23 research outputs found

    Role of non-ionic surfactant in fatty acid phosphate gangue flotation from magnetite fines

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    Adsorption, contact angle and flotation of anionic Atrac and non-ionic ethaloxylated nonylphenol surfactant, and their mixture on apatite and magnetite were studied. The effect of calcium ions and sodium silicate on Atrac adsorption was investigated. The effect of Atrac adsorption on the contact angle data of apatite and magnetite in the presence and absence of sodium silicate was also examined. Wettability of solids depends on solids surface free energy and the surface energies of apatite and magnetite powders were calculated from polar and non-polar liquid contact angle data.A decrease in particle size increased the polar contribution to surface free energy due to unsaturated broken bonds on the surface. Atrac is seen to adsorb equally on apatite and magnetite, and the adsorption increased in the presence of calcium ions. The presence of water glass decreased the Atrac contact angle data on magnetite and also the flotation response demonstrating its role as magnetite depressant in flotation. The presence of non-ionic surfactant enhanced the Atrac flotation of apatite with no flotation of magnetite. Bench-scale flotation tests showed that 50% of Atrac can be replaced with non-ionic collector without impairing the flotation results. Results also illustrate that the non-ionic adsorbs on apatite in equal amount of Atrac collector signifying 1:1 composition of anionic and non-ionic collector on apatite surface. Non-ionic head group sitting in between anionic head groups screens the electrostatic repulsion and forms compact adsorbed layer on apatite surface thereby increasing the hydrophobicity and flotation.Godkänd; 2010; 20100519 (ysko

    Formation of hydrogen peroxide by chalcopyrite and pyrite

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    Formation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), an oxidizing agent stronger than oxygen, by chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), which is a copper iron sulfide mineral, during grinding, was investigated. It was observed that chalcopyrite and pyrite generated H2O2 in pulp liquid during wet grinding and also the solids when placed in water immediately after dry grinding. The generation of H2O2 in either wet or dry grinding was thought to be due to a reaction between chalcopyrite and water where the mineral surface is catalytically active in producing •OH free radicals by breaking down the water molecule. When chalcopyrite and pyrite are mixed in different proportions, the formation of H2O2 was seen to increase with increasing pyrite fraction in the mixed composition. The results of H2O2 formation in pulp liquid of chalcopyrite and together with pyrite at different experimental conditions have been explained by Eh-pH diagrams of these minerals. This study highlights the necessity of revisiting the electrochemical and/or galvanic interaction mechanisms between the chalcopyrite and pyrite.Godkänd; 2014; 20140331 (alijav

    Effect of grinding environment on galena flotation

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    The participation of H2O2 in oxidation of the galena mineral and as a result in decreasing of the concentrate recovery of galena mineral has not yet been shown. In this study the effect of two types of grinding media in wet and dry grinding on the formation of hydrogen peroxide and galena flotation was investigated. Laboratory stainless steel ball mill (Model 2VS, CAPCO Test Equipment, Suffolk, UK) was used for grinding galena with mild steel and stainless steel media. Galena ground with mild steel generated more hydrogen peroxide than galena ground with stainless steel media. Galena ground with mild steel has a lower galena recovery than galena ground with stainless steel media. Solutions of 2, 9-dimethyl-1, 10-phenanthroline (DMP) were used for estimating H2O2 amount in pulp liquid with DU® Series 700 UV/Vis Scanning Spectrophotometer. This study highlights the necessity of relooking into galvanic interaction mechanisms between the grinding medium and galena in terms of its flotation behavior.Godkänd; 2014; 20140331 (alijav

    Sulphide mineral flotation : a new insight into oxidation mechanisms

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    The formation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), an oxidizing agent stronger than oxygen, by sulphide minerals during grinding was investigated. It was found that pyrite (FeS2), chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), sphalerite (ZnS), and galena (PbS), which are the most abundant sulphide minerals on Earth, generated H2O2 in pulp liquid during wet grinding in the presence and absence of dissolved oxygen in water and also when the freshly ground solids were placed in water immediately after dry grinding. Pyrite generated more H2O2 than the other sulphide minerals and the order of H2O2 production by the minerals was found to be pyrite > chalcopyrite >sphalerite> galena. The pH of water influenced the extent of hydrogen peroxide formation where higher amounts of H2O2 were produced at highly acidic pH. The amount of H2O2 formed also increased with increasing sulphide mineral loading and grinding time due to increased surface area and its interaction with water.The sulphide surfaces are highly catalytically active due to surface defect sites and unsaturation because of broken bonds and capable of breaking down the water molecule leading to hydroxyl free radicals. The type of grinding medium on formation of hydrogen peroxide by pyrite revealed that the mild steel produced more H2O2 than stainless steel grinding medium, where Fe2+ and/or Fe3+ ions played a key role in producing higher amounts of H2O2.Furthermore, the effect of mixed sulphide minerals, i.e., pyrite–chalcopyrite, pyrite–galena, chalcopyrite–galena and sphalerite–pyrite, sphalerite–chalcopyrite and sphalerite–galena on the formation of H2O2 showed increasing H2O2 formation with increasing pyrite fraction in chalcopyrite–pyrite composition. In pyrite–sphalerite, chalcopyrite–sphalerite or galena– sphalerite mixed compositions, with the increase in pyrite or chalcopyrite proportion, the concentration of H2O2 increased but with increase in galena proportion, the concentration of H2O2 decreased. By increasing the pyrite proportion in pyrite–galena mixture, the concentration of H2O2 increased. Similarly, in the mixture of chalcopyrite–galena, the concentration of H2O2 increased with increasing chalcopyrite fraction. The results of H2O2formation in pulp liquid of individual sulphide minerals and in combination at different experimental conditions have been explained by Eh–pH diagrams of these minerals and the existence of free metal ions that are equally responsible for H2O2 formation besides the catalytic activity of surfaces. The results of the amount of H2O2 production also corroborate with the rest potential of the sulphide minerals; higher the rest potential more is the formation of H2O2. Most likely H2O2 is responsible for the oxidation of sulphide minerals and dissolution of non-ferrous metal sulphides in the presence of ferrous sulphide besides the galvanic interactions.This study highlights the necessity of revisiting the electrochemical and/or galvanic interactions between the grinding medium and sulphide minerals, and interaction mechanisms between pyrite and other sulphide minerals in terms of their flotation behaviour in the context of the inevitable existence of H2O2 in the pulp liquid.Godkänd; 2013; 20131216 (alijav

    Investigation of Copper Recovery from a New Copper Deposit (Nussir) in Northern-Norway: Thionocarbamates and Xanthate-Thionocarbamate Blend as Collectors

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    Norway has newly seen an upsurge of interest in exploiting its mineral deposits influenced by fresh Government focus and survey support for previously under-prospected areas. One of the major areas of interest is a huge copper deposit, operated by Nussir ASA, located in the Repparfjord tectonic window in the Caledonides of west Finnmark. The latest mineral resource estimation is from July 2014, which states that Nussir consists of 5.8 million tonnes of indicated resources and 60.2 million tonnes of inferred resources, giving 66 million tonnes of copper ore. This paper represents the first study on processing characteristics of this ore to date. Our parallel studies using xanthates and dithiophosphates as collectors for Nussir ore flotation examined the grade and recovery of copper, silver, gold, and platinum group (PGM) minerals. Therefore, in this subsequent study, a chelating agent n-Butoxycarbonyl-O-n-butyl thionocarbamate (BBT) is used as a collector and it was found that the recovery and grades of the economically interesting minerals are improved at as low as 2 × 10−5 M collector concentration. Zeta potential, Hallimond flotation and adsorption studies were initially performed in order to assess the selective interaction of BBT and its blend with SIBX (Sodium Isobutyl xanthate) on the three copper minerals of the ore. The bench scale flotation experiments were performed using mixtures of xanthate and thionocarbamate collectors of the Nussir ore and both the resulting copper recovery and grade employing these collector mixtures is observed to be 2⁻8% superior to the use of a single collector system. Additionally, the current study revealed that the metallurgical results are strongly influenced by the ratio of the collectors in the mixture and particularly the sequence of the collector addition

    An overview of calcite recovery by flotation

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    In general, precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) is used as amineral filler in paper industries; while natural calcite (CaCO3) ore is also suitable for industrial use if it is a finely ground high-grade material. Naturally, calcite is found in the form of high- or low-grade ores and it is one of the most widely distributed industrial minerals on the Earth’s crust. However, it is rarely found in its pure form and is generally associatedwith other gangue minerals; the type and percentage of which vary from one deposit to another. These minerals are generally separated by flotation and/or magnetic separation (in the case of iron impurities). Calcite ores typically containmetal sulphide, silicate, or other calcium-containing impurityminerals, which can be removed by flotation. A tremendous amount of research has been performed on refining the flotation process for calcite ores and designing the reagents (specifically, collectors) to increase the efficiency of the process. Metal sulphide/silicate impurity minerals can be removed by the froth-flotation process using amines and xanthate collectors. Alternatively, fatty acids are used as collectors to float calcium-type minerals directly from the ore. This paper reviews the industrial practices and fundamental research related to collectors surrounding calcite ore flotation. This article presents and reviews collectors for the beneficiation of high-grade calcite ores which have been reported in the literature in order to assist judicial choice of collecting agents in flotation

    Investigation of Copper Recovery from a New Copper Deposit (Nussir) in Northern-Norway: Thionocarbamates and Xanthate-Thionocarbamate Blend as Collectors

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    Norway has newly seen an upsurge of interest in exploiting its mineral deposits influenced by fresh Government focus and survey support for previously under-prospected areas. One of the major areas of interest is a huge copper deposit, operated by Nussir ASA, located in the Repparfjord tectonic window in the Caledonides of west Finnmark. The latest mineral resource estimation is from July 2014, which states that Nussir consists of 5.8 million tonnes of indicated resources and 60.2 million tonnes of inferred resources, giving 66 million tonnes of copper ore. This paper represents the first study on processing characteristics of this ore to date. Our parallel studies using xanthates and dithiophosphates as collectors for Nussir ore flotation examined the grade and recovery of copper, silver, gold, and platinum group (PGM) minerals. Therefore, in this subsequent study, a chelating agent n-Butoxycarbonyl-O-n-butyl thionocarbamate (BBT) is used as a collector and it was found that the recovery and grades of the economically interesting minerals are improved at as low as 2 × 10−5 M collector concentration. Zeta potential, Hallimond flotation and adsorption studies were initially performed in order to assess the selective interaction of BBT and its blend with SIBX (Sodium Isobutyl xanthate) on the three copper minerals of the ore. The bench scale flotation experiments were performed using mixtures of xanthate and thionocarbamate collectors of the Nussir ore and both the resulting copper recovery and grade employing these collector mixtures is observed to be 2–8% superior to the use of a single collector system. Additionally, the current study revealed that the metallurgical results are strongly influenced by the ratio of the collectors in the mixture and particularly the sequence of the collector addition

    Recycling of process water : effect of calcium and sulphate ions in sulphides flotation

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    The effects of major components of calcium and sulphate ions in process water on sulphide mineral flotation has been investigated through Hallimond flotation of pure sulphide minerals using tapwater and water containing sulphate and calcium ions as well as through bench scale flotation of complex sulphide ores using tapwater and process water and with tapwater in the presence of calcium and sulphate ions. Hallimond flotation indicated activation of pyrite and slight depression of galena and chalcopyrite in the presence of high concentration of major species of calcium and sulphate ions using potassium amyl xanthate as collector. Bench scale flotation indicated activation of zinc when processwater was used and flotation in tapwater containing calcium and sulphate ions presented similar but not identical results.Godkänd; 2010; 20100519 (ysko

    Investigation of Copper Recovery from a New Copper Ore Deposit (Nussir) in Northern Norway: Dithiophosphates and Xanthate-Dithiophosphate Blend as Collectors

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    he Norwegian mining industry is currently showing increasing interest in the production of metals. Recent research has demonstrated promising results identifying the high potential of the Nussir deposit for the production of copper and other valuable minerals. Mineralogical characterization for Nussir ore samples and their flotation concentrates was performed with optical microscopy and Zeiss automated mineralogy (Mineralogic) where the fine copper sulphide middlings were not completely recovered with a traditional sodium isobutyl xanthate (SIBX) collector. In the current study, dithiophosphate and a mixture of xanthate and dithiophosphate collectors’ interaction on copper and other gangue mineral components of the ore sample were investigated with zeta potential, quantitative adsorption, FTIR studies and Hallimond tube flotation. All the results for single mineral experiments confirmed the feasibility of selective copper sulphide flotation by disecondary butyl dithiophosphate (DBD) as collector. The blend of xanthate and dithiophosphate was chemically adsorbed as individual entities on the surface of the copper minerals via competitive adsorption. A systematic study with DBD and a mixed collector (SIBX and DBD) system was conducted on the coarse grind (−105 µm) of the Nussir ore sample, and the results showed a synergistic interaction between the two reagents. The beneficiated copper concentrate using this mixture of collectors is indeed of improved copper grade and recovery. The highest copper recovery in bench scale flotation was 95.3% with a concentrate grade of 19.4% Cu for DBD collector, whereas mixtures of dithiophosphate and xanthate collectors in the ratio of 3:1 resulted in the highest copper grade (24.7%) and recovery (96.3%)

    Investigation of copper recovery from a new copper deposit (Nussir) in northern Norway

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    Norway has seen an upsurge of interest in exploiting its mineral deposits during the last decade. One of the major areas of interest is a huge copper deposit, operated by Nussir ASA located in the Repparfjord tectonic window in the Caledonides of west Finnmark. Nussir ASA is evaluating the Nussir and Ulveryggen mineral resources that contain copper sulfides with a small amount of gold and silver bearing minerals. The performance of flotation operations is generally evaluated on the basis of degree of liberation of minerals or the surface interactions between the collector and mineral. Firstly, size-by-size mineralogical characterization of the flotation feed and cumulative final product using Zeiss automated mineralogy techniques (Mineralogic) revealed that mineral liberation heavily influenced the flotation behavior of the ore. Furthermore, in order to assess the role of pH, collector concentration and flotation time, bench scale flotation experiments were performed. The metallurgical results were maximum between pH 6 and 8 and at collector concentration 6 × 10−5 M. A correlation is established using the zeta potential and Hallimond flotation tests to assess the role of operating parameters in flotation. The distinctive role of process mineralogy and flotation chemical influence for copper mineral flotation of Nussir ore is presented in this article