322 research outputs found

    Are Americans more Altruistic than the Japanese Comparison of Saving and Bequest Motives.

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    In this paper, we analyze a variety of data on saving motives, bequest motives, and bequest division from the "Comparative Survey of Savings in Japan and the United States", a binational survey conducted in 1996 by the Institute for Posts and Telecommunications Policy of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of the Government of Japan, in order to shed light on which model of household behavior applies in the two countries.HOUSEHOLD ; SAVINGS ; CONSUMPTION

    Volume, Coulomb, and volume-symmetry coefficients of nucleus incompressibility in the relativistic mean field theory with the excluded volume effects

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    The relation among the volume coefficient KK(=incompressibility of the nuclear matter), the Coulomb coefficient KcK_c, and the volume-symmetry coefficient KvsK_{vs} of the nucleus incompressibility are studied in the framework of the relativistic mean field theory with the excluded volume effects of the nucleons, under the assumption of the scaling model. It is found that K=300±50K= 300\pm 50MeV is necessary to account for the empirical values of KK, KcK_c, and KvsK_{vs}, simultaneously, as is in the case of the point-like nucleons. The result is independent on the detail descriptions of the potential of the σ\sigma-meson self-interaction and is almost independent on the excluded volume of the nucleons.Comment: PACS numbers, 21.65.+f, 21.30.+

    Compressional properties of nuclear matter in the relativistic mean field theory with the excluded volume effects

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    Compressional properties of nuclear matter are studied by using the mean field theory with the excluded volume effects of the nucleons. It is found that the excluded volume effects make it possible to fit the empirical data of the Coulomb coefficient KcK_{c} of nucleus incompressibility, even if the volume coefficient KK is small(150\sim 150MeV). However, the symmetry properties favor K=300±50K=300\pm 50MeV as in the cases of the mean field theory of point-like nucleons.Comment: PACS numbers, 21.65.+f, 21.30.+

    Determination of QCD phase diagram from the imaginary chemical potential region

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    We test the reliability of the the Polyakov-loop extended Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model, comparing the model result with the lattice data at nonzero imaginary chemical potential. The PNJL model with the vector-type four-quark and scalar-type eight-quark interactions reproduces the lattice data on the pseudocritical temperatures of the deconfinement and chiral phase transitions. The QCD phase diagram in the real chemical potential region is predicted by the PNJL model. The critical endpoint survives, even if the vector-type four-quark interaction is taken into account.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figure

    Chiral phase transition in an extended NJL model with higher-order multi-quark interactions

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    The chiral phase transition is studied in an extended Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model with eight-quark interactions. Equations for scalar and vector quark densities, derived in the mean field approximation, are nonlinear and mutually coupled. The scalar-type nonlinear term hastens the restoration of chiral symmetry, while the scalar-vector mixing term makes the transition sharper. The scalar-type nonlinear term shifts the critical endpoint toward the values predicted by lattice QCD simulations and the QCD-like theory.Comment: 11pages, 7 figure