546 research outputs found

    Solid quantization for non-point particles

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    In quantum field theory, elemental particles are assumed to be point particles. As a result, the loop integrals are divergent in many cases. Regularization and renormalization are necessary in order to get the physical finite results from the infinite, divergent loop integrations. We propose new quantization conditions for non-point particles. With this solid quantization, divergence could be treated systematically. This method is useful for effective field theory which is on hadron degrees of freedom. The elemental particles could also be non-point ones. They can be studied in this approach as well.Comment: 7 page

    Possible test for CPT invariance with correlated neutral B decays

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    We study breakdown of CPTCPT symmetry which can occur in the decay process BBˉl±XfB \bar B \to l^\pm X^\mp f with ff being a CP eigenstate. In this process, the standard model expectations for time ordered semi-leptonic and hadronic events, i.e. which of the two decays takes place first, can be altered in the case that there is a violation of the CPTCPT symmetry. To illustrate this possibility, we identify and study several time integrated observables. We find that an experiment with 10910^{9} BBˉB\bar B pairs, has the capability for improving the bound on CPTCPT violating parameter or perhaps observe CPTCPT violation.Comment: Revised version to be published in PR

    Classical Solutions in a Lorentz-violating Maxwell-Chern-Simons Electrodynamics

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    We take as starting point the planar model arising from the dimensional reduction of the Maxwell Electrodynamics with the (Lorentz-violating) Carroll-Field-Jackiw term. We then write and study the extended Maxwell equations and the corresponding wave equations for the potentials. The solution to these equations show some interesting deviations from the usual MCS Electrodynamics, with background-dependent correction terms. In the case of a time-like background, the correction terms dominate over the MCS sector in the region far from the origin, and establish the behaviour of a massless Electrodynamics (in the electric sector). In the space-like case, the solutions indicate the clear manifestation of spatial anisotropy, which is consistent with the existence of a privileged direction is space.Comment: latex, 8 page

    Neutron star sensitivities in Ho\u159ava gravity after GW170817

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    Horava gravity breaks boost invariance in the gravitational sector by introducing a preferred time foliation. The dynamics of this preferred slicing is governed, in the low-energy limit suitable for most astrophysical applications, by three dimensionless parameters alphaalpha, etaeta and lambdalambda. The first two of these parameters are tightly bound by solar system and gravitational wave propagation experiments, but lambdalambda remains relatively unconstrained (0leqlambdalesssim0.010.10leqlambdalesssim 0.01-0.1). We restrict here to the parameter space region defined by alpha=eta=0alpha=eta=0 (with lambdalambda kept generic), which in a previous paper we showed to be the only one where black hole solutions are non-pathological at the universal horizon, and we focus on possible violations of the strong equivalence principle in systems involving neutron stars. We compute neutron star 'sensitivities', which parametrize violations of the strong equivalence principle at the leading post-Newtonian order, and find that they vanish identically, like in the black hole case, for alpha=eta=0alpha=eta=0 and generic lambdaeq0lambda eq0. This implies that no violations of the strong equivalence principle (neither in the conservative sector nor in gravitational wave fluxes) can occur at the leading post-Newtonian order in binaries of compact objects, and that data from binary pulsars and gravitational interferometers are unlikely to further constrain lambdalambda

    Long-term evolution and revival structure of Rydberg wave packets

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    It is known that, after formation, a Rydberg wave packet undergoes a series of collapses and revivals within a time period called the revival time, t_{\rm rev}, at the end of which it is close to its original shape. We study the behavior of Rydberg wave packets on time scales much greater than t_{\rm rev}. We show that after a few revival cycles the wave packet ceases to reform at multiples of the revival time. Instead, a new series of collapses and revivals commences, culminating after a time period t_{\rm sr} \gg t_{\rm rev} with the formation of a wave packet that more closely resembles the initial packet than does the full revival at time t_{\rm rev}. Furthermore, at times that are rational fractions of t_{\rm sr}, the square of the autocorrelation function exhibits large peaks with periodicities that can be expressed as fractions of the revival time t_{\rm rev}. These periodicities indicate a new type of fractional revival occurring for times much greater than t_{\rm rev}. A theoretical explanation of these effects is outlined

    The revival structure of Rydberg wave packets beyond the revival time

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    After a Rydberg wave packet forms, it is known to undergo a series of collapses and revivals within a time period called the revival time t_{\rm rev}, at the end of which it resembles its original shape. We study the behavior of Rydberg wave packets on time scales much greater than t_{\rm rev}. We find that after a few revival cycles the wave packet ceases to reform at multiples of the revival time. Instead, a new series of collapses and revivals commences, culminating after a time period t_{\rm sr} \gg t_{\rm rev} with the formation of a wave packet that more closely resembles the initial packet than does the full revival at time t_{\rm rev}. Furthermore, at times that are rational fractions of t_{\rm sr}, we show that the motion of the wave packet is periodic with periodicities that can be expressed as fractions of the revival time t_{\rm rev}. These periodicities indicate a new type of fractional revival, occurring for times much greater than t_{\rm rev}. We also examine the effects of quantum defects and laser detunings on the revival structure of Rydberg wave packets for alkali-metal atoms

    Lorentz-Violating Extension of the Standard Model

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    In the context of conventional quantum field theory, we present a general Lorentz-violating extension of the minimal SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) standard model including CPT-even and CPT-odd terms. It can be viewed as the low-energy limit of a physically relevant fundamental theory with Lorentz-covariant dynamics in which spontaneous Lorentz violation occurs. The extension has gauge invariance, energy-momentum conservation, and covariance under observer rotations and boosts, while covariance under particle rotations and boosts is broken. The quantized theory is hermitian and power-counting renormalizable, and other desirable features such as microcausality, positivity of the energy, and the usual anomaly cancellation are expected. Spontaneous symmetry breaking to the electromagnetic U(1) is maintained, although the Higgs expectation is shifted by a small amount relative to its usual value and the Z0Z^0 field acquires a small expectation. A general Lorentz-breaking extension of quantum electrodynamics is extracted from the theory, and some experimental tests are considered. In particular, we study modifications to photon behavior. One possible effect is vacuum birefringence, which could be bounded from cosmological observations by experiments using existing techniques. Radiative corrections to the photon propagator are examined. They are compatible with spontaneous Lorentz and CPT violation in the fermion sector at levels suggested by Planck-scale physics and accessible to other terrestrial laboratory experiments