4 research outputs found

    A study of tableting materials and tablets with the retarding component containing hypromellose and carmellose sodium.

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    Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department: Pharmaceutical Technology Student: Kristýna Koukolová Consultant: Assoc. Prof. PharmDr. Jitka Mužíková, Ph.D. Title of the Diploma Thesis: A study of tableting materials and tablets with the retarding component containing hypromellose and carmellose sodium The thesis deals with the study of compressibility of directly compressible tableting materials containing coprocessed dry binders MicroceLac® 100 and Prosolv® SMCC 90 in combination with the retarding component CompactCel® SR, which is a mixture of hypromellose and carmellose sodium. The tested concentrations of the retarding component were 10 %, 20 % and 30 %. The formulations also contained salicylic acid as a model drug at concentration of 25 % and sodium stearyl fumarate as a lubricant at concentration of 1%. Flow properties, specifically fowability, apparent volumes and densities were evaluated at the tableting materials. During tablet compression, compressibility was evaluated using the energy profile of the compression process. The tested tablet parameters were tensile strength, friability, disintegration and drug dissolution. Formulations with MicroceLac® 100 showed better flow properties. The addition of a retarding component worsened the flow properties. The values...Univerzita Karlova, Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové Katedra: Farmaceutická technologie Student: Kristýna Koukolová Školitel: doc. PharmDr. Jitka Mužíková, Ph.D. Název diplomové práce: Studium tabletovin a tablet s retardující složkou obsahující hypromelosu a sodnou sůl karmelosy Práce se zabývá studiem lisovatelnosti přímo lisovatelných tabletovin obsahujících směsná suchá pojiva MicroceLac® 100 a Prosolv® SMCC 90 v kombinaci s retardující složkou CompactCel® SR, která je směsí hypromelosy a sodné soli karmelosy. Testované koncentrace retardující složky byly 10 %, 20 % a 30 %. Tabletoviny dále obsahovaly kyselinu salicylovou jako modelové léčivo v koncentraci 25 % a mazadlo stearylfumarát sodný v koncentraci 1 %. U tabletovin byly hodnoceny jejich tokové vlastnosti, konktrétně jejich sypnost, zdánlivé objemy a hustoty. Během lisování tablet byla hodnocena lisovatelnost pomocí energetického profilu lisovacího procesu. Testované parametry tablet byly pevnost v tahu, oděr, rozpad a disoluce léčivé látky z tablety. Lepší tokové vlastnosti vykazovaly formulace s MicroceLacem® 100. Přídavek retardující složky charakter toku zhoršoval. Hodnoty celkové energie lisování, energie plastické deformace i plasticity byly vyšší v případě tabletovin s Prosolvem® SMCC 90. Vlivem přídavku retardující složky...Department of Pharmaceutical TechnologyKatedra farmaceutické technologieFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci KrálovéFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králov

    A study of tableting materials and tablets with the retarding component containing hypromellose and carmellose sodium.

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    Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department: Pharmaceutical Technology Student: Kristýna Koukolová Consultant: Assoc. Prof. PharmDr. Jitka Mužíková, Ph.D. Title of the Diploma Thesis: A study of tableting materials and tablets with the retarding component containing hypromellose and carmellose sodium The thesis deals with the study of compressibility of directly compressible tableting materials containing coprocessed dry binders MicroceLac® 100 and Prosolv® SMCC 90 in combination with the retarding component CompactCel® SR, which is a mixture of hypromellose and carmellose sodium. The tested concentrations of the retarding component were 10 %, 20 % and 30 %. The formulations also contained salicylic acid as a model drug at concentration of 25 % and sodium stearyl fumarate as a lubricant at concentration of 1%. Flow properties, specifically fowability, apparent volumes and densities were evaluated at the tableting materials. During tablet compression, compressibility was evaluated using the energy profile of the compression process. The tested tablet parameters were tensile strength, friability, disintegration and drug dissolution. Formulations with MicroceLac® 100 showed better flow properties. The addition of a retarding component worsened the flow properties. The values..

    A study of tableting materials and tablets with the retarding component containing hypromellose and carmellose sodium.

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    Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department: Pharmaceutical Technology Student: Kristýna Koukolová Consultant: Assoc. Prof. PharmDr. Jitka Mužíková, Ph.D. Title of the Diploma Thesis: A study of tableting materials and tablets with the retarding component containing hypromellose and carmellose sodium The thesis deals with the study of compressibility of directly compressible tableting materials containing coprocessed dry binders MicroceLac® 100 and Prosolv® SMCC 90 in combination with the retarding component CompactCel® SR, which is a mixture of hypromellose and carmellose sodium. The tested concentrations of the retarding component were 10 %, 20 % and 30 %. The formulations also contained salicylic acid as a model drug at concentration of 25 % and sodium stearyl fumarate as a lubricant at concentration of 1%. Flow properties, specifically fowability, apparent volumes and densities were evaluated at the tableting materials. During tablet compression, compressibility was evaluated using the energy profile of the compression process. The tested tablet parameters were tensile strength, friability, disintegration and drug dissolution. Formulations with MicroceLac® 100 showed better flow properties. The addition of a retarding component worsened the flow properties. The values...Univerzita Karlova, Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové Katedra: Farmaceutická technologie Student: Kristýna Koukolová Školitel: doc. PharmDr. Jitka Mužíková, Ph.D. Název diplomové práce: Studium tabletovin a tablet s retardující složkou obsahující hypromelosu a sodnou sůl karmelosy Práce se zabývá studiem lisovatelnosti přímo lisovatelných tabletovin obsahujících směsná suchá pojiva MicroceLac® 100 a Prosolv® SMCC 90 v kombinaci s retardující složkou CompactCel® SR, která je směsí hypromelosy a sodné soli karmelosy. Testované koncentrace retardující složky byly 10 %, 20 % a 30 %. Tabletoviny dále obsahovaly kyselinu salicylovou jako modelové léčivo v koncentraci 25 % a mazadlo stearylfumarát sodný v koncentraci 1 %. U tabletovin byly hodnoceny jejich tokové vlastnosti, konktrétně jejich sypnost, zdánlivé objemy a hustoty. Během lisování tablet byla hodnocena lisovatelnost pomocí energetického profilu lisovacího procesu. Testované parametry tablet byly pevnost v tahu, oděr, rozpad a disoluce léčivé látky z tablety. Lepší tokové vlastnosti vykazovaly formulace s MicroceLacem® 100. Přídavek retardující složky charakter toku zhoršoval. Hodnoty celkové energie lisování, energie plastické deformace i plasticity byly vyšší v případě tabletovin s Prosolvem® SMCC 90. Vlivem přídavku retardující složky...Department of Pharmaceutical TechnologyKatedra farmaceutické technologieFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci KrálovéFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králov

    A study of tableting materials and tablets with the retarding component containing hypromellose and carmellose sodium.

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    Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department: Pharmaceutical Technology Student: Kristýna Koukolová Consultant: Assoc. Prof. PharmDr. Jitka Mužíková, Ph.D. Title of the Diploma Thesis: A study of tableting materials and tablets with the retarding component containing hypromellose and carmellose sodium The thesis deals with the study of compressibility of directly compressible tableting materials containing coprocessed dry binders MicroceLac® 100 and Prosolv® SMCC 90 in combination with the retarding component CompactCel® SR, which is a mixture of hypromellose and carmellose sodium. The tested concentrations of the retarding component were 10 %, 20 % and 30 %. The formulations also contained salicylic acid as a model drug at concentration of 25 % and sodium stearyl fumarate as a lubricant at concentration of 1%. Flow properties, specifically fowability, apparent volumes and densities were evaluated at the tableting materials. During tablet compression, compressibility was evaluated using the energy profile of the compression process. The tested tablet parameters were tensile strength, friability, disintegration and drug dissolution. Formulations with MicroceLac® 100 showed better flow properties. The addition of a retarding component worsened the flow properties. The values..