29 research outputs found

    Social competence of physicians and medical students – a preliminary report

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    Background . Efficient functioning at work and in the environment depends on social and emotional competence, understood as complex skills that determine the effectiveness of behaviors in various professional and social situations. Objectives. The aim of this study was to determine the social competence of physicians and medical students with regard to the sociodemographic contributors which shape social competence. Material and methods . The study was conducted in 2015 and 2016 and it involved 90 physicians, including 25 GPs (27.8%) and 53 medical students of PMU in Szczecin. The median age of the physicians and the students was 32 and 25, respectively. The Social Competencies Questionnaire (SC Q) by Anna Matczak and a self-developed survey questionnaire were employed. Results. The ability of physicians to achieve medium and high levels of social competence increases by 8.5% with every year of seniority. Membership in scientific societies increases the odds of a high level of social competence fivefold in the ES scale and fourfold in the A scale. Physicians involved in the education of medical students were less likely to obtain medium and high scores (5 stens) in the A scale. An increase in seniority in the last workplace is accompanied by a 0.93 times lower probability of obtaining a high competence score in the A scale. Similarly, third cycle degree studies increase the odds of achieving high competence level by 7.48 times in the A scale. Conclusions . Low levels of competence can be expected from physicians with less seniority, not belonging to scientific societies, not involved in students’ education, working in only one place, and not participating in third cycle degree studies. This group should be provided with social competence training

    Stężenie cynku w surowicy krwi kobiet w wieku postmenopauzalnym

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    Introduction: Demographic facts and forecasts about lengthening life expectancy motivate to systematize the knowledge of health problems experienced by women at the age of 50 and older. It refers to the whole health policy including health economics. Longer female life spans cause that an increasing number of women suffer from health problems associated with the perimenopausal period, and become health care recipients. Also a shift of retirement age is the reason to take interdisciplinary actions for women’s health and quality of life. This study describes a decline in the levels of many bioelements in hair, urine and blood serum, which progresses with age. It not only correlates with a decrease in the synthesis and secretion of estrogen, but also environmental pollution, unhealthy lifestyle and the use of substances. Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between serum zinc levels in postmenopausal women and such variables as the use of substances (cigarettes, alcohol) and menopausal hormone therapy (MHT). Material and method: The study was conducted among 152 healthy women being 1-16 years after menopause. The women were divided into study group (MHT users) and control group (MHT non-users). A sub-division criterionwas the use of substances (cigarettes, alcohol). Serum zinc levels were determined in all women. Results: The use of substances significantly contributed to the lowering of serum zinc levels in postmenopausal women. MHT users had statistically higher average zinc levels in blood serum, which referred both to smokers and consumers of alcohol and those who did not use these substances. Conclusions: 1. The use of substances (cigarettes, alcohol) contributes to the lowering of zinc levels in blood serum. 2. MHT positively affects serum zinc levels in postmenopausal women regardless of whether they use substances (cigarettes, alcohol) or not.Wstęp: Fakty i prognozy demograficzne dotyczące stałego trendu wydłużania się średniej długości życia, stają się pilnym postulatem do opracowywania oraz usystematyzowania problemów zdrowotnych kobiet w wieku 50+. Dotyczy to całokształtu polityki zdrowotnej, także w aspekcie ekonomiki zdrowia. Wydłużanie czasu życia kobiet sprawia, że coraz liczniejsza ich populacja doświadcza problemów zdrowotnych związanych ze zjawiskami okresu około-menopauzalnego, co odzwierciedla się dynamiką wzrostu korzystania z opieki zdrowotnej. Opisywane przez Autorów procesy obniżania się stężenia wielu biopierwiastków we włosach, moczu i w surowicy krwi postępują wraz z wiekiem. Zmiany te korelują nie tylko z obniżeniem syntezy i sekrecji estrogenu, ale także zatruciem środowiska oraz niewłaściwym stylem życia, w którym pierwszoplanowym problemem jest rozpowszechnienie stosowania używek. Cel pracy: Określenie zależności pomiędzy stosowaniem używek (papierosy, alkohol) a stężeniem cynku w surowicy krwi u kobiet po menopauzie, oraz wpływu menopauzalnej terapii hormonalnej (MTH) na to stężenie. Materiał i metoda: Badanie przeprowadzone zostało wśród 152 zdrowych kobiet w wieku od 1 roku do 16 lat po menopauzie. Badane podzielono w zależności od tego czy paliły papierosy lub/i spożywały alkohol. U wszystkich oznaczono stężenie cynku w surowicy krwi. Kryterium podziału stanowiło także stosowanie, bądź nie MTH. Wyniki: Stosowanie używek wpływało istotnie na obniżenie stężenia cynku w surowicy krwi kobiet po menopauzie. Kobiety stosujące MTH miały statystycznie wyższe średnie stężenie cynku w surowicy krwi, zarówno te, które paliły papierosy i piły alkohol jak i te, które nie stosowały tych używek. Wnioski: 1. Intensyfikacja edukacji zdrowotnej, mającej na celu zaniechanie stosowania używek może wpłynąć korzystnie na stężenie cynku w surowicy krwi kobiet w wieku postmenopauzalnym, co za tym idzie poprawę ich stanu zdrowia. 2. Upowszechnienie stosowania MHT wpływać może korzystnie na stężenie cynku w surowicy krwi u kobiet po menopauzie zarówno u kobiet stosujących jak i nie stosujących używki (papierosy, alkohol)

    Changes in disease burden in Poland between 1990-2017 in comparison with other Central European countries : a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017

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    BACKGROUND:Systematic collection of mortality/morbidity data over time is crucial for monitoring trends in population health, developing health policies, assessing the impact of health programs. In Poland, a comprehensive analysis describing trends in disease burden for major conditions has never been published. The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) provides data on the burden of over 300 diseases in 195 countries since 1990. We used the GBD database to undertake an assessment of disease burden in Poland, evaluate changes in population health between 1990-2017, and compare Poland with other Central European (CE) countries. METHODS:The results of GBD 2017 for 1990 and 2017 for Poland and CE were used to assess rates and trends in years of life lost (YLLs), years lived with disability (YLDs), disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). Data came from cause-of-death registration systems, population health surveys, disease registries, hospitalization databases, and the scientific literature. Analytical approaches have been used to adjust for missing data, errors in cause-of-death certification, and differences in data collection methodology. Main estimation strategies were ensemble modelling for mortality and Bayesian meta-regression for disability. RESULTS:Between 1990-2017, age-standardized YLL rates for all causes declined in Poland by 46.0% (95% UI: 43.7-48.2), YLD rates declined by 4.0% (4.2-4.9), DALY rates by 31.7% (29.2-34.4). For both YLLs and YLDs, greater relative declines were observed for females. There was a large decrease in communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional disease DALYs (48.2%; 46.3-50.4). DALYs due to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) decreased slightly (2.0%; 0.1-4.6). In 2017, Poland performed better than CE as a whole (ranked fourth for YLLs, sixth for YLDs, and fifth for DALYs) and achieved greater reductions in YLLs and DALYs than most CE countries. In 2017 and 1990, the leading cause of YLLs and DALYs in Poland and CE was ischaemic heart disease (IHD), and the leading cause of YLDs was low back pain. In 2017, the top 20 causes of YLLs and YLDs in Poland and CE were the same, although in different order. In Poland, age-standardized DALYs from neonatal causes, other cardiovascular and circulatory diseases, and road injuries declined substantially between 1990-2017, while alcohol use disorders and chronic liver diseases increased. The highest observed-to-expected ratios were seen for alcohol use disorders for YLLs, neonatal sepsis for YLDs, and falls for DALYs (3.21, 2.65, and 2.03, respectively). CONCLUSIONS:There was relatively little geographical variation in premature death and disability in CE in 2017, although some between-country differences existed. Health in Poland has been improving since 1990; in 2017 Poland outperformed CE as a whole for YLLs, YLDs, and DALYs. While the health gap between Poland and Western Europe has diminished, it remains substantial. The shift to NCDs and chronic disability, together with marked between-gender health inequalities, poses a challenge for the Polish health-care system. IHD is still the leading cause of disease burden in Poland, but DALYs from IHD are declining. To further reduce disease burden, an integrated response focused on NCDs and population groups with disproportionally high burden is needed


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    DOI: 10.19251/pwod/2019.1(2)WstępKoksartroza w Polsce dotyka ok. 8 mln. osób. Wcześnie wdrożona fizjoterapia decyduje o sukcesie leczenia.CelCelem pracy była analiza procesu rehabilitacji pacjentów poddanych operacji stawu biodrowego.Materiał i metodyAnalizowano dokumentację medyczną 100 pacjentów poddanych operacji.WynikiNajczęstszym rozpoznaniem u pacjentów była koksartroza. Wartości BMI badanych różniły się istotnie w zależności od miejsca zamieszkania. Pacjenci rozpoczynali rehabilitację pomiędzy 1- a 4 dniem. Pionizację w 89% przypadków przeprowadzono 1 dnia. Naukę chodu o kulach podjęło 93 pacjentów.Wnioski1. Pierwotna koksartroza jest wskazaniem do skierowania pacjenta na endoprotezoplastykę.2. Wraz z przebiegiem rehabilitacji występuje progres poziomu funkcjonalności pacjentów.3. Na przebieg rehabilitacji nie ma wpływu płeć.Słowa kluczowe: koksartroza, fizjoterapia, endoprotezoplastyk

    Analysis of Sociodemographic, Psychological, and Genetic Factors Contributing to Depressive symptoms in Pre-, Peri- and Postmenopausal Women

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    Depressive symptoms that are faced by women in the pre-, peri-, and postmenopausal periods are determined by a wide array of sociodemographic, psychological, and biological variables. The aim of our study was to identify factors that contribute to depressive problems at this stage of life. The study included 815 healthy Polish women aged 45–60 years. The survey part was conducted using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the State–Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), the Neuroticism–Extroversion–Openness Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI), and a self-developed questionnaire. Genetic analysis was also performed. Depressive symptoms were observed in 25.5% of participants. 70% of the women were postmenopausal. No statistically significant differences in the severity of depressive symptoms were demonstrated with regard to genetic variables (p > 0.05). Reproductive capacity (p < 0.001), employment (p < 0.001), and being married (p < 0.018) were found to reduce the incidence of depressive symptoms. The contribution of personality and anxiety as a trait to depressive symptoms varied. Conclusions: The factors predisposing pre-, peri-, and postmenopausal women to depressive symptoms include lower education, lack of a life partner, unemployment, high anxiety, and neurotic personality. No evidence was found for the contribution of genetic factors to depressive symptoms in the examined women.Medicine, Faculty ofNon UBCPopulation and Public Health (SPPH), School ofReviewedFacult