249 research outputs found

    Innovation as Foundation for the Competitiveness of the Croatian Food Industry

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    Prema inovacijskoj uspjeÅ”nosti (Summary Innovation Indeks (SII)) koja se temelji na 25 pokazatelja, a uključuje ljudske potencijale, uspjeÅ”nost istraživačkog sustava, ulaganje privatnog i javnog sektora u istraživanje i razvoj (R&D), intelektualno vlasniÅ”tvo (žigove, patente, industrijski dizajn) i ekonomske učinke (izvoz, zapoÅ”ljavanje) - Hrvatska se u 2015. nalazila pri dnu EU ljestvice, odnosno inovacijska uspjeÅ”nost bila je dvostruko manja od prosjeka EU-28 te 2 - 3 puta manja od inovacijskih predvodnika: Å vedske, Finske, Danske, Njemačke i Nizozemske. Nasuprot trendu povećanja udjela R&D u BDP-u EU i inovacijskim politikama EU deklariranim u Lisabonskoj strategiji (2000.), zaključcima Barcelona European Council (2002.) i Horizonu 2020 koje su usmjerene na rjeÅ”avanje problema tzv. ā€žeuropskog paradoksaā€œ i nedovoljnog ulaganja, posebice privatnog sektora u R&D te na jačanje interakcije znanosti i gospodarstva po uzoru na ekonomske lidere Japan i SAD - Hrvatska bilježi viÅ”egodiÅ”nji pad ulaganja u R&D, zbog čega smo s 0,76% udjela u BDP-u na razini 1/3 prosjeka EU. Niska razina i viÅ”egodiÅ”nje smanjenje ulaganja u R&D, slaba interakcija između R&D, slaba povezanost s primarnom proizvodnjom, niska razina stranih investicija, niski apsorpcijski kapacitet i potražnja za inovacijama zbog tehnoloÅ”ke podinvestiranosti te viÅ”egodiÅ”njeg smanjenja udjela HT i MHT industrije - najveći su problemi hrvatske prerađivačke industrije, ali i prehrambene industrije kao njezine najveće grane (prema udjelu u BDVu i broju zaposlenih). Prehrambena industrija pokazala je otpornost prema recesiji te u 2015., promatrano na godiÅ”njoj razini, bilježi stopu rasta 4%, povećanje proizvodnosti 5 - 6% i izvoza 19%, a ostvarila je i značajne regionalne akvizicije, prije svega koristeći prednosti kao Å”to su tradicija u proizvodnji hrane i pića, prepoznatljivost brandova na regionalnom tržiÅ”tu i dobra sirovinska osnova. S druge strane, produktivnost je joÅ” uvijek na razini 70% prosjeka EU i najvećim dijelom posljedica je pasivnog restrukturiranja, a manjim dijelom rezultat inovacijskih aktivnosti koje, u viÅ”e od 80% slučajeva, čine nabavke postrojenja, opreme i software-a. Hrvatskoj je potrebna reindustrijalizacija i razvoj prehrambene industrije temeljen na novim tehnologijama i inovacijama te proizvodnji koja je orijentirana prema većim tržiÅ”tima i izvozu, ali i prema turističkoj potražnji te boljem koriÅ”tenju sirovinskog potencijala (poljoprivredne proizvodnje). Za povećanje konkurentnosti hrvatske prehrambene industrije temeljene na tehnoloÅ”kim, organizacijskim i marketinÅ”kim inovacijama, uz koriÅ”tenje postojećih komparativnih prednosti (tradicija, poljoprivredna proizvodnja, turistička potražnja) ključna je uloga države koja u narednom razdoblju treba znatno povećati ulaganja u R&D, poreznim olakÅ”icama i izravnim mjerama poticati razvojna istraživanja i interakciju R&D, osigurati efikasniju koordinaciju R&D institucija i industrije i difuziju inovacija (npr. osnivanjem državne uprave za inovacije), poticati investiranje i poboljÅ”ati investicijsko okruženje te u suradnji s industrijom - promjenama u obrazovnom sustavu povećati apsorpcijski kapacitet za inovacije.When looking at success in innovation (Summary Innovation Index (SII)), which is based on 25 indicators, including human resources, successfulness of the research system, investments by private and public sectors in research and development (R&D), intellectual property (brands, patents, industrial design), and economic effects (exports, employment) ā€“ Croatia was at the bottom of the EU list in 2015, i.e. the results of success in innovation were at half of the EU-28 average and 2 or 3 times lower than the results accomplished by the leaders in innovation: Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands. In contrast to the trend of an increased percentage share of R&D in GDP of the EU and the EU innovation policies declared in the Lisbon Strategy (2000), the conclusions of the Barcelona European Council (2002), and Horizon 2020, aimed at resolving the problems caused by the so called ā€œEuropean Paradoxā€ and insufficient investment, especially by the private sector, in R&D and in strengthening the interaction between science and the economy, according to the example set by economic leaders Japan and the USA ā€“ there were several years of continuous decrease in R&D investments, which resulted in Croatiaā€™s position at only 1/3 of the EU average, with 0.76% of GDP dedicated to R&D. The mentioned low levels and years of reductions in R&D investments, low interaction between R&D, insufficient connectivity with primary production, low levels of foreign investments, low absorption capacity, the demand for innovation due to insufficient investments in technology, and the reduction in the share of HT and MHT industries ā€“ are the most serious problems of the Croatian processing industry, including the food processing industry as its largest part (according to its GVA). The food industry demonstrated its resistance to recession in 2015; at the yearly level, it had a growth rate of 4%, increase in productivity of 5 ā€“ 6% and in exports of 19%, and it made significant regional acquisitions, mostly by using the advantages like tradition in food and beverage production, brand recognition on the regional market, and good raw material base. On the other hand, productivity is still at 70% of the EU average and it is mostly the consequence of passive restructuring, and to a lesser extent, the result of innovation activities, which, in more than 80% of the cases, include acquisitions of facilities, equipment, and software. Croatia needs re-industrialisation and the development of food industry based on new technologies and innovations, and on the production oriented at larger markets and exports, but also at tourism demand and at better utilisation of raw material potentials (agricultural production). In order to increase the competitiveness of the Croatian food industry, based on technological, organisational, and marketing innovations, by using the existing comparative advantages (tradition, agricultural production, tourism demand), the state must play a key role by significantly increasing investments in R&D, introducing tax breaks and direct measures to incentivise developmental research and R&D interaction, ensuring more efficient R&D coordination in institutions and industry, and the diffusion of innovation (e.g. by forming a state run Innovation Administration), incentivising investments and improving the investment environment, and in cooperation with the industry ā€“ introducing changes in the education system to increase the absorption capacity for innovation


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    Texture profile analysis (TPA) and instrumental colour parameters of chicken surimi gels after frozen storage were investigated. Chicken surimi gels were prepared from mechanically deboned chicken meat, mixed with trehalose (w = 8%), maltose (w = 8%), tapioca modified starch (MTS) (w = 8%) and barley modified starch (MBS) (w = 8%), quickly frozen and stored for 90 days s on -30oC. Instrumental colour parameters (Lightness (L*), redness (a*), yellowness (b*) and whiteness (L* āˆ’ 3b*) of chicken surimi gels were significantly (P < 0,05) affected by addition of trehalose, maltose and modified starches. Highest values of lightness (L*) and whiteness showed sample mixed with MBS. Textural profile analysis (TPA) parameters, hardness and chewiness increased significantly (P < 0,05) by addition of trehalose, maltose, MBS and MTS. Cohesiveness and springiness of chicken surimi gels were also significantly (P < 0,05) affected by addition of trehalose, maltose MBS and MTS. Increase in colour and textural attributes of chicken surimi gels after frozen storage indicates possible interactions between chicken myofibrillar proteins and trehalose, maltose and modified starches

    Finite element modeling of free vibration problem of delaminated composite plates using Abaqus CAE

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    The aim of this paper is to discuss different finite element models of laminated composite plates with delaminations using the commercial software Abaqus CAE. Three-dimensional (solid), as well as two-dimensional (shell) models in Abaqus CAE, are considered. For comparison, the previously derived and validated numerical model of both intact and delaminated composite plates, based on the Generalized Layerwise Plate Theory of Reddy, is used. Influences of the finite element types and the mesh density on the free vibration response are analysed. Excellent agreement is achieved using the shell model in Abaqus CAE, while the limitations of solid models are noted


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    Crude oil had a significant influence on the development of both global and Croatian economies. The dynamic growth of production, refining and consumption of crude oil, especially in the 1970s and 1980s was followed by and influenced the significantly higher growth rates of the gross domestic product than those occurred during the last years. Major oil companies were the leaders of the economic development on the global level, while at the local level such leaders are smaller national companies, such as INA Plc. and JANAF Plc. in Croatia. Oil economy developed in turbulent conditions of crude oil market with constant oscillations of crude oil prices, through adjustments to the challenges of implementing new energy policies and measures with regard to climate changes, political crises, and others. Over the last years, a stagnation in crude oil production and consumption has been observed on the global level (4,2 -4,3 billion tons), with a decline being recorded in the developed countries, while higher growth rates have been noticed in China, India and the emerging Asian economies. The beginnings of crude oil (exploration and production) in Croatia dated back to the first half of the 19th century and the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century (refineries) respectively. The bloom of the Croatian oil economy during the 1970s and 1980s was marked by the crude oil production hitting a record high of 3,1 mil. tons (in 1981) in comparison with the present 613 thousand tons (in 2015) and refining of an all-time high amounting to 9,2 mil. tons (in 1979) as compared to the present 3,5 mil. tons. Croatia contributes with 0,145 pro mille in the global oil production and with 0,862 pro mille in the global oil consumption. Further development and globalisation of oil sector may occur through intensifying the activities on crude oil exploration and production both in Croatia and abroad, but also along with the refineries modernization and increase of share on both domestic and foreign markets. Crude oil transport followed the development of crude oil refining on the domestic market, and especially on the foreign markets of the countries of South-Eastern and Central Europe, with the highest transport of 9,7 mil. tons being achieved in 1990, as compared to 6,2 mil. tons in 2015, with the growth trend being observed owing to increase in transport for foreign refineries and their diversification of crude oil imports from the OmiÅ”alj direction. The diversification strategy directed towards storage of crude oil and petroleum products further supports the growth of oil companies and Croatian economy as well. The Croatian oil economy will still remain under the influence of volatile oil market characterised by: price volatility, global trend of reducing the petroleum products consumption, stricter regulations and quality standards, policies and measures for enhancing the security of supply, growing costs and investments together with pressures of reducing prices, growth trend of imports and competitiveness of petroleum products, diversification of supply sources and routes and other. Therefore, continuous adjustments are necessary, as well as prompt responses to challenges and development of new strategies for diversification and growth.Nafta je imala značajni utjecaj na razvoj svjetskog pa tako i hrvatskog gospodarstva. Dinamičan rast proizvodnje, prerade i potroÅ”nje nafte, posebno 1970. tih i 1980. tih godina bio je praćen i utjecao je na znatno veće stope rasta bruto domaćeg proizvoda nego su one posljednjih godina. Velike nafte kompanije bile su nositelji gospodarskog razvoja na svjetskoj razini, a na lokalnoj razini to su manje nacionalne kompanije, kao Å”to su INA d.d. i JANAF d.d. u Hrvatskoj. Naftno gospodarstvo razvijalo se u turbuletnim uvjetima naftnog tržiÅ”ta uz stalne oscilacije cijena nafte, prilagođavajući se izazovima provedbe novih energetskih politika i mjera u vezi klimatskih promjena, političkim krizama, i dr. Posljednjih godina proizvodnja i potroÅ”nja nafte stagniraju na svjetskoj razini (4,2 -4,3 milijarde tona), pri čemu se u razvijenim državama bilježi pad, a veće stope rasta u Kini, Indiji i rastućim ekonomijama Azije. Počeci nafte (istraživanje i proizvodnja) u Hrvatskoj bili su u prvoj polovici 19. stoljeća, odnosno krajem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća (rafinerije). Procvat naftnog gospodarstva Hrvatske u 1970. tim i 1980. tim godinama obilježili su rekordna proizvodnja nafte od 3,1 mil. tona (1981.) prema danaÅ”njih 613 tisuća tona (2015.) i rekordna prerada od 9,2 mil. tona (1979.) prema danaÅ”njih 3,5 mil. tona. Hrvatska sudjeluje s 0,145 promila u svjetskoj proizvodnji nafte i s 0,862 promila u svjetskoj potroÅ”nji nafte. Daljnji razvoj i globalizacija naftnog sektora može se desiti intenziviranjem istraživanja i proizvodnje nafte kako u Hrvatskoj tako i u inozemstvu, ali i uz modernizaciju rafinerija i povećanje udjela na domaćem i inozemnim tržiÅ”tima. Transport nafte pratio je razvoj prerade nafte na domaćem tržiÅ”tu, ali posebno na inozemnim tržiÅ”tima država jugoistočne i srednje Europe, pa je tako najveći transport od 9,7 mil. tona ostvaren u 1990. prema 6,2 mil. tona u 2015. s trendom rasta zbog povećanja transporta za inozemne rafinerije i njihove diverzifikacije uvoza nafte iz pravca OmiÅ”lja. Strategija diverzifikacije prema skladiÅ”tenju nafte i naftnih derivata podržava i dalje rast kako naftnih kompanija tako i hrvatske ekonomije. Naftno gospodarstvo Hrvatske biti će i dalje pod utjecajem promjenjivog naftnog tržiÅ”ta kojeg obilježava: promjenjivost cijena, globalni trend smanjenja potroÅ”nje derivata, stroža regulativa i standardi kvalitete, politika i mjere za povećanjem sigurnosti opskrbe, rast troÅ”kova i investicija uz pritiske smanjenja cijena, trend rasta uvoza i konkurentnosti derivata, diverzifikacija izvora i pravaca opskrbe, i dr. Zbog toga su nužne kontinuirane prilagodbe, brzi odgovori na izazove i razvoj novih strategija diverzifikacije i rasta

    Physico - chemical and colour properties of homemade slavonian sausage

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    A study of physico-chemical properties and instrumental measurement of colour was carried out on seven di!erent brands of traditional Croatian homemade dry fermented sausage known as Slavonian homemade Sausage. Basic physico-chemical properties showed a large variability, except for the values of aw and pH. This can be related to diferent recipes used by di!erent producers, but on the other hand these producers follow traditional production conditions. Parameters related to colour showed little variability, especially L* and a* values. The higher variability of b* could be related to the amount of paprika used in the recipe. Some diferences in L* ,b* and a* values were significantly correlated to moisture, fat and salt content

    Comparative analyse of foodstuff geographical indications in the Western Balkans

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    The aim of this paper is to determine the current situation in the field of geographical indications schemes (GI), obstacles for futures development and to provide recommendations for GIs development in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. GIs quality schemes provide confirmation to consumers that foodstuff is a traditional product produced in a certain area and with certain attributes. Although the Western Balkan countries are reach in well-known traditional products and have excellent ago-ecological conditions for GIs production, this quality schemes are not developed. In this paper are applied comparative methodology, literature review and field research. Results are showing that path to improvement GIs is in the further legal framework harmonization with EU legal framework, providing flexibility for registration of the GIs foodstuff processing capacities, support to the producer's organization, shifting of the national GIs recognition to the EU, systematic support to the GIs etc

    Biljni lekovi i njihova bezbedna primena u samomedikaciji

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    Safe application of herbal medicinal products in self-medication is connected with the standardization and synchronization of different processes starting with development of the product, production of ingredients and final products, control, marketing authorization, distribution and sale to the consumers/ patients. Besides, the duty of pharmasist is to collect information about efficacy, adverse reaction and drug interaction of herbal products. This is a right way for the production and usage of safe (and effective) herbal products. Informations written at the outer and inner label as well as in the leaflet are very important for the pharmacists and for the consumer. These informations are important for pharmacists to compiled them with public advertising and to decide to have the particular product in their pharmacies and to recommend it to the consumer/patient or to other health professionals with a lot of confidence. Information about the safety and efficacy of herbal remedies are available now based at pharmacological and, sometimes, clinical trials (ā€ževidence-based herbal medicinal products"). During last decade consumer/patient has a much more active role in the self/medication and responsibility for own health. For the safe self-medication very good collaboration between health professionals (pharmacists, physicians) and patients has to be made as well as presence of high quality OTC drugs and herbal medicinal products at the market.Bezbedna primenu biljnih lekova u samomedikaciji postiže se sinhronizovanim aktivnostima i kontrolom svih procesa počev od razvoja i formulacije, proizvodnje, stavljanja u promet, distribucije, izdavanja, pa sve do praćenja efekata primene. Na ovaj način postiže se krajnji cilj: da se posle sprovedenog postupka registracije u prometu nadu kvalitetni, sigurni i efikasni biljni proizvodi. Adekvatna oprema leka, dostupna, pravovremena i tačna informacija omogućuje dobru saradnju proizvođača, zdravstvenih radnika i pacijenata, u sve to doprinosi bezbednosti i efikasnosti lečenja. farmaceut treba da prati ponudu biljnih lekova koji se nalaze u prometu i da na osnovu svojih znanja i veÅ”tina (stečenih tokom osnovnih studija i kasnijim edukacijama) formira asortiman ovih lekova u apoteci. Profesionalna dužnost farmaceuta je da obezbedi jasan i objektivan savet o samomedikaciji i biljnim proizvodima koji se mogu koristiti kroz ovaj vid terapije. Prisustvo registrovanih biljnih lekova na tržiÅ”tu, čiji kvalitet. efikasnost i bezbednost su procenjeni od strane stručnjaka kroz postupak registracije, postojanje korektnih i dokumentovanih podataka u tekstu Uputstva biljnog leka, kao i marketinÅ”ke aktivnosti proizvođača ili zastupnika (lično, preko pisanog materijala i odgovarajućih informativnih predavanja ili preko sredstava javnog informisanja), opredeljuju farmaceuta da nabavi određeni biljni lek i da ga preporuči pacijentu
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