8 research outputs found

    Modulator based on K15-10 capacitors for a power supply of the KIU-12 klystron

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    The modulator based on PFN described above has been operated during several hundreds hours at a PFN charge voltage U=20 kV and repetition rate of 50 Hz. At present the klystron and modulator are used for RF power supply of a photogun cavity of VEPP-5 injection complex. PFN testing at operating conditions under a voltage of 40 kV will be carried out in the future

    The VEPP-5 injection complex modulator revision and operational experience

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    For the VEPP-5 injection complex klystrons (5045, SLAC Lab., USA) power supply the four modulators producing a pulse voltage of 23.5 kV, a current of 6.3 kA, a pulse-top-duration of 3.7 µs are used. The modulator scheme designed over ten years ago has proved its reliability and let us to find out and study the weak spots of the modulators. The output voltage stability and pulse-to-pulse time jitter improvements are made. The results of the thyratrons TGI1-2500/50 and TGI1-5000/50A long-term exploitation in the VEPP-5 injection complex modulators are presented. The test results of the thyratron TGI1-2500/50 operating in the mode of more then twice pulse current overload at the nominal mode of modulator operation are also presented.Для живлення клістронів 5045 (виробництво SLAC) інжекційного комплексу ВЕПП-5 використовуються модулятори, що формують імпульси напругою 23,5 кВ, струмом 6,3 кА, тривалістю 3,7 мкс у кількості 4 штук. Конструкція модуляторів, розроблена близько 10 років тому, довела свою надійність і, разом з тим, дозволила вивчити і виявити слабкі місця модуляторів. Проведена робота з підвищення стабільності напруги на клістроні, зменшенню часового розкиду від імпульсу до імпульсу. Приводяться результати тривалої експлуатації тиратронів ТГІ1-2500/50 і ТГІ1-5000/50 у модуляторах для живлення клістронів 5045. Викладено результати ресурсних іспитів тиратрона ТГІ1-2500/50 при більш ніж подвійному перевантаженню по амплітуді струму в номінальному режимі роботи модулятора.Для питания клистронов 5045 (производство SLAC) инжекционного комплекса ВЭПП-5 используются модуляторы, формирующие импульсы напряжением 23,5 кВ, током 6,3 кА, длительностью 3,7 мкс в количестве 4 штук. Конструкция модуляторов, разработанная около 10 лет назад, доказала свою надежность и, вместе с тем, позволила изучить и выявить слабые места модуляторов. Проведена работа по повышению стабильности напряжения на клистроне, уменьшению временного разброса от импульса к импульсу. Приводятся результаты длительной эксплуатации тиратронов ТГИ1-2500/50 и ТГИ1-5000/50 в модуляторах для питания клистронов 5045. Изложены результаты ресурсных испытаний тиратрона ТГИ1-2500/50 при более чем двойной перегрузке по амплитуде тока в номинальном режиме работы модулятора

    Pulse modulators for the VEPP-5 injection complex klystron power supply

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    In the complex VEPP-5 preinjector the klystrons are supplied by the modulators with a pulse power of 150 MW, a voltage of 47.5 kV, a primary current of 6.3 kA and a pulse duration of 3.5 ms. During the long time operation some disadvantages in the design have been revealed and proper improvements were made. The modulator design with the taking into account all the resent changes is described and test results are presented. At present, three modulators are supplying three klystrons 5045 (production of SLAC Lab., USA) and the forth modulator is tested with a dummy load in the nominal mode of operation

    Dynamic Spatio-temporal Landscape Models

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    Social Responsibility, an Essential Strategic Option for a Sustainable Development in the Field of Bio-Economy

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    Gender-Related Differences in Presentation, Treatment, and Outcome of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation in Europe. A Report From the Euro Heart Survey on Atrial Fibrillation

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    Objectives: This study sought to investigate gender-related differences in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) in Europe. Background: Gender-related differences may play a significant role in AF. Methods: We analyzed the data of 5,333 patients (42% female) enrolled in the Euro Heart Survey on Atrial Fibrillation. Results: Compared with men, the women were older, had a lower quality of life (QoL), had more comorbidities, more often had heart failure (HF) with preserved left ventricular systolic function (18% vs. 7%, p < 0.001), and less often had HF with systolic dysfunction (17% vs. 26%, p < 0.001). Among patients with typical AF symptoms (56% of women, 49% of men), there was no gender-related difference in the choice of rate or rhythm control. Among patients with atypical or no symptoms (44% of women, 51% of men), women less frequently underwent rhythm control (39% vs. 51%, p < 0.001) than did men. Women underwent less electrical cardioversion (22% vs. 28%, p < 0.001). Prescription of oral anticoagulants was identical (65%) in both genders. One-year outcome was similar except that women had a higher chance for stroke (odds ratio 1.83 in multivariable regression analysis, p = 0.019). Conclusions: Women with AF had more comorbidities, more HF with preserved systolic function, and a lower QoL than men. In the large group with atypical or no symptoms, women were treated appropriately more conservatively with less rhythm control than men. Women had a higher chance for stroke. Long-term QoL changes and other morbidities and mortality were similar. © 2007 American College of Cardiology Foundation

    Antithrombotic treatment in real-life atrial fibrillation patients: a report from the Euro Heart Survey on Atrial Fibrillation

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    Aims To describe guideline adherence and application of different stroke risk strati. cation schemes regarding antithrombotic therapy in real-life atrial. brillation (AF) patients and to assess which factors influence antithrombotic management decisions.Methods and results The Euro Heart Survey enrolled 5333 AF patients in 35 countries, in 2003 and 2004. Prescription of antithrombotic drugs, especially oral anticoagulation (OAC), was hardly tailored to the patient's stroke risk pro. le as indicated by the joint guidelines of the American College of Cardiology, American Heart Association, and the European Society of Cardiology, ACCP guidelines, or CHADS(2) and Framingham risk scores. In multivariable analysis, only a limited number of the well-known stroke risk factors triggered OAC prescription. In contrast, less relevant factors, of which clinical type of AF and availability of an OAC monitoring outpatient clinic were the most marked, played a significant role in OAC prescription. Electrical cardioversions and catheter ablations clearly triggered OAC prescription, whereas pharmacological cardioversions even in the presence of stroke risk factors did not.Conclusion Antithrombotic therapy in AF is hardly tailored to the patient's stroke risk pro. le. Factors other than well-known stroke risk factors were significantly involved in antithrombotic management decisions. To facilitate this tailored treatment, guideline writers and physician educators should focus on providing one uniform and easy to use stroke risk strati. cation scheme