12 research outputs found

    Inequality Under Frictional Labour Markets

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    This thesis studies the emergence of, and the interaction between, inequality in earnings and inequality in wealth, when labour markets are frictional. Chapter 1 investigates the implications of search frictions and human-capital accumulation for the equilibrium distribution of wages when firms invest optimally in match-specific productivity. Optimal investment choice is incorporated in a framework along the lines of (Burdett et al., 2011) and equilibrium is characterised. The effect of the rate of human capital accumulation on equilibrium dispersion of firm productivities and wages is analysed in a numerically solved version of the model. Chapter 2 studies the empirical relationship between wealth and two labour market outcomes - re-employment wages and unemployment durations. The analysis complements a closely related literature by exploiting new data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation. As in prior studies, negative relationship between net worth and hazard rates to employment is documented. In disagreement with prior studies, the relationship between re-employment wages and net worth is found to be non-monotonic and it is argued that prior findings likely result from misspecification. The implications of the relationship serve as a motivation for the third chapter. Chapter 3 (joint with Melvyn Coles) presents a model of the consumption-leisure tradeoff for risk-averse workers when labour markets are frictional. Optimal behaviour is that of a life-cycle consumer - work when young and save for retirement (non-participation) later - planning retirement efficiently. The analysis has highly tractable implications for wealth dynamics which emphasise life-cycle motives, labour-market decisions, persistent differentials in ability and heterogeneity in initial wealth. The model's empirical relevance is assessed; it is demonstrated that it provides an empirically convincing explanation for much of the between-households inequality in wealth

    Transbronchial Needle Aspiration in the Staging of Bronchogenic Carcinoma

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    To evaluate the usefulness of transbronchial needle aspiration biopsy (TBNA) for the diagnosis of mediastinal involvement, we have prospectively examined 316 patients with morphologically verified bronchogenic carcinoma. The percentage of positive aspirations (149 of 316) from the three basic lymph node groups in the mediastinum was not significantly different. Tumor cells were aspirated from the mediastinum in 75 of 112 patients with radiologically positive findings and in patients with 74 of 204 radiologically negative findings. Mediastinal involvement was verified even in 61 of 196 patients with a normal endoscopic picture. Metastases were proved in 14 of 39 patients with peripheral versus 135 of 277 patients with central carcinoma. Tumor cells were aspirated in 47 of 76 patients with undifferentiated small cell carcinoma, 92 of 227 patients with squamous cell carcinoma, and 10 of 13 patients with adenocarcinoma. Our results suggest that TBNA being a highly diagnostic and less invasive method, will prove its clinical importance

    Laparascopic-assisted endoscopic mucosal resection of a polyp in sigma and laparoscopic right hemicolectomy for adenocarcinoma in colon ascendens - case report

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    Today, endoscopic polypectomy has become a daily-performed routine procedure in the operating room. Almost every polyp in the colon can be removed endoscopically, but there are some problematic adenomas which are either large in size or difficult to approach. We present 80 years old white woman with a tubulo­villous adenoma with high-grade dysplasia on a flat surface located in sigma with 4 x 5cm in size and also synchronously found in colon ascendens a well differentiated G1 adenocarcinoma with 2 x 2cm in size on a flat surface. The abdominal ultrasound did not find any liver metastases. Because of the difficult location and the size of the two lesions in the right and left colon, we make a decision for a laparoscopic-assisted en­doscopic mucosal resection (piece-meal) of the polyp in sigma and for the adenocarcinoma in colon ascen­dens the procedure was followed by laparoscopic right hemicolectomy in one step approach. The both inter­ventions were performed without complications and good postoperative period. Hybrid endoscopic and lap­aroscopic interventions are very effective approach that can resect large tubulovillous polyps and adenocar­cinoma of the colon, with a lesser risk of complications. Combining the methods in one surgery save time, make endoscopy more easy to perform and can save one-half of the colon in cases of synchronous lesions of the colon. Scr Sci Med 2017; 49(3): 49-5

    Genetic newborn screening and digital technologies: A project protocol based on a dual approach to shorten the rare diseases diagnostic path in Europe.

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    Since 72% of rare diseases are genetic in origin and mostly paediatrics, genetic newborn screening represents a diagnostic "window of opportunity". Therefore, many gNBS initiatives started in different European countries. Screen4Care is a research project, which resulted of a joint effort between the European Union Commission and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations. It focuses on genetic newborn screening and artificial intelligence-based tools which will be applied to a large European population of about 25.000 infants. The neonatal screening strategy will be based on targeted sequencing, while whole genome sequencing will be offered to all enrolled infants who may show early symptoms but have resulted negative at the targeted sequencing-based newborn screening. We will leverage artificial intelligence-based algorithms to identify patients using Electronic Health Records (EHR) and to build a repository "symptom checkers" for patients and healthcare providers. S4C will design an equitable, ethical, and sustainable framework for genetic newborn screening and new digital tools, corroborated by a large workout where legal, ethical, and social complexities will be addressed with the intent of making the framework highly and flexibly translatable into the diverse European health systems

    “Estrategias que influirían en el nivel de competitividad en la Constructora e Inmobiliaria Taylin SAC, Jaén 2018”

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    TesisChiclayoEscuela Profesional de AdministraciónPlanificaciónEl objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar las estrategias que influirian en el nivel de competitividad de la Constructora e Inmobiliaria Taylin S.A.C, el problema general se formuló a traves de la siguiente pregunta: ¿Qué estrategias influirían en el nivel de competitividad en la Constructora e Inmobiliaria Taylin s.a.c de la ciudad de Jaén? La metodologia de la investigación fue de diseño no experimental, transversal, el enfoque fue mixto, es decir, cuantitativo y cualitativo, la recolección de datos se realizó a traves de las matrices de planeamiento estrategico. Los resultados evidencian que la Constructora e Inmobiliaria Taylin S.A.C, actualmente no tiene estrategias planificadas, es decir no cuenta con estrategias para mejorar su nivel de competitividad, respecto al nivel de competitividad la empresa tiene un nivel de competitividad 2.63 superior a la empresa Materiales del Norte que tiene un nivel de 2.35, mientras que el mejor nivel lo tiene la empresa Arenera Jaén. Se concluye que las principales debilidades de la empresa se centran en que carece de un plan estratégico y tiene una baja competitividad, por lo cual se hace necesaria la implementación de estrategias definidas, considerando las estrategias agresivas para generar un mayor impacto en el mercado y ampliar su cuota de clientes

    Direkt profil: A system for evaluating texts of second language learners of French based on developmental sequences

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    Direkt Profil is an automatic analyzer of texts written in French as a second language. Its objective is to produce an evaluation of the developmental stage of students under the form of a grammatical learner profile. Direkt Profil carries out a sentence analysis based on developmental sequences, i.e. local morphosyntactic phenomena linked to a development in the acquisition of French. The paper presents the corpus that we use to develop the system and briefly, the developmental sequences. Then, it describes the annotation that we have defined, the parser, and the user interface. We conclude by the results obtained so far: on the test corpus the systems obtains a recall of 83 % and a precision of 83%.

    Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Building Educational Applications Using NLP,

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    Direkt Profil is an automatic analyzer of texts written in French as a second language