves ti - gated. An older mem ory types were de lib er ately cho sen for the rea son that their more ro bust con struc tion will better pro tect them from the ef fects of ioniz ing and non-ion iz ing ra di a tion. The re sults ob tained un der well-con trolled condi tions show a high de gree of non-re sis tance of the semi con duc tor tech nol ogy to the ex pected elec tro mag netic pol lu tion of the elec tron beam gen er a tor and high-en ergy radio ac tive source. This con clu sion raises doubts on the pos - si bil ity of si mul ta neous ap pli ca tion of elec tron beam gen er a tor, con se quently fu sion sys tem and nanotechnologies with the in creas ing need for min ia turiza tion of electronic com po nent

    I Симпозијум “Коришћење и унапређење заштите земљишта”

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    Maize is the main field crop on arable land in Croatia, Serbia, Hungary and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). In the period 2006-2010 total of 2 854506 ha (5-y mean) of arable lands in this area was covered by maize. Annual maize yield variations were from 3.6 to 7.5 t ha-1 (Hungary), from 3.2 to 5.9 t ha-1 (Serbia), from 4.9 to 8.0 t ha-1 (Croatia) and from 3.2 to 5.1 t ha-1 (B&H). The aim of this study was testing the 2010 and 2012 growing seasons for maize in terms of weather characteristics. Maize yields in 2012 (4.34 t ha-1 in Croatia, 3.98 t ha-1 in Hungary 2.78 t ha-1 in Serbia and 2.74 t ha-1 and in B&H were lower than in especially favorable 2010 by 53%, 38%, 38% and 40% respectively.Kukuruz je glavna ratarska kultura na oranicama u Hrvatskoj, Srbiji, Mađarskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini (BiH). U razdoblju 2006.-2010. ukupno 2,854.506 ha (5-god. prosjek) oranica toga područja bilo je pod kukuruzom. Variranja prinosa po godinama bila su od 3,6 do 7,5 t ha-1 (Mađarska), od 3,2 do 5,9 t ha-1 (Srbija), od 4,9 do 8,0 t ha-1 (Hrvatska) i od 3,2 do 5,1 t ha-1 (B&H). Cilj je ovoga rada analizirati vegetacije kukuruza 2010. i 2012. sa stajališta vremenskih prilika. Prinosi kukuruza u nepovoljnoj 2012. godini iznosili su 4,34 t ha-1 u Hrvatskoj, 3,98 t ha-1 u Mađarskoj, 2,78 t ha-1 u Srbiji i 2.74 t ha-1 u BiH, što je za 53%, 38%, 38%, odnosno za 40% manje nego u izrazito povoljnoj za kukuruz 2010. godini

    Different genotypes of alternative small grains in organic farming

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    The main objectives were to examine different genotypes of alternative small grains important for food technology in organic farming conditions on morphological and productive characteristics. Four genotypes of different alternative small grains were included in the trial. Three of them were chosen for specific usage in food technology compact wheat Bambi - Triticum aestivum L. ssp. compactum, spelt Nirvana (Triticum aestivum L. ssp. spelta), durum wheat Durumko- (Triticum durum L.), and one which leads as a genotype for intensive conventional common wheat production in Serbia - NS 40S (Triticum aestivum L. ssp. vulgare). Plots were fertilized with biohumus "Royal ofert" (30 t ha(-1)) applied in autumn with basic tillage and microbial fertilizer "Slavol" ad as in spring foliar treatment in full tillering (51 ha(-1)). Alternative small grains durum wheat and compact wheat except splet gives lower grain yield in organic condition compared with comercial cultivar for high-input NS-40S

    Occurrence of infectious laringotracheitis on farms in Vojvodina

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    For over 10 years infectious laringotracheitis has occurred rarely in Vojvodina. In such situations morbidity was 40% and mortality was 16%. Drop in egg production was over 30% and after 4 weeks egg production returned to normal. After the disappearance of clinical symptoms and after 30 days of quarantine and disinfection of eggs with formaldehyde and 5% hydrogen peroxide there was no appearance of the disease in hatched chickens. Clinical observation and pathohistology results are valuable proof for diagnosis of ILT. Diagnosis of ILT should be confirmed by virus isolation or applying serological tests such as ELISA on sera from diseased chickens

    Uticaj sistema obrade zemljišta na korovsku sinuziju ozime pšenice

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    The effects of tillage systems on a weed synusia, number of plants per species, composition, biomass were observed in winter wheat on the chernozem luvic soil during the period of 2000/01-2000/03. A low-input technology consists of the following three tillage systems: conventional tillage system, mulch tillage and no-tillage system. The N rates of 60 and 120 kg ha-1 were applied in plots. The obtained results show that Chenopodium album L. and Agropyrum repens (L.) Beauv as annuals and Convolvulus arvensis L. as a perennial were the dominant species in the weed synusia. Tillage systems and the application of nitrogen fertilisers have a great influence on weed control and the floristic composition, a number of both, species and plants per species, and the biomass of weeds of winter wheat. Conventional tillage and mulch tillage systems had better effect on weed control than no tillage systems. The number of weed plants per species and biomass were the highest in no tillage systems especially in dry years.Ispitivanje uticaja sistema obrade zemljišta na floristički sastav korovske sinuzije ozime pšenice obavljeno je na "Radmilovcu", eksperimentalnom dobru Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Zemunu. Ozima pšenica je gajena posle kukuruza u okviru četvoropoljnog plodoreda (kukuruz-ozima pšenica-jari ječam+crvena detelina-crvena detelina) na zemljištu tipa izluženi černozem u periodu od 2000/01-2002/03. godine. Konvencionalna tehnologija gajenja ozime pšenice koja uključuje konvencionalni sistem obrade zemljišta pokazala je niz prednosti u odnosu na tehnologije gajenja ozime pšenice koje uključuju konzervacijske sisteme obrade zemljišta (čizel plug i sistem direktne setve) u pogledu uticaja na zakorovljenost ozime pšenice. Konvencionalni sistem obrade zemljišta sa raoničnim plugom i adekvatrnom predsetvenom obradom tanjiračom i drljačom povećava broj jedinki korova u poređenju sa oba konzervacijska sistema obrade u vlažnijim godinama kakve su bile dve početne. Ukupno posmatrano konzervacijski sistem direktne setve bez obrade zemljišta uticao je na pojavu većeg broja i mase korova, naročito višegodišnjih. Najveća masa korova dobijena je u tehnologiji gajenja ozime pšenice sa direktnom setvom, odnosno bez obrade zemljišta u poslednjoj sušnoj godini. Prihranjivanje azotom u svakom sistemu obrade zemljišta imalo je uticaja na povećanje broja korova, ali je istovremeno uticalo i na jaču konkurentnu sposobnost useva pšenice prema korovima

    Uticaj sistema obrade zemljišta na korovsku sinuziju ozime pšenice

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    This paper deals with result of the effects of tillage systems on floristic composition weed synuzia of winter wheat in investigated period (2000/01-2002/03) on the chernozem luvic soil type. Tillage have a big influence on weed control and floristic composition, number of species individuals and biomass of weeds of winter wheat. The obtained results shows that the dominant species were from annuels Bilderdykia convolvulus (L) Dum., Sinapis arvensis L. and Agropyrum repens (L) Beauv., Convolvulus arvensis (L), Cirsium arvense (L) Scop., from perennials. The greatest number of species belonged to terrophytes in biological specter of weed communities. Mulch tillage had better effect in weed control than conventional and especially from no tillage systems. This is one of possibilities for crop technology rationalization for winter wheat and soil conservation. No-tillage increased total weed number annual and perennial species especially biomass. This tillage make weed control difficult.U radu je ispitivan uticaj tri sistema obrade zemljišta (konvencionalni i dva konѕervacijska: zaštitni i sistem direktne setve) na floristički sastav korovske sinuzije ozime pšenice. Ispitivanje je obavljeno na "Radmilovcu" eksperimentalnom dobru Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Zemunu na zemljištu tipa izluženi černozem u tri vegetaciona perioda ozime pšenice od 2000/01-2002/03 god. Korovsku sinuziju useva ozime pšenice tokom trogodišnjih ispitivanja činilo je 18 vrsta korova. Dominantne korovske vrste bile su Bilderdykia convolvulus (L) Dum. i Sinapis arvensis L. od jednogodišnjih i Agropyrum repens L. i Convolvulus arvensis L., od višegodišnjih. Od ispitivanih sistema obrade zemljišta najveću efikasnost ispoljio je sistem zaštitne obrade u kome je dobijen najmanji broj jedinki korova po m2 (27.72) i najmanja biomasa 54.59 g/m2. Sistem direktne setve utiče na pojavu većeg broja jedinki, pre svega, višegodišnjih korova što utiče na ukupnu biomasu koja je u ovom sistemu obrade prosečno, ali i po godinama imala najveće vrednosti