43 research outputs found

    Carcinoma of the parathyroid gland: a case report

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    Carcinoma of the parathyroid gland causes 0.005% of all malignancies. Although the etiology remains unknown, possible contributing factors include neck radiation, chronic secondary hyperparathyroidism due to kidney failure, and vitamin D deficiencies. It occurs in syndromes such ahyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndrome, multiple endocrine neoplasia types 1 and 2A, and familial isolated hyperparathyroidism


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    Nowadays the number of couples who fail to conceive naturally is constantly increasing. There are many reasons for infertility and the most common one is the age of the mother. Medically assisted reproduction also enables people suffering from malignant diseases to freeze their gametes to have offspring later. Two main forms of infertility treatments include intrauterine insemination and in vitro fertilization.U suvremenom svijetu učestalost parova koji ne uspijevaju na prirodan način ostvariti potomstvo u stalnom je porastu. Razlozi za neplodnost su mnogi, a najčeŔći jest visoka dob majke. Medicinski pomognuta oplodnja također omogućuje da osobe koje boluju od malignih bolesti zamrznu spolne stanice te kasnije ostvare potomstvo. Dva temeljna oblika liječenja neplodnosti obuhvaćaju intrauterinu inseminaciju i izvantjelesnu oplodnju

    TEMPO oksidacija u funkciji poboljsanja antibakterijskih svojstava viskozne tkanine funkcionalizovane nanočesticama na bazi hitozana

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    TEMPO oxidation of viscose fabric was used as a pretreatment 10 introduce carboxyl and aldehyde groups for irreversible binding of chilosan and to improve antibacterial activity and washing durability of viscose fabrics functionalized with chitosan nanoparticles withour (NCS) and with emt edded zine (NCS+ Zn). Carboxyl and aldehyde group content, electrokinetic properties, elemental analysis, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry and antibacterial testing were used to caluare the influence of TEMPO axidation on subseguent NCS and NCS+Zn binding and antibacterial properties of chitosan functionalized viscose fabrics. Anvibacterial activity of NCS and NC$+Zn functionalized viscose fabrics was preserved after multiple wasting

    Research on clinical characteristics in children with a neck abscess treated at the division of pediatric otorhinolaryngology from 2016 to 2022

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    Apscesi dubokih prostora vrata nastaju najčeŔće kao posljedica infekcija gornjih diÅ”nih puteva. Često su praćeni brzim razvojem kliničke slike te mogu voditi komplikacijama opasnim po život. Iz ovih razloga poznavanje značajki pacijenata s apscesom na vratu može uvelike pomoći u donoÅ”enju kliničkih odluka, primjerenom početku liječenja i sprječavanju potencijalnih komplikacija. Cilj ovog retrospektivnog kohortnog istraživanja bio je odrediti značajke djece s apscesom na vratu kirurÅ”ki liječenih na Klinici za otorinolaringologiju i kirurgiju glave i vrata Kliničkog bolničkog centra ā€žSestre Milosrdniceā€œ. Retrospektivno su sakupljeni i analizirani podaci iz bolničkog informacijskog sustava te operacijskog protokola o djeci koja su kirurÅ”ki liječena u Kliničkom bolničkom centru ā€žSestre milosrdnice ā€œ u razdoblju od 2016. do 2022. godine. U istraživanje je uključeno 54 pacijenta od toga je 56% pacijenata muÅ”kog, a 44% ženskog spola. Prosječna dob svih pacijenata je iznosila 5,87 godina, a medijan dobi 5,39 godina. Najučestaliji bio je peritonzilarni apsces s udjelom od 44,44% ukupnih pacijenata. Prikupljeni su podatci dobiveni iz brisa ždrijela te intraoperativnog brisa apscesa. NajčeŔće izoliran mikroorganizam bio je beta hemolitički streptokok grupe A koji je izoliran u 46,43% pacijenata. NajčeŔće proveden kirurÅ”ki pristup bio je transoralni pristup te najčeŔći zahvat incizija i drenaža.The most frequent cause of deep neck infections is an upper respiratory tract infection. Deep neck infections often have a rapid onset and can lead, if untreated, to life-threatening complications. For those reasons, understanding the characteristics of patients with deep neck infections is of great importance for clinical decision-making, the initiation of empiric therapy, and the prevention of potential complications. The aim of this retrospective cohort study was to determine the characteristics of children with surgically treated neck abscesses at the Clinic for Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery of the Clinical Hospital Center "Sisters of Charity". Data from the hospital information system and the operating protocol of children surgically treated at the "Sisters of Charity" Clinical Hospital Center in the period from 2016 to 2022 were retrospectively collected and analyzed. 54 patients were included in the study, of whom 44% were female and 56% were male. The average age of all patients was 5,87 years, and the median age was 5,39 years. With a percentage of 44,44% of all patients, peritonsillar abscesses were the most common. To analyze the frequency of isolated microorganisms, data from pharyngeal swabs and intraoperative abscess swabs were collected. The most frequently isolated microorganism was group A of beta hemolytic streptococci, which was isolated in 46,43% of patients. The most common surgical approach was transoral, and the most common method was surgical incision and drainage

    Research on clinical characteristics in children with a neck abscess treated at the division of pediatric otorhinolaryngology from 2016 to 2022

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    Apscesi dubokih prostora vrata nastaju najčeŔće kao posljedica infekcija gornjih diÅ”nih puteva. Često su praćeni brzim razvojem kliničke slike te mogu voditi komplikacijama opasnim po život. Iz ovih razloga poznavanje značajki pacijenata s apscesom na vratu može uvelike pomoći u donoÅ”enju kliničkih odluka, primjerenom početku liječenja i sprječavanju potencijalnih komplikacija. Cilj ovog retrospektivnog kohortnog istraživanja bio je odrediti značajke djece s apscesom na vratu kirurÅ”ki liječenih na Klinici za otorinolaringologiju i kirurgiju glave i vrata Kliničkog bolničkog centra ā€žSestre Milosrdniceā€œ. Retrospektivno su sakupljeni i analizirani podaci iz bolničkog informacijskog sustava te operacijskog protokola o djeci koja su kirurÅ”ki liječena u Kliničkom bolničkom centru ā€žSestre milosrdnice ā€œ u razdoblju od 2016. do 2022. godine. U istraživanje je uključeno 54 pacijenta od toga je 56% pacijenata muÅ”kog, a 44% ženskog spola. Prosječna dob svih pacijenata je iznosila 5,87 godina, a medijan dobi 5,39 godina. Najučestaliji bio je peritonzilarni apsces s udjelom od 44,44% ukupnih pacijenata. Prikupljeni su podatci dobiveni iz brisa ždrijela te intraoperativnog brisa apscesa. NajčeŔće izoliran mikroorganizam bio je beta hemolitički streptokok grupe A koji je izoliran u 46,43% pacijenata. NajčeŔće proveden kirurÅ”ki pristup bio je transoralni pristup te najčeŔći zahvat incizija i drenaža.The most frequent cause of deep neck infections is an upper respiratory tract infection. Deep neck infections often have a rapid onset and can lead, if untreated, to life-threatening complications. For those reasons, understanding the characteristics of patients with deep neck infections is of great importance for clinical decision-making, the initiation of empiric therapy, and the prevention of potential complications. The aim of this retrospective cohort study was to determine the characteristics of children with surgically treated neck abscesses at the Clinic for Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery of the Clinical Hospital Center "Sisters of Charity". Data from the hospital information system and the operating protocol of children surgically treated at the "Sisters of Charity" Clinical Hospital Center in the period from 2016 to 2022 were retrospectively collected and analyzed. 54 patients were included in the study, of whom 44% were female and 56% were male. The average age of all patients was 5,87 years, and the median age was 5,39 years. With a percentage of 44,44% of all patients, peritonsillar abscesses were the most common. To analyze the frequency of isolated microorganisms, data from pharyngeal swabs and intraoperative abscess swabs were collected. The most frequently isolated microorganism was group A of beta hemolytic streptococci, which was isolated in 46,43% of patients. The most common surgical approach was transoral, and the most common method was surgical incision and drainage

    Research on clinical characteristics in children with a neck abscess treated at the division of pediatric otorhinolaryngology from 2016 to 2022

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    Apscesi dubokih prostora vrata nastaju najčeŔće kao posljedica infekcija gornjih diÅ”nih puteva. Često su praćeni brzim razvojem kliničke slike te mogu voditi komplikacijama opasnim po život. Iz ovih razloga poznavanje značajki pacijenata s apscesom na vratu može uvelike pomoći u donoÅ”enju kliničkih odluka, primjerenom početku liječenja i sprječavanju potencijalnih komplikacija. Cilj ovog retrospektivnog kohortnog istraživanja bio je odrediti značajke djece s apscesom na vratu kirurÅ”ki liječenih na Klinici za otorinolaringologiju i kirurgiju glave i vrata Kliničkog bolničkog centra ā€žSestre Milosrdniceā€œ. Retrospektivno su sakupljeni i analizirani podaci iz bolničkog informacijskog sustava te operacijskog protokola o djeci koja su kirurÅ”ki liječena u Kliničkom bolničkom centru ā€žSestre milosrdnice ā€œ u razdoblju od 2016. do 2022. godine. U istraživanje je uključeno 54 pacijenta od toga je 56% pacijenata muÅ”kog, a 44% ženskog spola. Prosječna dob svih pacijenata je iznosila 5,87 godina, a medijan dobi 5,39 godina. Najučestaliji bio je peritonzilarni apsces s udjelom od 44,44% ukupnih pacijenata. Prikupljeni su podatci dobiveni iz brisa ždrijela te intraoperativnog brisa apscesa. NajčeŔće izoliran mikroorganizam bio je beta hemolitički streptokok grupe A koji je izoliran u 46,43% pacijenata. NajčeŔće proveden kirurÅ”ki pristup bio je transoralni pristup te najčeŔći zahvat incizija i drenaža.The most frequent cause of deep neck infections is an upper respiratory tract infection. Deep neck infections often have a rapid onset and can lead, if untreated, to life-threatening complications. For those reasons, understanding the characteristics of patients with deep neck infections is of great importance for clinical decision-making, the initiation of empiric therapy, and the prevention of potential complications. The aim of this retrospective cohort study was to determine the characteristics of children with surgically treated neck abscesses at the Clinic for Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery of the Clinical Hospital Center "Sisters of Charity". Data from the hospital information system and the operating protocol of children surgically treated at the "Sisters of Charity" Clinical Hospital Center in the period from 2016 to 2022 were retrospectively collected and analyzed. 54 patients were included in the study, of whom 44% were female and 56% were male. The average age of all patients was 5,87 years, and the median age was 5,39 years. With a percentage of 44,44% of all patients, peritonsillar abscesses were the most common. To analyze the frequency of isolated microorganisms, data from pharyngeal swabs and intraoperative abscess swabs were collected. The most frequently isolated microorganism was group A of beta hemolytic streptococci, which was isolated in 46,43% of patients. The most common surgical approach was transoral, and the most common method was surgical incision and drainage

    Carcinoma of the parathyroid gland: a case report

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    Carcinoma of the parathyroid gland causes 0.005% of all malignancies. Although the etiology remains unknown, possible contributing factors include neck radiation, chronic secondary hyperparathyroidism due to kidney failure, and vitamin D deficiencies. It occurs in syndromes such ahyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndrome, multiple endocrine neoplasia types 1 and 2A, and familial isolated hyperparathyroidism

    Uticaj dugotrajnog starenja na svojstvo TEMPO oksidisanog pamuka

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    Cotton yarns were 2,2,6,6-tetramethy|piperidine-1-oxy radical (TEMPO) oxidized, i.e., oxidation was carried out in the presence of sodium hypochlorite, sodium bromide and TEMPO, during different time intervals (30, 60 and 120 min). Given that TEMPO oxidized cotton is prone to aging processes, the influence of long-term aging on the properties of TEMPO oxidized cotton yarns was monitored through changes in their content of carboxyl and aldehyde groups, crystallinity index and water retention value, determined immediately after TEMPO oxidations and 10 years later. The content of carboxyl and aldehyde groups was determined by the calcium acetate method, the crystallinity index by the Schwertassek method, and the water retention value by the standard centrifuge method (ASTM D 2402-78, 1978). Aged TEMPO oxidized cotton yarns showed increased content of carboxyl groups, decreased content of aldehyde groups, unchanged crystallinity index and increased water retention value.Pamučne pređe su oksidisane 2,2,6,6-tetrametilpiperidin-I-oksilradikal (TEMPO), tj. oksidisane su sa natrijum-hipohloritom, natrijum-bromidomi TEMPO, tokom različitih vremenskih intervala (30, 60 i 120 min). S obzirom na to da je TEMPO oksidisani pamuk podložan procesima starenja, uticaj dugotrajnog starenja na svojstava TEMPO oksidisanih pamučnih pređa praćen je kroz promene u njihovom sadržaju karboksilnih i aldehidnih grupa, indeksu kristalnosti i sposobnosti zadržavanja vode, određenim neposredno nakon TEMPO oksidacije i 10 godina kasnije. Sadržaj karboksilnih i aldehidnih grupa određen je kalcijum-acetatom metodom, indeks kristalnosti Schwertassek-ovom metodom, a sposobnost zadržavanja vode standardnom metodom centrifugiranja (ASTM D 2402-78, 1978). Ostarele TEMPO oksidisane pamučne pređe pokazale su povećan sadržaj karboksilnih grupa, smanjen sadržaj aldehidnih grupa, nepromenjen indeks kristalnosti i povećanu sposobnost zadržavanja vode


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    Celuloza kao najzastupljeniji bioobnovljivi polimer dobija na značaju kako zbog ekonomskih razloga i mnogobrojnih mogućnosti primene, tako i zbog sve veće pažnje koju prirodnim resursima i održivom razvoju poklanjaju naučna zajednica i industrija. U ovom radu dat je prikaz savremenih istraživanja u oblasti celuloze usmerenih na razumevanje procesa, unapređenje znanja i oblasti primene ovog najznačajnijeg bioobnovljivog resursa. Posebna pažnja posvećena je funkcionalizaciji celuloze i razvoju celuloznih materijala specijalnih svojstava na bazi nanofibrilisane celuloze.Cellulose, the most abundant natural and renewable polymer, gains on importance regarding to its economic value, the wide area of possible applications and due to increased attention of the industrial and the scientific community on natural resources and sustainability issues. This paper gives an overview of the current cellulose research directed towards an advanced understanding and application of this most important bioresource. Emphasis is placed on the cellulose functionalization and development of high performance tailored cellulose materials based on nanofibrillated cellulose