17 research outputs found

    Анализ конструктивно-компоновочных исполнений гусеничных поездов для внедорожных контейнерных перевозок

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    The article substantiates the relevance of comprehensive comparison of various versions of vehicles for off-road container transportation. Following the need to identify a specific engineering solution for development of a tracked road train, it is proposed to use the analytic hierarchy process designed to solve problems associated with determining the priorities of the multicriteria hierarchical structure of the goal, as well as in the presence of heterogeneous criteria or dimensional and dimensionless indicators. The comprehensive comparison of vehicles for off-road container transportation is based on the hierarchy of the mobility features, which is considered decisive for the choice of the priority variant of the structural design. The objective of the work is to substantiate the choice of a priority engineering solution for structural design of tracked road trains for off-road container transportation based on a scientifically grounded hierarchy of the mobility features. To attain the objective, a consistent solution of the following tasks is suggested as follows: development of requirements for vehicles and for a hierarchy of operational properties; analysis of existing structural design and layout solutions and justification of the choice of alternative solutions (specific designs of tracked road trains); conduct of a hierarchical synthesis of criteria based on the results of expert assessment; identification of the preliminary priority of alternative solutions; obtaining indicators of operational properties by methods of simulation mathematical modelling and/or full-scale mathematical modelling; choice of the priority engineering solution. The article discusses the feasibility of using tracked road trains both for transportation of a single 45-foot container and for simultaneous transportation of two 20-foot containers with a total mass of 61 tonnes. The analysis of the existing versions of structural design of tracked road trains has shown that only a vehicle of SVG-701 «Yamal» series, developed in the 1980s and which is not currently manufactured, can provide such a payload capacity. Existing modern articulated tracked vehicles cannot provide transportation of such goods. Hence, the relevance of the task of determining the priority engineering solution referring to structural design and layout of tracked road trains at the present stage of development of technology. Tracked single-hinged articulated semi-trailer road train and a doublehinged tracked road train are proposed as variants of structural design and layout versions of tracked road trains for off-road container transportation. Based on the analytic hierarchy process, opinions of experts and the hierarchy of operational properties, it was established that the engineering solution referring to double-hinged tracked road train should be prioritised. However, due to the small difference between the values of indicators used to select the options, it is necessary to conduct further studies to determine the values of the indicators of operational properties and to re-compare the options considering the results obtained.Обосновывается актуальность проведения комплексного сравнения различных вариантов исполнений транспортных средств для внедорожных контейнерных перевозок. В связи с необходимостью определения конкретного технического решения при разработке гусеничного поезда предлагается использование метода анализа иерархий, предназначенного для решения задач, связанных с определением приоритетов многокритериальной иерархической структуры цели, а также в условиях наличия разнородных критериев или размерных и безразмерных показателей. В качестве основы комплексного сравнения транспортных средств для внедорожных контейнерных перевозок предложена иерархия свойства подвижности, которая считается определяющей для выбора приори- тетного варианта конструктивно-компоновочного исполнения. Целью работы является обоснование выбора приоритетного технического решения гусеничных поездов для внедорожных контейнерных перевозок на основе научно обоснованной иерархии свойства подвижности. Для достижения поставленной цели предложено последовательное решение следующих задач: формирование требований к транспортным средствам и иерархии эксплуатационных свойств; анализ существующих конструктивно-компоновочных решений и обоснование выбора альтернатив (конкретных конструктивных исполнений гусеничных поездов); проведение иерархического синтеза критериев на основании результатов экспертной оценки; определение предварительного приоритета альтернатив; получение показателей эксплуатационных свойств методами имитационного математического моделирования и/или натурно-математического моделирования; определение приоритетного технического решения. В статье рассматривается целесообразность использования гусеничных поездов для перевозки как одного 45-футового контейнера, так и для одновременной перевозки двух 20-футовых контейнеров суммарной массой 61 т. В результате анализа существующих конструктивно-компоновочных исполнений гусеничных поездов установлено, что обеспечить такую грузоподъёмность может только транспортное средство типа СВГ-701 «Ямал», разработанное в 80-х годах прошлого века и которое в настоящее время не производится. Существующие современные сочленённые гусеничные машины не могут обеспечить перевозку таких грузов. Поэтому становится актуальной задача определения приоритетного кон- структивно-компоновочного решения для создания гусеничных поез- дов на современном этапе развития техники и технологий. Предложены варианты конструктивно-компоновочных исполнений гусеничных поездов для внедорожных контейнерных перевозок: седельный одношарнирный полуприцепной гусеничный поезд и седельный двухшарнирный гусеничный поезд. Используя метод анализа иерархий, на основе мнений экспертов и с учётом иерархии эксплуатационных свойств было установлено, что приоритетным техническим решением является седельный двухшарнирный гусеничный поезд. Однако в силу малого различия между показателями приоритетов вариантов, необходимо проведение дальнейших исследований по определению значений показателей эксплуатационных свойств и повторного сравнения с учётом полученных результатов.

    Technique for Analytical Selection of Design Parameters of Pneumatic-hydraulic Springs

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    Simulation modeling of wheeled vehicle dynamics on the stand "Roller"

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    Establishment of production of special wheel and track technology for extreme natural-climate conditions of the Arctic

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    The complex natural and climatic conditions of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation (AZ of the RF) make it necessary to put forward special requirements for all types of ground equipment used to solve transport problems in this region. At present, the increase in economic costs in the operation of machinery is primarily due to the mismatch of the design of the vehicles used in the climatic zone. A set of measures for land transport that allows to ensure the socio-economic development of the AZ RF

    Methods for road microprofile statistical data transformation

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    In the paper presents methods for road microprofile statistical data transformation. These methods can be used to solve suspension theory problems related to rapidity functions determination using velocity characteristics and transport vehicle movement imitational modeling via microprofile random function trajectory

    Ensuring Energy Efficiency and Safety of the Cyclic Operation of the Mining Dump Truck

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    It’s known that the use of the automobile vehicles in a quarry for transporting the rock mass is characterized by a cyclic nature and the ability to overcome the slopes of up to 8-12% along the road as well as curves with the radii of at least 20-24 m. However, the disadvantage of this way of transportation of quarry loads is relatively high costs [1]. One of the ways to reduce costs is to implement the software-based operation of the mining dump truck while ensuring energy efficiency and safety. This way implies following the route “mine face – concentrator” when driving with the rock mass and the route “concentrator – mine face” when driving without a cargo along the specified trajectory and at a given driving speed using the information management systems in a quarry and on the board of the mining dump truck controlled by the driver as well as in an unmanned version in case of autonomous driving. The article describes the method to optimize the function “way – speed” and as a result the way to optimize the control of the traction electric motors in a mining dump truck during cyclic movement along the specified trajectory with a fixed time to pass the route in order to ensure energy efficiency and safety when using the method of dynamic programming developed by Richard Bellman

    Simulation modeling of wheeled vehicle dynamics on the stand "Roller"

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    The tests are an integral part of the wheeled vehicle design, manufacturing, and operation. The need for their conducting arises from the research and experimental activities to assess the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the vehicles in general, as well as the individual components and assemblies. It is obvious that a variety of design features of wheeled vehicles request a development of methods both for experimental studies and for creating the original bench equipment for these purposes.The main positive feature of bench tests of automotive engineering is a broad capability to control the combinations of traction loads, speed rates, and external input conditions. Here, the steady state conditions can be used for a long time, allowing all the necessary measurements to be made, including those with video and photo recording experiment.It is known that the benefits of test "M" type (using a roller dynamometer) include a wide range of test modes, which do not depend on the climatic conditions, as well as a capability to use a computer-aided testing programs. At the same time, it is known that the main drawback of bench tests of full-size vehicle is that the tire rolling conditions on the drum mismatch to the real road pavements, which are difficult to simulate on the drum surface. This problem can be solved owing to wheeled vehicle tests at the benches "Roller" to be, in efficiency, the most preferable research method. The article gives a detailed presentation of developed at BMSTU approach to its solving.Problem of simulation mathematical modeling has been solved for the vehicle with the wheel formula 8 × 8, and individual wheel-drive.The simulation results have led to the conclusion that the proposed principle to simulate a vehicle rolling on a smooth non-deformable support base using a bench " Roller " by simulation modeling is efficient.</p