319 research outputs found

    Проектирование параметрического маховика с использованием новых технологий

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    Статья содержит один из способов оптимизации характеристик маховика исполнительногооргана системы ориентации малого космического аппарата на основе анализа математической моделимаховика. Математическая модель позволяет оценить взаимное влияние его характеристик и установитьсвязи между ними, которые напрямую не определяются. Наиболее эффективным методом оптимизациихарактеристик является варьирование параметров конструкции через параметризацию с использованиемспециализированного программного обеспечения, реализующего геометрическую параметризацию ивозможность эффективного расчета требуемых характеристик. Создается параметрическая 3D-модель,включающая в себя расчет эксплуатационных характеристик. Варьированием параметров 3D-моделивозможно получить оптимальный комплекс эксплуатационных параметров. Это весьма актуально наэтапе проектирования, поскольку позволяет существенно повысить качество проектируемого устройстваи сократить общее время проектирования.Article contains a optimization ways of a flywheel characteristics of the navigation executive body systemof the small spacecraft on the basis of the a flywheel mathematical model analysis. The mathematical model allowsto estimate mutual influence of his characteristics and to establish connection between them which directly aren'tdefined. The variation of a design parameters through parametrization with use of the specialized software realizinggeometrical parametrization and a possibility effective calculation of the required characteristics is the mosteffective method of optimization of characteristics. The parametrical 3D model including calculation of operationalcharacteristics is created. It is possible to receive an optimum complex of operational parameters a variation of a3D model parameters. It is very actual at a design stage as allows to increase significantly quality of the designeddevice and to reduce the general time of design

    Mobile lidars. Influence of external mechanical actions on accuracy of lidar aiming

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    The questions of designing mechanical system load-bearing elements «lidar radiator-lidar basis-automobile» in order to reduce external mechanical effects on lidar aiming accuracy have been considere

    Systemic approach to business administration of innovation-oriented enterprise

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    The authors use the method of regression analysis, with the help of which they determine the dependence of the level and rates of economic growth of modern economic systems on development of innovation-oriented entrepreneurship. The additional methodological instrumentarium includes the proprietary method of evaluation of effectiveness of business administration of innovation-oriented enterprise. The authors offer a systemic approach to business administration of innovation-oriented enterprise and prove its high effectiveness as compared to the usual approach by the example of modern Russian innovation-oriented enterprises.peer-reviewe

    Robust Rescaling Methods for Integrated Water, Food, and Energy Security Management under Systemic Risks and Uncertainty

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    The aim of this presentation is to discuss robust, non-Bayesian, probabilistic, cross-entropy-based disaggregation (downscaling) techniques. Systems analysis of global change (including climate) processes requires new approaches to integrating and rescaling of models, data, and decision-making procedures between various scales. For example, in the analysis of water security issues, the hydrological models require inputs that are much finer than the resolution of, say, the economic or climatic models generating those inputs. In relation to food security, aggregate national or regional land-use projections derived with global economic land-use planning models give no insights into potentially critical heterogeneities of local trends. Many practical studies analyzing regional developments use cross-entropy minimization as an underlying principle for estimation of local processes. However, the traditional cross-entropy approach relies on a single prior distribution. In reality, we can identify a set of feasible priors. This is relevant, in particular, for land-cover data. Existing global land cover maps (GLC2000, MODIS2000, GLOBCOVER2000) differ in terms of spatially resolved estimates of land use, (e.g., crop, forest, and grass lands). We present novel general approach to achieving downscaling results that are robust with respect to a set of potential prior distributions reflecting non-Bayesian uncertainties, that is, data that are incomplete or not directly observable. The robust downscaling problem is formulated as a probabilistic inverse problem (from aggregate to local data) generally in the form of a non-convex, cross-entropy minimization model. The approach will be illustrated by sequential downscaling aggregate model projections of land-use changes using the Global Biosphere Management Model, with case studies from Africa, Brazil, China, and Ukraine. The approach is being used to harmonize alternative land-cover maps and to develop hybrid maps

    Characteristics of online behavior and structure of consumed content in Abakan adolescents of different age, groups and ethnicity

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    Background. The study of the prevalence and structure of various types of online behavior, the characteristics of the content consumed by adolescents of different age, sex and ethnic groups is an important area of scientific research.The aim. To study the features of online behavior and the structure of content consumed in Abakan adolescents of various age and sex groups and ethnicity (Russians and Khakasses).Materials and methods. 1400 adolescents of the city of Abakan (Republic of Khakassia) aged 12–18 were examined: 962 (68.7 %) Russians, 438  (31.3  %) Khakasses, 678 (48.4 %) boys and 722 (51.6 %) girls, aged 12–14 years – 39.8 % and 15–18 years – 60.2 %. The type of online behavior was verified using the Chen scale (CIAS). Emotional and behavioral disorders were diagnosed using the SDQ questionnaire. The indicators were compared in groups formed by sex, age and ethnicity. The data were processed using the Statistica 12.0 program (StatSoft Inc., USA).Results. It has been established that the prevalence and structure of online behavior among adolescents in Abakan depends on gender, age and ethnicity. Pathological Internet use (PIU) is more common among Khakasses, more often in the older age group. Regardless of ethnicity, maladaptive online behavior (pathological and maladaptive Internet use) is recorded more often among girls. In the structure of consumed content, gaming addiction prevails, social network addiction is in second place, and the proportion of mixed and undifferentiated Internet addiction is less. Dependence on online games prevails in boys, while dependence on social networks and undifferentiated internet addiction prevail in girls.Conclusion. One of the reasons for the greater prevalence of maladaptive online behavior among Khakasses may be the association of maladaptive Internet use with the presence of emotional disorders and behavioral problems that reach the borderline level and are causally significant factors in the development of Internet addiction. Adolescents with maladaptive online behavior, who have not yet reached the level of formed Internet addiction, are the target group requiring medical and psychological assistance

    Astenic syndrome in you students with different online-behaviors during the pandemic of new coronavirus infection COVID-19

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    Introduction. An urgent problem in many countries of the world is the growth of comorbid diseases and conditions associated with the pathological use of the Internet, including functional somatic disorders, which include asthenic syndrome.Purpose of the study. To study the frequency of occurrence of asthenic syndrome schoolchildren with different online behavior during the coronavirus pandemic.Materials and methods. The method of random sampling was used to examine 1 148 adolescents at the age of 11–18 years, of which 535 (46.6%) were boys and 613 (53.4%) were girls. The frequency of occurrence was analyzed in the entire sample of the surveyed, as well as in the comparison groups, formed by gender: 1 gr. – boys (n = 535), 2 gr. – girls (n = 613), age: 1 gr. – 11–14 years old (m + d) (n = 837) and 2 gr. – 15–18 years old (m + d) (n = 311), type of online behavior: 1 gr. – with adaptive use of the Internet, 2 gr. – with maladaptive internet use, 3 gr. – with pathological use of the Internet and type of Internet addiction.Results. The frequency of adaptive use of the Internet was 37.0%, with maladaptive – 49.9% and with pathological – 13.1% of the total sample of  the surveyed. The content structure of  the online behavior of  Tuvan schoolchildren includes the  presence of a game Internet addiction in 4.4% of the surveyed, dependence on social networks – in 12.5%, mixed IА – in 2.4% and undifferentiated IА – in 5.0%. The frequency of asthenic syndrome is 12.2% of all surveyed.Conclusion. A more pronounced association of asthenic syndrome in schoolchildren with maladaptive online behavior indicates the negative impact of the computer and the Internet on the body and justifies the need for a personalized approach to these contingents

    Operating System Influence on VLSI Radiation Resistance

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    The article presents a comparative analysis of radiation resistance levels of complex-functional VLSI when using an operating system (OS) for software development in comparison with the traditional approach based on a superloop. The applied OSs and objects of the research are presented. The features of the program code for functional control tests when using and not using OS are described. Algorithms of conducting experiments in the studies of absorbed dose affects and dose rate effects are presented. Comparisons were made of radiation resistance levels to total ionizing dose (TID) effects and dose rate effects in the presence and in the absence of OS. The obtained results of studies on TID effects demonstrate that the presence of OS can change the radiation resistance level up to ~30% both up and down compared to the traditional case in the absence of OS. Based on the results of dose rate effects studies, it was concluded that the use of OS can reduce the level of fault-tolerant operation by 43% compared to the case in the absence of OS. The results also show that the type of OS also affects the fault-tolerant operation level. Possible explanations of difference in radiation resistance levels are proposed. Directions for futher research are outlined