10 research outputs found

    Comparative Study of 5-Day and 10-Day Cefditoren Pivoxil Treatments for Recurrent Group A β-Hemolytic Streptococcus pharyngitis in Children

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    Efficacy of short-course therapy with cephalosporins for treatment of group A β-hemolytic streptococcus (GABHS) pharyngitis is still controversial. Subjects were 226 children with a history of at least one episode of GABHS pharyngitis. Recurrence within the follow-up period (3 weeks after initiation of therapy) occurred in 7 of the 77 children in the 5-day treatment group and in 1 of the 149 children in the 10-day treatment group; the incidence of recurrence being significantly higher in the 5-day treatment group. Bacteriologic treatment failure (GABHS isolation without overt pharyngitis) at follow-up culture was observed in 7 of the 77 children in the 5-day treatment group and 17 of the 149 children in the 10-day treatment group. There was no statistical difference between the two groups. A 5-day course of oral cephalosporins is not always recommended for treatment of GABHS pharyngitis in children who have repeated episodes of pharyngitis

    Acanthamoeba containing endosymbiotic chlamydia isolated from hospital environments and its potential role in inflammatory exacerbation

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    Background: Environmental chlamydiae belonging to the Parachlamydiaceae are obligate intracellular bacteria that infect Acanthamoeba, a free-living amoeba, and are a risk for hospital-acquired pneumonia. However, whether amoebae harboring environmental chlamydiae actually survive in hospital environments is unknown. We therefore isolated living amoebae with symbiotic chlamydiae from hospital environments. Results: One hundred smear samples were collected from Hokkaido University Hospital, Sapporo, Japan; 50 in winter (February to March, 2012) and 50 in summer (August, 2012), and used for the study. Acanthamoebae were isolated from the smear samples, and endosymbiotic chlamydial traits were assessed by infectivity, cytokine induction, and draft genomic analysis. From these, 23 amoebae were enriched on agar plates spread with heatkilled Escherichia coli. Amoeba prevalence was greater in the summer-collected samples (15/30, 50%) than those of the winter season (8/30, 26.7%), possibly indicating a seasonal variation (p = 0.096). Morphological assessment of cysts revealed 21 amoebae (21/23, 91%) to be Acanthamoeba, and cultures in PYG medium were established for 11 of these amoebae. Three amoebae contained environmental chlamydiae; however, only one amoeba (Acanthamoeba T4) with an environmental chlamydia (Protochlamydia W-9) was shown the infectious ability to Acanthamoeba C3 (reference amoebae). While Protochlamydia W-9 could infect C3 amoeba, it failed to replicate in immortal human epithelial, although exposure of HEp-2 cells to living bacteria induced the proinflammatory cytokine, IL-8. Comparative genome analysis with KEGG revealed similar genomic features compared with other Protochlamydia genomes (UWE25 and R18), except for a lack of genes encoding the type IV secretion system. Interestingly, resistance genes associated with several antibiotics and toxic compounds were dentified. Conclusion: These findings are the first demonstration of the distribution in a hospital of a living Acanthamoeba carrying an endosymbiotic chlamydial pathogen

    Successful Colistin Treatment of Multidrug-Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infection Using a Rapid Method for Determination of Colistin in Plasma: Usefulness of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

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    A 56-year-old woman with systemic lupus erythematosus had bacteremia due to multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (MDRP). She was initially treated with imipenem cilastatin, tobramycin, and aztreonam; however, MDRP was still detected intermittently in her plasma. Multidrug-susceptibility tests demonstrated that MDRP was susceptible only to colistin. Therefore, in addition to these antibiotics, the administration of intravenous colistin methanesulfonate, a prodrug formula of colistin, was started at a daily dose of 2.5 mg/kg (as colistin base activity). The initial dose setting was based on the patient's renal function (baseline creatinine clearance=32.7mL/min). After initiating colistin, the patient's C-reactive protein levels gradually decreased. Blood cultures showed no evidence of MDRP on days 8, 14, and 22 after colistin initiation. However, the patient's renal function went from bad to worse owing to septic shock induced by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection. A few days later, the trough plasma levels of colistin were 7.88 mg/L, which appeared to be higher than expected. After decreasing the colistin dose, the patient's renal function gradually improved. On the final day of colistin treatment, the plasma levels decreased to 0.60 mg/L. MDRP could not be detected in blood culture after colistin treatment. Therefore, we successfully treated a case of bloodstream infection due to MDRP by therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of colistin. It is suggested that the monitoring of blood colistin levels by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry can contribute to safer, more effective antimicrobial therapy of MDRP because TDM facilitates quick decisions on dose adjustments

    Breaking away from an endemic state of multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa by daily sink disinfection

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    The detection rate of multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa in patients admitted to 2 wards and the intensive care unit decreased from 20.3% (129 of 636 isolates) to 4.2% (37 of 889 isolates) after the start of disinfection of hand washing sinks using alkyl diaminoethylglycine hydrochloride

    Additional file 4: of Acanthamoeba containing endosymbiotic chlamydia isolated from hospital environments and its potential role in inflammatory exacerbation

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    Comparison of metabolic pathways between Protochlamydia W-9 (BCPZ01000001-BCPZ01000402) and a representative chlamydiae (Protochlamydia UWE25 [2] and Protochlamydia R18 [20]). Green lines, unique in the Protochlamydia W-9 active modules. Blue lines, shared modules. Red lines; modules specific for Protochlamydia UWE25. (PPTX 496 kb

    Additional file 5: of Acanthamoeba containing endosymbiotic chlamydia isolated from hospital environments and its potential role in inflammatory exacerbation

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    Comparative genomic features of Protochlamydia W-9 (BCPZ01000001-BCPZ01000402) and Protochlamydia R18 [20] aligned on a representative chlamydiae, Protochlamydia UWE25 [2]. Cicles 1 and 2 show the aligned genomic identity of Protochlamydia W-9 and Protochlamydia R18, respectively. * indicates lacking the genes encoding type IV secretion system. (PPTX 438 kb