309 research outputs found

    The role of Kefalovruso and Amourio springs in the hydrodynamic conditions of Potamia Elassona Basin

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    Δυο λιγνιτικά κοιτάσματα έχουν εντοπιστεί στη λεκάνη των νεογενών της Ποταμιάς, που τοποθετείται στην Ελασσόνα στην κεντρική Ελλάδα. Οι υδατικοί πόροι της λεκάνης επηρεάζουν την εξόρυξη αυτών των κοιτασμάτων. Η λεπτομερής υδρογεωλογική έρευνα της περιοχής κρίνεται απαραίτητη πριν την έναρξη της μεταλλευτικής δραστηριότητας. Δυο είδη πηγών εκφορτίζονται στην περιοχή έρευνας, Οι καρστικές πηγές Κεφαλοβρύσου, στα βόρειο-δυτικά όρια της λεκάνης και οι πηγές Αμουρίου που αναβλύζουν στα Τεταρτογενή, στις αλλουβιακές αποθέσεις στο κεντρικό τμήμα της λεκάνης. Στην εργασία αναλύονται, οι υδρογεωλογικές συνθήκες των πηγών, αξιολογούνται οι υδρομετρήσεις (στάθμη, παροχές) και η συσχέτιση τους με τα μετεωρολογικά δεδομένα της περιοχής. Πραγματοποιήθηκε επεξεργασία της χρονοσειράς των υδρολογικών δεδομένων από το 1972 μέχρι το 2008 και για τις δυο πηγές, ενώ διάφοροι παράμετροι υπολογίστηκαν, για να διερευνηθεί η λειτουργία και η δυναμικότητα των πηγών. Διερευνήθηκε η τροφοδοσία του συστήματος των πηγών και η αλληλεπίδραση τους με το υπόγειο υδατικό δυναμικό της Ποταμιάς.Elassona area in central Greece. The water resources of the region affect critically the exploitation of the mineral deposits. The detailed hydrogeological research of the area is imperative before starting the mining activities. Two groups of springs discharge near the study area. The karstic springs of Kefalovruso are in the northwest boundaries of the Neogene basin and the springs of Amourio are located in the Quaternary alluvial deposits, in the central part of the area. This paper includes the analysis of the hydrogeological conditions of the springs, the processing of the water- measurements (water supply, water level) and their correlation with the area’s meteorological data. The time series of hydrological data, from 1972 to 2008, were evaluated for both springs and several parameters were estimated in order to investigate the function and the capacity of the springs. The relation between the recharge system of the springs and the area’s groundwater dynamics is also analysed

    The value of geological data, information and knowledge in producing landslide susceptibility maps.

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    Στο άρθρο αυτό επιχειρείται να δοθεί μια συνοπτική παρουσίαση της αξίας που έχει η διαχείριση  της  γεωλογικής  πληροφορίας  σε  μελέτες  διερεύνησης  κατολισθητικών φαινομένων  και  του  τρόπου  με  τον  οποίο  αυτή  αποτυπώνεται  σε  χάρτες κατολισθητικής  επιδεκτικότητας.  Συγκεκριμένα,  ορίζονται  οι  έννοιες,  δεδομένα, πληροφορία, γνώση, και παρουσιάζεται η διαδικασία μετατροπής των δεδομένων σε πληροφορία  και  της  πληροφορίας  σε  γνώση,  ενώ  επιχειρείται  και  μια  συνοπτική περιγραφή των κατολισθητικών φαινομένων και των τεχνικών που διαχειρίζονται τα δεδομένα και τις προκύπτουσες πληροφορίες. The  paper  attempts  to  illustrate  the  value  of  Geological  data,  information  and knowledge in studies that investigate landslide phenomena and how this is reflected in the production of landslide susceptibility maps. In particular, the concepts  of data, information, knowledge and wisdom are defined and also the process of converting data into information and information into knowledge. The presented study continuous with a summary that introduces landslide phenomena and the available techniques and methods for identifying and classifying these natural phenomena. It describes the significance of landslide analysis and how this process is essential in order to orient intelligence decisions regarding strategies for regional and urban development. The susceptibility maps that are considered as the outcomes of the over mentioned process, reflects the Geological Knowledge that has been produced by involving expert knowledge and processing data.


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    The need to provide data management capabilities in geotechnical projects, makes data visualization in a more understanding way vital, while improvements in computer science, have created an opportunity to rethink the manner in which such data is archived and presented. Geographic Information Systems are considered nowadays as principal methods for analysis, utilizing their ability of manipulating, compiling and processing spatial data, such as geotechnical one. In this paper, the development of Borehole Analysis System (BAS) a specific Graphical User Interface (GUI) application is proposed to access geotechnical data with the aim of a relational database and an open source GIS platform, embodied in the application. The BAS, is able to integrate multiple layers of gathered information and to derive additional knowledge by applying statistical and data mining algorithms with the use of spatial query tools. These can give reasonable conclusions and better representation in 2-D and 3-D environment. The presented application is illustrated with an example from field practice, testifying its ability to be a useful tool for management and presentation of geological and geotechnical borehole data

    The possible anti-inflammatory role of circulating human leukocyte antigen levels in women with endometriosis after treatment with danazol and leuprorelin acetate depot.

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    BACKGROUND: Endometriosis is defined as an inflammatory condition of the female reproductive tract, a state often associated with infertility and miscarriage. Many exogenously administered factors (treatments) control the disease via as yet unknown pathways. Possible candidate molecules involved in these mechanisms could be the serum-soluble human leukocyte antigens (sHIA) that have been detected in a variety of human body fluids and that are associated with several diseases. AIMS: We here examine how danazol and leuprorelin acetate depot treatments exert their anti-inflammatory action. It is plausible that subtle alterations mediated by these treatments and in relation to sHLA may explain the pathophysiology of endometriosis and provide insights towards new therapeutic protocols. METHODS: Indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), using specific monoclonal antibodies, determined serum-soluble class-I and class-II HLA levels. ELISA readings from treated women were compared with normal healthy subjects. RESULTS: Serum-soluble class-I and class-II HLA levels are statistically significantly lower (P < 0.001) in women with endometriosis than in the control groups. However, danazol but not leuprorelin acetate depot administration augments soluble HLA class I and class II (P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively) to normal levels during the treatment period, an increase that may account for the anti-inflammatory effect and the remission observed. CONCLUSIONS: It is shown that one of the underlying causes of endometriosis may be the lack of both circulating class-I and class-II antigen levels. Danazol administration acts via an induced release of these antigens, whose presence correlates with the degree of the inflammatory alleviation obtained. We thus provide evidence that the inflammatory state of the disease appears to be associated with soluble HLA levels because, 3 months after ceasing therapy, the circulating antigens in the serum return to the same levels that correspond to the pathological condition