189 research outputs found

    Metal-nonmetal transition in LixCoO2 thin film and thermopower enhancement at high Li concentration

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    We investigate the transport properties of LixCoO2 thin films whose resistivities are nearly an order of magnitude lower than those of the bulk polycrystals. A metal-nonmetal transition occurs at ~0.8 in a biphasic domain, and the Seebeck coefficient (S) is drastically increased at ~140 K (= T*) with increasing the Li concentration to show a peak of magnitude ~120 \muV/K in the S-T curve of x = 0.87. We show that T* corresponds to a crossover temperature in the conduction, most likely reflecting the correlation-induced temperature dependence in the low-energy excitations

    Magnetoresistance scaling in the layered cobaltate Ca3Co4O9

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    We investigate the low temperature magnetic field dependences of both the resistivity and the magnetization in the misfit cobaltate Ca3Co4O9 from 60 K down to 2 K. The measured negative magnetoresistance reveals a scaling behavior with the magnetization which demonstrates a spin dependent diffusion mechanism. This scaling is also found to be consistent with a shadowed metalliclike conduction over the whole temperature range. By explaining the observed transport crossover, this result shed a new light on the nature of the elementary excitations relevant to the transport

    Strongly correlated properties of the thermoelectric cobalt oxide Ca3Co4O9

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    We have performed both in-plane resistivity, Hall effect and specific heat measurements on the thermoelectric cobalt oxide Ca3_{3}Co4_{4}O9_{9}. Four distinct transport regimes are found as a function of temperature, corresponding to a low temperature insulating one up to TminT_{min}\approx 63 K, a strongly correlated Fermi liquid up to TT^*\approx 140 K, with ρ=ρ0+AT2\rho=\rho_0+AT^2 and A3.63A\approx 3.63 102μΩcm/K210^{-2} \mu \Omega cm/K^{2}, followed by an incoherent metal with kFl1k_Fl\leq 1 and a high temperature insulator above T^{**}\approx 510 K . Specific heat Sommerfeld coefficient γ=93\gamma = 93 mJ/(mol.K2^{2}) confirms a rather large value of the electronic effective mass and fulfils the Kadowaki-Woods ratio A/γ20.45A/\gamma^2 \approx 0.45 105^{-5} μΩcm.K2/(mJ2mol2)\mu \Omega cm.K^2/(mJ^2mol^{-2}). Resistivity measurements under pressure reveal a decrease of the Fermi liquid transport coefficient A with an increase of TT^* as a function of pressure while the product A(T)2/aA(T^*)^2/a remains constant and of order h/e2h/e^2. Both thermodynamic and transport properties suggest a strong renormalization of the quasiparticles coherence scale of order TT^* that seems to govern also thermopower.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Dual electronic states in thermoelectric cobalt oxide

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    We investigate the low temperature magnetic field dependence of the resistivity in the thermoelectric misfit cobalt oxide [Bi1.7Ca2O4]0.59CoO2 from 60 K down to 3 K. The scaling of the negative magnetoresistance demonstrates a spin dependent transport mechanism due to a strong Hund's coupling. The inferred microscopic description implies dual electronic states which explain the coexistence between localized and itinerant electrons both contributing to the thermopower. By shedding a new light on the electronic states which lead to a high thermopower, this result likely provides a new potential way to optimize the thermoelectric properties

    Microscopic mechanism of low thermal conductivity in lead-telluride

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    The microscopic physics behind low lattice thermal conductivity of single crystal rocksalt lead telluride (PbTe) is investigated. Mode-dependent phonon (normal and umklapp) scattering rates and their impact on thermal conductivity were quantified by the first-principles-based anharmonic lattice dynamics calculations that accurately reproduce thermal conductivity in a wide temperature range. The low thermal conductivity of PbTe is attributed to the scattering of longitudinal acoustic phonons by transverse optical phonons with large anharmonicity, and small group velocity of the soft transverse acoustic phonons. This results in enhancing the relative contribution of optical phonons, which are usually minor heat carrier in bulk materials.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Thermoelectric power factor under strain-induced band-alignment in the half-Heuslers NbCoSn and TiCoSb

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    Band convergence is an effective strategy to improve the thermoelectric performance of complex bandstructure thermoelectric materials. Half-Heuslers are good candidates for band convergence studies because they have multiple bands near the valence bad edge that can be converged through various band engineering approaches providing power factor improvement opportunities. Theoretical calculations to identify the outcome of band convergence employ various approximations for the carrier scattering relaxation times (the most common being the constant relaxation time approximation) due to the high computational complexity involved in extracting them accurately. Here, we compare the outcome of strain-induced band convergence under two such scattering scenarios: i) the most commonly used constant relaxation time approximation and ii) energy dependent inter- and intra-valley scattering considerations for the half-Heuslers NbCoSn and TiCoSb. We show that the outcome of band convergence on the power factor depends on the carrier scattering assumptions, as well as the temperature. For both materials examined, band convergence improves the power factor. For NbCoSn, however, band convergence becomes more beneficial as temperature increases, under both scattering relaxation time assumptions. In the case of TiCoSb, on the other hand, constant relaxation time considerations also indicate that the relative power factor improvement increases with temperature, but under the energy dependent scattering time considerations, the relative improvement weakens with temperature. This indicates that the scattering details need to be accurately considered in band convergence studies to predict more accurate trends.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1905.0795

    Large-scale Synthesis of β-SiC Nanochains and Their Raman/Photoluminescence Properties

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    Although the SiC/SiO2 nanochain heterojunction has been synthesized, the chained homogeneous nanostructure of SiC has not been reported before. Herein, the novel β-SiC nanochains are synthesized assisted by the AAO template. The characterized results demonstrate that the nanostructures are constructed by spheres of 25–30 nm and conjoint wires of 15–20 nm in diameters. Raman and photoluminescence measurements are used to explore the unique optical properties. A speed-alternating vapor–solid (SA-VS) growth mechanism is proposed to interpret the formation of this typical nanochains. The achieved nanochains enrich the species of one-dimensional (1D) nanostructures and may hold great potential applications in nanotechnology