161 research outputs found

    Fusion of Sendai virus with the target cell membrane is required for T cell cytotoxicity

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    INFECTION of mice with viruses can generate cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) which show restricted specificity for target cell lysis. Specific lysis requires that the virus used to prime the target cells must be of the same type as that used to sensitise the CTL, and that both target and CTL cells must express the same major histocompatability complex (MHC) gene product(s). The nature of the viral gene product(s) and their interaction with the MHC gene product(s) have been the subject of recent stud1−5. Previously we used Sendai virus to show that lysable target cells can be obtained using membrane vesicles which contain only the viral glycoproteins, indicating that these may be the specific viral gene products involved in target formation5. Sendai virus contains two glycoproteins—the haemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HANA) which promotes attachment of virus to cells and the fusion protein (F) which is involved in subsequent virus cell fusion7−9. Both activities are necessary for insertion of these viral glycoproteins into the plasma membrane of the cell10. In this letter we suggest that the insertion of the viral glycoproteins into the cell membrane is an essential step in target cell formation since we can show that virus containing an inactive fusion protein precursor (F0) cannot elicit T cell cytotoxicity unless the fusion activity is generated by proteolytic cleavage of the precursor. Sugamura et al. 6 have suggested that it is primarily the F glycoprotein of the Sendai virus envelope which is essential for the formation of the target antigen, as virus lacking the functional activities of F following trypsin digestion was inactive in priming target cells for T cell killing. However, we show that proteolytic inactivation of either of the two glycoproteins (F or HANA) of virus used to prime target cells will abolish the cytotoxic response

    Predominant utilization of V beta 8+ T cell receptor genes in the H-2Ld- restricted cytotoxic T cell response against the immediate-early protein pp89 of the murine cytomegalovirus

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    Cytotoxic T cell responses to the murine Cytomegalovirus (MCMV) were elicited in BALB/c mice (H-2d) by infectious virus. Eight days after infection, MCMV-primed local lymph node T cells were either depleted for T cells expressing a V beta 8+ TCR or separated into V beta 8+ and V beta 8- subpopulations by a cell sorter using the mAb F23.1. T cells were then expanded in vitro under limiting dilution conditions in the presence of IL-2 and in the absence of viral Ag to avoid selection by Ag in vitro. Frequencies of CTL precursors specific for the Immediate- Early-Ag 1 of MCMV and restricted to H-2Ld were determined. L cells of the endogenous haplotype H-2k cotransfected with the genes for MCMV-IE 1 and H-2Ld were used as target cells. Detection of a CTL response required previous priming of the animals by infection in vivo (less than 1/10(6) for nonimmunized animals). In primed animals CTL precursors of this specificity and restriction were three to fivefold more frequent in the V beta 8+ population (1/9.900 to 1/22.300) than in the V beta 8- population (1/57.000 to 1/87.200). Control experiments showed that frequencies were not influenced by the treatment with the anti-V beta 8-antibody and the fluorescein-labeled anti-Ig itself. V beta 8+ and V beta 8- T cells did not reveal any frequency differences when several other responses were determined (TNP-specific self- restricted CTL precursor; Th cells specific for keyhole limpet hemocyanin or Listeria monocytogenes)

    Rapid enzymatic test for phenotypic HIV protease drug resistance

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    A phenotypic resistance test based on recombinant expression of the active HIV protease in E. coli from patient blood samples was developed. The protease is purified in a rapid onestep procedure as active enzyme and tested for inhibition by five selected synthetic inhibitors (amprenavir, indinavir, nelfinavir, ritonavir, and saquinavir) used presently for chemotherapy of HIVinfected patients. The HPLC system used in a previous approach was replaced by a continuous fluorogenic assay suitable for highthroughput screening on microtiter plates. This reduces significantly the total assay time and allows the determination of inhibition constants (K-i). The Michaelis constant (K-m) and the inhibition constant (K-i) of recombinant wildtype protease agree well with published data for cloned HIV protease. The enzymatic test was evaluated with recombinant HIV protease derived from eight HIVpositive patients scored from sensitive to highly resistant according to mutations detected by genotypic analysis. The measured K-i values correlate well with the genotypic resistance scores, but allow a higher degree of differentiation. The noninfectious assay enables a more rapid yet sensitive detection of HIV protease resistance than other phenotypic assays

    Alloreactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes generated in the presence of viral- derived peptides show exquisite peptide and MHC specificity

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    The nature of alloreactivity to MHC molecules has been enigmatic, primarily because of the observation that allogeneic responses are considerably stronger than syngeneic responses. To better determine the specificity potential of allogeneic responses, we have generated alloreactive CTL specific for exogenous, viral-derived peptide ligands. This approach allowed us to critically evaluate both the peptide- and MHC-specificity of these alloreactive T cells. Exploiting the accessibility of the H-2Ld class I molecule for exogenous peptide ligands, alloreactive CTL were generated that are specific for either murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) or lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) peptides bound by Ld alloantigens. Peptide specificity was initially observed in bulk cultures of alloreactive CTL only when tested on peptide-sensitized T2.Ld target cells that have defective presentation of endogenous peptides. Subsequent cloning of bulk alloreactive CTL lines generated to MCMV yielded CTL clones that had exquisitely specific MCMV peptide recognition requirement. All of the MCMV/Ld alloreactive CTL clones were also exquisitely MHC-specific in that none of the CTL clones lysed targets expressing MCMV/Lq complexes, even though Lq differs from Ld by only six amino acid residues and Lq also binds the MCMV peptide. This observation clearly demonstrates that alloreactive CTL are capable of the same degree of specificity for target cell recognition as are syngeneic CTL in MHC-restricted responses

    Modular Ion Mobility Calibrants for Organometallic Anions Based on Tetraorganylborate Salts

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    Organometallics are widely used in catalysis and synthesis. Their analysis relies heavily on mass spectrometric methods, among which traveling-wave ion mobility spectrometry (TWIMS) has gained increasing importance. Collision cross sections (CCS) obtainable by TWIMS significantly aid the structural characterization of ions in the gas phase, but for organometallics, their accuracy has been limited by the lack of appropriate calibrants. Here, we propose tetraorganylborates and their alkali-metal bound oligomers [Mn–1(BR4)n]− (M = Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs; R = aryl, Et; n = 1–6) as calibrants for electrospray ionization (ESI) TWIMS. These species chemically resemble typical organometallics and readily form upon negative-ion mode ESI of solutions of alkali-metal tetraorganylborates. By combining different tetraorganylborate salts, we have generated a large number of anions in a modular manner and determined their CCS values by drift-tube ion mobility spectrometry (DTIMS) (DTCCSHe = 81–585, DTCCSN2 = 130–704 Å2). In proof-of-concept experiments, we then applied these DTCCS values to the calibration of a TWIMS instrument and analyzed phenylcuprate and argentate anions, [Lin–1MnPh2n]− and [MnPhn+1]− (M = Cu, Ag), as prototypical reactive organometallics. The TWCCSN2 values derived from TWIMS measurements are in excellent agreement with those determined by DTIMS (<2% relative difference), demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed calibration scheme. Moreover, we used theoretical methods to predict the structures and CCS values of the anions considered. These predictions are in good agreement with the experimental results and give further insight into the trends governing the assembly of tetraorganylborate, cuprate, and argentate oligomers

    Selective inhibition of T suppressor-cell function by a monosaccharide

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    Interactions between regulatory T lymphocytes and other cells are assumed to occur at the level of the cell surface. T cells which suppress the generation of specifically effector cells have been described as having antigenic, idiotypic, allotypic and I-region specificity1−4. Other T suppressor cells generated by in vitro cultivation with or without mitogenic stimulation5,6 have suppressive activity for T and B cells but no specificity can be assigned to them. These T suppressor cells (Ts) inhibit various lymphoid functions—this either reflects their polyclonal origin or indicates that the structures recognized by the Ts receptors must be common for many cell types. Carbohydrates on cell membrane-inserted glycoproteins or glycolipids might function as specific ligands for recognition by cellular receptors or soluble factors. Almost all cell-surface proteins of mammalian cells are glycosylated. There is evidence for lectin-like carbohydrate binding proteins not only in plants7 but also in toxins8, viruses9, prokaryotic cells10 and even mammalian cells, including T cells11. A functional role for these lectin-like proteins has been described for slime moulds and suggested for the selective association of embryonic cells12,13. We report here that addition of a monosaccharide can counteract the effect of T suppressor cells during the generation of alloreactive cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) in vitro

    Involvement of Mhc Loci in immune responses that are not Ir-gene-controlled

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    Twenty-nine randomly chosen, soluble antigens, many of them highly complex, were used to immunize mice of two strains, C3H and B10.RIII. Lymphnode cells from the immunized mice were restimulated in vitro with the priming antigens and the proliferative response of the cells was determined. Both strains were responders to 28 of 29 antigens. Eight antigens were then used to immunize 11 congenic strains carrying different H-2 haplotypes, and the T-cell proliferative responses of these strains were determined. Again, all the strains responded to seven of the eight antigens. These experiments were then repeated, but this time -antibodies specific for the A (AA) or E (EE) molecules were added to the culture to block the in vitro responsiveness. In all but one of the responses, inhibition with both A-specific and E-specific antibodies was observed. The response to one antigen (Blastoinyces) was exceptional in that some strains were nonresponders to this antigen. Furthermore, the response in the responder strains was blocked with A-specific, but not with E-specific, antibodies. The study demonstrates that responses to antigens not controlled by Irr genes nevertheless require participation of class II Mhc molecules. In contrast to Ir gene-controlled responses involving either the A- or the E-molecule controlling loci (but never both), the responses not Ir-controlled involve participation of both A- and E-controlling loci. The lack of Ir-gene control is probably the result of complexity of the responses to multiple determinants. There is thus no principal difference between responses controlled and those not controlled by Ir genes: both types involve the recognition of the antigen, in the context of Mhc molecules

    Rapid enzymatic test for phenotypic HIV protease drug resistance

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    A phenotypic resistance test based on recombinant expression of the active HIV protease in E. coli from patient blood samples was developed. The protease is purified in a rapid onestep procedure as active enzyme and tested for inhibition by five selected synthetic inhibitors (amprenavir, indinavir, nelfinavir, ritonavir, and saquinavir) used presently for chemotherapy of HIVinfected patients. The HPLC system used in a previous approach was replaced by a continuous fluorogenic assay suitable for highthroughput screening on microtiter plates. This reduces significantly the total assay time and allows the determination of inhibition constants (K-i). The Michaelis constant (K-m) and the inhibition constant (K-i) of recombinant wildtype protease agree well with published data for cloned HIV protease. The enzymatic test was evaluated with recombinant HIV protease derived from eight HIVpositive patients scored from sensitive to highly resistant according to mutations detected by genotypic analysis. The measured K-i values correlate well with the genotypic resistance scores, but allow a higher degree of differentiation. The noninfectious assay enables a more rapid yet sensitive detection of HIV protease resistance than other phenotypic assays

    Cobalt-Catalyzed Hydrogenations via Olefin Cobaltate and Hydride Intermediates

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    Redox noninnocent ligands are a promising tool to moderate electron transfer processes within base-metal catalysts. This report introduces bis(imino)acenaphthene (BIAN) cobaltate complexes as hydrogenation catalysts. Sterically hindered trisubstituted alkenes, imines, and quinolines underwent clean hydrogenation under mild conditions (2-10 bar, 20-80 degrees C) by use of the stable catalyst precursor [((Dipp)BIAN)CoBr2] and the cocatalyst LiEt3BH. Mechanistic studies support a homogeneous catalysis pathway involving alkene and hydrido cobaltates as active catalyst species. Furthermore, considerable reaction acceleration by alkali cations and Lewis acids was observed. The dinuclear hydridocobaltate anion with bridging hydride ligands was isolated and fully characterized
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