19 research outputs found

    Unconventional Power Supply for Measuring Apparatus in Place without Power Network

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    Import 22/07/2015Cílem této bakalářské práce je popsat návrh a realizaci napájecího zdroje pro měřící zařízení, které měří napětí zpětné cesty trakčních proudů a okolních vodivých předmětů. Zdroj měřicího přístroje je napětími zpětné cesty trakčních proudů přímo napájen. V řešení jsou analyzovány vstupní napěťové poměry, na základě kterých se odvíjí celý návrh řešení. V práci jsou obsaženy informace věnující se výběru vhodného záložního akumulátoru a s tím souvisejícího návrhu nabíjecího obvodu, stabilizátorů a řídících obvodů. Dále je v práci popsána praktická realizace celého návrhu a jsou k ní přiloženy přílohy obsahující datasheety použitých součástek a schémata zapojení jednotlivých obvodů. V řešení jsou uvedeny výpočty komponent zapojení.The purpose of this work is to describe the design and realization of power supply for the measuring device that measures the voltages of feedback path traction currents and surrounding conductive objects. The source of the measuring device is directly supplied from voltages of reverse path traction currents. In the solutions are analyzed input voltages proportion, on which is based the all design solution. The work contains information dealing with the selection of a suitable backup battery and a related draft charging circuit, stabilizers and control circuits. The work also describes the practical realization of the all design and it is accompanied annex containing datasheets of components and diagrams of circuits. In the solutions are presented calculations of including components.430 - Katedra elektronikyvýborn

    Control System for Power Electronics with NXP Microcontroller from Kinetis Series

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    Import 23/08/2017Cílem této diplomové práce je na základě specifických požadavků pro řídicí systém výkonové elektroniky popsat návrh a realizaci řídicího systému s vybraným mikrokontrolérem firmy NXP, řady Kinetis, rodiny KV5. Diplomová práce seznamuje se specifickými nároky řídicího systému a používanými periferiemi obecně. V dalších částech pak konkrétně popisuje vybraný mikrokontrolér a jeho využité periferie. Dále je v práci popsán návrh a praktická realizace celého řídicího systému a jsou k ní přiloženy přílohy obsahující schémata zapojení jednotlivých částí systému a soubory usnadňující následnou práci s řídicí deskou.The aim of the thesis is, based on the specific requirements for the power electronics control system, to describe the design implementation of the control system with the selected NXP microcontroller, Kinetis series, KV5 family. The thesis introduces the specific requirements of the control system and used peripherals in general. The next section describes specifically the selected microcontroller and its utilized peripherals. The thesis describes the design and the practical implementation of the control system it is accompanied by circuit diagrams of each part of the system and files to facilitate subsequent work with the control board.430 - Katedra elektronikyvýborn

    An application of modern processor systems in the field of electrical controlled drives

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    Hlavní náplní předložené disertační práce je návrh a realizace nového konceptu řídicího systému pro řízení elektrických regulovaných pohonů a menších měničových systémů výkonové elektroniky, který je zároveň schopen aplikace výpočetně náročných algoritmů založených na metodách „soft-computing“, opírajících se o teorii umělé neuronové sítě, fuzzy logiky, a především genetického algoritmu, který je předmětem implementace reálné aplikace pro ověření nově navrženého řídicího systému. První část práce je zaměřena na stručný přehled současného hardwarového vývoje na poli řídicích systému a definuje zde obecné nároky na řídicí systémy pro výkonovou elektroniku a elektrické regulované pohony. Dále pak seznamuje s definicí konceptu návrhu a vývoje prototypu nového modulárního řídicího systému s moderním dvoujádrovým DSC firmy Texas Instruments rodiny Delfino TMS320, řady F2837xD. Druhá část práce stručně seznamuje s přehledem obecných metod bezsensorového řízení, dále je věnována obecnému přehledu meta-heuristických metod optimalizace, kde je podrobněji popsána problematika genetického algoritmu, jako zástupce podskupiny evolučních algoritmů meta-heuristických metod optimalizace. Následující části jsou věnovány aplikacím genetického algoritmu ve struktuře elektrických regulovaných pohonů a jsou zde prezentovány dosažené simulační výsledky. Poslední část práce předkládá podrobný popis a analýzu struktury reálné implementace genetického algoritmu v nově navrženém řídicím systému, rozdělení řídicího algoritmu mezi mikroprocesory a dosažené výsledky experimentálního ověření reálné aplikace genetického algoritmu ve struktuře bezsensorového řízení elektrického regulovaného pohonu s asynchronním motorem.The main content of the doctoral thesis is the design and implementation of a new control system for controlling electrical controlled drives and small converter systems of the power electronics, which is also capable of applying computationally demanding algorithms based on soft computing methods based on the theory of artificial neural network, Fuzzy logic, and especially the Genetic Algorithm, which is the subject of the implementation of a real application to verify a newly designed control system. The first part of the article is focused on a brief overview of current Hardware developments in the field of control systems and defines the general requirements for control systems for power electronics and electrical controlled drives. It also introduces the definition of the concept of design and development of a prototype of a new modular control system with a modern dual-core DSC from Texas Instruments Delfino TMS320 family, F2837xD series. The second part briefly introduces an overview of general methods of sensorless control, and is also devoted to a general overview of Meta-Heuristic optimization methods, where the problem of Genetic Algorithm is described in more detail, as a representative of a subset of evolutionary algorithms of Meta-Heuristic optimization methods. The following sections are devoted to the applications of the Genetic Algorithm in the structure of Electrical Controlled Drives and the simulation results are presented here. The last part presents a detailed description and analysis of the structure a real implementation of the Genetic Algorithm in the newly designed modular control system, distribution of control algorithm between microprocessors cores, and achieved results of experimental verification of the real application of Genetic Algorithm in sensorless control of Electrical Controlled Drive with Induction motor.430 - Katedra elektronikyvyhově

    Effect of electric current on porosity of concrete

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    The paper describes the influence of electric current on the porosity of concrete samples after electrically accelerated tests and other electrokinetic treatments. Three different concrete mixtures consisting of CEM I 42.5R, CEM II / A-M(S-LL) 42.5R, and CEM I 42.5R with 10 % replacement of cement by microsilica were examined. Direct current (DC) test was performed on fully saturated samples. The samples were loaded with a constant voltage of 20 V for 24 hours in chambers filled with NaOH solution. The changes in porosity were examined using mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and open porosity (OP). The results of open porosity indicate an increase in porosity for all mixtures measurements of ∼0.6 %–2 % for treated samples. The MIP showed increase of volume of pores with radius smaller than 0.01 μm after DC test. According to X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) there was ∼2 % less calcite after DC test

    Final report on deployment of consolidated platform and the overall architecture

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    This document is the final report about the activities of the Work Package 4 (WP4), aiming at provisioning a consistent e-infrastructure gradually integrating the existing isolated software solutions in the structural biology field into a single computing and data processing environment, based on the state of the art grid and cloud open source software tools and frameworks. This report follows the documents D4.3, MS14, D4.5 and MS15, respectively delivered at project month 15, 24, 26, 34, so that mostly the progress achieved until project month 36 not already described in the previous D4.5 ten months ago will be reported here, with references to MS15 when possible. The document starts with an updated description of the resources potentially available for the project from the EGI e-infrastructure, on top of which we built the consolidated West-Life platform. It then presents a detailed view of resource usage and their geographical distribution in the third and last year of the project, as obtained from the EGI Accounting Portal. The remaining of the document reports in details the final achievements about the three main aspects of the platform: the consolidated job management mechanism, the programmatic access to datasets and the unified security and accounting model

    Reputation Based Trust Management System Supporting Collaboration in a Medical Application

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    In a small group of people it is quite easy to start a collaboration based on shared trust, because people quickly recognize quality of each other. But this is not true when we move to the highly distributed environment with hundreds of users, not only from one institution or town, but even from different countries. It becomes very complicated task to distinguish experienced an trusted people from malicious users. In the paper a reputation system proposed particularly for a medical environment supporting collaboration among physicians is presented. The system provides tools for sharing knowledge and expertize in form of modules which can be seamlessly connected to each other provided more advanced functionality. The reputation system is designed to help physicians selecting the right (the most reliable) module from set of all modules within the system. The selection is made on trust being managed by the proposed reputation system

    High Frequency Multipurpose SiC MOSFET Driver

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    This article describes a new multipurpose Silicone-Carbide (SiC) Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) driver, which was designed and manufactured for a high frequency operating SiC transistor as a semiconductor switching device of power converters. The design of the introduced driver enables to adjust the output voltage levels easily by choosing the integrated linear voltage stabilizers with suitable output parameters used for Printed Circuit Board (PCB) mounting. The voltage insulation of the proposed driver between the primary control side and the secondary output side is performed by MGJ6D12H24MC muRata Ps DC-DC converter with a declared dv/dt immunity 80 kV/1000 ms at 1.6 kV and by IX3180 IXYS High Speed gate driver optocouplers with a declared 10 kV/1000 ms minimum common mode rejection at 1.5 kV. The voltage insulation of these coupling elements is accompanied by safety gaps on the PCB. These insulation features enable the proposed driver to work on high frequencies as a high-side transistor of H-bridges as same as in other power converter topologies with a high frequency and high voltage stress of the insulation border. The proposed driver also provides the possibility of tripping the signal, when the short circuit of the controlled power transistor occurs

    Cloud-based Testbed for Simulation of Cyber Attacks

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    Cyber attacks have become ubiquitous and in order to face current threats it is important to understand them. Studying attacks in a real environment however, is not viable and therefore it is necessary to find other methods how to examine the nature of attacks. Gaining detailed knowledge about them facilitates designing of new detection methods as well as understanding their impact. In this paper we present a testbed framework to simulate attacks that enables to study a wide range of security scenarios. The framework provides a notion of real-world arrangements, yet it retains full control over all the activities performed within the simulated infrastructures. Utilizing the sandbox environment, it is possible to simulate various security attacks and evaluate their impacts on real infrastructures. The design of the framework benefits from IaaS clouds. Therefore its deployment does not require dedicated facilities and the testbed can be deployed over miscellaneous contemporary clouds. The viability of the testbed has been verified by a simulation of particular DDoS attack