35 research outputs found

    A Petri Net Based Reliability Block Diagram Model for Category I Medical Devices Reliability Analysis

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    The medical industry incorporates technology and breaks different types of equipment into three various categories determined according to the technologies and their usage. The first category, which is the focus of this article, consists of devices that are directly linked to the life of the patients, for example a ventilator. The purpose of this study is to develop a new reliability technique, based on the Reliability Block Diagram (RBD) and Petri Net, for Category 1 equipment. The RBD, focuses on showing how the failure of different parts could affect the sub-systems of the equipment and how those failures could cause an overall system failure. The second method, Petri Net, is a tool that is used to analyze various types of information processing systems. Combining these two methods will allow the user to determine the reliability of the different systems and subsystems with various pieces of equipment. The knowledge gained by this analysis will be used to determine the likelihood that the failure of specific subsystems will cause an overall system failure. The overall anticipated result is to thoroughly develop this new methodology. The complete process that is used to finish the calculation process for the subsystems will be shown, in addition to the completion of the final Reliability Block Diagram

    Automation of Air Traffic Management using Fuzzy Logic Algorithm to Integrate Unmanned Aerial Systems into the National Airspace

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    Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) have been increasing in popularity in personal, commercial, and military applications. The increase of the use of UAS poses a significant risk to general air travel, and will burden an already overburdened Air Traffic Control (ATC) network if the Air Traffic Management (ATM) system does not undergo a revolutionary change. Already there have been many near misses reported in the news with personal hobbyist UAS flying in controlled airspace near airports almost colliding with manned aircraft. The expected increase in the use of UAS over the upcoming years will exacerbate this problem, leading to a catastrophic incident involving substantial damage to property or loss of life. ATC professionals are already overwhelmed with the air traffic that exists today with only manned aircraft. With UAS expected to perform many tasks in the near future, the number of UAS will greatly outnumber the manned aircraft and overwhelm the ATC network in short order to the point where the current system will be rendered extremely dangerous, if not useless. This paper seeks to explore the possibility of using the artificial intelligence concept of fuzzy logic to automate the ATC system in order to handle the increased traffic due to UAS safely and efficiently. Automation would involve an algorithm to perform arbitration between aircraft based on signal input to ATC ground stations from aircraft, as well as signal output from the ATC ground stations to the aircraft. Fuzzy logic would be used to assign weights to the many different variables involved in ATM to find the best solution, which keeps aircraft on schedule while avoiding other aircraft, whether they are manned or unmanned. The fuzzy logic approach would find the weighted values for the available variables by running a simulation of air traffic patterns assigning different weights per simulation run, over many different runs of the simulation, until the best values are found that keep aircraft on schedule and maintain the required separation of aircraft

    Enhancing Quality Assurance using Virtual Design Engineering: Case Study of Space Shuttle Challenger

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    Virtual Design Engineering is an emerging method of increasing quality of systems. Including Virtual Design as a part of the traditional established Failure Mode, Effects, and Criticality Analysis process greatly enhances hazard and risk analysis while reducing overall costs. In this study these enhancements are explored and expanded upon to discover how overall system quality could be increased and all stakeholders could more accurately understand the hazards involved. Stakeholder misunderstanding or misapplication of hazards is of great importance to complex systems. An illustrative example of how these factors could have changed the outcome of a real-world engineering failure is provided

    Faculty perceptions of the integration of SAP in academic programs

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    In order to prepare students for the workforce, academic programs incorporate a variety of tools that students are likely to use in their future careers. One of these tools employed by business and technology programs is the integration of live software applications such as SAP through the SAP University Alliance (SAP UA) program. Since the SAP UA program has been around for only about 10 years and the available literature on the topic is limited, research is needed to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the SAP UA program. A collaborative study of SAP UA faculty perceptions of their SAP UAs was conducted in the fall of 2011. Of the faculty invited to participate in the study, 31% completed the online survey. The results indicate that most faculty experienced difficulty implementing SAP into their programs and report that a need exists for more standardized curriculum and training, while a large percentage indicated that they are receiving the support they need from their schools and SAP


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    Logistics organizations’ training programs face many challenges. These challenges, such as cost and consistency in training, are magnified if the organization is geographically dispersed and a training program must be implemented globally. To address these issues, a training model was developed and tested in a classroom environment during spring 2013 in three sections of a university logistics course. Delivered via both a traditional and a distance learning format, the training model used VMware View® clients configured to run the popular SAP® Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system and SAP’s Datango® software. Testing revealed that students were able to grasp the skills necessary to use the training model with very little direction from the instructor. There were no differences in difficulties noted during the semester between traditional and distance education students. The model’s initial success suggests the potential for ease in adaptation in geographically dispersed logistics environments

    Virtual Maintenance, Reality, and Systems: A Review

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    Virtual Reality is a computer-generated, mock environment that can allow people to interact with it in a seemingly real way by using certain types of specialized equipment. It is mainly used for training or educational purposes and allows for “real-life” training in a safe and monitored environment. Virtual training can be used in many different fields such as medical, military, biomedical research, aviation, and many others. However, this paper reviews the most cited publications related to the application of virtual reality for training in the United States Military. As a result, researchers can find research venues based on the challenges, risk, and infrastructures

    Virtual Reality Environment Of Excavator Training For Operation License

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    In 2018 unfilled construction worker jobs rose to 404,000[1]. This was an all-time high, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey. The government has no restrictions for operating an excavator; however, it is impossible to get a job without any operation and competency documentation. For this documentation, an employer could be looking at about $1000 for the most highly recognized training, which must be reinstated every five years. Excavation operation is a highly sought-after profession, and jobs are expected to rise by over 10% until 2028. The NSF EPSCoR research project is creating a Virtual Reality environment that will allow both residential and commercial jobs to train and teach employees how to operate excavators safely and competently. The Virtual Reality scenario will also allow employers to reduce the cost of operation and competency training. As a result, several workplace scenarios have been developed that can fully amerce an excavator operator into their training and safety.https://scholarworks.moreheadstate.edu/celebration_posters_2021/1011/thumbnail.jp

    Structural Equation Modeling to Analyze Person-Organization Fit and Organizational Effectiveness

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    Efficient management and leadership can be achieved via precise planning for selection, recruitment, and optimization of the labor force. One of the major goals in labor force selection and recruitment is the fit between people and an organization. This phenomenon is known as person-individual fit. In this research, the authors collected data via a survey aimed at exploring the relationship between person-individual fit and organizational effectiveness at the University of Isfahan. The research hypotheses were tested through variables such as environmental congruence, KSA (knowledge/skills/abilities) congruence, goals congruence, values congruence, and personality congruence, as dimensions of person-individual fit. The aim of this study is developing and practical and from the procedure implemented is introducing-analyzing. The sample studied in this study is the mangers and employers of the university in Isfahan. A stratified random sampling method was used based the Morgan table and a sample size of 120 was chosen from among 150 persons. The results revealed that there is a significant relationship between dimensions of person-individual fit and organizational effectiveness

    Reliability prediction for the vehicles equipped with advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and passive safety systems (PSS)

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    The human error has been reported as a major root cause in road accidents in today’s world. The human as a driver in road vehicles composed of human, mechanical and electrical components is constantly exposed to changing surroundings (e.g., road conditions, environment)which deteriorate the driver’s capacities leading to a potential accident. The auto industries and transportation authorities have realized that similar to other complex and safety sensitive transportation systems, the road vehicles need to rely on both advanced technologies (i.e., Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)) and Passive Safety Systems (PSS) (e.g.,, seatbelts, airbags) in order to mitigate the risk of accidents and casualties. In this study, the advantages and disadvantages of ADAS as active safety systems as well as passive safety systems in road vehicles have been discussed. Also, this study proposes models that analyze the interactions between human as a driver and ADAS Warning and Crash Avoidance Systems and PSS in the design of vehicles. Thereafter, the mathematical models have been developed to make reliability prediction at any given time on the road transportation for vehicles equipped with ADAS and PSS. Finally, the implications of this study in the improvement of vehicle designs and prevention of casualties are discussed