4 research outputs found

    IoT-A and FIWARE: bridging the barriers between the Cloud and IoT systems design and implementation

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    Abstract: IoT systems are designed and implemented to address specific challenges based on domain specific requirements, thus not taking into consideration issues of openness, scalability, interoperability and use-case independence. As a result, they are less principled, vendor oriented and hardly replicable since the same IoT architecture cannot be used in more than one use-cases. To address the fragmentation of existing IoT solutions, the IoT-A project proposes an architecture reference model that defines the principles and standards for generating IoT architectures and promoting the interoperation of IoT solutions. However, IoT-A addresses the architecture design problem, and does not focus on whether existing cloud platforms can offer the tools and services to support the implementation of IoT-A compliant IoT systems. In this work we attempt to fill this gap and we propose an architectural approach based on IoT-A that focuses (as a use case) on the FIWARE open cloud platform that in turn provides the building blocks of Future Internet (FI) applications and services. We further correlate FIWARE and IoT-A approaches to identify the key features for FIWARE to support IoT-A compliant system implementations

    Interact: gesture recognition in the cloud

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    Summarization: Interact is a cloud based gesture recognition solution based on the FI-WARE cloud platform, realized by means of cloud services communicating with each other through REST APIs. To promote the development of Future Internet (FI) applications, all functionalities of Interact are offered as cloud services. The system is sensor independent and is designed to work with the most popular motion sensors. To show proof of concept, a system prototype has been developed utilizing the LEAP Motion sensorΠαρουσιάστηκε στο: 7th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computin

    Personalized motion sensor driven gesture recognition in the FIWARE cloud platform

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    Summarization: Gesture recognition technology enables new means of user communication and interaction with machines. This work focuses on gesture recognition by analyzing data, obtained by motion sensors, in the cloud. We present Interact, a cloud based gesture recognition system that uses FIWARE. To promote the development of Future Internet (FI) applications, all functionalities of Interact are offered as cloud services, enabling elasticity, lower cost of maintenance and off-site efficient data storage. To promote productivity, Interact offers a REST API for recognizing, storing and managing customized gesture collectionsin the cloud as well as for subscribing to sensors. The system is sensor independent and is designed to be compliant with the most popular motion sensors (i.e., Leap Motion or Kinect). To demonstrate the functionalities of Interact, a system prototype has been developed utilizing the LEAP Motion sensor, offering all the previously described functionalities. The prototype is hosted on FIWARE Lab and is available for testing.Παρουσιάστηκε στο: 14th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computin

    Designing a patient monitoring system using Cloud and Semantic Web Technologies

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    Summarization: Moving into a new era of healthcare, new tools and devices are developed to extend and improve health services, such as remote patient monitoring and risk prevention. In this concept, Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud Computing present great advantages by providing remote and efficient services, as well as cooperation between patients, clinicians, researchers and other health professionals. This paper focuses on patients suffering from bipolar disorder, a brain disorder that belongs to a group of conditions called affective disorders, which is characterized by great mood swings. We exploit the advantages of Semantic Web and Cloud Technologies to develop a patient monitoring system to support clinicians. Based on intelligently filtering of evidence-knowledge and individual-specific information we aim to provide treatment notifications and recommended function tests at appropriate times or concluding into alerts for serious mood changes and patient’s nonresponse to reatment. We propose an architecture as the back-end part of a cloud platform for IoT, intertwining intelligence devices with patients’ daily routine and clinicians’ support.Παρουσιάστηκε στο: International Conference on Brain and Health Informatic