124 research outputs found

    The ideas about nursing course of senior high school teachers.

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    近年、4年制大学の増設をはじめとした看護課程における教育の変革が進められつつある。これは質の高い看護の人材を必要とする社会のニーズに応えたものである。著者らはこれらの看護課程に対する意見を、岡山県下の高校で進路指導をしている教師に尋ね、郵送による質問紙法を用いて33名の回答を得た。その結果、以下のことが分かった。1. 51.5%の教師は、看護大学が増えると進学希望者の関心は呼ぶとしており、36.4%は、学生数の一定の増加があるだろうとしている。また、36.4%は教師の立場から看護課程への進学を勧めやすくなると考えている。2. 高校の教師は看護婦不足の理由として労働条件の厳しさを指摘している。3. 高校教師は進路として看護課程を勧める理由を仕事の専門性と奉仕性を多くあげていた。これらは、高等教育化と看護職のイメージの改善の両方が必要であることを示唆している。Currently, improvement of nursing curriculum has been done in Japan, including the establishment of a four year course at universitiy, responding to the social needs for man-power for high quality nursing. A questionnaire survey by mail was done in 1993, to get ideas about the nursing course of high school teachers giving advice to students wishing to go on to university or college. Thirty three high school teachers out of a total of 76 schools in Okayama prefecture responded. The results were as follows; 1, Seventeen teachers (51.5%) answered that the increase of a four year course at university would be an incentive to students. Twelve teachers (36.4%) said that it might increase the number of students choosing the course. And also 12 teachers (36.4%) thought that they could recommend this course to students more easily than before. 2, They pointed out the harsh working conditions as the reason for a shortage of nursing manpower. 3, Their reasons why they recommend the nursing course to students were firstly the specialty and secondly devotion to people

    New molecular diagnostic kit to assess Y-chromosome deletions in the Japanese population

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    Objectives: Deletions in the azoospermia factor regions are the most common known molecular genetic cause of human male infertility involving spermatogenetic failure. Testing for these deletions in Japanese DNA samples using conventional sequence-tagged site probes occasionally lead to considerable non-specific or faint products in the Japanese population. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of a newly developed kit for the detection of azoospermia factor microdeletions in the Japanese population. Methods: Sequence-tagged site probes were reselected and the Luminex suspension array assay was carried out. Validation was retrospectively carried out with 2014 DNA sequences with known microdeletions, which were divided into four categories. Results: Category1 deletions that corresponded to the conventional classification of azoospermia factor deletion were present in 83 men (4.2%), which can result in intrachromosomal homologous recombination. Kit data confirmed the presence of deletions of this type in DNA sequences known to harbor the azoospermia factor deletions. Category2 deletions involved cytogenetic abnormalities in 28 men (1.4%), whereas category3 deletions in 759 men (37.7%) were atypical classifications including the gr/gr deletion. As these deletions are thought to be a result of palindromic units and non-homologous recombination, these microdeletions might impact in the interpretation of some clinical findings. The rest of the 1145 cases (56.8%) were assigned to category4 as normal variants (polymorphism/no deletion). Conclusions: The present findings show that this new kit offers good sensitivity and specificity with the advantage of saving in terms of cost and time. © 2014 The Japanese Urological Association

    A Patient With Thiamine Deficiency Exhibiting Muscle Edema Suggested by MRI

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    Myalgia is sometimes observed in patients with thiamine-deficiency neuropathy. However, the detailed mechanism(s) underlying muscular manifestations have been poorly elucidated. We herein report a possible patient with thiamine-deficiency neuropathy exhibiting muscle weakness and myalgia in lower limbs. The patient exhibited abnormal muscle signal intensities on MRI corresponding to the site of myalgia. After thiamine replacement therapy, rapid improvement of clinical symptoms and abnormal MRI findings were observed. Muscle MRI findings in this case implicated the possible mechanism of myalgia observed in patients with thiamine deficiency neuropathy

    A comparison of hand-arm vibration syndrome between Malaysian and Japanese workers

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    A Comparison of Hand-arm Vibration Syndrome between Malaysian and Japanese Workers: Anselm Ting SU, et al. Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Malaya, Malaysia-The evidence on hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) in tropical environments is limited. The legislation for the control of occupational vibration exposure has yet to be established in Malaysia. Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical characteristics of HAVS in a tropical environment in comparison with a temperate environment. Methods: We conducted a series medical examinations among the forestry, construction and automobile industry workers in Malaysia adopting the compulsory medical examination procedure used by Wakayama Medical University for Japanese vibratory tools workers. We matched the duration of vibration exposure and compared our results against the Japanese workers. We also compared the results of the Malaysian tree fellers against a group of symptomatic Japanese tree fellers diagnosed with HAVS. Results: Malaysian subjects reported a similar prevalence of finger tingling, numbness and dullness (Malaysian=25.0%, Japanese=21.5%, p=0.444) but had a lower finger skin temperature (FST) and higher vibrotactile perception threshold (VPT) values as compared with the Japanese workers. No white finger was reported in Malaysiansubjects. The FST and VPT of the Malaysian tree fellers were at least as bad as the Japanese tree fellers despite a shorter duration (mean difference=20.12 years, 95%CI=14.50, 25.40) of vibration exposure. Conclusions: Although the vascular disorder does not manifest clinically in the tropical environment, the severity of HAVS can be as bad as in the temperate environment with predominantly neurological disorder. Hence, it is essential to formulate national legislation for the control of the occupational vibration exposure

    Rapid resolution of femoral head osteonecrosis after rotational acetabular osteotomy

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    The natural history of osteonecrosis of the femoral head is generally thought to be one of progressive deterioration if no intervention is undertaken. However, it is unknown whether surgical intervention is beneficial for patients with a small region of osteonecrosis. We observed rapid improvement of MRI findings after rotational acetabular osteotomy (RAO) was performed in a young patient with osteonecrosis of the femoral head. The band-like low signal area on T2-weighted images almost resolved by six months after surgery. He returned to work as an electrician by six months after surgery. Early surgical intervention such as RAO that alters the mechanical force acting on the necrotic region of the femoral head may accelerate the recovery of osteonecrosis and the improvement of symptoms

    Integrated genetic and clinical prognostic factors for aggressive adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma

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    成人T細胞白血病リンパ腫(ATL)におけるゲノム情報と臨床情報を統合したリスクモデルを確立 --ATLの個別化医療を推進--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-04-10.The prognosis of aggressive adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL) is poor, and allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) is a curative treatment. To identify favorable prognostic patients after intensive chemotherapy, and who therefore might not require upfront allo-HSCT, we aimed to improve risk stratification of aggressive ATL patients aged <70 years. The clinical risk factors and genetic mutations were incorporated into risk modeling for overall survival (OS). We generated the m7-ATLPI, a clinicogenetic risk model for OS, that included the ATL prognostic index (PI) (ATL-PI) risk category, and non-silent mutations in seven genes, namely TP53, IRF4, RHOA, PRKCB, CARD11, CCR7, and GATA3. In the training cohort of 99 patients, the m7-ATLPI identified a low-, intermediate-, and high-risk group with 2-year OS of 100%, 43%, and 19%, respectively (hazard ratio [HR] 5.46, p < 0.0001). The m7-ATLPI achieved superior risk stratification compared to the current ATL-PI (C-index 0.92 vs. 0.85, respectively). In the validation cohort of 84 patients, the m7-ATLPI defined low-, intermediate-, and high-risk groups with a 2-year OS of 81%, 30%, and 0%, respectively (HR 2.33, p = 0.0094), and the model again outperformed the ATL-PI (C-index 0.72 vs. 0.70, respectively). The simplified m7-ATLPI, which is easier to use in clinical practice, achieved superior risk stratification compared to the ATL-PI, as did the original m7-ATLPI; the simplified version was calculated by summing the following: high-risk ATL-PI category (+10), low-risk ATL-PI category (−4), and non-silent mutations in TP53 (+4), IRF4 (+3), RHOA (+1), PRKCB (+1), CARD11 (+0.5), CCR7 (−2), and GATA3 (−3)

    The Quiescent Intracluster Medium in the Core of the Perseus Cluster

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    Clusters of galaxies are the most massive gravitationally-bound objects in the Universe and are still forming. They are thus important probes of cosmological parameters and a host of astrophysical processes. Knowledge of the dynamics of the pervasive hot gas, which dominates in mass over stars in a cluster, is a crucial missing ingredient. It can enable new insights into mechanical energy injection by the central supermassive black hole and the use of hydrostatic equilibrium for the determination of cluster masses. X-rays from the core of the Perseus cluster are emitted by the 50 million K diffuse hot plasma filling its gravitational potential well. The Active Galactic Nucleus of the central galaxy NGC1275 is pumping jetted energy into the surrounding intracluster medium, creating buoyant bubbles filled with relativistic plasma. These likely induce motions in the intracluster medium and heat the inner gas preventing runaway radiative cooling; a process known as Active Galactic Nucleus Feedback. Here we report on Hitomi X-ray observations of the Perseus cluster core, which reveal a remarkably quiescent atmosphere where the gas has a line-of-sight velocity dispersion of 164+/-10 km/s in a region 30-60 kpc from the central nucleus. A gradient in the line-of-sight velocity of 150+/-70 km/s is found across the 60 kpc image of the cluster core. Turbulent pressure support in the gas is 4% or less of the thermodynamic pressure, with large scale shear at most doubling that estimate. We infer that total cluster masses determined from hydrostatic equilibrium in the central regions need little correction for turbulent pressure.Comment: 31 pages, 11 Figs, published in Nature July

    Clinical significance of soluble CADM1 as a novel marker for adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma

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    Adult T-cell leukemia/leukemia (ATLL) is an aggressive peripheral T-cell malignancy, caused by infection with the human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1). We have recently shown that cell adhesion molecule 1 (CADM1), a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily, is specifically and consistently overexpressed in ATLL cells, and functions as a novel cell surface marker. In this study, we first show that a soluble form of CADM1 (sCADM1) is secreted from ATLL cells by mainly alternative splicing. After developing the Alpha linked immunosorbent assay (AlphaLISA) for sCADM1, we showed that plasma sCADM1 concentrations gradually increased during disease progression from indolent to aggressive ATLL. Although other known biomarkers of tumor burden such as soluble interleukin-2 receptor α (sIL-2Rα) also increased with sCADM1 during ATLL progression, multivariate statistical analysis of biomarkers revealed that only plasma sCADM1 was selected as a specific biomarker for aggressive ATLL, suggesting that plasma sCADM1 may be a potential risk factor for aggressive ATLL. In addition, plasma sCADM1 is a useful marker for monitoring response to chemotherapy as well as for predicting relapse of ATLL. Furthermore, the change in sCADM1 concentration between indolent and aggressive type ATLL was more prominent than the change in the percentage of CD4+CADM1+ ATLL cells. As plasma sCADM1 values fell within normal ranges in HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP) patients with higher levels of serum sIL-2Rα, a measurement of sCADM1 may become a useful tool to discriminate between ATLL and other inflammatory diseases, including HAM/TSP