103 research outputs found
Mechanical Design, Modelling and Control of a Novel Aerial Manipulator
In this paper a novel aerial manipulation system is proposed. The mechanical
structure of the system, the number of thrusters and their geometry will be
derived from technical optimization problems. The aforementioned problems are
defined by taking into consideration the desired actuation forces and torques
applied to the end-effector of the system. The framework of the proposed system
is designed in a CAD Package in order to evaluate the system parameter values.
Following this, the kinematic and dynamic models are developed and an adaptive
backstepping controller is designed aiming to control the exact position and
orientation of the end-effector in the Cartesian space. Finally, the
performance of the system is demonstrated through a simulation study, where a
manipulation task scenario is investigated.Comment: Comments: 8 Pages, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA '15), Seattle, WA, US
A Robust Model Predictive Control Approach for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Operating in a Constrained workspace
This paper presents a novel Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) scheme
for underwater robotic vehicles operating in a constrained workspace including
static obstacles. The purpose of the controller is to guide the vehicle towards
specific way points. Various limitations such as: obstacles, workspace
boundary, thruster saturation and predefined desired upper bound of the vehicle
velocity are captured as state and input constraints and are guaranteed during
the control design. The proposed scheme incorporates the full dynamics of the
vehicle in which the ocean currents are also involved. Hence, the control
inputs calculated by the proposed scheme are formulated in a way that the
vehicle will exploit the ocean currents, when these are in favor of the
way-point tracking mission which results in reduced energy consumption by the
thrusters. The performance of the proposed control strategy is experimentally
verified using a Degrees of Freedom (DoF) underwater robotic vehicle inside
a constrained test tank with obstacles.Comment: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA-2018),
Robust Distributed Control Protocols for Large Vehicular Platoons with Prescribed Transient and Steady State Performance
In this paper, we study the longitudinal control problem for a platoon of
vehicles with unknown nonlinear dynamics under both the predecessor-following
and the bidirectional control architectures. The proposed control protocols are
fully distributed in the sense that each vehicle utilizes feedback from its
relative position with respect to its preceding and following vehicles as well
as its own velocity, which can all be easily obtained by onboard sensors.
Moreover, no previous knowledge of model nonlinearities/disturbances is
incorporated in the control design, enhancing in that way the robustness of the
overall closed loop system against model imperfections. Additionally, certain
designer-specified performance functions determine the transient and
steady-state response, thus preventing connectivity breaks due to sensor
limitations as well as inter-vehicular collisions. Finally, extensive
simulation studies and a real-time experiment conducted with mobile robots
clarify the proposed control protocols and verify their effectiveness.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, accepte
A Predictive Control Approach for Cooperative Transportation by Multiple Underwater Vehicle Manipulator Systems
Formation control and collision avoidance for multi-agent systems and a connection between formation infeasibility and flocking behavior.
Abstract-A feedback control strategy that achieves convergence of a multi-agent system to a desired formation configuration avoiding at the same time collisions is proposed. The collision avoidance objective is handled by a decentralized navigation function that vanishes when the desired formation tends to be realized. When inter-agent objectives that specify the desired formation cannot occur simultaneously in the state space the desired formation is infeasible. It is shown that under certain assumptions, formation infeasibility forces the agents velocity vectors to a common value at steady state. This provides a connection between formation infeasibility and flocking behavior for the multi-agent system
Closed Loop Navigation for Mobile Agents in Dynamic Environments
We apply a novel motion planning and control methodology, which is based on a non-smooth navigation function, to a point mobile robot moving amongst moving obstacles. The chattering introduced by the discontinuous potential field is suppressed using nonsmooth backstepping. The combined controller guarantees global asymptotic convergence and collision avoidance. This controller is particularly suitable for real time implementation on systems with limited computational resources. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is verified through computer simulations
Control Design for a Class of Nonholonomic Systems Via Reference Vector Fields and Output Regulation
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