5 research outputs found

    Innovative customer loyalty programs

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    Currently, the vast majority of demanding consumers has tired of monotonous bonuses and benefits companies. Today innovations play an important role in all areas of our lives. And marketing is not an exception. So, the marketers make innovative and personalized solutions to create loyal customers. In this connection, in the present conditions the development of innovative customer loyalty program is one of the priorities of any company.Инновации в различных сферах деятельности играют важную роль. В настоящее время преобладающее большинство требовательных и взыскательных потребителей уже перенасыщено однообразными бонусами и льготами компаний. Поэтому производители акцентируют внимание на инновационных и персонализированных решениях формирования контингента приверженных клиентов компании. В связи с этим в современных условиях разработка инновационной программы лояльности клиентов является одним из приоритетных направлений развития любого предприятия

    Организация обучения и аттестации персонала

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    The world market of HRM-systems is still at the stage of growth, so there is a demand from consumers. The domestic market of HRM-systems is also quite actively growing, attracting a growing interest of Russian companies. One of the main trends in the HRM-systems in the Russian market, as well as on the world market, is the training of personnel. The study conducted in this work suggests that TPU should create an online training center, develop their LMS and provide companies with the system with paying additional educational courses based on SaaS. It is also necessary to create competitive educational courses, taking into account all the requirements of modern society: courses should be interesting, not boring, consisting of 80% of practices. They should include the modern methods of teaching, such as games, social networking, etc., courses should be provided by highly qualified teachers. The results of this work can be used as a basis for improving the educational process in accordance with the development of information technology and the needs of society, as well as to review the organizational structure of the IDE (Institute of Distance Education) and the IACE (Institute of additional continuing education) and MBA TPU, especially the creation of the online center that provides training Tomsk enterprises in the IDE TPU, which would also be included in distance courses offered by IACE TPU.Мировой рынок HRM-систем находится еще на стадии роста, что говорит о существующем спросе со стороны потребителей. Отечественный рынок HRM-систем также достаточно активно растет, привлекая все больший интерес российских компаний. Одной из основных тенденций в HRM-системах на российском рынке, также как и на мировом рынке, является обучение персонала. По результатам исследования, было выявлено, что ТПУ необходимо создать Онлайн центр повышения квалификации, разработать свою LMS и предоставлять компаниям эту систему с дополнительно оплачивающими образовательными курсами на базе SaaS. Необходимо также грамотно создавать образовательные курсы, учитывая все требования современного общество: курсы должны быть интересными, не скучными, состоящие на 80% из практик. В них должны быть использованы современные методы обучение, такие как игры-симуляторы, социальные сети и т.д., курсы должны предоставляться высококвалифицированными преподавателями. Результаты работы могут быть применены в качестве основы для усовершенствования образовательного процесса в соответствии с развитием информационных технологий и потребностей общества, а также для пересмотра организационной структуры ИДО и ИДНО и МВА ТПУ, а именно создание в ИДО ТПУ онлайн центра, обеспечивающего повышение квалификации томских предприятий, куда бы также входили дистанционные курсы, предоставляемые ИДНО ТПУ

    Perspectives of nurses' role in interprofessional pharmaceutical care across 14 European countries: A qualitative study in pharmacists, physicians and nurses.

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    OBJECTIVES: To understand healthcare professionals' experiences and perceptions of nurses' potential or ideal roles in pharmaceutical care (PC). DESIGN: Qualitative study conducted through semi-structured in-depth interviews. SETTING: Between December 2018 and October 2019, interviews were conducted with healthcare professionals of 14 European countries in four healthcare settings: hospitals, community care, mental health and long-term residential care. PARTICIPANTS: In each country, pharmacists, physicians and nurses in each of the four settings were interviewed. Participants were selected on the basis that they were key informants with broad knowledge and experience of PC. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: All interviews were conducted face to face. Each country conducted an initial thematic analysis. Consensus was reached through a face-to-face discussion of all 14 national leads. RESULTS: 340 interviews were completed. Several tasks were described within four potential nursing responsibilities, that came up as the analysis themes, being: 1) monitoring therapeutic/adverse effects of medicines, 2) monitoring medicines adherence, 3) decision making on medicines, including prescribing 4) providing patient education/information. Nurses' autonomy varied across Europe, from none to limited to a few tasks and emergencies to a broad range of tasks and responsibilities. Intended level of autonomy depended on medicine types and level of education. Some changes are needed before nursing roles can be optimised and implemented in practice. Lack of time, shortage of nurses, absence of legal frameworks and limited education and knowledge are main threats to European nurses actualising their ideal role in PC. CONCLUSIONS: European nurses have an active role in PC. Respondents reported positive impacts on care quality and patient outcomes when nurses assumed PC responsibilities. Healthcare professionals expect nurses to report observations and assessments. This key patient information should be shared and addressed by the interprofessional team. The study evidences the need of a unique and consensus-based PC framework across Europe