69 research outputs found

    Spectral analysis of granular material reaction to long-term weak dynamic effect

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    The paper demonstrates the similarity of alternating reaction of rocks to explosions to the response of a granular material to repetitive (up to 330 thousands) light shocks (3.85 -10{-3} J, frequency 1.33 Hz). The cause of both reactions is multiple forms of equilibrium of geomaterials. It has been stated that pressure of the sensor in a granular material subject to long-term weak effects doesn't relax to the hydrostatic one, but oscillates about it with the amplitude about its value. The spectral density of this process obeys the power dependence on the frequency; the exponent is typical for black noise

    Dissemination of Weak Waves in Granular Materials Under Short-Term Impulse Loads

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    The results of experiments with dry high-silica sand are presented. Multiple point impacts have been revealed to improve waveguide properties of the material because a conductive channel, containing force "chains", is formed there. Quasistatic alternating shears condition the change in the particle packing; destroy "chains", and deteriorate the channel conductivity. Further multiple impulse loads lead to restoration of the "chains" and conductivity of the channel


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    The paper considers some trends of energy and resource saving in railway transport, in particular the use of led lighting and gas turbine on compressed natural gas.В работе рассмотрены некоторые направления энерго- и ресурсосбережения на железнодорожном транспорте, в частности использование светодиодного освещения и газотурбовоза на сжиженном природном газе

    Investigation of the effect of preliminary modification of solutions on the properties of precipitated hydrated zirconium oxides

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    In this study, hydrated zirconium oxides and yttrium stabilized zirconia powders were synthesized by precipitation. Influence of preliminary solution modification, namely preliminary heating of the solutions and the addition of sulfate ions was investigated. It is shown that the addition of sulfate ions leads to a decrease in the size of aggregates and an increase in the specific surface area of the particles. The greatest increase in the specific surface area was observed during precipitation of a preliminary heated solution with the addition of sulfate ions. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 14.581.21.0028, RFMEFI58117X0028Research and DevelopmentThe work was supported by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, contract № 02.A03.21.0006.The study was financially supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation within the framework of subsidizing agreement of October 23, 2017 (No. 14.581.21.0028, unique agreement identifier RFMEFI58117X0028) of the Federal Target Program “Research and development in priority directions of the progress of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for the years 2014–2020.” 5. References [1] Chandra N, Singh D K, Sharma M, Upadhyay R K, Amritphale S S and Sanghi S K 2010 Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 342 327–332 [2] Si-Jia Hao, Cheng Wang, Tong-Le Liu, Zhi-Ming Mao, Zong-Qiang Mao, Jian-Long Wang 201


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    Samples of zirconium oxide were synthesized and ceramics were made on their basic. It has been studied that a decrease in the calcination temperature of zirconium dioxide leads to an increase in the density, strength and hardness of ceramics.Данная работа выполнена при поддержке совета по грантам Президента Российской Федерации СП-2022


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    Impedance spectroscopy was used to measure the conductivity of La1-x/2Y1-x/2CaxO3-α (x=0.1-10) at T=700-200оС and pH2O = 0.04-2.5 kPa. The bulk and grain boundaries conductivities were separated over the entire temperature range. It is found that the bulk and grain boundaries conductivities depend on the temperature and the wet of air.The highest proton conduction has been detected in the solid solution ofLa0.985Y0.985Ca0.03O3-α under wet air (pH2O=2.5kPa)

    Fibrates downregulate apolipoprotein C-III expression independent of induction of peroxisomal acyl coenzyme A oxidase. A potential mechanism for the hypolipidemic action of fibrates.

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    Epidemiological and transgenic animal studies have implicated apo C-III as a major determinant of plasma triglyceride metabolism. Since fibrates are very efficient in lowering triglycerides, it was investigated whether fibrates regulate apo C-III gene expression. Different fibrates lowered rat liver apo C-III mRNA levels up to 90% in a dose- and time-dependent manner, whereas intestinal apo C-III mRNA remained constant. This decrease in liver apo C-III mRNA was rapid (1 d) and reversible, since it was restored to control levels within 1 wk after cessation of treatment. In addition, fenofibrate treatment abolished the developmental rise of hepatic apo C-III mRNA observed during the suckling-weaning period. Administration of fibrates to rats induced liver and intestinal expression of the acyl CoA oxidase gene, the rate-limiting enzyme for peroxisomal beta-oxidation of fatty acids. In primary cultures of rat and human hepatocytes, fenofibric acid lowered apo C-III mRNA in a time- and dose-dependent manner. This reduction in apo C-III mRNA levels was accompanied by a decreased secretion of apo C-III in the culture medium of human hepatocytes. In rat hepatocytes fenofibric acid induced acyl CoA oxidase gene expression, whereas acyl CoA oxidase mRNA remained unchanged in human hepatocytes. Nuclear run-on and transient transfection experiments of a reporter construct driven by the human apo C-III gene promoter indicated that fibrates downregulate apo C-III gene expression at the transcriptional level. In conclusion, these studies demonstrate that fibrates decrease rat and human liver apo C-III gene expression. In humans the mechanisms appears to be independent of the induction of peroxisomal enzymes. This downregulation of liver apo C-III gene expression by fibrates may contribute to the hypotriglyceridemic action of these drugs

    The Effect of Synthesis Conditions of Layered Gadolinium-Terbium Hydroxides on the Properties of Hybrid Phosphor Powders

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    In this work, hybrid phosphors powders based on layered Gd-Tb nitrate hydroxide, synthesized by controlled double-jet precipitation, as a result of intercalation of terephthalate ions, were obtained. The influence of the pH value of the synthesis on the properties of hybrid phosphor was studied


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    A study of the effect of pH on the formation process of gadolinium hydroxonitrate was made. As a result, it was found that precipitation at a constant pH in the range from 7,6 to 9,2 results in structured particles. While precipitation at higher or lower pH values results in the formation of gelatinous sediments