52 research outputs found

    Interactions of the potent synthetic AT1 antagonist analog BV6 with membrane bilayers and mesoporous silicate matrices

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    The present work describes the drug:membrane interactions and a drug delivery system of the novel potent AT1 blocker BV6. This designed analog has most of the pharmacological segments of losartan and an additional biphenyltetrazole moiety resulting in increased lipophilicity. We found that BV6:membrane interactions lead to compact bilayers that may in part explain its higher in vitro activity compared to losartan since such environment may facilitate its approach to AT1 receptor. Its high docking score to AT1 receptor stems from more hydrophobic interactions compared to losartan. X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) have shown that BV6 has a crystalline form that is not decomposed completely up to 600 °C. These properties are desirable for a drug molecule. BV6 can also be incorporated into a mesoporous silicate drug-delivery matrix SBA-15. The properties of the obtained drug-delivery system have been inspected by XRD, 13C CP/MAS, TGA and nitrogen sorption experiments

    Kemijski sastav endemske biljke Centaurea austro-anatolica i ispitivanje antimikrobnog djelovanja protiv multi-rezistentnih bakterija

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    Hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and ethanolic extracts of the aerial parts of C. austro-anatolica Hub.-Mor. (Asteraceae) were evaluated against microorganisms, including multi-resistant bacteria, using a paper disc diffusion method. The chloroform extract exhibited significant antibacterial activity toward all bacteria tested. The chemical composition of the chloroform extract was determined by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The major compounds of the extract were caryophyllene oxide (21.32 %), spathulenol (10.86 %), n-tricosanol (9.58 %) and geranyl isovalerate (8.71 %).Heksanski, kloroformski, etil-acetatni i etanolni ekstrakti vršnih dijelova biljke C. austro-anatolica Hub.-Mor. (Asteraceae) ispitivani su na antimikrobno djelovanje protiv multi-rezistentnih bakterija, koristeći difuzijsku metodu na papirnom disku. Kloroformski ekstrakt pokazao je značajno antibakterijsko djelovanje protiv svih testiranih bakterija. Kemijski sastav tog ekstrakta određivan je plinskom kromatografijom (GC) i plinskom kromatografijom-spektrometrijom masa (GC-MS). Najvažniji sastojci ekstrakta bili su kariofilen oksid (21,32 %), spatulenol (10,86 %), n-trikozanol (9,58 %) i geranil izovalerat (8,71 %)

    A simulation study of the interaction of sulfhydryl nucleophiles with several antifungal sesquiterpene lactones isolated from Greek Centaurea sp.

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    Sesquiterpene lactones are terpenoid compounds characteristic of the Asteraceae (Compositae) possessing a variety of biological activities, such as cytotoxic, antitumor, antibacterial and antifungal. It is well known that the activity of a given sesquiterpene lactone may be determined by the availability and accessibility of vitally important thiol compounds present in specific fungi, such as cysteine and glutathione. A simulation study of the interaction of the sulfhydryl nucleophiles with two germacranolides, selected from a series of natural antifungal sesquiterpene lactones and corresponding semi-synthetic derivatives, was performed through molecular modeling techniques. The Hartree-Fock ab initio calculations revealed that structural modification of the examined natural sesquiterpene lactones may increase their biologic activity. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    VolSurf analysis of pharmacokinetic properties for several antifungal sesquiterpene lactones isolated from Greek Centaurea sp.

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    Sesquiterpene lactones are terpenoid compounds characteristic of the Asteraceae (Compositae) possessing a variety of biological activities, such as cytotoxic, antitumor, antibacterial, and antifungal. The prediction of the pharmacokinetic profile of several antifungal sesquiterpene lactones, isolated from Greek taxa of Centaurea sp., was undertaken in this study using the VolSurf procedure. The molecules were projected on the following pre-calculated ADME models: Caco-2 cell permeability, plasma protein affinity, blood-brain barrier permeation and thermodynamic solubility. The in silico projection revealed a non optimal pharmacokinetic profile for the studied compounds. ADME in silico screening of a semi-synthetic derivatives virtual library has been performed in order to optimize the pharmacokinetic properties. A number of derivatives were proposed as it was predicted to have higher Caco-2 cell permeability, while the pharmacokinetic behaviour regarding BBB penetration, protein binding and solubility was mainly preserved. © Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2005

    Partial Interdigitation of Lipid Bilayers

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    A methodology has been developed to detect partial interdigitation of lipid bilayers when a bioactive molecule is intercalated between the polar, interface, or hydrophobic segments. This methodology uses the easily accessible differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) technique as a screening one and the increase of DH due to the incorporated drug in lipid bilayers as a diagnostic thermodynamic parameter. The combined use of X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy complement and confirm the provided by DSC information as it is shown in three classes of molecules, namely AT1 antagonists, vinca alkaloids, and anesthetic steroids. For the two classes of molecules, AT1 antagonists and vinca alkaloids, their presence in lipid bilayers results in the increase of DH and it is accompanied by the increase of trans:gauche ratio and the decrease of d-spacing as depicted by Raman spectroscopy and small-angle X-ray diffraction correspondingly, confirming the predictive ability of DSC experiments. When an anesthetic steroid is incorporated in lipid bilayers, neither increase of DH nor decrease of d-spacing was observed, confirming again the DSC results that show the absence of partial interdigitation of this class of molecules. Molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out for a representative system [(5S)-1- benzylo-5-(1H-benzimidazol-1-ylo-methylo)-2-pyrrolidinone (MMK3) ligands at 1,2- dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC) lipid bilayer], and the results confirmed the experimental findings. The change of distance at z-axis of oxygen atoms at head group of lipid molecule has been measured throughout the simulations. Statistical analysis has shown 8.8 A˚ interdigitation. Derived computational results are encouraging and can be performed to another ligand/lipid system. The development of a theoretical methodology will lead to advance the field and save a valuable time and effor

    A Computational Study on Cannabinoid receptors and Potent Bioactive Cannabinoid Ligands: Homology Modeling, Docking De novo Drug Design and Molecular Dynamics Analysis

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    When X-ray structure of a ligand-bound receptor is not available, homology models of the protein of interest can be used to obtain the ligand-binding cavities. The steroelectronic properties of these cavities are directly related to the performed molecular model coordinates. Thus, the use of different template structures for homology may result in variation of ligand-binding modes. We have recently reported the MD simulations of a potent CB ligand at bovine rhodopsin-based CB1 and CB2 receptors (Durdagi et al., Bioorg Med Chem 16:7377-7387, 2008). In this present study, a homology modeling study based on the beta2-adrenergic receptor for both CB1 and CB2 receptors was performed, and the results were compared with rhodopsin-based models. In addition, the role of membrane bilayers to the adopted conformations of potent AMG3 CB ligand has been analyzed for receptor-free and membrane-associated receptor systems. The performed MD trajectory analysis results have shown that gauche conformations at the terminal segment of the alkyl side chain of AMG3 are not favored in solution. Different adopting dihedral angles defined between aromatic and dithiolane rings at the active sites of the CB1 and CB2 receptors, which are adapted lead to different alkyl side chain orientations and thus, may give clues to the medicinal chemists to synthesize more selective CB ligands. The binding sites of receptors derived by rhodopsin-based models have been regenerated using the beta2-adrenergic based template receptors. The re-obtained models confirmed the ligand-binding pockets that were derived based on rhodopsin

    Evaluation of aldose reductase inhibition and docking studies of some secondary metabolites, isolated from Origanum vulgare L. ssp. hirtum

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    Five polar constituents of Origanum vulgare L. ssp. hirtum were investigated for their ability to inhibit aldose reductase (ALR2), the first enzyme of the polyol pathway implicated in the secondary complications of diabetes. The most active compound was found to be lithospermic acid B. Caffeic acid was inactive as it showed no inhibitory activity against the enzyme. The order of the inhibitory activity of the remaining compounds was: rosmarinic acid >12-hydroxyjasmonic acid 12-O-β-glucopyranoside > p-menth-3-ene-1,2-diol 1-O-β-glucopyranoside. Docking studies have been undertaken to gain insight into the binding mode of the investigated compounds at the active site of ALR2. The predicted hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions may explain the observed inhibitory activity. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Inhibitory effect on soybean lipoxygenase and docking studies of some secondary metabolites, isolated from Origanum vulgare L. ssp. hirtum

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    In this study, five secondary metabolites (caffeic acid, rosmarinic acid, lithospermic acid B, 12-hydroxyjasmonic acid 12-O-β-glucoside and p-menth-3-ene-1,2-diol 1-O-β-glucopyranoside) isolated from the polar extracts of the plant Origanum vulgare L. ssp. hirtum, were tested in vitro for their ability to inhibit soybean lipoxygenase. Among the examined compounds, lithospermic acid B demonstrated the best inhibitory activity on soybean lipoxygenase with IC50 = 0.1 mM. Docking studies have been undertaken as an attempt for better understanding the interactions of these compounds within the active site of soybean lipoxygenase. The predicted binding energy values correlated well with the observed biological data

    Design and synthesis of novel series of pyrrole based chemotypes and their evaluation as selective aldose reductase inhibitors. A case of bioisosterism between a carboxylic acid moiety and that of a tetrazole

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    Pyrrolyl-propionic and butyric-acid derivatives 1 and 2 were synthesized in order to study the effect of the variation of the methylene chain in comparison to the previously reported pyrrolyl-acetic acid compound I, which was found as potent aldose reductase inhibitor, while the pyrrolyl-tetrazole derivatives 3-5 were prepared as a non-classical bioisosteres of a carboxylic acid moiety. Also, pyrrolyl-tetrazole isomers 6 and 7 without an alkyl chain between the two aromatic rings were synthesized. The in vitro aldose reductase inhibitory activity of the prepared 1-7 compounds were estimated and compared with that of the initial compound (I). Overall, the data indicate that the presented chemotypes 6 and 7 are a promising lead compounds for the development of selective aldose reductase inhibitors, aiming to the long-term complications of diabetes mellitus. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Simple chalcones and bis -chalcones ethers as possible pleiotropic agents

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    The synthesis, the antioxidative properties and the lipoxygenase (LOX) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition of a number of 4-hydroxy-chalcones diversely substituted as well as of a series of bis-chalcones ether derivatives are reported. The chalcones derivatives were readily produced using a Claisen-Schmidt condensation in a ultra sound bath in good yields. The structures of the synthesized compounds were confirmed by spectral and elemental analysis. Their lipophilicity is experimentally determined by reversed-phase thin-layer chromatography method. Most of them are potent in vitro inhibitors of lipid peroxidation and of LOX. Compounds b2 and b3 were found to be the most potent LOX and AChE inhibitors among the tested derivatives with a significant anti-lipid peroxidation profile. The results led us to propose these enone derivatives as new multifunctional compounds against Alzheimer's disease. The results are discussed in terms of structural and physicochemical characteristics of the compounds. Moreover, the pharmacokinetic profile of these compounds was investigated using computational methods. © 2015 Informa UK Ltd