688 research outputs found

    Antenna Showers with Hadronic Initial States

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    We present an antenna shower formalism including contributions from initial-state partons and corresponding backwards evolution. We give a set of phase-space maps and antenna functions for massless partons which define a complete shower formalism suitable for computing observables with hadronic initial states. We focus on the initial-state components: initial-initial and initial-final antenna configurations. The formalism includes comprehensive possibilities for uncertainty estimates. We report on some preliminary results obtained with an implementation in the Vincia antenna-shower framework.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    The Five Gluon Amplitude and One-Loop Integrals

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    We review the conventional field theory description of the string motivated technique. This technique is applied to the one-loop five-gluon amplitude. To evaluate the amplitude a general method for computing dimensionally regulated one-loop integrals is outlined including results for one-loop integrals required for the pentagon diagram and beyond. Finally, two five-gluon helicity amplitudes are given.Comment: (talk presented at DPF92), LaTeX, 6 pages, CERN-Th.6733/92, SLAC-PUB-6012, UCLA/92/TEP/4

    One-Loop Self-Dual and N=4 Super Yang-Mills

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    We conjecture a simple relationship between the one-loop maximally helicity violating gluon amplitudes of ordinary QCD (all helicities identical) and those of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills (all but two helicities identical). Because the amplitudes in self-dual Yang Mills have been shown to be the same as the maximally helicity violating ones in QCD, this conjecture implies that they are also related to the maximally helicity violating ones of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills. We have an explicit proof of the relation up to the six-point amplitude; for amplitudes with more external legs, it remains a conjecture. A similar conjecture relates amplitudes in self-dual gravity to maximally helicity violating N=8 supergravity amplitudes.Comment: 14 pages, TeX, three figures, two new references adde


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    We review techniques simplifying the analytic calculation of one-loop QCD amplitudes with many external legs, for use in next-to-leading-order corrections to multi-jet processes. Particularly useful are the constraints imposed by perturbative unitarity, collinear singularities and a supersymmetry-inspired organization of helicity amplitudes. Certain sequences of one-loop helicity amplitudes with an arbitrary number of external gluons have been obtained using these constraints.Comment: Talk given at Beyond the Standard Model IV, December 13-18 1994, Lake Tahoe, CA. Latex, 4 pages, no figures

    Cross-Order Relations in N=4 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    The anti-de Sitter/conformal field theory duality conjecture raises the question of how the perturbative expansion in the conformal field theory can resum to a simple function. We exhibit a relation between the one-loop and two-loop amplitudes whose generalization to higher-point and higher-loop amplitudes would answer this question. We also provide evidence for the first of these generalizations.Comment: 6 pages, talk given at the 3rd International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries, Cincinnati, OH, Sept 10-14, 2003; v2: Mispositioned figure in eqn. 1 fixe
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