90 research outputs found

    Charged particle spectra in central S+S collisions at 200 GeV/c per nucleon

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    The transverse momentum and rapidity distributions of negative hadrons and participant protons have been measured for central 32S+ 32S collisions at plab=200 GeV/c per nucleon. The proton mean rapidity shift ~1.6 and mean transverse momentum ~0.6 GeV/c are much higher than in pp or peripheral AA collisions and indicate an increase in the nuclear stopping power. All pT spectra exhibit similar source temperatures. Including previous results for K0s Lambda , and Lambda -bar, we account for all important contributions to particle production.Authors: Bächler, J.; Bartke, J.; Bialkowska, H.; Bock, R.; Brockmann, R.; Buncic, P.; Chase, S. I.; Derado, I.; Eckardt, V.; Eschke, J.; Ferenc, D.; Fleischmann, B.; Foka, P.; Fuchs, M.; Gazdzicki, M.; Gladysz, E.; Harris, J. W.; Heck, W.; Hoffmann, M.; Jacobs, P. M.; Kabana, S.; Kadija, K.; Keidel, R.; Kosiec, J.; Kowalski, M.; Kühmichel, A.; Lahanas, M.; Lee, J. Y.; Ljubicic, A.; Margetis, S.; Morse, R.; Nappi, E.; Odyniec, G.; Paic, G.; Panagiotu, A. D.; Petridis, A.; Piper, A.; Posa, F.; Poskanzer, A. M.; Pugh, H. G.; Pühlhofer, F.; Rai, G.; Rauch, W.; Renfordt, R.; Röhrich, D.; Roland, G.; Rothard, H.; Runge, K.; Sandoval, A.; Schambach, J. J.; Schmitz, N.; Schmoetten, E.; Schneider, I.; Seyboth, P.; Seyerlein, J.; Skrzypczak, E.; Stefanski, P.; Stock, R.; Ströbele, H.; Teitelbaum, L.; Tincknell, M. L.; Tonse, S.; Vasileiadis, G.; Vesztergombi, G.; Vranic, D.; Wenig, S

    Transverse momentum dependence of Bose-Einstein correlations in 200-A/GeV/c S + A collisions

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    The NA35 experiment has collected a high statistics set of momentum analyzed negative hadrons near and forward of midrapidity for central collisions of 200A GeV/c 32S+S, Cu, Ag, and Au. Using momentum space correlations to study the size of the source of particle production, the transverse source radii are found to decrease by ~40% at midrapidity and ~20% at forward rapidity while the longitudinal radius RL is found to decrease by ~50% as pT increases over the interval 50<pT<600 MeV/c. Calculations using a microscopic phase space approach (relativistic quantum molecular dynamics) reproduce the observed trends of the data. PACS: 25.75.+rAutoren: Th. Alber9, J. Bächler6, J. Bartke4, H. Bialkowska11, M. A. Bloomer3, R. Bock5, W. J. Braithwaite12, D. Brinkmann6, R. Brockmann5, P. Buncic5, P. Chan12, P. B. Cramer12, J. G. Cramer12, I. Derado9, V. Eckardt9, J. Eschke6, C. Favuzzi2, D. Ferenc6,13, B. Fleischmann5, P. Foka5, P. Freund9, M. Fuchs6, M. Gazdzicki6, E. Gladysz4, J. W. Harris3, M. Hoffman7, P. Jacobs3, S. Kabana6, K. Kadija9,13, J. Kosiec10, M. Kowalski4, A. Kühmichel6, M. Lahanas6, J. Y. Lee6, A. Ljubicic, Jr.13, S. Margetis3, J. T. Mitchell3, R. J. Morse3, E. Nappi2, G. Odyniec3, G. Paic13, A. D. Panagiotou1, A. Petridis1,9, A. Piper8, F. Posa2, A. M. Poskanzer3, F. Pühlhofer8, W. Rauch9, R. Renfordt6, W. Retyk10, D. Röhrich6, G. Roland6, H. Rothard6, K. Runge7, A. Sandoval5, J. Schambach3, N. Schmitz9, E. Schmoetten7, I. Schneider6, P. Seyboth9, J. Seyerlein9, E. Skrzypczak11, P. Spinelli2, P. Stefansky4, R. Stock6, H. Ströbele6, T. A. Trainor12, G. Vasileiadis1, M. Vassiliou1,9, D. Vranic13, S. Wenig6, and B. Wosiek4

    Commercialization of technology - efficient sales of patents, licenses and results of research

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    Dynamiczny rozwój gospodarki na świecie opartej na wiedzy stwarza nowe wyzwania dla nauki i przedsiębiorstw polskich. Jednym z nich jest dążenie do lepszego wykorzystania potencjału pracy, wiedzy i kapitału w celu budowania nowych form przewagi konkurencyjnej. Autorzy tekstu uwypuklają, że nowe rozwiązanie, aby mogło być skomercjalizowane powinno, poza innowacyjnymi cechami technicznymi, posiadać potencjał rynkowy zdolny przyciągnąć kapitał zapewniający dalsze środki na badania i rozwój. Komercjalizacja technologii i wyników badań jest „mapą drogową” dla naukowców pracujących nad nowymi rozwiązaniami i biznesu, administracji publicznej wspierającej rozwój technologii. W erze szybkiego upowszechniania się nowości, wiedza ekspercka z oceny wartości ekonomicznej projektu badawczego jest kluczowym czynnikiem ułatwiającym rozwój nowych technologii. Wzrost nakładów na badania i rozwój jest bardzo istotny w tworzeniu warunków dla konkurencyjności projektów badawczych, ale dużą rolę odgrywa właściwa ocena możliwości wdrożeniowych oraz model współpracy pomiędzy sferą B+R a przedsiębiorstwami przy transferze i komercjalizacji technologii. Współpraca wielu środowisk, wymiana informacji, wspólne wykorzystanie zasobów daje większe efekty przy porównywalnych nakładach.Dynamie development of economy based on knowledge poses new challenges for science and Polish companies. One of these challenges is striving to boost the utilization of potential of labor, knowledge and capital in order to build up new forms of competitive advantage. Authors of the article emphasize that new solution, in order to be commercialized, should have, apart from innovative technical characteristics, a market potential strong enough to attract capital for further research and development. The commercialization of technologies and research results is a road map for scientists working on new solutions and for business and public administration supporting the development of technology. In an era of rapid dissemination of innovations, expert knowledge on the assessment of economic value of a research project is a key factor facilitating the development of new technologies. Growth of spending on research and development is very important for creating conditions for competitiveness of research projects, but proper assessment of possibilities of implementation as well as the model of cooperation of R&D sector with business on transfer and commercialization of technology also play a very important role. Cooperation of many environments, exchange of information, using resources together bring greater effects from comparable expenses

    Commercialization of technology - efficient sales of patents, licenses and esults of research

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    Dynamic development of economy based on knowledge poses new challenges for science and Polish companies. One of these challenges is striving to boost the utilization of potential of labor, knowledge and capital in order to build up new forms of competitive advantage. Authors of the article emphasize that new solution, in order to be commercialized, should have, apart from innovative technical characteristics, a market potential strong enough to attract capital for further research and development. The commercialization of technologies and research results is a road map for scientists working on new solutions and for business and public administration supporting the development of technology. In an era of rapid dissemination of innovations, expert knowledge on the assessment of economic value of a research project is a key factor facilitating the development of new technologies. Growth of spending on research and development is very important for creating conditions for competitiveness of research projects, but proper assessment of possibilities of implementation as well as the model of cooperation of R&D sector with business on transfer and commercialization of technology also play a very important role. Cooperation of many environments, exchange of information, using resources together bring greater effects from comparable expenses

    Andersen-Tawil syndrome: Clinical presentation and predictors of symptomatic arrhythmias – Possible role of polymorphisms K897T in KCNH2 and H558R in SCN5A gene

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    PubMed ID: 28336205Background Andersen-Tawil syndrome (ATS) is rare channelopathy caused by KCNJ2 mutation and probably KCNJ5. It is characterized by arrhythmias, neurological symptoms, and dysmorphic features. The present study retrospectively examined the characteristics of 11 unrelated families with ATS. Methods This study consisted of 11 probands positive for KCNJ2 variants and 33 family members (mean age 30.0 ± 17.3 years, female n = 31). Additional genetic screening of 3 LQTS genes (KCNQ1, KCNH2, SCN5A) was performed in 9 families. Predictors of arrhythmias [premature ventricular beats &gt; 2000/24 h, biventricular and polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT)], syncope, and/or cardiac arrest (CA) were evaluated. Results In KCNJ2 mutation carriers vs non-carriers (n = 25 vs n = 19) significant differences were observed in U-wave manifestations in V2–V4, Tpeak - Tend duration, QTUc duration (p &lt; 0.0001), dysmorphic features, and neurological symptoms. Compared to asymptomatic carriers (n = 9), in those with arrhythmias and/or syncope and/or CA (n = 16) micrognathia (p = 0.004), periodic paralysis (p = 0.019), palpitation (p = 0.005), U-wave n V2–V4 (p = 0.049) were more frequent; QTU (p = 0.045) and Tpeak - Tend (p = 0.014) were also longer (n = 9). In the subgroup of carriers with syncope and/or cardiac arrest (n = 10, 90% women), K897T-KCNH2 polymorphism (p = 0.02), periodic paralysis (p = 0.004), muscle weakness (p = 0.04), palpitations (p = 0.04), arrhythmias (biventricular VT, p = 0.003; polymorphic VT, p = 0.009) were observed more frequently. Tpeak - Tend duration was longer (p = 0.007) and the percentage of patients with premature ventricular contraction &gt;2000/24 h was higher (p = 0.005). Conclusion A higher risk of arrhythmia, syncope, and/or CA is associated with the presence of micrognathia, periodic paralysis, and prolonged Tpeak - Tend time. Our findings suggest that K897T may contribute to the occurrence of syncope. © 2017 Japanese College of Cardiolog

    Fluctuations of multiplicities in rapidity windows in sulphur-sulphur collisions at 200 A GeV

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    Multiplicity distributions and their second moments fornegatively charged particles produced in32S-S central and minimum bias interactions at 200 A GeV are studied in various rapidity intervals. Fritiof and Venus models mostly describe the dependence of second moments on rapidity intervals in minimum bias interactions, but not in central collisions. For central collisions the behaviour of second moments might indicate enhanced multiplicity fluctuations. © 1992 Springer-Verlag