26 research outputs found

    Lišmanioza psa u Sloveniji: vjerojatno stvaranje prvog enzootskog žarišta - prikaz slučaja

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    Leishmaniasis is a vector-borne disease caused by protozoal parasites of the genus Leishmania. Parasites are transmitted by Phlebotominae flies (Diptera, Psychodidae). Leishmania infantum is the most important species in Europe. Humans, as well as animals, can become infected. The parasite produces a visceral form of the disease that can end in death if not treated properly. Dogs are considered the main reservoir for human infection. Traditional endemic regions in Europe are the countries of the Mediterranean basin. Slovenia is considered non-endemic. The article reports a case of canine leishmaniasis (CanL) in a Slovenian dog. This particular case was a 5 year old Brandlbracke bitch, born close to the Croatian border, but which had never crossed the Slovenian state borders. She was a regular outdoor sleeper. Beside considerable loss of weight, seborrhoeic and alopecic skin with crusts on the legs and head were noticed. Laboratory tests revealed hyperproteinaemia, hypoalbuminaemia, leucocytosis, anaemia, and thrombocytosis. An immunofluorescence antibody titre test revealed 1: >160 antibody titre against L. infantum. Clinical improvement was achieved following therapy with allopurinol. Real-time PCR performed on conjunctival swab and blood specimens 1.5 years post therapy was negative. Since Phlebotominae flies were found in the south of the country recently, and infection by other routes in this case seems unlikely, this dog was most probably infected by sand fly bites. The possibility that CanL could be spread endemically in Slovenia therefore exists.Lišmanioza je bolest koja se prenosi vektorima, a uzrokuje ju protozoalni parazit iz roda Leishmania. Parazite prenose muhe Phlebotominae (Diptera, Psychodidae). Leishmania infantum najvažnija je vrsta u Europi, kojom se mogu invadirati i ljudi i životinje. Parazit uzrokuje visceralni oblik bolesti koji može završiti smrću ako se odgovarajuće ne liječi. Psi se smatraju glavnim rezervoarom za invaziju u ljudi. Tradicionalne endemijske regije u Europi jesu zemlje koje se nalaze u Mediteranskom bazenu. Slovenija se ne smatra endemijskim područjem. Članak peikazuje slučaj lišmanioze psa (CanL) iz Slovenije. Radi se o pet godina staroj kuji pasmine austrijski ravnodlaki gonič (Brandlbracke) okoćenoj u Sloveniji blizu hrvatske granice, i koja nikad nije napuštala Sloveniju. Kuja je redovito boravila vani. Osim znatnoga gubitka tjelesne mase, uočena je seboroična i alopecična koža s krastama na ekstremitetima i glavi. Laboratorijski testovi pokazali su hiperproteinemiju, hipoalbuminemiju, leukocitozu, anemiju i trombocitozu. Titar protutijela Imunofluorescencijom utvrđen je titar protutijela u vrijednosti 1 : > 160 za L. infantum. Liječenje alopurinolom dovelo je do kliničkog poboljšanja. Lančana reakcija polimerazom u stvarnom vremenu učinjena iz obriska konjunktiva i uzorka krvi 1,5 godina poslije liječenja bila je negativna. Iako je u novije vrijeme dokazano da insekata iz skupine Phlebotominae ima na jugu zemlje i invazija drugim putem ne čini se vjerojatnom, kuja je najvjerojatnije invadirana ubodom pješčane mušice, stoga postoji mogućnost endemijskog širenja lišmanioze psa u Sloveniji

    Living on the Edge: Border Countries Should Have Strict Veterinary and Health Policy on Leishmaniasis

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    First human and canine cases as well as presence of competent Phlebotomine fly vectors are reported for the first time in Slovenia. Number of infected dogs in Slovenia has been increasing in the last few years. Having increased number of infected dogs and a presence of proven Phlebotomine fly vectors at the same time in a climatically suitable region may lead to endemic spread of the disease. And that is the kind of situation calling for governmental regulation. Basic preparedness and rapid response mechanisms should be in place. Leishmaniasis cases should be detected early and reaction should be quick. In epidemic-prone areas and before the anticipated outbreak season, the responsibilities of the outbreak task force members should be defined; the necessary needs for response, surveillance, and control should be assessed; the surveillance system should be reinforced; criteria for epidemic alert should be set up; and all health facilities should be provided with minimum stocks of basic diagnostic and treatment supplies. Successful preventive measures should include regular veterinary checks of all imported dogs and dogs traveling outside the country, vector control, use of effective repellents, sleeping indoors with nets on the windows, and antileishmanial vaccination of dogs

    Retrospektivni prikaz vjerojatno alergičnih pasa pretraženih u tijeku godine dana na Veterinarskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Ljubljani.

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    Two hundred and twelve animals examined over a one-year period at the Dermatology Department of Small Animal Clinic, Veterinary Faculty, University of Ljubljana, were included in a retrospective study. For further evaluation dogs with flea allergy dermatitis (FAD), Canine atopic disease (CAD) and Food hypersensitivity as the first differential diagnosis (n = 126) were considered. Among the clinical features in these dogs, erythema was most frequently found (83.4%). Owners (23.9%) were able to provide us with the familial history of their dog and 13.6% described allergic skin disease symptoms in one or more of their dogs’ relatives. After initial diagnostic procedures, i.e. skin scrabs, cytology and bacteriology, accurate initial therapy was constituted when a relevant elimination diet was prescribed for 3 months. Evaluation of the diet trial was done by recording clinical improvement and by estimation of the pruritus intensity. In 37 (29.4%) dogs’ skin problem symptoms were effectively suppressed by elimination diet. The condition of 34 dogs improved with initial therapy or they were lost for further evaluation. Dogs that did not completely improve by elimination diet and initial therapy (n = 50) were submitted for intradermal (ID) allergic testing (46 dogs) or IgE measurement (4 dogs). Tested dogs were sensitised against multiple antigens in the majority of cases (47 of 50). A group of storage and house dust mites represented the most common antigens. The most frequent mite was Acarus siro against which 71.7% of our ID tested dogs were sensitisedU istraživanje je bilo uključeno 212 pasa pretraženih u tijeku godine dana na Dermatološkom odjelu Klinike za male životinje Veterinarskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Ljubljani. Razmatrani su bili psi s alergijskim dermatitisom na ubod buha, atopijskom bolesti i preosjetljivošću na hranu kao početnom diferencijalnom dijagnozom (n = 126). Eritem je ustanovljen kao najčešći (83,4%) klinički znak bolesti u tih pasa. Svega 23,9% vlasnika moglo je dati podatke o povijesti svoga psa, a 13,6% je opisalo znakove alergijske bolesti kože u jednog ili više srodnika njihovih pasa. Nakon početnoga dijagnostičkoga postupka, tj. uzimanja sastrugane kože, citološke i bakteriološke pretrage, određena je početna terapija s uskraćivanjem odgovarajuće hrane tijekom tri mjeseca. Učinak pokusne dijete razmotren je nakon postizanja kliničkog poboljšanja i to procjenom jačine svrbeža. Uvođenjem dijetne prehrane u 37 (29,4%) pasa poremećaji na koži bili su bitno blaži. Stanje se u 34 psa poboljšalo nakon početne terapije ili dalje nisu bili promatrani. Psi u kojih se stanje nije u potpunosti poboljšalo uskraćivanjem određene hrane i početne terapije (n = 50) bili su podvrgnuti intradermalnom alergijskom testiranju (46 pasa) ili mjerenju IgE (4 psa). Testirani psi bili su u većini slučajeva (47 od 50) preosjetljivi na više antigena. Ustanovljeno je da je skupina grinja iz kućne prašine najčešći antigen. Najčešća grinja bila je Acarus siro na koju je bilo senzibilizirano 71,7% testiranih pasa

    Prosudba učinka alergen specifične imunoterapije u atopičnih pasa na osnovi CADESI-03 sustava bodovanja: kliničko istraživanje kontrolirano metilprednizolonom.

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    Allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) is a method of specific treatment of atopic dermatitis (AD) which has been used for years in human and veterinary medicine. It is empirically known to be effective in dogs with AD, however, its true effectiveness still seems controversial due to insufficient evidence derived from controlled studies. The purpose of this study was to compare the results of an 8 month ASIT with 2-month symptomatic methylprednisolone treatment in dogs with AD. The third version of Canine Atopic Dermatitis Extent and Severity Index (CADESI-03) was used for the first time for objective evaluation of ASIT efficacy in dogs. 11 atopic dogs, older than 6 months, of various breeds and both sexes, were included in the study. Each dog was initially treated with methylprednisolone over a period of 2 months. After a washout period of 1 month, conventional ASIT with subcutaneous allergen injections was initiated and continued for the next 8 months. CADESI 03 scores were evaluated at regular monthly control visits. In both groups, ≥50% reduction of CADESI-03 score from baseline was recorded in 4/11 dogs (36,4%). A significant effect of ASIT was recorded after 6 months of therapy (P = 0.032). Thus, at least a period of 6 months is recommended before assessing treatment efficacy of ASIT. Methylprednisolone proved to be more efficient in controlling pruritus than ASIT. No remarkable changes in blood biochemical parameters were observed in either group. The results of our study suggest that the effect of 8-month ASIT in dogs with AD is comparable to that of 2-month therapy with methylprednisolone. The obvious safety of long-term ASIT additionally supports the more frequent use of this specific therapy in the treatment of canine AD.Alergen specifična imunoterapija (ASIT) metoda je specifičnoga liječenja atopijskog dermatititsa (AD) koja se godinama primjenjuje u humanoj i veterinarskoj medicini. Iskustveno je poznato da je učinkovita u pasa s AD, ali je njezina učinkovitost još uvijek prijeporna, jer nema dovoljno dokaza proizašlih iz kontroliranih istraživanja. Svrha ovoga istraživanja bila je usporediti rezultate 8 mjesečne ASIT s rezultatima dvomjesečnoga simptomatskoga liječenja AD pasa metilprednizolonom. Treća verzija određivanja stupnja i indeksa jačine atopijskoga dermatitisa u psa (engl. Canine Atopic Dermatitis Extent and Severity Index (CADESI-03)) prviput je bila rabljena za objektivnu prosudbu učinkovitosti ASIT u pasa. Jedanaest atopičnih pasa, starijih od šest mjeseci, različitih pasmina i različita spola bilo je uključeno u ovo istraživanje. Svaki je pas početno bio liječen prednizolonom tijekom dva mjeseca. Nakon jednomjesečne stanke, započeta je uobičajena ASIT sa supkutanom primjenom alergena u trajanju od sljedećih osam mjeseci. CADESI 03 bodovanje bilo je vrednovano prilikom redovitih mjesečnih kontrolnih pregleda. U obje skupine ustanovljeno je smanjenje CADESI-03 bodova ≥50% od bazičnoga u 4 od 11 pasa (36,4%). Značajni učinak ASIT-a bio je ustanovljen nakon šest mjeseci liječenja (P = 0,032). Stoga se procjena učinkovitosti ASIT-a može dati tek nakon liječenja od najmanje šest mjeseci. Metilprednizolon je bio učinkovitiji za suzbijanje svrbeža od ASIT-a. Nije bila ustanovljena značajna razlika u biokemijskim pokazateljima krvi među promatranim skupinama. Rezultati ovoga istraživanja pokazuju da je učinak 8-mjesečne alergen specifične imunoterapije u pasa s atopijskim dermatitisom jednak onome koddvomjesečnoga liječenja prednizolonom. Očita sigurnost dugotrajne ASIT dodatna je potpora sve češćoj upotrebi toga specifičnoga liječenja atopijskoga dermatitisa pasa

    Electropermeabilization of endocytotic vesicles in B16 F1 mouse melanoma cells

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    It has been reported previously that electric pulses of sufficiently high voltage and short duration can permeabilize the membranes of various organelles inside living cells. In this article, we describe electropermeabilization of endocytotic vesicles in B16 F1 mouse melanoma cells. The cells were exposed to short, high-voltage electric pulses (from 1 to 20 pulses, 60 ns, 50 kV/cm, repetition frequency 1 kHz). We observed that 10 and 20 such pulses induced permeabilization of membranes of endocytotic vesicles, detected by release of lucifer yellow from the vesicles into the cytosol. Simultaneously, we detected uptake of propidium iodide through plasma membrane in the same cells. With higher number of pulses permeabilization of the membranes of endocytotic vesicles by pulses of given parameters is accompanied by permeabilization of plasma membrane. However, with lower number of pulses only permeabilization of the plasma membrane was detected

    Quality of life of allergic dogs treated with allergen-specific immunotherapy

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    Background: The quality of life (QoL) of dogs with canine atopic dermatitis (CAD) treated with allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) was studied to determine whether the QoL of dogs treated with ASIT (AG) improved compared with dogs not treated with ASIT (CG). Methods: The power of the study was calculated in advance assuming that the AG would assess QoL 20% better than the CG. The CG consisted of 21 dogs with CAD and the AG of 46 dogs with CAD. Validated QoL1 (pre-treatment) and QoL2 (post-treatment) questionnaires were emailed to owners. Results: AG dogs were significantly less disturbed during mealtimes (i.e., had better appetites and scratched less during mealtimes) and caused significantly less physical discomfort to their owners (due to unpleasant odor, the impression of a dirty apartment) than CG dogs. Owners of dogs treated with ASIT were able to significantly improve their daily activities (leisure, vacation, walks, work, hunting), significantly reduce their expenses (treatment costs, veterinary costs), feel significantly less emotional distress (less guilt, powerlessness, sadness, regret, fear, anger, disgust, rage, frustration), and experience less influence on relationships with family members and friends compared to owners of dogs not treated with ASIT. Conclusions: According to our results, the quality of life of dogs treated with ASIT and their owners seemed to improve significantly


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    V sodobni družbi je obravnava drugačnosti še vedno predmet polemik. Kljub kulturno-socialnemu napredku na področju hendikepa v slovenskem šolskem sistemu še nismo dosegli popolnega konsenza. V preteklosti smo zavzeli stališče popolnega zanikanja obstoja problema, čez čas smo realizirali razne oblike institucionalne segregacije in danes smo zaradi procesov integracije prišli do popolne vključitve in celostnega priznanja enakovrednega družbenega statusa osebam s posebnimi potrebami. Če so se nekoč posamezniki prilagajali skupini, se danes vrši proces prilagajanja elementov znotraj družbe in izobraževalnega procesa tistemu posamezniku, ki prilagoditve potrebuje. Problem diplomske naloge so sociološki dejavniki, ki vplivajo na razvoj družbe. Ta razvoj je pripomogel k pogledu, ki ga imamo na populacijo oseb s posebnimi potrebami danes. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela smo predstavili osnovne pojme, ki določajo naše raziskovano področje: definicije in različne opredelitve termina osebe s posebnimi potrebami. Povzeli smo mnenja različnih strokovnjakov in predstavili veljavne predpise in zakone, ki določajo obravnavo oseb s posebnimi potrebami. Nadalje smo se osredotočili na zgodovinski pregled hendikepa in predstavili razvojno os obravnave od segregacije in razvrščanja nekoč do integracije in usmerjanja danes. Predstavili smo prilagojeno obravnavo oseb s posebnimi potrebami znotraj slovenskega vzgojno-izobraževalnega sistema ter se dotaknili kadrovskih težav in odnosov med starši in strokovnjaki znotraj obravnave. V empiričnem delu pa smo proučevali mnenje širše javnosti o problematiki oseb s posebnimi potrebami v slovenskem družbenem prostoru. Zanimalo nas je, kakšno je mnenje posameznikov o integrativnem izobraževanju in vplivu tovrstnega izobraževanja tako na sam proces kot na učeče se. Najpomembnejše, kar nas je v raziskavi zanimalo, sta odnos in splošna opredelitev posameznikov do problematike drugačnosti v današnji družbi in šolskem sistemu.In the modern society diversity is still the subject of controversy. In spite of the cultural and social progress in the field of disability in the Slovenian school system, we have not yet reached a complete consensus. In the past, we took the position of complete denial of the existence of the problem, but over time we executed various forms of institutional segregation and today due to the of processes full integration we reached full inclusion and recognition of the equivalent social status of people with special needs. If once individuals used to adapt to the group, today a process is carried out with an adjusting elements within the society and the educational process to the one individual who needs adjustment. The problem of the thesis are the sociological factors that affect the development of the society. This development contributed to the view that we have on the population of people with special needs today. In the theoretical part of the thesis, we presented the basic concepts that define the scope of our research field: definitions and different concepts of the term people with special needs. We summed up the opinions of various experts and presented valid regulations and laws that provide the treatment of people with special needs. Furthermore, we focused on the historical review of the handicap and presented the developmental axis of treatment of the segregation and classification used in the past till integration and guidance of today. We presented a personalized treatment of people with special needs within the Slovenian educational system and mentioned the personnel problems and relations between parents and experts within the treatment. In the empirical part, we studied the general public opinion on the problems of people with special in the social space. We were wondering, what the opinion of the individuals on the integrational education and the impact of this kind of education on both the process itself and students. In the study we were mostly interested in the attitude and the general definition of individuals to the problem of diversity in the today\u27s society and the school system