7 research outputs found


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    Contains information on Snout-vent length and head width per individuals. Population affinity is denoted by the population codes from Figure 1 in the manuscript and Geographic_locations_Runemark_et_al.tx


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    Readme file containing descriptions of the files deposited for this manuscrip


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    Contains data on realized diet composition from fecal samples. Contains a table with the realized diet composition of the seven populations included in the study. The first column entitled 'population' includes the population abbreviations (D refers to Mesa Diavates; DII to Exo Diavates; L to Lakonisi; IA to Island of Atsitsa; AF to Agios Fokas; PA to Palamari; N to Nyfi) as illustrated in Figure 1 and given in Figure 3 in the manuscript, the second column denotes the habitat ('I' for islet or 'M' for mainland) and the third the sex of the individual. In the following columns we provide the 19 taxonomic prey categories and the number of each prey item found in the stomach of each individual


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    Data on biteforce (unitless measure) in relation to head width for individuals from different populations. Population abbreviations are as in Figure 1 in the manuscript and Geographic_locations_Runemark_et_al.tx


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    Data on available diet. Taxonomic composition per pitfall trap. The localities are the same as the populations in Figure 1 in the paper and Geographic_locations_Runemark_et_al.tx


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    A file containing the raw microsatellite data Fst calculations for the paper were based on. Population affinity is denoted by the codes used on the map in Figure 1 in the paper and the table in Geographic_locations_Runemark_et_al.tx

    Appendix A. Supporting methods and results for ecological explanations to island gigantism.

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    Supporting methods and results for ecological explanations to island gigantism