9 research outputs found

    Study of the effectiveness of a combination of laser curettage and injections of hyaluronic acid-based gel (experiment on laboratory animals)

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    Study of the effectiveness of a combination of laser curettage and injections of hyaluronic acid-based gel (experiment on laboratory animals

    Estimation of prevalence of parodontal diseases among sportsmen of the Ural region

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    For the purpose of assessing the prevalence of periodontal tissue diseases among sportsmen of the Urals region, 52 sportsmen aged from 18 to 30 years were subjected to preventive examinations. The control group consisted of 50 students of UGMU, who are engaged in amateur sports. All patients underwent dental examination, which included basic and additional methods (definition of indices of oral hygiene: OHI-S; assessment of the condition of periodontal tissues (PMA), determination of the index of bleeding gums in inflammatory periodontal diseases (IR) Müllmann), sialometry, oral fluid analysis and micronucleus test of buccal epithelium. The index evaluation of the condition of periodontal tissues and oral hygiene showed an unsatisfactory level of hygiene and a high prevalence of inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues among athletes. Nonspecific parameters of inflammation in the oral fluid were revealed, as well as pronounced changes in cytogenetic parameters in the buccal epithelium in the main study group.С целью оценки распространенности заболеваний тканей пародонта среди спортсменов Уральского региона были проведены профилактические осмотры 52 спортсменов в возрасте от 18 до 30 лет. контрольную группу составили 50 студентов УГМУ, которые занимаются любительским спортом. Всем пациентам было проведено стоматологическое обследование, которое включало основные и дополнительные методы (определение индекса гигиены полости рта: OHI-S; оценка состояния тканей пародонта (индекс рМа), определение индекса кровоточивости дёсен при воспалительных заболеваниях пародонта (Ик) Мюллемана), сиалометрия, анализ ротовой жидкости и микроядерный тест буккального эпителия. Индексная оценка состояния тканей пародонта и гигиены полости рта показала неудовлетворительный уровень гигиены и высокую распространенность воспалительных заболеваний тканей пародонта среди спортсменов. Были выявлены неспецифические показатели воспаления в ротовой жидкости, а так же выраженные изменения цитогенетических показателей в буккальном эпителии в основной группе исследования

    Application of enriched autoplasma injections after laser decontamination (animal experiment)

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    The article presents the results of complex treatment of experimental periodontitis on the author's model of the disease. The animals underwent the LANAP procedure using a SiroLaser diode laser. Then they were divided into two groups: the control group and the study group, which was treated with injections of enriched autoplasma. The positive dynamics of the periodontitis course in the group with the course of plasmolifting was revealedВ статье представлены результаты комплекснoго лечения экспериментального пародонтита на авторской модели заболевания. Животным проводили процедуру LANAP с помощью диодного лазера SiroLaser. Затем они были разделены на две группы: контрольную и исследуемую, в курсе лечения которой были инъекции обогащенной аутоплазмы. Выявлена положительная динамика течения пародонтита в группе с курсом плазмолифтинг

    Structure of the central nervous system of a juvenile acoel, Symsagittifera roscoffensis

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    The neuroarchitecture of Acoela has been at the center of morphological debates. Some authors, using immunochemical tools, suggest that the nervous system in Acoela is organized as a commissural brain that bears little resemblance to the central, ganglionic type brain of other flatworms, and bilaterians in general. Others, who used histological staining on paraffin sections, conclude that it is a compact structure (an endonal brain; e.g., Raikova 2004; von Graff 1891; Delage Arch Zool Exp Gén 4:109-144, 1886). To address this question with modern tools, we have obtained images from serial transmission electron microscopic sections of the entire hatchling of Symsagittifera roscoffensis. In addition, we obtained data from wholemounts of hatchlings labeled with markers for serotonin and tyrosinated tubulin. Our data show that the central nervous system of a juvenile S. roscoffensis consists of an anterior compact brain, formed by a dense, bilobed mass of neuronal cell bodies surrounding a central neuropile. The neuropile flanks the median statocyst and contains several types of neurites, classified according to their types of synaptic vesicles. The neuropile issues three pairs of nerve cords that run at different dorso-ventral positions along the whole length of the body. Neuronal cell bodies flank the cords, and neuromuscular synapses are abundant. The TEM analysis also reveals different classes of peripheral sensory neurons and provides valuable information about the spatial relationships between neurites and other cell types within the brain and nerve cords. We conclude that the acoel S. roscoffensis has a central brain that is comparable in size and architecture to the brain of other (rhabditophoran) flatworms

    The urbilaterian brain revisited: novel insights into old questions from new flatworm clades

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    Flatworms are classically considered to represent the simplest organizational form of all living bilaterians with a true central nervous system. Based on their simple body plans, all flatworms have been traditionally grouped together in a single phylum at the base of the bilaterians. Current molecular phylogenomic studies now split the flatworms into two widely separated clades, the acoelomorph flatworms and the platyhelminth flatworms, such that the last common ancestor of both clades corresponds to the urbilaterian ancestor of all bilaterian animals. Remarkably, recent comparative neuroanatomical analyses of acoelomorphs and platyhelminths show that both of these flatworm groups have complex anterior brains with surprisingly similar basic neuroarchitectures. Taken together, these findings imply that fundamental neuroanatomical features of the brain in the two separate flatworm groups are likely to be primitive and derived from the urbilaterian brain

    The nervous and visual systems of onychophorans and tardigrades: learning about arthropod evolution from their closest relatives

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    Understanding the origin and evolution of arthropods requires examining their closest outgroups, the tardigrades (water bears) and onychophorans (velvet worms). Despite the rise of molecular techniques, the phylogenetic positions of tardigrades and onychophorans in the panarthropod tree (onychophorans + tardigrades + arthropods) remain unresolved. Hence, these methods alone are currently insufficient for clarifying the panarthropod topology. Therefore, the evolution of different morphological traits, such as one of the most intriguing features of panarthropods—their nervous system—becomes essential for shedding light on the origin and evolution of arthropods and their relatives within the Panarthropoda. In this review, we summarise current knowledge of the evolution of panarthropod nervous and visual systems. In particular, we focus on the evolution of segmental ganglia, the segmental identity of brain regions, and the visual system from morphological and developmental perspectives. In so doing, we address some of the many controversies surrounding these topics, such as the homology of the onychophoran eyes to those of arthropods as well as the segmentation of the tardigrade brain. Finally, we attempt to reconstruct the most likely state of these systems in the last common ancestors of arthropods and panarthropods based on what is currently known about tardigrades and onychophorans