19 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between the Valence and Arousal of Emotions and the Decision-Making on Donations

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    The present study aimed to examine the relationship between emotional state and prosocial behavior. An experiment investigated the influence of picture valence and arousal on donation size. Based on self-reported emotions and physiological reactions’ data of 54 participants, we showed that valence and arousal are related to donation size. According to the received data, the participants donated more when they experienced negative and strong emotions. The results also showed that the ill health of pets is a crucial characteristic for collecting donations in a context of homeless dogs


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    In this study, we explore the relationship between the level of intersubject correlations of the emotional state and the size of the donation. Using the Facereader, an automatic emotion recognition program, as well as the skin conductance response (SCR) heart rate (HR), we measure the emotional state of the subjects while watching donation videos. We expect that the level of synchronization of the emotional state, SCR and HR will be related to the amount of donations. The data obtained can be useful for evaluating the effectiveness of charitable stories and optimizing non-profit organization’ marketing communications.Мы исследовали взаимосвязь уровня межсубъектных корреляций эмоционального состояния и размера пожертвования. Используя программу автоматического распознавания эмоций (Facereader), а также показатели электрической активности кожи (ЭАК), частоты сердечных сокращений (ЧСС) и вариабельности сердечного ритма (ВСР), мы измеряем эмоциональное состояние испытуемых во время просмотра видеосюжетов, направленных на сбор пожертвований. Мы предполагаем, что уровень синхронизации эмоционального состояния, ЭАК, ЧСС, ВСР будет связан с размером пожертвований. Полученные данные могут быть полезны для оценки эффективности благотворительных сюжетов и оптимизации маркетинговых коммуникаций некоммерческих организаций

    Genetic Correlates of Emotional Intelligence

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    В работе приводятся результаты исследования генетических коррелятов эмоционального интеллекта. Для оценки эмоционального интеллекта у 400 здоровых взрослых обследуемых применялись объективный тест эмоционального интеллекта Д. Майера, П. Саловея, Д. Карузо и самоотчетные опросники эмоционального интеллекта. Было проведено генотипирование участников исследования по генам COMT, DRD2, HTR2A, BDNF. Получены данные о том, что эмоциональный интеллект выше у носителей генотипа Val/Met гена COMT, генотипа C/С гена DRD2, генотипа A/A гена HTR2A.The paper presents the results of the study of genetic correlates of emotional intelligence. To assess the emotional intelligence, 400 healthy adults were applied to the objective test of the emotional intelligence D. Mayer, P. Salovey, D. Caruso and self-reported questionnaires of emotional intelligence. The genotyping of the participants was carried out by COMT, DRD2, HTR2A, BDNF genes. Data is obtained that the emotional intelligence is higher in the carriers of Val/Met genotype COMT gene, C/C genotype DRD2 gene, A/A genotype HTR2A gene.Исследование выполнено при поддержке РФФИ, грант 18‑013‑01019

    Peculiarities of Recognition of Basic Emotions by Carriers of BDNF, COMT, DRD2 and HTR2A Genotypes

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    The paper presents the results of a study of the features of recognition of basic emotions presented using images of actors on a computer monitor. Respondents were presented with images of actors with expressions of joy, anger, fear, surprise, disgust and sadness. In the course of the genetic study, biomaterials were taken (buccal scraping), followed by DNA extraction and genotyping by the polymerase chain reaction method (Biological Solutions and Technologies, Moscow). Genotyping of study participants was carried out for genes BDNF, COMT, DRD2, and HTR2A. As a result of the analysis of variance, it was found that genotypes for the COMT gene are associated with the accuracy of recognizing the emotion of anger. Genotypes for the DRD2 gene are associated with the recognition time of the emotions of anger, sadness, and joy.Приведены результаты исследования особенностей распознавания базовых эмоций, предъявляемых с применением изображений актеров на мониторе компьютера. Респондентам предъявлялись изображения актеров с выражениями радости, гнева, страха, удивления, отвращения и печали. В ходе генетического исследования был проведен забор биоматериала (буккального соскоба) с последующим выделением ДНК и генотипированием методом полимеразной цепной реакции (ООО «Биологические решения и технологии», Москва). Проводилось генотипирование участников исследования по генам BDNF, COMT, DRD2 И HTR2A. Выявлено, что генотипы по гену COMT ассоциированы с точностью распознавания эмоции гнева. Генотипы по гену DRD2 связаны с временем распознавания эмоций гнева, печали и радости.Исследование выполнено при поддержке РФФИ по гранту 18-013-01019


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    Aim. The results of cryoballoon ablation (CBA) are known from the studies performed in the experienced centers of catheter treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF). The current study presents the results of CBA in real practice in centers with various experienceMaterial and methods. Among 62 Russian sites performing catheter treatment of AF, in 15 the CBA methods were in use to isolate pulmonary veins, in the years 2012-2014. Centers staff were surveyed for the detailed description of all performed CBA till 10.2014. The questionnaire included 74 lines about the centers experience, patients properties and ablation procedures, management of patients and complications. At the second step the questionnaire was used about complications.Results. Thirteen centers provided full data on all patients with CBA (457 procedures; 94% for paroxysmal AF; >95% CBAs in Russia). Six centers were marked as highly experienced for CBA for AF (mean 414,2±339,4 ablations for AF per year), and 7 — with lesser experience (33,2±34,3 ablations for AF per year). Ten centers provided the results of 6/12 month observation, and 11 centers — detalization of the complications data. there were no statistically significant differences in arrhythmia absence in patients from both types of centers (61,9±10,0 versus 61,3±30,4%). Serious complications developed in 1,5% of patients (4 tamponades, 2 strokes and 1 diaphragmal nerve palsy) and were similarly spread among more and less experienced centers (1,4% vs. 2%, p>0,05). Minor adverse events (vascular, transient diaphragm nerve palsy, transient hemoptysis) were found in 37 (8%) patients and were more common in more experienced (teaching) centers. Overall frequency of adverse events and of vascular events was higher in females than males (12% and 4,9% vs. 6% and 0%, resp.; p<0,05).Conclusion. In the real clinical practice CBA is performed with acceptable efficacy and moderate frequency of adverse events development. In less experienced centers of catheter treatment of AF the prevalence of serious adverse events does not differ from less experienced. Women develop vascular complications more often


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    The most adverse outcomes of PCI in patients with ACS-STE occurs during prolonged endovascular correction of complex coronary impairment forms in the absence of coronary arterial flow support. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of retroperfusion support of coronary blood flow during endovascular correction of complex anterior coronary bed impairment forms in patients with ACS-STE. The results of treatment of 12 patients who underwent endovascular image-guided intervention was analyzed from 26.04.2012 to 10.05.2014. 1st group consisted of 6 (50%) patients who underwent retroperfusion support of coronary circulation. 2nd group consisted of 6 (50%) patients in whom retroperfusion support have not been performed. In 1st group there there was a significant decrease in ST-segment elevation during retroperfusion after 60 seconds of the absence of antegrade blood flow in the anterior coronary bed compared with patients who underwent angioplasty without the coronary blood flow support (ST in V1-V3 with retroperfusion was 2,2±0,4 mm; ST in V1-V3 without retroperfusion was 2,9±0,4 mm; p=0,027). In 2nd group, in the absence of retroperfusion support in all patients after 60 seconds of antegrade flow overlap there was a significant increase in segment elevation ST (ST in V1-V3 was 2,7±0,3 mm; p = 0,027) compared to the initial ECG pattern. Similar dynamics was observed in blood pressure levels. Thus, selective retroperfusion of great cardiac vein can be used as an intraoperative support of cardiac hemodynamics in patients with ASC-STE.Наибольшее количество неблагоприятных исходов ЧКВ у больных с OKCotST возникает в процессе длительной эндоваскулярной коррекции сложных форм поражений переднего коронарного бассейна в отсутствие поддержки венечного артериального кровотока. Целью данного исследования являлось проведение оценки эффективности ретроперфузионной поддержки коронарного кровотока в процессе эндоваскулярной коррекции сложных форм поражений переднего коронарного бассейна у пациентов с OKCotST. В период с 26.04.2012 г. по 10.05.2014 г. проанализированы результаты лечения 12 пациентов, перенесших рентгеноэндоваскулярное вмешательство. 1-ю группу составили 6 (50%) больных, которым выполнялась ретроперфузионная поддержка коронарного кровоснабжения, 2-ю группу - 6 (50%) пациентов, которым ретроперфузионная поддержка не выполнялась. В 1-й группе в процессе ретроперфузии на 60-й секунде отсутствия антеградного кровотока по переднему коронарному бассейну наблюдалось достоверное уменьшение элевации сегмента ST по сравнению с ангиопластикой без поддержки коронарного кровотока (STв V1-V3 при ретроперфузии - 2,2±0,4 мм; ST в V1-V3 без ретроперфузии - 2,9±0,4 мм; p=0,027). Во 2-й группе, при отсутствии ретроперфузионной поддержки у всех пациентов на 60-й секунде перекрытия антеградного кровотока наблюдалось достоверное увеличение элевации сегмента ST (ST в V1-V3 - 2,7±0,3 мм; p=0,027) по сравнению с исходной ЭКГ-картиной. Подобная динамика прослеживалась и в отношении показателей артериального давления. Таким образом, селективная ретроперфузия большой кардиальной вены может быть использована как способ интраопе-рационной поддержки кардиогемодинамики у пациентов с OKCotST

    Visual attention and action: How cueing, direct mapping, and social interactions drive orienting

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    Despite considerable interest in both action perception and social attention over the last 2 decades, there has been surprisingly little investigation concerning how the manual actions of other humans orient visual attention. The present review draws together studies that have measured the orienting of attention, following observation of another’s goal-directed action. Our review proposes that, in line with the literature on eye gaze, action is a particularly strong orienting cue for the visual system. However, we additionally suggest that action may orient visual attention using mechanisms, which gaze direction does not (i.e., neural direct mapping and corepresentation). Finally, we review the implications of these gaze-independent mechanisms for the study of attention to action. We suggest that our understanding of attention to action may benefit from being studied in the context of joint action paradigms, where the role of higher level action goals and social factors can be investigated

    A review of neurophysiological and genetic correlates of emotional intelligence

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    The article is an overview of modern studies of brain organization and genetic correlates of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is becoming the subject of more and more attentive study of psychologists due to the fact that it influences the mental development of humans, plays an important role in many professions, and its impairment is a marker of some disorders. Nevertheless, the brain organization and genetic correlates of emotional intelligence have not been studied enough – first studies appeared only in the early 2000s. A review of the literature on the enceph-alographic showed that in rest, people with higher emotional intelligence show greater excitation of the left anterior regions of the brain. When per-ceiving affective stimuli, participants with high emotional intelligence show stronger synchronization of some EEG rhythms. Brain mapping technique made it possible to identify the areas of the brain involved in activities related to emotional intelligence. In regard to genetic correlates of emotional intelligence, some genes of neurotransmitter systems have been associated to this trait: the catechol-O-methyltransferase gene COMT, the dopamine DRD2 receptor gene, the serotonin receptor gene HTR2A, and the BDNF brain neurotrophic factor gene


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    Dans les ferroélectriques présentant des propriétés de photoconductivité, un certain nombre d'effets spécifiques peuvent être observés. Ils consistent dans l'influence de l'illumination sur la transition de phase, la structure en domaines et les propriétés ferroélectriques (effets photoferroélectriques). Dans cette communication les effets photoferroélectriques sont étudiés pour la première fois dans BaTiO3.In ferroelectrics possessing photoconductivity a number of specific effects may be observed. They consist in the influence of illumination on the phase transition, domain structure and ferroelectric properties (photoferroelectric effects). In this paper photoferroelectric effects were for the first time studied for BaTiO3