631 research outputs found

    Socio-psychological characteristics psychology students in the context of the specifics their professional formation

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    In the conditions of modernization of Russian education in General and vocational education, in particular the problem of transformation and dynamics of the socio-psychological characteristics of students-psychologists and their professional values is particularly relevant voice. Short terms of professional self-determination at the stage of higher education, bachelor, require modern students greater autonomy and mobility, awareness of their priority values.В условиях модернизации российского образования в целом и профессионального образования в частности проблема трансформации и динамики социально-психологических особенностей студентов-психологов и их профессиональных ценностей приобретает особо актуальное звучание. Сжатые сроки профессионального самоопределения на этапе получения высшего образования в рамках бакалавриата требуют от современных студентов большей самостоятельности и мобильности, осознания своих приоритетных ценностей

    Modern interactive technologies of professional self-determination under the conditions of overcoming conflicting realities

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    The urgency of the problem under study is due to the fact that the professional life of a person under current conditions is highly dynamic; moreover, the attitude to the profession, the meaning of work, and its results is changing. The purpose of this article is to develop innovative psychological and pedagogical support of the professional self-determination of young students as well as to design an innovative psychological and educational technology of the professional choice promotion of an individual. The leading approach to the study of this problem is the psychological and pedagogical observation and questionnaires, which allow for the identification and the study of the experience in the field of development and application of interactive technologies of the provision of professional self-determination of the youth under the conditions of overcoming conflicting realities. This article presents conceptual provisions of interactive psychological and pedagogical support of professional self-determination of an individual in terms of continuing education as a semantic factor of the professional self-determination of an individual; defines goals, objectives, and principles of the modern interactive technology of psychological and pedagogical support of professional self-determination of the youth under the conditions of overcoming conflicting realities; and reveals an interactive technology for the provision of the professional self-determination of the youth. The article may be useful for psychologists, education psychologists, or career psychologists who are ready to use the Internet in order to facilitate an individual in its professional self-determination — namely, the creation of profession interactive services whose activity is not limited to the search for “the most suitable profession”. © 2016 Hasanova, Kotova and Kandrashina

    Hydrothermal synthesis of zeolites from coal fly ash

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    The fly ash, from the combustion of coal to produce energy and heat, is an industrial waste, in which large accumulations represent a serious environmental threat. To reduce the environmental burden and improve the economic benefits of energy production, the science and industry focus on the transformation of coal combustion byproducts into new functional materials. The fly ash was studied by modern analytical methods. As a result of the hydrothermal reaction, several types of zeolites were synthesised from the fly ash: analcime, faujasite (zeolite X) and gismondine (zeolite P). It was shown that the experimental conditions (temperature, reaction time and alkali concentration) have a significant influence on the type of zeolite and its content in the reaction products. The series of experiments resulted in building approximate crystallisation field of zeolites and other phases as the first stage of the formation of ceramic membrane and other materials


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    В статье представлен анализ теории и практики формирование психолого-педагогической готовности педагогов профессиональной школы к освоению новых видов деятельности в условиях цифрового образованияThe paper presents an analysis of the theory and practice of the formation of psychological and pedagogical readiness of teachers to the development of new activities in digital educatio

    Psychological-pedagogical factors of readiness of a teacher to innovative activity in educational process of modern University

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    This paper presents an analysis of the theory and practice of organization of educational process in the University, as well as the practical application of innovative technologies in the educational process through the eyes of students and teachersВ работе представлен анализ теории и практики организации образовательного процесса в вузе, а также практическое применение инновационных технологий в образовательном процессе глазами студентов и преподавателе


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    Представлен анализ теории и практики организации образовательного процесса в вузе, а также показано практическое применение интерактивных технологий в образовательном процессе глазами студентов и преподавателейThis paper presents an analysis of the theory and practice of organization of educational process in the University, as well as the practical application of innovative technologies in the educational process through the eyes of students and teacher

    Technology of formation of psychological and pedagogical readiness of teachers of SPO to develop new types of activity in the conditions of digital education

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    The paper presents an analysis of the theory and practice of the formation of psychological and pedagogical readiness of teachers to the development of new activities in digital educationВ работе представлен анализ теории и практики формирования психолого-педагогической готовности педагогов СПО к освоению новых видов деятельности в условиях цифрового образовани

    Assessment of education quality by students as a factor of innovative development of higher and vocational education

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    At the present time it becomes relevant assessment of the quality of services provided by higher educational institutions from consumers. The urgency of solving this problem was caused by both objective and subjective reasons. Today it is counting on the consumer educational organization should define the purpose of its activities and to set goals to achieve itВ настоящее время актуальной становится оценка качества услуг, предоставляемых образовательными организациями высшего и профессионального образования, со стороны потребителей. Актуальность решения данной задачи обусловлена как объективными, так и субъективными причинами. Сегодня именно в расчете на потребителя образовательная организация должна определять цель своей деятельности и ставить задачи для ее достижени